NOVEMBER 2014 IPTO . ! ITASCA PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION Proudly serving Benson Primary, Franzen Intermediate, and Peacock Middle Schools November Events 3 IPTO Meeting @ Peacock 7:00PM 7 Market Day and Pie orders DUE to school 7 Dec. newsletter entries DUE to 10 Online Market Day orders DUE by 11:00PM 13 Market Day Pick-up @ Park District 5:30-6:30PM 15 Dec. IPTO newsletter ONLINE 24 NO SCHOOL - Parent/ Teacher Conferences 25 NO SCHOOL - Teacher Institute Day 26-28 NO SCHOOL - District closed for Thanksgiving holiday President’s Letter Thank you to all the parents who have already volunteered this year. The Itasca Parent Teacher Organization is dedicated to enriching the educational experience of students at Benson, Franzen and Peacock schools, and we couldn’t accomplish this without YOU – our parent volunteers! • Benson/Franzen/Peacock Spiritwear order forms • Culture Night 2015 Information Lisa Ciccia IPTO President Thank you to all the parents that volunteered to organize the Halloween parties in each classroom. The students always look forward to these parties and I’m sure they are going to be SPOOKTACULAR! To those parents organizing the Holiday parties, thank you in advance for making the holiday season extra special for our students. Be sure to mark your calendars for our next IPTO meeting on Monday, November 3 at 7:00PM in the Peacock Media Center. We have free onsite babysitting, so join us if you can. 2014-2015 IPTO Board New on the Website this Month: If you have any questions or comments, please contact any of the IPTO Board members. Wishing everyone a festive and happy fall season! President: Lisa Ciccia 630.773.8708 VP Benson: Sherri Wolfe 630.467.1314 VP Franzen: Denise Glennon 630.250.1322 Treasurer: Lori Tobler 630.773.4142 VP Peacock: Vittoria Carey 630.773.1017 Secretary: Anita DeValk 630.467.0513 FOR MORE IPTO INFORMATION, VISIT WWW.ITASCA.K12.IL.US, CLICK PARENT GROUP TAB, THEN IPTO NOVEMBER 2014 Import ant N ew s The IPTO and District 10 schools are now on Twitter! Follow us: @ItascaPTO @D10Benson @D10Franzen @D10Peacock The District 10 Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for profit and tax exempt organization founded in 2013 to support the educational process by awarding annual grant money to District 10 schools in Itasca. The mission of the D10EF is to provide funds for educational programs, technology, activities and other resources that are beyond the scope of public school funding and not covered by District 10's operating budget. Stay informed on Foundation news, progress and activities by: • Following our Facebook page at • Visiting our website at Coming Up Next Month: • IPTO Bake Sale at K and 2nd grade holiday programs • Hot Lunch forms for JanuaryMay • Parent-Teacher Conferences Mother/Son Bowl Invitations to the Mother/Son Bowling Event held on Sunday, January 26, 2015 will be coming home in late November. This event includes bowling, lunch, raffles and more. Registration and payment should be returned to school by Friday, December 12. The committee is also looking for any family or business raffle prizes and voluteers (especially dads) for the day of the event. Please contact Ann Deardorff at or 630.285.1164. This event is only for Benson and Franzen boys accompanied by a mother or adult. Market Day Pie Sale This month Market Day is offering a yummy way to earn profits for our schools - PIE! The more pies ordered, the more we earn. This year’s goal is 500 pies! Be sure to check out the great selection. This is an easy way to simplify your holiday preparations and support our schools at the same time. Pie orders and payments are due November 7. Box Top Fundraiser Collecting Box Tops, Campbell’s Labels, SunnyD Labels, and Tyson points throughout the year is an easy way for parents to support their child’s education. These labels and points earn Benson/Franzen/Peacock money or products for our Spirit Wear schools. For example, Campbell’s Hey Bulldogs, Falcons and labels earn points that can be Chargers! Show your school spirit redeemed for educational with this year’s great line-up of resources. In the past, Franzen spirit wear! School spirit wear School received new basketballs order forms are available online. and footballs thanks to your Paper copies should be coming efforts and the Campbell’s Labels home soon. Spirit wear samples for Education program. For every will be available for viewing at all 20 SunnyD labels we collect, we schools at the end of the month. receive 20 new books for our All orders are due Monday, teachers. Box Tops gives money December 1. Orders will be to our schools just for sending delivered to schools the week of them in! December 15 - just in time for the holidays. Simply look for the labels on products you purchase and send Culture Night 2015 - JAPAN them to school. There will be Mark your calendars for some contests coming up soon Thursday, January 29, 2015 as for Box Tops, Campbell’s and we celebrate the culture of Tyson labels, so start collecting JAPAN! Planning for this highly now! For more information, see attended event will begin in the flyers on the IPTO website. November. The culture night Happy clipping - and thank you! committee is looking for volunteers to help assist with food, entertainment, student posters and art/culture displays. If you are interested in helping, contact Virginia Ciaccio at QUESTIONS? Please contact any of the IPTO Board Members via email or phone. Contact information is listed on the front of this newsletter. You may also email the board at
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