Annual Report 2014 Elecster Oyj Managing Director’s Review During the past year, the most significant external factors having an effect on our operating environment were the Ukraine crises and drop in oil price, as well as their effects in the Russian Ruble exchange rate. In our other marketing areas, the situation remained calm and developed mostly positively. into operation at our Reisjärvi plastic factory. This new printing machine will raise the quality of our printing works to Full HD level and enable us to offer our customers really high-quality printings. Among the dairies, the quality of printing in the packages has risen to an essential factor in their competition for shelf space in stores. We aim to be “Number One in Pouch”, meaning globally the leading supplier in our branch. During the past year, we succeeded in strengthening our position further in many individual countries, and gained markets also in some new countries. Our products are now in use in more than 80 countries in the world. Our project to conquer the world is in progress. During the recent years we have been determined to proceed to a correct direction. Our position in the market has firmed year after year, and good references facilitate winning new customers. A positive statement on Elecster operations from an existing customer has a great influence on the decision of a potential customer. Elecster is known as a company taking care of its customers even after the purchase decision, until the end of our products’ life cycle. Thanks to the UHT technology developed by Elecster, even disadvantageous people have possibility to enjoy milk as foodstuff in safe and economic aseptic pouch package. Consumption of milk is growing particularly in those countries where its preservation is most problematic, and price might be limiting increase in consumption of milk. Elecster technology offers an affordable solution for this problem. We feel to be in a correct way, also in an ethical sense. To improve our competitiveness, we last year planned and implemented a new Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP). It was challenging project carried out ut alongside with our normal every day work, but we trust in future it will benefit and bring out effectiveness in our work. In the ended financial year, we made investments in future in worth of approx. 4 Million EUR in total. The biggest object of investment was a new printing machine installed and taken 2 We expect the positive development to continue during this year. Fall in euro rate gives us more grounds to believe in this. Russia is however clearly a risk for us. The development of oil price and, largely depending on it, also the development of Russian ruble exchange rate and Russian economy will affect this year’s success. I wish to thank Elecster personnel for the very good work done in the past year. Despite of the extra workload because of the new EPR-system, we were able to serve our customers as promised. I also thank our customers, shareholders and other partners for the cooperation during the past year. In Akaa, 4.3.2014 Jarmo Halonen Elecster Oyj 2014 ELECSTER-GROUP C o n s o l i d ated Financial Statements, IFRS Consolidated income statement EUR 1.000 Net sales Change in inventories of finished goods and work in progress Production for own use Other operating income Material and services Employee benefit expenses Depreciation Other operating expenses OPERATING PROFIT Financial income Financial expenses PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Income taxes PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD NET PROFIT/LOSS ATTRIBUTABLE TO Equity holders of the parent Minority interest 1.1.-31.12.2014 1.1.-31.12.2013 45 833 45 349 -1 321 491 318 -21 927 -10 345 -2 029 -6 753 4 266 -313 149 312 -22 403 -10 369 -1 880 -7 314 3 531 1 236 -2 363 3 139 1 013 -1 691 2 853 -742 2 397 -558 2 295 2 425 -27 2 397 2 245 50 2 295 0,65 0,65 0,60 0,60 1.1.-31.12.2014 1.1.