NO. 6|5,94I. ` Patented Dec. I3, |898. W. G. WUICHET. COMBINED FILTER ANO COOLER. (Application filed June 23, 1894.) l (No Model.) WITNESSES: , 2 Sheets-Sheet I. v 4 , INVENTOR ATTORNEYS mE Noms PETERS co.. Pno‘murnol, wAsHwmnN, OA n. No. 6|5,94|. Patented Dec. I3, i898. W. G. WUICHET. ' COMBINED FILTER AND COOLER. l(N0 Model.) (Application ñled .Tune 23, 1894,) 2 Sheets-Sheat 2. 'lì NITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ÑVALTER Gr. WUICHET, OF DAYTON, OHIO, ASSIGNOR TO TI-IE PASTEUR CHAMBERLAND FILTER COMPANY,'OF SAME PLACE. COMBINED FILTER AÑD COOLER. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 615,941, dated December 13, 1898. Application filed .Tune 23, 1894. Serial No. 515,498. (No model.) Like lparts are represented by similar letn 50 Beit known that LWALTER G. WUIcHEr, a ters of reference in the several views. To all whom ¿t may concern: In the said drawings, a a represent an outer citizen of the United States, residing at Day ton, in the county of Montgomery and State casing which is formed with double walls, of Ohio, have invented certain new and use which may be filled with any non-conducting ful Improvements in a Combined Filter and material to form a cooling-chamber in the Cooler, of which the following is a specifica usual manner. ` 55 b is the filter, which may be of any desired My invention relates to improvements in construction, but which preferably consists 'of the Chamberland filtering-bougies of por combined -lilters and coolers. ’ tion. io _ The object of my invention is to provide an ous porcelain inclosed in a suitable casingin improved filter and cooler in which the ñlter the usual manner, so that the 'filtrate passes ing apparatus shall be arranged on the out through the walls of said porous porcelain in side of the cooling device and convenient for passing through the iilter. b’ is an inlet for IS cleaning, the arrangement of the cooling de vice being such as will render it readily ac the filter is connected by a suitable union cessible for cleaning or otherwise. A further object of my invention is to pro connection bsto a three-way valve or cock c. This cock c is provided at one end with the said filter, and b2 an outlet. ' The outlet b2 of 65 vide an improved and simple construction by usual outlet and at the other is connected means of which the water or other liquid to to a pipe c', which leads to the reservoir be íìltered may be drawn direct from the filter d, arranged in the cooling-chamber 0L a, the or from the cooler or from the filter and cooler, pipe c' being connected to said reservoir d 70 through- the medium of a valve-chamber c3, as desired. A further object of my invention is to pro in which is located a valve c4, attached to a vide a simple arrangement of parts by which float c5 in the reservoir d, the construction the _reservoir for the filtered Water is supplied being such that when the Water in the reserà from the ñlter through the same passage voir d rises to a suitable height the valve c‘1 75 'which serves as an outlet from said reservoir. is closed by the action of the float c5. Ar A further object of my invention is to pro ranged in the side of the reservoir cl is an 30 vide means by which the reservoir for the lil overfiow d', which consists, essentially, of'a tered water may be maintained in a sterilized condition and air contamination of the fil tered water- therein prevented. I attain these objects by the constructions 35 shown in the accompanying drawings, in Which small metallic head cl2, having an extended neck cl3, adapted to project through the wall of the reservoir and provided with a clamp ing-nut d4, by which the head may be secured in position, with the neck daextendingthrough the wall of the reservoir, a suitable packing Figure 1 is a front elevation of a device em- ` being employed to form a tight joint. The 85 bodying my invention.v Fig. 2 is a sectional head ¿Z2 is further provided with a down elevation, and Fig. 3 is a transverse section, of wardly-projecting pipe d5, with an upturned 40 the same. Fig. 4 is a detail of the waste-pipe end d6 to forni a trap, this pipe d5 being eX and overflow. Fig. 5 is a sectional view of tended down sufliciently, so that the Water the three-way valve or cock in detail. Fig. G in the reservoir will rise above the end of 90 is an enlarged sectional view ofthe float-valve said pipe and thus seal the same against the -and. reservoir in detail. Figs. 7 and 8 are de_ admission of air to said overflow and at the 45 tail views of the trapped overflow for the fil same time permit the water from the reser trate from the reservoir. Fig, 9 is a detail of voir to >escape in the cooling-chamber vin the the top of the reservoir and cover, showing event that the Iioat c5 should for any reason 95 the antiseptic arrangement of the reservoir. fail to- operate to close the valve c1. The res 2 615,941 ervoir d is provided with a removable lid (Z7. the discharge-pipe c/f‘. The overfiow-pipe ct' 65 rl‘his lid dT is provided around the outer edge, is made removable, as shown in Fig. 4, so where it rests on top of the reservoil‘ CZ, with that by removing said pipe all the water from an antiseptic packing-ringdspf cotton or other the ice-chamber or cooling-chamber may be suitable fibrous material, which will permit drawn off. The filter b, as before stated, is the passage of air through the same, but will connected to the cock c by a union b3, so that 70 prevent the passage of any germs or other it may be readily removed therefrom. To substance which would contaminate the fil provide for supporting the filter, I construct on the