alvar aalto -museon ja keski-suomen museon nivelosan yleinen

Kilpailua koskevat kysymykset 15.9.2015
The questions and the answers 15 September 2015
Kilpailijoilla oli mahdollisuus pyytää ohjelmaa koskevia lisätietoja. Kilpailua koskevat
kysymykset suomeksi tai englanniksi tuli osoittaa palkintolautakunnalle ja lähettää ne
sähköpostitse viimeistään keskiviikkona 19.8.2015 klo 16 mennessä osoitteeseen Kysymykset ja vastaukset on julkaistu suomeksi ja englanniksi
Alvar Aalto -säätiön kotisivulla tiistaina 15.9.2015 Määräaikaan mennessä kysymyksiä tuli liki 400 ja kysymysten suuresta määrästä johtuen, ei
niihin kaikkiin vastattu yksittäin. Monet kysymyksistä käsittelivät samoja aiheita, minkä
vuoksi kilpailun palkintolautakunta päätyi julkaisemaan vain koostetut kysymykset ja
vastaukset eniten kysymyksiä herättäneistä aiheista. 23 kysymystä ja vastausta suomeksi ja
englanniksi on julkaistu tässä koosteessa. Kysymykset ja vastaukset on jaoteltu
kilpailuohjelman aiheiden mukaan. Lopussa on listattu kaikki saapuneet kysymykset. Moni
yksittäinen kysymys on luonnollisesti jäänyt vastausta vaille, mutta monen kysymyksen
vastaus myös löytyy jo valmiiksi kilpailuohjelmasta. Mikäli käytyänne läpi tämän listan ja
tarkastettuanne kilpailuohjelman joku kysymys kaipaa mielestänne vielä tarkennusta,
pyydämme lähettämään kysymyksenne osoitteeseen
Candidates were able to submit questions and request further information from the
The questions in Finnish or in English were to be sent by e-mail by Wednesday 19
August 2015 at 16:00 to The questions and the answers were to
be published in Finnish and in English on the web site of Alvar Aalto Foundation on Tuesday
15 September 2015.
There were almost 400 questions submitted by the deadline, and due to the great amount,
not all of them were answered individually. Many of the questions also dealt with the same
topics, and that is why the jury decided to publish compiled questions and answers only on
the most popular topics. 23 questions and answers in Finnish and in English are published in
this file. Questions and answers are listed according to the topics of the Competition
program. In the end there is a list of all the submitted questions. Many individual questions
have naturally been left unanswered. In many questions the answer is also already to be
found from the Competition program. If, after reviewing this list and checking out the
Competition program, you still feel you have a question that requires clarification, please
send your question to
Kysymys 1 (1 Suunnittelukilpailun tavoite)
Onko tarkoitus toteuttaa suunnittelukilpailun voittava työ vai onko kyseessä ideakilpailu?
Suunnittelukilpailun tavoitteena on saada museot toisiinsa liittävän uuden nivelosan
luonnossuunnitelma. Kilpailuohjelman (2.5 Jatkotoimenpiteet kilpailun jälkeen) mukaan
palkintolautakinta suosittelee suunnittelutyön antamista voittaneelle ehdotukselle.
Question 1 (1 Competition Goals)
Is it an intention to build the winning scheme or is it an ideas competition?
The competition goal is to create a design for an extension between the two museums.
According to the competition program (2.5 Further actions after the competition) the jury
will recommend giving the design assignment for the winning entry.
Kysymys 2 (2.2 Suunnittelukilpailu julkisena hankintana)
Voitteko tarkentaa seuraavaa lausetta: “Tämä suunnittelukilpailu on EU-kynnysarvon alittava
julkinen hankinta.”
Suomalaisten hankintayksiköiden on noudatettava hankinnoissaan kansallisen
lainsäädännön ja EU:n direktiivien lisäksi Maailman kauppajärjestön julkisia hankintoja
koskevaa ns. GPA- sopimusta. Julkisiin hankintoihin liittyvästä lainsaäädännöstä lisätietoa
Question 2 (2.2 Design competition as a public procurement)
Could you further explain the following statement: “This competition is a public
procurement not exceeding the EU threshold value.”