-31.12.2013 2 397 2 295 -2 511 15 -2 496 -792 26 -766 -99 1 529 -69 -30 -99 1 479 49 1 529 Earnings per share calculated on profit attributable to equity holders of the parent Earnings per share undiluted (EUR), continuing operations Earnings per share diluted (EUR), continuing operations S t a t e m e nt of comprehensive income PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME: Exchange difference on translating foreign operations Cash flow hedges, net of tax Other comprehensive income, net of tax TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD Total comprehensive income attributable to Equity holders of the parent Minority interest 3 Elecster Oyj 2014 ELECSTER-GROUP C o n s o l i d ated Financial Statements, IFRS Consolidated balance sheet EUR 1.000 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 NON-CURRENT ASSETS Intangible assets Tangible assets Investments available for sale Long-term receivables Deferred tax assets TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 640 12 436 420 1 383 209 15 088 152 12 102 420 583 185 13 441 CURRENT ASSETS Inventories Trade receivables and other receivables Tax receivable, income tax Cash and bank TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 13 521 10 836 245 4 790 29 393 14 728 9 373 298 5 411 29 809 TOTAL ASSETS 44 480 43 251 Minority interest SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 3 152 4 239 -21 98 316 11 294 19 076 998 20 074 3 152 4 239 -36 92 217 12 456 20 120 1 063 21 183 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Deferred tax liability Long-term liabilities, interest-bearing TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 612 10 239 10 851 450 8 148 8 598 CURRENT LIABILITIES Short-term interest-bearing liabilities Trade payables and other liabilities Tax liability, income tax TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 8 406 5 032 118 13 555 8 177 5 274 20 13 470 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 44 480 43 251 ASSETS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Share capital Share premium account Fair value reserve Other reserves Translation differences Retained earnings 4 Elecster Oyj 2014 ELECSTER-GROUP Key indicators F i n a n c i a l indicators 1000 EUR Net sales Net sales change, % Operating profit % of net sales Profit before extra-ordinary items and taxes % of net sales Return on equity, % Return on investment, % Balance sheet total Equity ratio, % Gearing, % Gross investments % of net sales Research and development % of net sales Average number of personnel during year about which abroad IFRS 2014 45 833 1,1 % 4 266 9,3 % 3 139 6,8 % 11,6 % 12,4 % 44 480 45,7 % 69,0 % 3 985 8,7 % 1 033 2,3 % 333 180 IFRS 2013 45 349 3,4 % 3 531 7,8 % 2 853 6,3 % 11,0 % 10,6 % 43 251 49,7 % 51,5 % 2 261 5,0 % 1 054 2,3 % 343 184 IFRS 2012 43 856 -3,4 % 3 401 7,8 % 2 953 6,7 % 11,3 % 11,4 % 44 044 47,6 % 63,1 % 1 176 2,7 % 1 061 2,4 % 338 180 IFRS 2011 45 407 15,3 % 3 403 7,5 % 2 836 6,2 % 11,9 % 11,3 % 43 474 44,8 % 75,2 % 928 2,0 % 942 2,1 % 335 174 IFRS 2010 39 398 10,9 % 2 573 6,5 % 2 082 5,3 % 8,7 % 9,6 % 44 215 40,9 % 88,8 % 850 2,2 % 933 2,4 % 326 164 A d j u s t e d share-related indicators Earnings per share, eur Earnings per share (diluted), eur Dividend per share (A-share), eur Dividend per share (K-share), eur Dividend per earnings, % Effective dividend yield, % Equity per share, eur Price per earnings ratio (P/E-ratio) Trading volume (A-share), 1000 pcs % average number of shares Average number of shares Number of shares at the end of period A-share K-share Adjusted share (A-share) lowest share price, eur highest share price, eur share price at December 31, eur Market capitalization of shares December 31, euros millions IFRS IFRS IFRS IFRS IFRS 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 0,65 0,60 0,59 0,54 0,40 0,65 0,60 0,59 0,54 0,40 0,28 *) 0,26 0,25 0,22 0,17 0,28 *) 0,26 0,25 0,22 0,17 43,1 % 43,3 % 42,3 % 40,7 % 42,5 % 4,8 % 4,3 % 5,3 % 5,3 % 3,9 % 5,09 5,37 5,22 4,82 4,40 9 10 8 8 11 228 204 223 240 361 12,5 % 11,2 % 12,3 % 13,2 % 19,9 % 3 748 116 3 748 116 3 748 116 3 748 116 3 748 116 1 820 116 1 928 000 5,56 6,5 5,85 21,9 1 820 116 1 820 116 1 820 116 1 820 116 1 928 000 1 928 000 1 928 000 1 928 000 4,60 6,30 6,05 22,7 4,00 4,88 4,75 17,8 3,40 4,83 4,16 15,6 4,05 4,75 4,33 16,2 *) proposal by the Board of Directors 5 Elecster Oyj 2014 ELECSTER-GROUP Calculation of key figures Return on equity, % Profit before extra-ordinary items and taxes - direct taxes * 100 Total equity (average) Return on investments, % Profit before extra-ordinary items and taxes + interest expances and other financial expenses * 100 Total assets - non-interest-bearing liabilities (average) Equity ratio, % Total equity Total assets - advance payments received * 100 Gearing, % Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and