Government of Western Australia Department of Health Buyers Guide Version - 29 Issued – 23 October 2014 HCNS 108608 Supply of Needleless Intravenous Access Systems and Miscellaneous Needle Replacement Tools To Western Australian Public Healthcare Units Contract Period: 1 December 2010 to 30 September 2015 Available Extension Options: There are a further three (3) x twelve (12) month extension options available Contact Enquiries Michael Ansty A/Procurement Officer Department of Finance – Cluster 2 Level 7, 81 St Georges Terrace Perth WA, 6000. Tel: 08 6444 5119 Fax: 08 6444 5234 Email: BUYERS GUIDE HCNS108608 TABLE OF CONTENTS AMENDMENT RECORD .............................................................................................................................................. 3 CONTRACT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................. 8 SUPPLIER INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................... 9 RANGE OF PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................................................10 PRICES AND PRICE VARIATIONS ...........................................................................................................................10 GRAPHICS .................................................................................................................................................................10 ADDING/REMOVING PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................................10 CONTRACT SERVICE LEVELS ................................................................................................................................10 i-PROCUREMENT ......................................................................................................................................................11 CONTRACT REVIEWS ............................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE REVIEW ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. BUYER FEEDBACK .................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. APPENDIX A – CONTRACTOR’S PERFORMANCE REVIEW FORM ...................... Error! Bookmark not defined. HCNS 108608 Page 2 of 11 HCNS108608 BUYERS GUIDE AMENDMENT RECORD Version Effective Date 1 2 Amendment Change Effected By 1/12/2010 Original S. Landers 10/12/2010 1. There has been a change in the Unit of Purchase (UoP) from Box of 600 to Box of S. 200 for the following Item No 13 (Product Code of 04100015162): Landers “TUBE,EXTENSION,INJECTION SET: NEEDLE-FREE MACROBORE;WITH MALE/FEMALE LUER LOCK;PRIMING 10.84ML;150CM LONG;BOX 600” SYSTEM; VOLUME The price per UoP has also changed from $798.06 down to $266.02. The unit price for this item remains the same. The item description has been amended in that it now contains a reference at the end of the description to “Box 200”, instead of the former reference to “Box 600”. 2. There has been a change in the UoP from Pack of 100 to Pack of 50 for the following Item No 13 (Product Code of 04100015162-100): “TUBE,EXTENSION,INJECTION SET: NEEDLE-FREE SYSTEM; MACROBORE; WITH MALE/FEMALE LUER LOCK;PRIMING VOLUME 10.84ML;150CM LONG; PACK 100” The price per UoP has also changed from $153.40 down to $76.70. The unit price for this item remains the same. The item description has been amended in that it now contains a reference at the end of the description to “Pack 50”, instead of the former reference to “Pack 100”. The Product Code for this item has been changed from 04100015162-100 to 04100015162-50. 3. The Product Information Schedule has been amended to incorporate all of the above changes to both items. 3 07/02/2011 There has been a change in the Unit of Purchase (UoP) from Box of 200 to Box of 300 S. for the following Item No 17 (Health Catalogue No of “131689B” and Vendor Code of Landers “04301433200”): “STOPCOCK, INTRAVENOUS: NEEDLE-FREE SYSTEM; 3-WAY; WHITE LUER LOCK;PRIMING VOLUME 0.3ML;PVC FREE;BOX 200” ROTATING The price per UoP has also changed from $209.71 up to $314.56. The unit price for this item remains the same. The item description has been amended in that it now contains a reference at the end of the description to “Box 300”, instead of the former reference to “Box 200”. 