HASTINGS/HAVELOCK NTH COMBINED PARISHES Our Lady of Lourdes, St Peter Chanel, Sacred Heart Pastoral Co-Ordinator: Shona Roberts, Ph 878-7774, Cell Ph: 021 071 9696 Email: heretaungapastoral@gmail.com. . Passionist Family Groups Co-Ordinators: Hastings : Sacred Heart, St. Peter Chanel.& Our Lady of Lourdes. Allan & Jo Brady 876-9507 Challenge 2000 - Contact details: Manisha Jobard 021 118 5507 Web Site: www.hastingscatholic.org.nz Catechist: Tongan & Pacific Islands, H.B Pastoral Area: Tevita Faka’osi Ph. 879-8189 Cell ph. 027 2237 058 26th October 2014 20th Sunday Ordinary Time 5.30pm 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am SUNDAY MASS TIMES: Vigil St Peter Chanel Immaculate Conception, Pakipaki Our Lady of Lourdes, Havelock Nth Sacred Heart St Peter Chanel RECONCILIATION Sacred Heart Friday 11.30am Sacred Heart Saturday 8.30am Our Lady of Lourdes Saturday 11.30am St Peter Chanel Saturday 5.00pm Or by Appointment. WEEKDAY MASSES IN THE PASTORAL AREA Monday: 9.00am, Our Lady of Lourdes, Tuesday: 9.00am Our Lady of Lourdes, 6.00pm St Peter Chanel Wednesday: 9.00am Aubert Centre, 9.00am Our Lady of Lourdes, 12.05 Sacred Heart Thursday: 9.00am St Peter Chanel 10.00am Our Lady of Lourdes 12.05pm Sacred Heart Friday: 9.15am Madonna Maria 10.00am Our Lady of Lourdes 12.05pm Sacred Heart All Saints Day, Saturday 1 November: 8.00am Sacred Heart preceded by Rosary at 7.30am 9.00am Our Lady of Lourdes Feastdays this week 28/10 Sts Simon & Jude Apostles 1/10 All Saints Readings for next Sunday: All Souls Day Isaiah 25:6-9 Ps: 26:1,4,7-9, 13-14 Romans 5:5-11 Matthew 11:25-30 Morning Prayer - at Sacred Heart Day Chapel 7.40am and 9.00am Monday to Friday. Evening Prayer - with Benediction every Sunday 4 - 5pm at Sacred Heart. Exposition - Madonna Maria, Frederick St every Tuesday 9am - 1pm. & Fridays 9am-10am at Our Lady of Lourdes Christian Meditation Every Wednesday held in Sacred Heart Day Chapel, at 7.00pm Baptism Preparation Every First Sunday of the month at 3.00pm in Sacred Heart Church Foyer Marist Third Order - Every first Sunday of the Month at 2.00pm in Sacred Heart Office Bible For Starters—2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month Sacred Heart Parish Office 7.30pm REFLECTION FOR TODAY - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Heart to God. Hand to Man.” These words were painted on the old Salvation Army Op. Shop in Hastings. “Heart to God. Hand to Man.” It is a clever paraphrasing of the answer that Jesus gives to the lawyer’s question, “Which is the greatest commandment?” Jesus brings together two Old Testament commandments and makes them equal and inseparable like the two faces on a single coin: love God; love your neighbour. He is not talking about the introspective, candy floss emotion of pop songs or soap operas. This love looks outward, it is robust and practical. It can be as ordinary as returning a man’s cloak because “what else would he sleep in?” So let us never be slow to practise (and to teach) the simple courtesies of kindness, sharing and patience because in them lie the seeds of those higher forms of love: compassion, self-sacrifice and tolerance. (G.M.) KOPUA RETREAT Parishioners are invited to attend a One Day Spiritual Retreat given by The Abbott at the Southern Star Abbey, Kopua. The theme of the retreat will be “Reunification”. Saturday 8th November 9.00am to 4.00pm. Car pool from Sacred Heart Church meeting at 7.30am (it takes about 70 minutes to travel there) Shared Lunch. There are limited numbers available for this retreat, so please register your intention to attend with Deb Lucy: spc@paradise.net.nz or during office hours 8.00am to 12.30pm Mon-Fri indicating if able to provide transport or not. 40 HOURS ADORATION 2014 40 hours Adoration will be held in November commencing on Thursday 6th November concluding Saturday 8th November. Fr Thom Rouse a Columban Priest will walk us through this years celebration of the 40 hours, where we celebrate this special time in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. It will again be held at Madonna Maria Church Frederick Street Hastings. Programme is: Thursday 