St Nicholas C E (VC) First School “Pathways to Learning, Steps to Success” Headteacher: Miss J Parker BA (Hons), PGCE, NPQH Deputy Headteacher: Mrs A Moore Belvide Gardens, Codsall, Wolverhampton, WV8 1AN Email: Website: Tel: 01902 842998 Thursday 23rd October 2014 Dear Parents Thank you to all of you who made the time to come to see your child’s teacher this week at our Parents Consultation sessions, the teachers enjoyed sharing information about your child’s development with you and look forward to working alongside you throughout the year. This has been a busy but successful half term, where much has been done to implement the changes required of the new curriculum (particularly so in Maths and English), as well as planning for the future of the school. (Please see below for more information about this.) Next half term will prove to be equally as exciting and busy we hope, with social events such as our Fireworks Night, Christmas Fayres and performances. We also look forward to sharing our commemoration of the centenary of WW1 with children and parents next term. This will allow children to explore a range of historical, ethical and moral concepts as part of a focus week which pulls together all of the History, Geography and RE skills that children develop in KS1 and 2. We will share this work with you in a variety of ways. On behalf of the staff may I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and encouragement for the school, it is greatly appreciated and we wish you a safe and happy half term. We look forward to welcoming children back to school on Monday 3rd November in Winter uniform. Best wishes Miss J Parker Head Teacher Partnership Working In partnership with several schools in the local area, the governing body at St Nics has registered an interest in forming a MAT (Multi-Academy Trust). Following a process of exploration and consultation, we will evaluate our position in the changing political and economic landscape and make decisions we hope that will enable us to secure the future of our schools, whilst strengthening existing partnerships, for the benefit of all of the children in the schools we serve. We will of course keep you informed as this process is carried out with regular updates by sharing information online and in newsletters. One of the difficulties with having a vast site like ours, is that sometimes access to various parts of school can prove difficult at peak times such as morning drop offs. Therefore I would like parents to be aware of the following issues we are currently experiencing and ways we would like to overcome these after half term. Reception Parents morning drop off Now that children are settled in school, we would ask that parents drop their children off at the coned off area and watch them walk up into school from this point. Reception staff will leave the message boxes by the cones so that parents can leave messages as required, and one teacher will wait up by the cones with the other remaining up by the door to supervise entry via cloakrooms. We feel that the children are independent enough now to walk confidently in and would appreciate your support with this. This will also help our Year 3 children who are struggling to get round to their classroom whilst being in sight of their parents, until they are met by Mrs Clay who is out to meet them round the corner each morning. Year 2 Parents morning drop off Could we politely ask that parents of Year 2 children allow them to walk in to class as independently as possible, freeing up what can be a congested walkway around the side of school each morning. We do want you to be able to see your child come into school, but on days where you have no messages to hand over to Year 2 staff, please try to stay in the playground area where possible, leaving a clear and safe passage for other parents. Parking Parking remains to be a big issue for us at St Nics. Please do help us by parking considerately both for the benefit of residents and pedestrians. I have been informed that we are currently experiencing high volumes of traffic and parking in the roads immediately surrounding the school, which sometimes impedes driver’s vision as they come around the corner, as well as endangering children. We really would hate to have an accident during morning drop off and would ask for your vigilance and support with this. The local PCSOs will continue to patrol the streets surrounding the school over the coming half term. Dropping off in the mornings It has been brought to my attention that one or two children are coming into school unaccompanied each morning and I would like to confirm with parents who is responsible for the children’s wellbeing and safety in these instances. We open school at 8.45am for all children who are not attending breakfast club or guitar lessons. Until such a time as your child is handed over to a member of school staff we cannot be responsible for their safety and wellbeing. Therefore we would ask that all children are supervised by a parent/carer/supporter upon arrival to school to ensure their safe delivery into class. Thank you for your support with these matters, it is appreciated. Some parents, as the time nears for transition to the Middle School, like to allow children to walk to school independently as part of their preparation for moving on. Where this is the case we would always ask that parents evaluate the risks and benefits in doing so, alongside their child’s competence and maturity, as well as informing the school of this arrangement. A few pics from the week.
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