4 5 11/04/2011 Change of Procurement Manager – Tim Kirk TK 03/05/2011 There has been a change in the Unit of Purchase (UoP) from Box of 50 to Box of 25 for TK the following Item No 142 (Health Catalogue No of “154384H” and Vendor Code of “MFX2207E”): “TUBE,EXTENSION,INJECTION SET;NEEDLE-FREE CONNECTION SYSTEM;NEONATAL;CLOSED;NEEDLE-FREE VALVE;INLINE PRESSURE DISC,2ND PINCH CLAMP SYRINGE END;ROTATING MALE LUER;SET LENGTH 200CM;PVC” The price per UoP has also changed from $643.20 up to $321.60. The unit price for this item remains the same. 6 1/07/2011 Update Procurement Officer – Rachel McKenzie 6444 5607 HCNS 108608 RM Page 3 of 11 HCNS108608 BUYERS GUIDE 7 8 9 10 15/07/2011 Western Biomedical have changed the following product code: Item Ref 29 -VALVE,NEEDLE-FREE INJECTION PORT:SMARTSITE POSITIVE BOLUS;PRIMING VOLUME 0.12ML; 4CM LONG - 3000E And replaced it with: Item Ref 29 -VALVE,NEEDLE-FREE INJECTION PORT:SMARTSITE POSITIVE BOLUS;PRIMING VOLUME 0.12ML; 4CM LONG - MP1000-C. 08/05/2011 Update Procurement Officer – Humairah Fazekas 6444 5280 15/09/2011 Update Procurement Officer – Laura Beresford 6444 5756 01/12/2011 1. Western Biomedical have increased the cost of all items supplied by them by 3.5% in accordance with CPI Index 6401.0. Please see Price Schedule for details. RM HF LB LB 2. Western Biomedical have been authorised by the panel to replace the following product; Item Ref 0013 – Catalogue Number 154307W - TUBE,EXTENSION, INJECTION SITE;NEEDLE-FREE SYSTEM;SMARTSITE POSITIVE BOLUS NEEDLE-FREE VALVE;ON/OFF CLAMP;BORE 0.7MM;PRIMING VOLUME 0.23ML; 15.5CM LONG;BOX 100 – 30039E. Replaced with; Item Ref 0013 – Catalogue Number 161140T - TUBE,EXTENSION, INJECTION SITE;NEEDLE-FREE SYSTEM;MAXPLUS;CLEAR CONNECTOR;MINIBORE;PRIMING VOLUME 0.51ML; 18CM LONG – MP2002-C. UOP now Box of 50. Price per unit remains the same. Price per UOP $203.48. 3. Western Biomedical have been authorised by the panel to add the below new product onto the existing contract; 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Item Ref 0033 – Catalogue Number 161135K - BLOOD FILTER UNIT,SECONDARY BLOOD SET:84CM LONG;200 MICRON BLOOD FILTER;20 DROPS PER/ML;NONVENTED;16ML PRIMING VOLUME;2 PIECE MALE LUER LOCK AND HANGER:BOX 50. – 10016242. Price per UOP $168.19 21/12/2011 Western Biomedical ; LB Updated contact details for Contractual Enquiries and Clinical Enquiries. 12/03/2012 Update Purchasing Officer Emily Carpenter – 6444 5387 26/03/2012 The Unit of Measure has been amended for item vendor code 500 021E from a box of 100 to a box of 50. 07/06/2012 Update of Procurement Officer – Charlene Singh - 64445866 A new contract manager has been appointed. Enquiries can now be directed to: Anna Chai Procurement Officer 10/09/2012 Department of Finance – Health Cluster Ph: (08) 6444 5090 Fax : (08) 6444 5234 Email: 17/09/2012 Amended contact details for Western Biomedical – Mary Murphy Prices for all items supplied by Western Biomedical have increased by 2% effective 1 December 2012 – in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. 07/11/2012 EC EC CS A. Chai A. Chai A. Chai Please see the Product Information Schedule for further details. 18 A new contract manager has been appointed. Enquiries can now be directed to: Adam Gale Procurement Officer Department of Finance – Cluster 2 20/11/2012 Level 7, 81 St Georges Terrace Perth WA, 6000. Tel: 08 6444 5221 Fax: 08 6444 5234 Email: HCNS 108608 A. Gale Page 4 of 11 HCNS108608 BUYERS GUIDE 19 30/11/2012 Update Supplier Information – Western Biomedical A. Gale Please be advised that the Unit of Purchase (UOP) and Price (Per UOP) Ex GST have been amended for the following items from Western Biomedical, effective th date of Tuesday 19 of February 2013, details as per the below table: 20 19/02/2013 Item Ref No. HCN No. Vendor Code Previous UOP New UOP 0023 154332G 500-031E BOX 100 BOX 50 0030 154352K 04302260452 BOX 100 BOX 300 0032 151654T 30862 BOX 100 BOX 50 0033 154368J MFX2310E BOX 60 BOX 40 0033 154369K MFX2311E BOX 30 BOX 40 0035 154385J MFX2294 BOX 50 BOX 100 Item Ref No. HCN No. Vendor Code Previous Price New Price 0023 154332G 500-031E $609.85 $304.92 0030 154352K 04302260452 $302.36 $876.32 0032 151654T 30862 $507.35 $248.70 0033 154368J MFX2310E $796.39 $530.92 0033 154369K MFX2311E $435.09 $566.00 0035 154385J MFX2294 $379.23 $743.58 Please also be advised that the following item from Western Biomedical has been withdrawn from the contract, details as per the below table: Item Ref No. HCN No. Item Description Vendor Code 0017 154327A STOPCOCK,INTRAVENOUS:NEEDLE-FREE SYSTEM;3-WAY;BLUE STOPCOCK HANDLE;ROTATING MALE LUER LOCK;PRIMING VOLUME 0.25ML;PVC FREE;BOX 300 04301443200 A. Gale The suitable alternative item is currently tendered on contract from Western Biomedical and has had its item description amended, details as per below table: 21 Item Ref No. HCN No. 0017 131689B Vendor Code OLD AMENDED Item Description Item Description 04301433200 STOPCOCK, INTRAVENOUS: NEEDLE-FREE SYSTEM; 3-WAY;WHITE ROTATING LUER LOCK;PRIMING VOLUME 0.3ML; PVC FREE;BOX 300 STOPCOCK, INTRAVENOUS: 3 PORT;WHITE ROTATING LUER LOCK;0.25ML PRIMING VOLUME; PVC FREE;BOX OF 300 A new contract manager has been appointed. Enquiries can now be directed to: Sheri Png Procurement Officer Department of Finance – Cluster 2 07/03/2013 Level 7, 81 St Georges Terrace Perth WA, 6000. Tel: 08 6444 5027 Fax: 08 6444 5234 Email: HCNS 108608 S. Png Page 5 of 11 HCNS108608 BUYERS GUIDE 22 A new contract manager has been appointed. Enquiries can now be directed to: Anna Chai Procurement Officer Department of Finance – Health Cluster Ph: (08) 6444 5500 Fax : (08) 6444 5234 04/09/2013 Email: A. Chai The Contract has been extended for a further period of twelve (12) months to now expire 30 September 2014. There are a further 4 x 12 month extension options available. All other terms and conditions of the Contract remain unaltered. 23 24 25 Prices for all items supplied by Western Biomedical have increased by 2.2% effective 1 04/11/2013 December 2013, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. Please see the Product Information Schedule for further details. A. Chai A new contract manager has been appointed. Enquiries can now be directed to: Lauren Ivicevich Procurement Officer Department of Finance – Health Cluster 06/01/2014 Ph: (08) 6444 5500 Fax : (08) 6444 5234 Email: L. Ivicevich A new contract manager has been appointed. Enquiries can now be directed to: Michael Ansty A/Procurement Officer Department of Finance – Health Cluster 21/01/2014 Ph: (08) 6444 5119 Fax : (08) 6444 5234 Email: M.Ansty The Contract has been extended for a further period of twelve (12) months to now expire M.Ansty 30 September 2015. There are a further 3 x 12 month extension options available. All other terms and conditions of the Contract remain unaltered. Western Biomedical has removed the following item from the Contract effective immediately. Item Ref No. 26 0027 UCN 154344A Vendor Code 10012392 22/08/2014 Item Description Unit of Purchase (UOP) Price per UOP (ex. GST) ACCESSORY,NEEDLE-FREE SYSTEM:SMARTSITE;VENTED VIAL ACCESS DEVICE;WITH HYDROPHOBIC AIR INLET FILTER;FITS 20MM DIAMETER RUBBER TOPPED VIALS BOX 80 $372.91 The replacement item is as seen in the table below. The Unit of Purchase has changed to BOX of100 and the price increased accordingly. Please note the Price per Each is still the same. Item Ref No. 0027 27 UCN 154344A Vendor Code MV04200006 Item Description Unit of Purchase (UOP) Price per UOP (ex. GST) ACCESSORY,NEEDLE-FREE SYSTEM:SMARTSITE;VENTED VIAL ACCESS DEVICE;WITH HYDROPHOBIC AIR INLET FILTER;FITS 20MM DIAMETER RUBBER TOPPED VIALS BOX 100 $466.14 06/10/2014 Western Biomedical has changed the product code of the following items, effective 08 October 2014: HCNS 108608 M.Ansty Page 6 of 11 HCNS108608 BUYERS GUIDE Item Ref No UCN Description TUBE,EXTENSION,INJECTION SET:NEEDLEFREE SYSTEM;2 WAY "Y" CONNECTOR;1 PINCH CLAMP;FEMALE LUER BACKCHECK 0025 154334J VALVE;FEMALE LUER ANTI-SIPHON VALVE;ROTATING MALE LUER; 15CM LONG;NON-KINKING;PVC TUBE,EXTENSION,INJECTION SET:NEEDLEFREE SYSTEM;3 WAY "Y" CONNECTOR;2 PINCH CLAMPS;FEMALE LUER BACKCHECK 0024 154333H VALVE;2 FEMALE LUERS;ROTATING MALE LUER;ANTI-SIPHON VALVE;BACKCHECK VALVE; 190CM LONG;NON-KINKING;PVC TUBE,EXTENSION,INJECTION