6th November Mass at 9.15am and again on Friday 9.15am. Devotions Thursday and Friday evenings 7.00pm. 40 hours concludes with Mass at 8.00am Saturday morning. Come and pray and hear Fr Thom, who spent his mission time in Fiji from 1977 to 2014. ALL SOULS DAY SUNDAY 2ND NOVEMBER— CEMETERY SERVICES 6.00pm at Mangaroa 5.00pm at Havelock North 7pm at Hastings Lawn THANK YOU: On behalf of the Sisters of Joseph and the Geor families, we would like to thank you all for the love and support we have received over this time of Marie’s death. The prayer, visits, cards and gifts, as well as your presence with us as we celebrated Marie’s life have shown us how much love there is in this community, and we are grateful. Bless you all. Srs Lucille, Marlene and Mary, and Rosalie, John, Peter and Michael Geor. OCTOBER—Month of the Rosary: Tuesday 28th St Peter Chanel commencing 5.30pm followed by Mass at 6.00pm. Friday 31st Sacred Heart commencing at 5.30pm prior to Mass at 6.00pm and followed by a shared meal. All Welcome. SACRED HEART COLLEGE, NAPIER YOUTH MINISTER Responsible for the spiritual growth and nourishment of students and staff. 15 hours per week for Term 1 only 2015. There is a possibility of combining with the Catholic Parish of Napier Youth Ministry position for more hours from Term 2, 2015. Letters of application with two referees to The Principal, Sacred Heart College, Convent Road, Napier 4110 or email to www.sacredheartnapier.school.nz ADULTS BECOMING CATHOLIC within the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Programme. (3) For those who have been baptized with water and in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the faith journey can be a shorter one. The length depends entirely on the person who is ‘on the journey”. People who have made this journey: Baptised Anglicans, Presbyterians, Methodists etc. Baptised Catholics who missed out on 1st Communion, 1st Reconciliation, Confirmation. A Baptised spouse who has been a regular Mass goer. If you know someone who could be interested, talk to them and suggest they ring any of the parish secretaries who will put them in touch with an RCIA team member. YOUTH NOTICES: Challenge 2000—A & P show was a great day out for 14 children between the ages of 5-13 years old. They loved the rides, food and entertainment. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped out behind the scenes, by making this day special for the children. A special thank you goes out to our four young people who helped and gave their time to help make this day for the children you are fantastic!!!! YOUTH GROUP—THERE WILL BE NO BOWLING THIS WEEK. But there is youth group from 3-5pm a study session come along if you need a hand with your exam prep or just need a quiet space to study in. Contact Manisha on 021 1185507. CAR WASH on the 1st November at Sacred Heart Church from 10-12pm. Bring your car for a wash just $5.00. All proceeds go to youth activities. If you would like to help Contact Manisha on 021 1185507 or Luke on 021 657115. JERUSALEM/HIRUHARAMA TRIP— Yes, the place where Suzanne Aubert lived! Please see church notice boards to read the experiences of the Hastings young people that went on this fantastic trip. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE On Tuesday 4th November the C.W.L. are celebrating their annual Melbourne Cup Day Mission Fundraising Luncheon to be held at the home of Mrs Julie Wilkins, 908 Park Road South, Hastings at 12 noon. Admission $5.00. There will be a sweepstake, raffle, sales table and lunch. All welcome. ST JOSEPH’S SCHOOL QUIZ AND CURRY NIGHT Come and join us for a fun night out. Friday 7th November $60.00 a table (max of 6 people) includes curry and rice—yum! To book your table please contact Beata on 027 243 7430 (text is fine) or leave a message at the school office ph 878 7262. ANNIVERSARY BOOKLET The Parish Pastoral Council of Our Lady of Lourdes is supporting a proposal to provide an “update” the 25th Anniversary Booklet which was published in 1993. We are keen to hear from current or past parishioners about what “highlights” or memorable events have occurred in the Parish