Finnish public procurement procedures must be carried out in accordance with national
procurement legislation and the directives of the European Union. In addition Finnish
contracting authorities adhere to the World Trade Organisation Agreement on Government
Procurement (GPA). Additional information about the legislation of the public procurement
from the website at
Kysymys 3 (2.3 Osallistumisoikeus)
Onko yksittäisen kilpailijan tai kilpailijaryhmän kilpailuehdotusten määrä rajattu?
On mahdollista tehdä useampia kilpailuehdotuksia. Jokainen kilpailuehdotus tulee kuitenkin
rekisteröidä erikseen ja palauttaa omalla käyttäjätunnuksella Alvar Aalto -säätiön sähköisen
järjestelmän kautta.
Question 3 (2.3 Participation right)
Is there a limit to the number of entries on individual or team can submit?
It is possible to submit several entries. However, every entry needs to be registered
separately and submitted with own user ID by the online service of Alvar Aalto Foundation.
Kysymys 4 (2.5 Jatkotoimenpiteet kilpailun jälkeen)
Mikä on lisärakennuksen arvioitu rakennusbudjetti?
Rakennusbudjetti määritellään vasta toteutusvaiheessa.
Question 4 (2.5 Further actions after the competition)
Is there an approximate construction budget for the extension?
The construction budget will not be defined until the final decision of building the extension
has been made.
Kysymys 5 (3.1 Ohjelma-asiakirjat)
Onko mahdollista saada kilpailualuetta koskevaa lisämateriaalia (kartat, valokuvat, jne.)
Kaikki kilpailualuetta koskeva saatavilla oleva aineisto on jo sisällytetty kilpailuohjelmaan.
Question 5 (3.1 Competition documents)
Is it possible to get additional material (plans, photographs, etc.) of the site?
All the available documents of the site are already included in the Competition program.
Kysymys 6 (3.1 Ohjelma-asiakirjat)
Onko mahdollista saada museorakennuksia koskevaa lisämateriaalia (piirustuksia, valokuvia,
Seuraavat dokumentit tullaan lisäämään kilpailun ohjelma-asiakirjoihin. Tiedostot ovat
ladattavissa Alvar Aalto -säätiön kotisivuilta 15.9.2015.
Muuta museorakennuksia koskevaa aineistoa ei ole saatavilla.
- Alvar Aalto museon ja Keski-Suomen museon nivelkohdan leikkaus (PDF). Tiedostoa
ei ole saatavissa DWG-muodossa.
- Alvar Aalto museon leikkaukset A-A, B-B (PDF). Tiedostoja ei ole saatavissa DWGmuodossa.
Question 6 (3.1 Competition documents)
Is it possible to have additional material (drawings, photographs, etc.) of the museum
The following documents will be added to the competition material. The files can be
downloaded from the website 15 September 2015. There is
no other available material about the museum buildings.
- Section drawing of the Alvar Aalto Museum and the Museum of Central Finland
(PDF). The file is not available in DWG format.
- Section drawings of Alvar Aalto Museum, A-A, B-B (PDF). The files are not available
in DWG.
Kysymys 7 (3.1 Ohjelma-asiakirjat)
Onko mahdollista saada kilpailun tarkastelualuetta, mm. kilpailutehtävässä erikseen
mainittua Ruusupuiston aukiota koskevaa lisämateriaalia?
Kaikki kilpailun tarkastelualuetta koskeva saatavilla oleva aineisto on jo sisällytetty
kilpailuohjelmaan. Tarkastelualueella, kuten Ruusupuistoaukiolla, kilpailijoita toivotaan
lähinnä ideointia, ei tarkkaa ja sellaisenaan toteutettavaa suunnitelmaa. Saatavilla olevien
dokumenttien tarkkuus on siten kilpailun tässä vaiheessa riittävä.
Question 7 (3.1 Competition documents)
Is it possible to have additional material about the review area of the competition, in
particular the Ruusupuisto square, since the connection of the museums with the square is a
subject of the competition?