SET:NEEDLEFREE SYSTEM;2 WAY "Y" CONNECTOR;2 PINCH CLAMPS;FEMALE LUER BACKCHECK 0025 154335K VALVE;FEMALE LUER;ANTI-SIPHON VALVE;ROTATING MALE LUER;SET LENGTH 220CM;NON-KINKING;PVC Old Vendor Code New Vendor Code Price per UOP (ex GST) 500002 500002V $565.65 500013 500013V $835.38 500012 500012V $693.96 M.Ansty Western Biomedical has changed the product code of the following item, effective 13 October 2014: 28 10/10/2014 Item Ref No 0024 UCN 145013Y Description TUBE,EXTENSION,INJECTION SET:NEEDLE-FREE SYSTEM;3 WAY "Y" CONNECTOR;2 PINCH CLAMPS,2 FEMALE LUER BACKCHECK VALVES;FEMALE LUER ANTI-SIPHON VALVE;ROTATING MALE LUER; 15CM LONG;NON-KINKING;PVC Old Vendor Code New Vendor Code Price per UOP (ex GST) 500003 500003V $625.65 M.Ansty Western Biomedical has changed the product code of the following item, effective 27 October 2014: 29 23/10/2014 Item Ref No UCN 0029 154350H HCNS 108608 Description Old Vendor Code New Vendor Code Price per UOP (ex GST) ACCESSORY,NEEDLE-FREE SYSTEM:SMARTSITE;NEEDLE -FREE VALVE WITH MALE LUER LOCK;NON PVC SM5000 SM5000P1 $130.94 Page 7 of 11 HCNS108608 BUYERS GUIDE CONTRACT OVERVIEW Scope HCNS 108608 is for the Supply and Delivery of Needleless Intravenous Access Systems and Miscellaneous Needle Replacement Tools to Western Australian Public Health Care Units. HCNS 108608 excludes requirements for Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH). Refer to “Product Information Schedule” to obtain a more detailed list of products. Evaluation This contract was evaluated on behalf of WA Health by clinical and technical representatives from various public health care units. This is a mandatory Contract. Western Australian Public Health Care Units (excluding PMH) are required to purchase goods from this Contract at the stated prices. Contract Type The Contract reference number (HCNS 108608) should be quoted when placing an order. Policy does not permit rebates and other forms of value added options to be offered, accepted or solicited as part of a purchase from this contract. The contract is effective from 1 December 2010 to 30 September 2015. Contract Term Quality Assurance There are a further 3 x 12 month extension options available. The Contractor and Manufacturers are certified to ISO 9001:2000 / ISO 13845:2003. The products accord with TGA requirements. Firm prices have been agreed with the Contractor for the first 12 months. Pricing Price Variations are applicable on each 12 month anniversary of the contract, based on CPI Index 6401.0, All Groups Australia, Weighted Average of 8 Capital Cities. The items on this contract are GST taxable. All prices are stated as GST Exclusive. The Contractor, on receipt of an order from the Purchasing Officer, is to immediately contact the Purchasing Officer if the agreed delivery time-line cannot be met. The Contractor shall immediately contact the Purchasing Officer if subsequent delays are encountered. Conditions of Contract All goods supplied under this contract shall be labelled and packaged in accordance with the Commonwealth Therapeutic Goods Act 1999 (as amended). The Contractor shall be liable for all damage in transit arising out of defective packing of goods. Goods shall be delivered free into store within the Perth Metropolitan area. For regional delivery requirements good shall be delivered free into store to the nominated contractor’s metropolitan area depot under CUA 15006 for Freight Transport Services. Dispute Resolution Users should discuss any issues with the Contractor in the first place. If the matter cannot be resolved satisfactorily within a reasonable timeline then it should be escalated to the DTF Health Cluster Contract Manager nominated below: Michael Ansty A/Procurement Officer Department of Finance – Health Cluster Ph: (08) 6444 5119 Fax : (08) 6444 5234 Email: This Buyers Guide is available for downloading from: Latest Buyers Guides HCNS 108608 Page 8 of 11 HCNS108608 BUYERS GUIDE SUPPLIER INFORMATION Western Biomedical Pty Ltd Contractual Enquiries Contact Person Mary Murphy – Business Manager, IV Therapy James Ryan – General Manager - Sales Telephone (08) 9441 4000 / 0418 934 631 Facsimile (08) 9441 4099 Email Registered