escape-pipe a2 an extended lug d“, per trate in the reservoir. IO The cock c, which connects with the filter forated at its outer end to receive an adjust and with the reservoir, is provided with a able support c7, preferably in the form of a. barrel 015, having a straight passage c6 and an screw, which> may be turned so as to rest in auxiliary or right-angled passage c", so that contact with the bottom of the filter, and thus by turning it in different positions the iilter assist in supporting the same, the construc rs may be connected to the reservoir or to the tion being such that the support may be read outlet-openin g of the valve or cock c or closed ily adjusted to hold the iilter in proper posi off entirely, while the reservoir is connected tion, and thus relieve the pipe connection b2 to the outlet-opening. In the position shown of any undue strain. rl‘he valve-chamber c3 in'Fig. 5 the valve is in the normal position, is formed with a removable cap c“, adapted to 2C in which the filter will be connected to the screw into the top of the valve-chamber and reservoir, in which case the handle 08 of the form a valve-seat, said cap being provided - cock will be in the position indicated in Fig. with extended fianges" cw, which project out l. By turning the handle forward the filter wardly so as to clamp the bottom of the res will be cut off and the reservoir will commu ervoir, which is provided with a suitable per 25 nicate with the discharge-opening of the cock, foration to receive the top of the valve-cham thus drawing the Water from the reservoir ber, so that said cap serves the double purpose 90 and cutting off the filter. By turning the of forming a cap for the valve-chamber and handle in the opposite direction-_that is, to a clamp for seeurin g it in position in the res the position shown in Fig. Z-a communica ervoir. It will be seen from the above description 30 tion will be established both from the Íilter and from the reservoir to the discharge-open that a ñlter and cooler is provided which is ing of the cock, By turning the handle so extremely simple in construction and in which that it points in the direction of the filter-« all the parts are accessible for cleaning, and that is, a half-revolution from the position at the same time the filtrate may be main 35 shown in Fig. l-then the reservoir will be tained in a perfectly-sterilized condition if cut ofiî and the filter alone will communicate sterilized by the filter, which will be the case IOO with the cock, so that by the arrangement a if the Chamberland filtering-bougies are em single pipe connection with the reservoir is ployed in the manner set forth. The reser sufficient, while at the same time the water may be drawn through from the filter or from the reservoir, or from both, by the use of a single valve c, as described. The reservoir d is preferably formed in the shape of a segment, so as to occupy the rear voir being surrounded with the cooling liquid and being cut off by water seal and an anti septic cover is prevented from contamination 105 of any kind, while at the same time it is main~ tained at any suitable temperature desired by imparting the required temperature to the 45 portion of the cooling-chamber c a, the pipe c' cooling liquid in the outer cooling-chamber. from the reservoir being extended through the Having thus described my invention, I bottom of said chamber,where it comes in con‘ claim tact with the ice o1' cold water within the c001 .IIC l. The combination with a cooling-chamè ing-chamber. An overfiow-pipe a’ is employed ber, of a filter connected with a three-way 50 in the cooling-chamber, by means of which a cock, and a reservoir for the filtered water in quantity of water suiiicient to practically sur said cooling-chamber, a pipe connection from 115 round the filtrate in the reservoir is main the reservoir to the three~way cock, said three tained in the cooling-chamber. The end of way cock having- a discharge-outlet whereby the overflow-pipe d’ being open, the water is by manipulating the three-way cock the dis 55 permitted to escape through the same when charge-outlet may be placed in direct comú ever it rises to the required height. This munication with the reservoir or with the fil overflow-pipe a’ communicates with a suitable ter or the filter put in communication with discharge-pipe a2, which leads to the outside the reservoir, substantially as described. of the cooling-chamber and is adapted to dis2. The combination- with a cooling-chamà charge into a bowl or receiver d3, connected ber ot' a reservoir having a float therein, a to a discharge-pipe d4, which leads to a sewer valve-chamber under said reservoir having or other convenient point of discharge. A a valve connected to said float, said valveà drip-pan a“ is also provided below the cock c, chamber being located beneath said resera which communicates in a similar way with voir and detachably connected to the coolingâ 615,941 s chamber and the reservoir, respectively, and ervoir by a cap which also closes said valve- 1o a pipe from said valve-chamber leading to the chamber, substantially as specified. outside of said cooling-chamber, substanIn testimony whereof I have hereunto set tially as specified. my hand this 19th day of June, A. D. V1894. Ul 3. The combination With a cooling-cham- ber, of a reservoir having a ñoat therein, a valve-chamber under said reservoir having i a valve connected to said ñoat, said valve cliamber being removably secured to said res / _ WALTER G“ WUICHET' lVitnesses: JOHN A. MILLER, I-I. J. CHpANoELLoR.
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