All the available documents of the review area are already included in the Competition
program. In the review areas like the Ruusupuisto square, the competitors are encouraged to
express more ideas than precise, realizable design. Thereby, at this stage the current
accuracy of the provided plans is sufficient.
Kysymys 8 (3.1 Ohjelma-asiakirjat)
Onko kilpailun ohjelma-asiakirjoihin kuuluvia suunnitelmia saatavilla englanninkielisillä
Kaavamääräysten käännöstä lukuun ottamatta suunnitelmista ei ole saatavilla
englanninkielisiä käännösversioita.
Question 8 (3.1 Competition documents)
Can drawings and plans of the two museums and the site be made available with English
Except for the translation of the town plan subscriptions and regulations there is no plans
and drawings available with English labels.
Kysymys 9 (3.1 Ohjelma-asiakirjat)
Onko museoiden rakennepiirustuksia saatavilla?
Rakennesuunnitelmat eivät ole relevanttia tietoa suunnittelun tässä vaiheessa.
Question 9 (3.1 Competition documents)
Are the structural design drawings of the museum buildings available?
The structural design drawings are not considered relevant information at this stage of the
Kysymys 10 (3.3 Kilpailun ratkaiseminen, tulosten julkistaminen ja näytteillepano)
Tehdäänkö kilpailuehdotusten arviointi sähköisesti vai tulostetaanko ehdotukset arviointia
Kilpailuehdotusten arviointi tehdään sähköisesti.
Question 10 (3.3 Judging the competition and publishing and displaying the results)
Will the judges be evaluating the entries online or will they be printed out for evaluation?
The evaluation of the entries will be done online.
Kysymys 11 (4.1 Kilpailutehtävän tausta ja kilpailualue)
Kilpailutehtävä sisältää kolme aluetta: tarkastelualue, kilpailualue ja rakennuspaikka.
Tuleeko lisäosan suunnitelma sijoittaa vain rakennusalueen sisään? Mikä ero on
tarkastelualueella ja kilpailualueella?
Tarkastelualue käsittää koko Ruusupuiston museoiden alueen. Kilpailualueena on museoiden
yhteinen tontti osoitteessa Alvar Aallon katu 7. Rakennuspaikka on asemakaavassa esitetty
yh-alue. Asemakaavassa osoitettu uuden nivelosan rakennuspaikka on sitova, mutta
vähäiset poikkeamat kaavasta ovat mahdollisia. Rakennusalueen maanalaista osaa on
mahdollista käyttää liittymiskorkeuksien edellyttämän tarpeen puitteissa.
Kilpailutehtävässä toivotaan lisäksi ideointia kilpailualueella sijaitsevalle, museoiden väliin
jäävälle alueelle terasseineen ja vesialtaineen sekä museoiden tontin kytkemisestä osaksi
Ruusupuiston uudisrakennuksen aukiota.
Question 11 (4.1 Background of the competition task and the competition area)
In the competition task, there are mentioned three boundaries: the review area, the
competition area, and the construction area. Are we confined to designing the extension
within the "Construction Area" only? What is the difference between the review area and
the competition area?
The review area consists of the whole Ruusupuisto park. The competition area is the plot of
the museums, in Alvar Aallon katu 7 (Alvar Aalto street 7). The construction site is the area
marked in the town plan with “yh-alue” (area for administration and office functions). The
construction site of the new extension in the town plan is binding, though minor exceptions
from the plan are possible. The underground part of the construction area is allowed to be
used according to the levels needed for connections to the existing constructions.
One of the design goals is the development of the space in between the museums with its
terraces and water basins and in addition, the competitors are encouraged to express ideas
of connecting the museums site to the neighbouring Ruusupuisto square.
Kysymys 12 (4.1 Kilpailutehtävän tausta ja kilpailualue)
Tuleeko alueella olevat puut säilyttää?
Suunnittelussa tulee toimia olemassa olevan kaavan mukaisesti. Alueen kaavassa ei ole
suojeltuja puita
Question 12 (4.1 Background of the competition task and the competition area)
Are the existing trees in the area to be retained?
The design task will have to be carried out in accordance with the existing town plan
subscriptions and regulations. There are no protected trees in the town plan.