Address 16 Howe Street, Osborne Park WA 6017 Postal Address 16 Howe Street, Osborne Park WA 6017 Order Placement Contact Person Ian Love Telephone (08) 9441 4000 Facsimile (08) 9441 4099 Address 16 Howe Street, Osborne Park WA 6017 Email Invoicing and Payment Contact Person Denise Greene Telephone (08) 9441 4000 Facsimile (08) 9441 4099 Email Address 16 Howe Street, Osborne Park WA 6017 Hours of Service 8am-5pm General Information ABN 49 131 088 376 Minimum Order Surcharge (if applicable) N/A Firm prices have been agreed with the Contractor for the first 12 months. Price Basis Delivery (Initial from Contract Award) Delivery (On-going from date of order) HCNS 108608 Price Variations are applicable on each 12 month anniversary of the contract, based on CPI Index 6401.0, All Groups Australia, Weighted Average of 8 Capital Cities. 24 Hours 24 Hours Page 9 of 11 HCNS108608 BUYERS GUIDE RANGE OF PRODUCTS The range of products included and excluded on contract HCNS 108608 are summarised below: PRODUCTS THAT ARE INCLUDED ON THIS CONTRACT: Item Reference 1-10 11-12 13-25 26-34 35 Description Intravenous Administration Sets (Standard Giving Sets) Accessories - Pre-Line Accessories - Post Line Needleless Injection Set Accessories New & Emergent Technology Products PRICES AND PRICE VARIATIONS Please refer to the supporting MS Excel document titled “HCNS 108608 Product Information Schedule” for current prices. BUYERS HINT! Plan purchases in advance, know the shelf life of the products so you can order more but less frequently to save time and effort. There is no minimum order requirement applicable to this contract. GRAPHICS The Product Information Schedule includes a column titled “Drawing” which has drawings or photographs of most items awarded under this Contract. ADDING/REMOVING PRODUCTS The Contract Authority reserves the right to add products during the term of the Contract to meet Customer needs. Any additions will be assessed on the basis of the evaluation requirements stipulated in the original Request document. The Contractor, if requested shall provide samples at no cost to the Contract Authority, prior to the products being accepted under Contract. The Contract Authority reserves the right to remove products during the term of the Contract. The Contractor will be notified in writing by the Contract Authority of the proposed removal. CONTRACT SERVICE LEVELS During the term of the Contract, the Contractor must comply with the service levels established within the Request and contract in relation to: Timeliness and completeness of delivery; Consistency with the quality of the product; Continuity of supply; Product shelf life; and Training. The Contractor must accurately record and maintain records of all purchases made through the Contract, regardless of the method of purchase and report these purchases to the Contract Authority in an electronic HCNS 108608 11 Page 10 of BUYERS GUIDE HCNS108608 spreadsheet format that is compatible with Microsoft Excel (MS Excel 98 at minimum) or as agreed upon by both parties. The report must be provided to the satisfaction of the Contract Authority within thirty (30) days of the end of each financial year half i.e. 30 June and 31 December. The Contractor and Contract Authority will work together to identify the type of information to be provided within the report/s. Additional reports may be requested as and when required. The Contractor must supply other relevant reports on the Contract to the satisfaction of the Contract Authority within 30 days notice Health Corporate Network – Supply. I-PROCUREMENT Items included under this contract can be accessed and ordered directly through Oracle’s iProcurement module. For all iProcurement enquiries please logon to the HCN Intranet to access the iProcurement Home Page for general information, support contacts, form, documentation and demonstration at:,8476336&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL&p_countr=A U&p_lang=en Please note that you are not required to use iProcurement to order items if they are currently provided via an imprest service. HCNS 108608 11 Page 11 of
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