in the period 1993-2014. Please make contact with either Eileen von Dadelszen (8778174 evond@clear.net.nz ) or Margaret Percy (877524; fpercy@xtra.co.nz) GLORIFY PRAYER MEETING: A monthly opportunity for you to praise God, listen to sound teaching and be encouraged in your Christian Walk. First meeting we will be showing “The 7 Spiritual Laws” DVD and will commence at 7.30pm on 5 November at St Mary’s Parish Centre, Taradale. Facilitated by Lamb of God Community. THE LAZARUS EXPERIENCE: A healing weekend for separated and divorced Catholics. When: Friday November 28 to Sunday November 30 Where: Lower Hutt Contacts: Katrin 04 970 9385 or Eustie 04 550 9240 Facebook: Lazarus Experience Wellington Katrin Eickhorst, Team Leader, THE LAZARUS EXPERIENCE— Brochures in your church foyers. GUESS WHO’S COMING TO LUNCH! An opportunity to share a meal with other parishioners at home: The host chooses the number of guests and provides tea/coffee and hospitality The guests bring a plate for the pot luck lunch. The first event is on Sunday November 9th Peter Crocker (876 4485) will be in the gathering space (S.H.) to take names if you would like to be part of this lunch. Who comes to whose place for lunch is a surprise! Further information is in the gathering space, and final details for hosts and guests will be given out after Mass on Sunday November 9th. More lunches to follow next year. This is just the beginning. ST JOSEPH’S JOTTINGS We welcome and thank the students from St. John’s who are taking our students for Kiwi Sport. Our children look forward to their turn in Kiwi Sports sessions. We have had Ronald McDonald visit this week for Y 1-5. Welcome to our new families who have enrolled with us this term, it is great to have you join us. Our Awards Assembly will take place on Wednesday 10 December at 1.15pm—all parishioners, families, grandparents are welcome to attend and our End of Year Mass will be on Monday 8 December 6.00pm. Visit our new website: www.sportsground.co.nz/stjoeshastings. Enjoy the Long Weekend break. Sandra Connor, Principal. ST MARY’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWS. Our “Little Learners” group on Wednesday afternoons has been a great success and many of the pre-schoolers who attended are now at school. There is something quite special about a five year old in the school uniform which sometimes reaches beyond the knees! Our older students delight in caring for these little ones. Next Friday is our annual Feast Day when we celebrate being a happy and vibrant school and enjoy the fun and laughter of games and activities. It will begin with a whole school Mass and sometime during the day Father Vince will bless our new ‘sacred space’ where children can go to reflect and pray. Teresa Neilson D.R.S. Look for St Mary’s on Facebook. ‘St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Hastings’ ST JOHN’S COLLEGE We congratulate Kane Elms who won the Year 9 Hawkes Bay Road Race. On Tuesday we had the absolute pleasure of Old Boy Christopher Longhurst S.T.D. speaking to our Senior Students. Mr Longhurst has just returned from Rome where he has been working in the Vatican museum. On Thursday 30th we have our annual Sports Prizegiving at 7pm in the school Gym and our Leavers Mass on Thursday 6th beginning at 10.15am. SACRED HEART COLLEGE Congratulations to everyone involved in the Arts Festival, held at College last Tuesday. It was a wonderfully entertaining concert of cultural commitment at Sacred Heart. On Thursday next week, October 30th Massey University liaison officers will visit Yr 13 students and Yr 10 Business Studies students are holding a Market Day. Next Friday our Yr 12 students and those from St John’s College are celebrating Mass together, then sharing a fish n chip dinner as they plan for combined College leadership roles in 2015. The latest issue of our newsletters will be available in Parishes this coming week. NOTICES FOR SACRED HEART BAPTISMS: We welcome to our Faith Community Cecilia Woodnutt, Harmony Taiaroa, Logan Davis and Elijah Smith. MEMORIAL MASS - Sunday November 2, Sacred Heart will be holding a memorial mass for those who have died during the year. There will be a special ceremony to remember the recently deceased. Family members are invited to come. Mass will be followed by a morning tea. Please bring a plate ROSTERS - For Morning tea and Sound Duty now available. You can access them in the website or call the parish office for printed copies. CHOIR PRACTICE Thursdays at 6.00pm at Sacred Heart. Preparation for the following Sundays: All Souls Day (2/11), 1st Sunday of Advent (30/11). 