Kysymys 13 (4.1 Kilpailutehtävän tausta ja kilpailualue)
Onko museoiden välissä olevan vesialtaan vesi luonnon purosta vai pumpattu?
Vesialtaan vesi kierrätetään sähköpumpulla. Alueella olevat luonon vedet eivät ohjaudu
Question 13 (4.1 Background of the competition task and the competition area)
Does the water in the water fountain between the museums come from a natural creek or is
it pumped into the pond and stream?
The water in the water fountain is electrically pumped and circulated. There is no natural
waters directed to the fountain.
Kysymys 14 (4.1 Kilpailutehtävän tausta ja kilpailualue)
Kuinka museoiden pysäköinti ja ajoliikenne on järjestetty?
Museoiden vieraspysäköinti on järjestetty asemakaavassa LPA merkityllä alueella ja
henkilökunnan pysäköinti LP-1 merkityllä alueella. Keski-Suomen museon sisäänkäynnin
edustalla on lisäksi muutamia vieraspaikkoja. Tilausajobussit voivat pysähtyä Alvar Aalto
museon edessä Alvar Aallon kadulla. Keski-Suomen museon ja Ruusupuistonaukion välissä
olevalla katualueella on sallittu kevytliikenne, pihaanajo ja huoltoajo. Pysäköinnin uudelleen
järjestäminen tulee ajankohtaiseksi peruskorjauksen yhteydessä.
Question 14 (4.1 Background of the competition task and the competition area)
How is the parking and the traffic around the museum buildings organized?
The visitor parking of both museums is marked in the town plan with LPA and the parking of
the staff with LP-1. In front of the Museum of Central Finland there are also couple of visitor
parking lots. Charter buses can stop in front of the Alvar Aalto Museum in the Alvar Aallon
katu. In the road area in between the Museum of Central Finland and the Ruusupuisto square
is allowed driving into the few existing parking lots, service traffic and walking/cycling.
Reorganizing the parking facilities will become relevant during the upcoming renovation and
building project.
Kysymys 15 (4.1 Kilpailutehtävän tausta ja kilpailualue)
Mikä on museorakennusten nykyinen lämmitysjärjestelmä?
Question 15 (4.1 Background of the competition task and the competition area)
What is the existing heating resource of the museum buildings?
District heating.
Kysymys 16 (4.3 Tilaohjelma)
Onko uuteen nivelosaan tarkoitus sijoittaa molemmille museoille uusi sisäänkäynti ja
säilyvätkö museoiden omat sisäänkäynnit käytössä?
Molempien museoiden nykyiset sisäänkäynnit säilyvät, mutta myöskään uudelle
sisäänkäynnille ei ole estettä. Nykyiset museoiden aulatilat palvelevat mm. ryhmien
sisäänkäyntiä. Asian suunnittelu jää kilpailijan harkintaan.
Question 16 (4.3 Summary of spaces)
Is there an intention of situating a new entrance for both museums to the new extension,
and will both museums still remain having their own entrances?
Both museums do, and will remain having their own main entrances. There is no reason
why there could not also be a public entrance to the new extension from outside. The design
is to the discretion of the competitor.
Kysymys 17 (4.3 Tilaohjelma)
Onko museoiden julkisivuihin mahdollista tehdä uusia aukotuksia lisäosan liitoskohtaan?
Olemassa olevien ovi- ja ikkuna-aukotusten lisäksi julkisivuihin on mahdollista tehdä uusia
aukotuksia. Myös Keski-Suomen museon 2. Kerroksen kattoterassia on mahdollista
tarvittaessa hyödyntää lisäosan liitoskohdissa.
Poistumistiet on toteutettava Suomen rakentamismääräyskokoelmassa esitettyjen
säädösten mukaan
Question 17 (4.3 Summary of spaces)
Can new openings be made on the existing museum building facades to connect the new
It is possible to do new openings to the facades not sticking to the existing door and window
openings. Also the 2nd floor rooftop of Museum of Central-Finland can be used in the
connecting points of the new extension. The emergency exits have to be designed according
to the Finnish building quote The National Building Code of Finland
Kysymys 18 (4.3 Tilaohjelma)
Onko lisäosan korkeutta rajoitettu?
