B’nai Shalom Bulletin B’nai Shalom 135 Roseland Avenue Waterbury, CT 06710 203-754-4159 office@bnaishalomwaterbury.com Rabbi Yosef Sonnenschein Parshas Noach/October 25, 2014/1 Cheshvan 5775 Shabbos Schedule Parshas Noach October 25 (Rosh Chodesh): Candles/Mincha 5:39 pm Shacharis 8:00/9:00 am Latest Shema 9:19/9:55 am The Ladies’ Shiur will be given by Rabbi Raphael Nemetsky at the Shapiros, 118 Farmington, at 3:45. The Navi Shiur will resume next week. The Rav will be on retreat this Shabbos, the first weekend after Yamim Tovim. Mincha 5:15 pm Maariv 6:46 pm Weekday Schedule October 26-31: Sunday Shacharis: 8:00/9:00 am Mon-Friday Shacharis 7:00 am Mincha/Maariv begins 15 minutes before shkia (sunset). Mincha times recede from 5:39 on Sunday to 5:34 on Thursday. Wednesday Ladies’ Shiur 8:30 pm בעקבות הפרשה יש.) י,ומי המבול היו על הארץ (ז הלא,להבין מהי הכוונה בלשון הזה הול"ל ויבואו מי המבול או לשון דומה ולמה נאמר כאילו שמעצמם היו.לזה שם בלי שהקב"ה צוה להביאם? וי"ל ,עפימש"כ המהר"ל בח"א רפ"ב דנדה דשם ביאר המהר"ל שהמבול בא ע"י שהפסיק הקב"ה את המאמר "יקוו אלא, נמצא שלא הביא מבול."המים ובזה.הפסיק לעצור את המבול מדוקדק לשון הפסוק שמי המבול היו דמיד בהפסק המאמר כבר,על הארץ .היו מי המבול על הארץ Musings from the Rav With its icy breath and dark demeanor, winter has been marching on Waterbury. The days are getting colder as they get shorter. We can almost hear a collective shiver as we gather our energy and brace ourselves for another Waterbury Winter. Traveling away from the joyous days of Sukkos into the seemingly barren landscape of Cheshvan, we feel like one who is driving away from a brightly lit home into the dark night, noticing the home that he is leaving as it vanishes in the rearview mirror. In the days of the Beis Hamikdash, the Jewish people would travel to the Mikdash in anticipation of the Yamim Tovim, in order to spend the holy days in the presence of Hashem. The Torah tells us that upon taking leave of the Beis Hamikdash, ) ז,ופנית בבקר והלכת לאהלך (ראה י"ז, “and you shall turn in the morning and go to your tents.” This pasuk is perplexing. Firstly, why is it necessary to tell the Jewish People to return home after the holidays? Isn’t it obvious that when the festivals end, it is time to return home? Also, what is the purpose of telling us to “turn” in the morning? Isn’t “turning” a natural part of traveling home? Finally, why does it say to go to your tents, and not to return to your tents? The Torah is teaching us the correct way to take leave of a Yom Tov. After absorbing the greatness of a Yom Tov, we focus (“turn”) our attention inward and bring the Yom Tov with us to our homes. We don’t “return” home the same people that we were previously; rather, we “go” home with a fresh determination and renewed inner resources. Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch ztz”l wrote: The solemn, yet joyous month of festivals is past, and you now enter the placid and quiet month of Cheshvan; but your heart carries a wealth of reverberating echoes into this quietness, and this month is, therefore, a suitable period for surveying the splendor which lies in Jewish still-life. What a significant month Cheshvan can be if you have been fully imbued with the spirit of Tishrei! School and home, business and communal life, now commence the tranquil half-year of their winter activity with all its strivings and enjoyments… Instead of considering the winter a darker and colder time of year, we can look at winter as the time of year when, instead of receiving light and warmth from Hashem, we provide the light and warmth on our own. During the weeks of beautiful weather, Hashem exposed us to his majesty and we filled ourselves with that exquisite combination of awe and joy that only a servant of Hashem can understand. Now it’s our turn. Now, in the quiet months of the winter, we focus on our children, our spouses, and ourselves, inculcating and applying the lessons learned during the warm and sunny days of summer. !