2nd Sunday of Advent (7/12), and Christmas Day. ALL NEWCOMERS WELCOME! (You don’t have to be able to read music.) NOTICES FOR ST PETER CHANEL FISH N CHIPS EVENING: This coming Tuesday 28th October, please order your fish n chips yourself or you can order through the office before 12 noon and leave the correct money in a named envelope in the Sacristy before the 6pm Mass. COLUMBAN CALENDARS 2015 are now available from the bookstall or parish office during the week $10 each. SVDP CHRISTMAS CARDS are available through the office and on a Sat/Sun before and after Mass. ST VINCENT DE PAUL CHRISTMAS PARCELS Parishioners are invited to advise Laurie (8782446) or Joan (8767265) the names of needy families they would like to see receive a SVDP Christmas Parcel. NOVEMBER 2014—JANUARY 2015 Rosters will be available for viewing on our website from next week. ALL SOULS DAY Parishioners are welcome to bring along a photo of their loved one for the 5.30pm and 10am mass next weekend (All Souls Day) Photos can be placed in front of the Altar. St Peter Chanel Parish wishes you all a happy and safe Labour Weekend. NOTICES FOR OUR LADY OF LOURDES PLEASE NOTE: The Church Office will be closed from 10am on the 29th October and back to normal on Friday 31st October. Any notices for the newsletter that week, could they please be in promptly. Many thanks—Kathy. ALL SAINTS DAY: Please Note On Saturday 1st November Mass will be at 9.00am. MEMORIAL MASS: We invite you all to this Mass on Sunday 2nd November to remember our Faithful Departed. There will be a candle lighting ceremony for those who have lost loved ones during the past year. After Mass you are warmly invited to join with everyone in the Parish Centre for morning tea. There will also be a service at the Havelock North Cemetery at 5.00pm on that day. The Columban Calendar 2015 is now available, costing $10. It gives very useful liturgical information with inspiring art work. FRIDAY: Holy Hour 9.00am—10.00am ST VINCENT DE PAUL: Christmas cards will be on sale prior to Mass from the 2nd November, price $4.00 for a pack of 8 cards, remember to bring some cash. Thank you all so much for your continued support of our food basket, this is a needy time of the year before seasonal work begins. KOPUA RETREAT DAY: This is on November 8th enquiries can be made by contacting St Peter Chanel, Deb Lucy Ph: 878 2575. NEXT WEEK: We welcome senior pupils of St Joseph’s School to our Mass. OUR LADY OF LOURDES 85 Te Mata Rd. Havelock North Ph. (06) 877 7124 Fax (06) 877 7337 Email: OLOL@xtra.co.nz Parish Priest: Fr P. Cooke Parish Office Hours: Mon 1.30 - 3.30pm, Wed 9,00 - 12 Noon Fri. 12 Noon - 3.00pm Parish Secretary Kathy McKay. PRAYERLINE: When in need of prayers for special intentions please phone Trish Webley 877 8172 or Margaret Frater 877 7571. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Shirley Wakefield, Marie Barham, Joan Thwaites, Rita Montaperto, Eileen McCarthy, Johanna Mouat, Sandy Hannibal, Sandra Nalder, June McKenna, Jill Hand (UK), Seth Adams, Helen Windle, Joan Burgess, Marijke Klumpers, Ian Hamilton, Kevin Watson, Tony Watt, Amy Mead (Nelson), Betty Hetherington, Denyse & John Cornelius, Fiona Barker DEATHS, ANNIVERSARIES: Sr Marie Geor 13.10.14 RIP Joan Thorp (Rec) Noeline Grver (A 20/10) Jim Molloy (A.24/10) Rachel Brenssell (A 26/10) Annie Givvs (A 30/10) Blair McCormack (A 3/11) ROSTERS 2nd November 2014 Readers: St Joseph’s School, S. Brebner Prayers of the Faithful: J. Hamilton Gifts: C. Cameron . Greeter: C. Cameron Ministers of Communion: J. Marshall, G. Fergus, M. Fleming, M. Lawson, C. McGrath, V. Blake, A. Moran Preparers of the Table: C & P Oliver, A Dear Altar Guild: J. Watson 1/11 Church Cleaning: R. Flowers, M Thomas 1/11 Children’s Liturgy: T. Stephens Mary Doyle: J. Hamilton 2/11, David Donnelly (Tue 28/10) Duart: S. Roberts (29/10) Friday Meal: S. Tither 31/10 Flowers: M. Malone, J. Skinner 31/10 ST PETER CHANEL. 