cash equivalents * 100 Total equity Earnings/share Profit before extra-ordinary items - taxes - +/- minority interest Adjusted number of shares (average) Shareholders’ equity/share Equity attributable to shareholders of parent company Adjusted numbers of shares at 31 December Price/earnings ratio (P/E) Adjusted share price at 31 December Earnings/share Effective dividend yield, % Dividend per share 100 Adjusted share price at 31 December * Exchange of shares and turnover Exchange of shares and average rate 1/2010 - 12/2014 Osakkeen vaihto ja keskikurssi 1/2010 - 12/2014 7 1 000 000 900 000 600 000 4 500 000 3 400 000 300 000 2 200 000 1 100 000 10 11 /1 0 1/ 11 3/ 11 5/ 11 7/ 11 9/ 11 11 /1 1 1/ 12 3/ 12 5/ 12 7/ 12 9/ 12 11 /1 2 1/ 13 3/ 13 5/ 13 7/ 13 9/ 13 11 /1 3 1/ 14 3/ 14 5/ 14 7/ 14 9/ 14 11 /1 4 10 9/ 10 7/ 5/ 10 0 3/ 1/ 10 0 vaihto EUR Share A-share 6 kuukauden keskikurssi EUR kuukauden vaihto EUR Monthly exchange, Eur 5 700 000 keskikurssi Share price 31 Dec 2014 Lowest price Highest price Trading volume %-of A-share 5,85 5,56 6,50 227.730 12,5 Elecster Oyj 2014 Monthly average rate, Eur 6 800 000 ELECSTER-GROUP Share information P r i n c i p a l shareholders on December 31st, 2014 1. Okuli Oy 2. Finha Capital Oy 3. Halonen Irma 4. Mandatum Henkivakuutusosakeyhtiö 5. Mandatum Life Unit-Linked 6. Määttä Mikko 7. Nordea Henkivakuutus Suomi Oy 8. Onninen Sijoitus Oy 9. Halonen Jukka 10. Tilander Tapio A-share K-share %-of shares %-of votes 70 000 503 375 2 700 117 000 100 000 80 000 50 000 44 447 11 950 35 456 957 920 520 000 388 760 27,42% 27,30% 10,44% 3,12% 2,67% 2,13% 1,33% 1,19% 1,02% 0,95% 45,73% 27,03% 18,44% 0,55% 0,47% 0,38% 0,24% 0,21% 1,30% 0,17% 26 280 At the end of 2014, the members of Elecster ́s Board of Directors, Managing Director and the corporations in their authority hold a total 48.760 shares. These shares represent 1,30 percent of the total share capital and 1,35 percent of voting rights. S t r u c t u re of share capital on December 31st, 2014 Series of shares K-shares A-shares Total Number of shares % of shares % of votes Share capital Eur 1 928 000 1 820 116 3 748 116 51% 49% 100% 91,37% 8,63% 100,00% 1 621 331,61 1 530 607,68 3 151 939,29 D i s t r i b u t i on of shareholding o n December 31st, 2014 Breakdown of shareholding Number of shares Number of shareholders % of shareholders Shares 313 546 122 19 17 4 30,66% 53,48% 11,95% 1,86% 1,67% 0,39% 1 021 17 861 220 195 247 232 139 124 558 314 2 559 755 100,00% 0,48% 5,87% 6,60% 3,71% 14,90% 68,29% 3 742 481 5 635 3 748 116 99,85% 0,15% 100,0 % Number of shareholders % of shares 63 8 1 4 941 4 60,33% 6,63% 1,11% 0,10% 31,59% 0,09% 0,15% 100,00% Total Number of shares not entered in the book entry systems Number issued % of shares According to shareholders Companies Credit and insurance institutions *) General Government Non-profit institutions Households Foreign owners Number of shares not entered in the book entry systems Total 1 021 *) Also the administratively registered shares are included in this figure. 7 Elecster Oyj 2014 Elecster Oyj Sontulantie 382 PL 39 37801 Akaa Puh. 020 154 1211 Fax 020 154 1400 E-mail: Elecster (Tianjin) Aseptic Packaging Co. Ltd. No.7, Dongting Third Street TEDA Tianjin 300457 P.R. China Puh. +86 22 2529 3276 Fax +86 22 2529 3277 E-mail: Elecster Oyj Halosentie 1 85900 Reisjärvi Puh. 020 154 1500 Fax (08) 776 054 OOO Finnpack Russia 197198 Saint Petersburg ul. Krasnogo Kursanta, d. 25 lit N Puh. +7 812 240 06 75 Fax +7 812 240 06 71 E-mail: Sandudd Oy Kurvolantie 5 C PL 30 37801 Akaa Puh. 020 154 1444 Fax (03) 542 4324 A/S Eesti Elecster Laki 16 EE 10621 Tallinn, Estonia Puh. +372 6 129 900 Fax +372 6 129 999 E-mail: Elecster Baltic Oü Laki 16 EE 10621 Tallinn, Estonia Puh. +372 6 129 900 Fax +372 6 129 999 Elecster (Tianjin) Dairy Machinery Ltd. No.7, Dongting Third Street TEDA Tianjin 300457 P.R. China Puh. +86 22 2532 0566 Fax +86 22 6629 7926 E-mail: OOO Finnpack Systems Russia 197198 Saint Petersburg ul. Krasnogo Kursanta, d. 25 lit N Puh. +7 812 240 06 75 Fax +7 812 240 06 71 E-mail: OOO Finnpack Upakovka Russia 614031 Perm Doukuchaeva 50 A Puh./Fax +7 342 215 23 55 Puh. +7 342 215 24 55 E-mail: Elecster Oyj East and Central African regional Office P.O. Box 22624 Nairobi Kenya Puh. +254 20 272 6075 Fax +254 20 272 6075 Mobile: +254 722 741 153 E-mail: 8 Elecster Oyj 2014
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