Lyrics Welcome! “Mercy” from Jonathan Elias’ Prayer Cycle We are so glad that

First Universalist Church
of Minneapolis
October 26, 2014
“Mercy” from Jonathan Elias’ Prayer Cycle
We have slaughtered
In the garden of beauty
Digging graves instead of planting
Mercy for the crucified, a bitter juice
We beg eternity for love
We are nothing
We are everything
I am nothing
I am everybody
We are nothing
And yet we ARE
Wisdom light up life’s road
I know you.
“Mercy” from Prayer Cycle is a synthesis of diverse musical styles, including European,
African, and Native American music traditions. First Universalist Choir member Ian
Cook custom-arranged the piece, making our live performance possible.
“The Ground” from the Mass Ordinary
- Ola Gjeilo
Heaven and earth are full of thy glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord
Hosanna in the highest.
Lamb of God who takes away sin of the world, have mercy on us.
Grant us peace
(translated from Latin)
First Universalist Choir
Have you thought about singing in the choir? YOU are welcome to join
us! Ability to read music and previous experience is helpful but not necessary. An open heart, eagerness to learn and the desire to be part of a
large and dynamic choral ensemble are qualities we look for in new members. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 7:00-9:00 PM. Contact for details.
First Universalist Church
of Minneapolis
October 26, 2014
Celebrating our
Offering plates from Sunday service:
10/12 Racial Justice Work $872
10/5 Tubman $987
Save The Date:
Nov 15, 5:30-9:30 pm
“An Evening in Venice”
We’ll have a fabulous Italian Dinner,
Gatherings Great and Small to sign up
for, a live auction, and a ‘duck pond’ for
chances to win prizes. We are looking
for great gathering donations, as well as
items similar to the silent auction to be
used as duck pond prizes-- homebrew,
cookies, peanut brittle, etc. Come join
the party! Tickets are on sale in the
social hall. Send donation submissions
to Pam Vincent or Jane Baudelaire: or
Do you play an instrument? The First
Universalist Orchestra may be for you.
Contact for more
Racial Justice and
Our UU Faith
Saturday, November 8, 9am-1pm,
Cummins Room
This interactive workshop provides a framework and tools for understanding race,
racism, and whiteness and the spiritual imperative that drives our racial justice work.
Please contact Rev. Elaine Aron Tenbrink at to register.
We are so glad that
you are here.
First Universalist Church
of Minneapolis
In the Universalist spirit of love and hope,
we give, receive, and grow.
At First Universalist Church, in the
spirit of love and hope, our mission
is to practice giving, receiving, and
growing. We welcome, affirm, and
protect the light in each human
hear; we act outside of our walls; we
listen to where love is calling us next.
We do all this as a faith community
committed to racial justice.
These spiritual practices and
commitments are the ways we move
in rhythm with the great love that is
alive in the world.
Come to a brief orientation to First
Universalist and Unitarian Universalism, the 1st and 3rd Sundays of
the month. Our next orientation
takes place Today, October 19;
meet us in the front of the Sanctuary immediately after the service.
Find out more about our community in this 30-minute overview.
No sign up needed and coffee &
childcare are provided.
The Visiting Families Welcome
Station at the north end of the
Religious Education wing has
information about our Children,
Youth & Family Ministries. Stop
by if you are interested in learning
more, or email our Director
of Children, Youth & Family
Ministries, Lauren Wyeth, at
Hearing Devices are available:
please ask an usher. Cushions are
available for the pews and are
located next to the sound booth and
at the entrance to the Sanctuary.
Please return them to their home
after the service.
We also have Fragrance-Free rows
marked in the balcony.
For more information about First
Universalist, go to our website:
stop by our Information Center
in the Social Hall downstairs after
services, or call our church office,
Is peace possible?
Rev. Justin schroeder
October 26, 2014
Music for Gathering
Dr. Jerrod Wendland
Words of Welcome
Rev. Elaine Aron Tenbrink
Hymn of Prayer # 123
Worship Leaders
Spirit of Life (seated)
Spirit of life, come unto me,
Sing in my heart all the stirrings of compassion
Blow in the wind, rise in the sea:
Move in the hand, giving life the shape of justice.
Roots hold me close. Wings set me free.
Spirit of Life, come to me. Come to me.
-Carolyn McDade
(reprinted with permission by the UUA)
First Universalist Orchestra
Call to Worship
Geoff Jones
Rev. Ruth MacKenzie
Pat Gottshalk
Musical Offering
Opening Hymn #12
O Life That Maketh All Things New
(please rise in body or spirit)
-Arr. John Ferguson
Is Peace Possible?
Youth Representatives
Rev. Justin Schroeder
The Ground
Love is the spirit of this church,
and service is its law.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
to seek the truth in love,
and to help one another.
Rev. Justin Schroeder
First Universalist Choir and Orchestra
Dr. Randal Buikema, conductor
-Jonathan Elias (arr. Ian Cook)
Geoff Jones
Rev. Ruth MacKenzie
Mercy from “Prayer Cycle”
Lighting the Chalice
The Story of Cain and Abel
Rev. Justin Schroeder
Senior Minister
Rev. Elaine Aron Tenbrink
Minister of Membership
& Adult Ministries
Dr. Jerrod Wendland
Interim Pianist
Dr. Randal Buikema
Director of Choral Arts and Orchestra
First Universalist Choir
Geoff Jones
Vocal Soloist
Rev. Ruth MacKenzie
Vocal Soloist
-Ola Gjeilo
First Universalist Choir and Orchestra
Dr. Randal Buikema, conductor
Closing Hymn #203 (verses 1, 2, & 5)
All Creatures of the Earth and Sky
Dr. Jerrod Wendland
Cycle of Life
(please rise in body or spirit)
Closing Words
Rev. Elaine Aron Tenbrink
Rev. Ruth MacKenzie
Dr. Randal Buikema
Chancel Arrangement
Rev. Justin Schroeder
Today’s flowers were arranged by Mary Johnson and Pat
Foulkes of the Visual Arts Committee
Main Street Project
Go Now in Peace
Music for the Journey
9:30 AM
Worship Design and Coordination
Blessing in Song # 413 Silence
Frances Pappajohn-Goldade
Olivia Dalby11:15 AM
-Arr. John Ferguson
Musical Interlude
Chalice Lighters
-James V. Blake
(reprinted with permission by the UUA)
Colleen SchaefleViolins
Martha Moriarty
Svetlana DavisViolas
Heidi Schultz
Erin Margit Dajka Holley
Joan GriffithBass
Anne CheneyFlute
Lisa Hirst Carnes
Gerhardt Robinson
Soprano Saxophone
Sandy PowersClarinet
Cate CalkinsBassoon
Anda TanakaTrumpets
Peter Weissmann
Andy Padula
Ian CookTrombones
Brian McCullough
Scott Smith
Andrew Tralle
Dr. Jerrod Wendland
Main Street Project was founded in March 2005 as the nonpartisan 501(c)(3)
arm of the League of Rural Voters, an organization with a history of community building and organizing dating back to 1986. Today, Main Street Project’s
mission is to increase access to resources, share knowledge, and build power in
order to transform systems that perpetuate inequities.