817 Gordon Road, Hastings Phone 878-2575 Fax 878-2572 Aubert Centre Phone 879-7573 Office Hours : 8.30am - 12 30pm Mon to Fri. Email: spc@paradise.net.nz Parish Priest: Father Vince Onesi Assistant: Deacon Nathaniel Brazil - Baptisms by arrangement. COMUNION TO THE SICK - Phone the Parish Office - 878-2575 St. Mary’s School Office Frederick Street,. Phone 876-6421 Principal: Ms Elizabeth Crowley Website. www.stmaryshastings.school.nz. IN NEED OF A PRAYER - Contact Eleanor 878-9928, Fay 878-8643 PRAYERS FOR THE SICK – Moira Moody, Seff Beaumont, Biaggio Carretu, Nina Orsi, Anthony Leanage (Brisbane) Valma McCarthy, Ethel Driscoll, Norma Thornton, Maxwell Beattie, Ron Bell, Barbara Bowe, Sarah Connell, Raewyn Connors, Joan Corlet, Marcus Greville, Ruth Hannibal, Margaret Harting, Pat Hutchison, Elizabeth Joseph (India), Claire Lambert, Liam McEntee, Pauline Mann, Viv Norman, Aisling O’Connell, Rosa Ogden, Blair Stanfield, Norah Sutton, Joyce Watson, Warick Woodward, Allison Wyatt, Gracie (now at home in Wairarapa). Keira Lucy,Willem Goodall, RECENTLY DECEASED; Sr Marie Geor, PeterVerduin. ANNIVERSARIES AND FOR WHOM MASS WILL BE SAID: Tom Martin 26/10 John Breen (Snr) 26/10 Mary Fly 30/10, Sherrin Glassey 31/10, Keith Moody 31st/10, George Barnes, Carrem Koorey, Cecilia Barnes. ROSTER FOR WEEKEND 1st & 2nd November 2014 5.30PM Leader/Lector Ministers of Holy Communion: Greeters: Altar Servers: Musicians: 10.00am All Souls Day Laurie Cantwell Adele Cochrane, Greta Crist Ave Faka’osi, Tali Gafa, Faaki Tuanaki, Muli Tuanaki Preston Epplett, Sinead Darmody, Geresa Gargulo Sam Ah-Lam, Ron & Sue Allan, Stephanie Allen Trish Hutchins Kina Faka’osi, Ronardo Gafa Tevita Jasmine Barley Alex Anesi, Vince Onesi Jo Sacristans: Cathy Dalton/Heather Davis Counters: 3/11 Deb Lucy Church Cleaning November: Marie Brady J & M Leogreen, S & C Averill Children’s Lit: 2/11 Molly & Lee SACRED HEART Parish Priest: Fr Simon Story Baptisms Sunday Mass or at 12pm. 425 Heretaunga Street. East Hastings. Phone 878-7774 Fax 878-2450 Email: shparish@slingshot.co.nz Office Hours: Monday 9.30am-1.00pm. St Joseph’s School : Eastbourne St Hastings Phone 878-7262 Website: www.stjos.school.nz Principal: Sandra Connor PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Anthony Leanage (Brisbane, ex SVDP) Larry Burns, Eileen O’Connor,Diane Masterson, Gail Sutton, Daphne Olsen, Susan Kitson, Velma McCarthy, Peter Verduin, Paul Sloane, Louise O’Connor, Ryan Brunton, Gladys Campbell, Greg Sloane, Joanna Hay, German Celis Beltran, Fr Steve Hancy, Fr Bernard Goulding, Del Hamilton, Livia Bairstow, Joel Richards (P.Nth), Bishop Barry Jones, Fr Des Levins, Peter Minogue, Noeline Sloan, Marie Andrews, Bryanna, Beryl Honeybone , Vicky Hargreaves, Jillian Cullinane, Bradley Woon, Gloria Wilson, Marcus Greville, Barbara Janssen, Klara Molnar, Sylvia Jackson, Dorothy Muir, Tama and Tangiora Huata, Graeme Walsh (Tauranga), Anne Thomson, Catherine Harpur, Isla O’Connor, Joyce Jillings ANNIVERSARIES & MASSES TO BE SAID: Mick Cowan, Dora Cowan, Joyce Huisman, John Huisman, Budwe Lahood (A26/10), Elizabeth Jillings (27/10), Pat Sullivan (A29/10), Mary Fly (A30/10), John Walden(A01/11), Anne McEvoy (A01/11), Recently deceased: Michael Grafton Green, Sr Marie Terese Geor, Monsignor Vince Hunt, Sr. Leonard Mischewski (Sister of St. Joseph), Shaun McCarthy Ministries 2nd of November 2014: Leader B. Avison Lectors P. Brady J. Carpenter Minister of Holy Communion: L. Jugo, K. Jugo, S. van der Peet, P. Bot, S. Bot, N Andrews, L. Price Sound: S. Bot Altar Society: Church Opening: C & G Newrick Morning Tea: Pat & Tony Greeter: M. Medcalfe Mass Coordinator: S. Donovan Brown Children’s Liturgy: Megan & Gabby Altar Servers: Sophie and Anna Church Cleaning: L. Stratton, J. Foote (November 4), Counter: B. Forbes (for November 3)
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