מים רבים לא יוכלו לכבות את האהבה ונהרות לא ישטפוה Shul News The “9:00” Kiddush is sponsored by the Federation of Western Conn. in honor of the Shabbos Project. Please come and help us take down the sukkah this Sunday at 10:30 am. Come with a fully charged drill. Please contact the office or a board member to find out how you can get involved in helping out at the shul. Beginning next week, Mincha will be followed by Shalosh Seudos. Sponsorships are encouraged. Below is a photo taken on Hoshana Raba. Yahrtzeits Shabbos is the yahrtzeit of Herman Dykerman (Chaim Tzvi ben Avraham haLevi), observed by sister Rosalind Okun; and of Anna Leah Goldstein (Chana Leah bas Tzvi Hirsch haLevi), observed by nephew Wm. Goldstein. Sunday is the yahrtzeit of Burton H. Kosloff (Dov Ber ben Tzvi), observed by his wife Elaine and son Stephen; and of Wolf B. Zelinger (Zev Dov ben Chaim Simcha), observed by his son Robert and his daughter Susan Wise. Wolf B. Zelinger was born in Olkusz, Poland, on January 12, 1923, son of Chaim and Esther (Kupchik) Zelinger. He emigrated from Sweden in 1956 and settled in Waterbury. In 2009, after his wife’s death, he moved to New Haven. Mr. Zelinger worked many years as a pattern cutter with various companies in the Waterbury and New Haven areas. He was a Holocaust survivor, one of only two members of his extended family to survive. A longtime member of Bnai Shalom, he regularly attended its minyan and served on its board of directors. Monday is the yahrtzeit of Nathan Luria (Nachman ben Shneur Zalman Dov haLevi), father of our first president, Dr. Sidney Luria, observed by his daughter-in-law Irene Luria and his granddaughter Adrienne Goldberg; and of Malka Rosenbaum Schuster (Malka bas Meir and Rosa), observed by her granddaughter Felice Poupko. Monday is also the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Harold Shuster (Avraham Yehoshua ben Meir haKohen), observed by his sister Felice Poupko. Rabbi Harold Shuster grew up in the town of Ellingen, Bavaria, where his father was rabbi. Upon fleeing Germany, he learned in Yeshiva Eitz Chaim in Jerusalem for several years, and then settled in Philadelphia. He moved to Waterbury in 1975. Rabbi Shuster took over as gabbai sheini at Bnai Shalom after the passing of Bernard J. Litsky in 1987. After the passing of Reuben Sachs in 1996, Rabbi Shuster took over as gabbai rishon. A great-grandnephew of the Alter of Kelm, Rabbi Shuster gave mussar shiurim at Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel, which were attended by the Rosh Yeshiva, rebbeim, and bachurim. Wednesday is the yahrtzeit of Joshua Solomon, observed by his wife Miriam Solomon; and of Ida Margolis (Chaya Sara bas Yeshayahu), whose name is inscribed upon a stained glass window in the Potoff Sanctuary rotunda. Thursday is the yahrtzeit of Frieda Goldsmith (Frieda bas Avraham Yehoshua), observed by niece Felice Poupko. Thursday is also the yahrtzeit of Louis Goldstein (Eliezer ben Tzvi Hirsch haLevi), observed by his son William Goldstein. Mr. Goldstein was also father of Israel Goldstein, longtime vice-president of Bnai Shalom and head of the cantors’ fund. Mr. Goldstein’s name is inscribed upon a window in the Potoff Sanctuary rotunda. Friday is the yahrtzeit of Morris Pollack (Moshe ben Yitzchak), observed by the Paletsky family. This bulletin has been sponsored by Town & Country Pediatrics & Family Medicine, PC·380 Main Street·Watertown, CT 06795·860-274-8891 B’nai Shalom 135 Roseland Avenue Waterbury, CT 06710 203-754-4159 office@bnaishalomwaterbury.com
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