Asemakaavassa ei ole rajoitettu lisärakennuksen korkeutta.
Question 18 (4.3 Summary of spaces)
Is there a height limitation to the new extension?
There is no limitation to the height in the town plan.
Kysymys 19 (4.3 Tilaohjelma)
Kuinka Keski-Suomen museon olemassa olevaa hissiä voidaan hyödyntää ja tuleeko
lisärakennukseen suunnitella uusi hissi?
Museoiden tulee olla esteettömästi yhteydessä molemmista nykyisistä kerroksistaan toisiinsa
mm. uusittavan hissin kautta. Keski-Suomen museon olemassa oleva tavara/henkilöhissi
tulee säilyttää ja uusia tarvittavilta osin. Kilpailuehdotuksessa ei edellytetä suunniteltavan
uutta hissiä. Englanninkielisessä kilpailuohjelmassa on tältä osin ollut virheellistä tietoa.
“Uusittavan hissin” sijaan on tekstissä mainittu “uusi hissi”.
Alvar Aalto -säätiön sivuilta on ladattavissa kilpailuohjelman
ohjelma-asiakirjoihin lisämateriaalina liitetty leikkauspiirustus. Piirustuksessa näkyvät
kilpailuohjelman kohdassa 4.3 Tilaohjelma ilmoitetut molempien museoiden lattiakorot,
joiden mukaan uuden nivelosan liittymät tulee toteuttaa.
Question 19 (4.3 Summary of spaces)
How is the existing elevator of Museum of Central Finland to be utilized in the design and is
there a requirement of adding a new elevator to the extension?
The two museums have to be accessible and connected in both existing floors with among
other things via the renewed elevator. The existing service/passenger elevator of Museum of
Central Finland has to be maintained and renewed to the extent necessary. A new elevator is
not a requirement in the design of the new extension. There has been a faulty wording in the
English version of the Competition program 4.3 Summary of spaces; “via the new elevator”,
should have been “via the renewed elevator”.
Related to the floor levels of the existing museums and the connective gateways of the new
extension, there is a new section drawing available at the website of Alvar Aalto Foundation . In the drawing are presented the floor levels of both
museums, which have to be used in designing the connecting points of the new extension.
Kysymys 20 (4.3 Tilaohjelma)
Mitä vaatimuksia uuden museokaupan työtiloille on asetettu?
Museokaupassa tulee varautua kolmeen työpisteeseen. Työpisteet sijaitsevat
museokauppatilassa ja ovat siellä työskentelevien työntekijöiden käytössä.
Question 20 (4.3 Summary of spaces)
What are the requirements for the workstations in the museum shop?
A plan of three workstations in the museum shop will have to be taken into account. The
workstations will be located in the museum shop area and they are used by the staff working
in the shop.
Kysymys 21 (4.3 Tilaohjelma)
Mitä vaatimuksia uuden museokaupan työtiloille on asetettu?
Museokaupassa tulee varautua kolmeen työpisteeseen. Työpisteet sijaitsevat
museokauppatilassa ja ovat siellä työskentelevien työntekijöiden käytössä.
Question 21 (4.3 Summary of spaces)
What are the requirements for the workstations in the museum shop?
A plan of three workstations in the museum shop will have to be taken into account. The
workstations will be located in the museum shop area and they are used by the staff working
in the shop.
Kysymys 22 (4.3 Tilaohjelma)
Mitä vaatimuksia tekniselle tilalle on asetettu?
Tekninen tila on ensisijaisesti ns. konehuone, ei työpaja.
Question 22 (4.3 Summary of spaces)
What are the requirements for the technical room?
The technical room is primarily a space for technical installations, not a workshop.
Kysymys 23 (5.1 Vaadittavat asiakirjat ja kilpailusalaisuus)
Mitä tietoja tulee sisällyttää kilpailuehdotuksen selostukseen?
Selostuksen sisältö jää kilpailijan harkintaan.
Question 23 (5.1 Documents required and confidentiality)
What information must be included in the summary report?
The content of the summary is left to the discretion of the competitor.
Kysymykset / Questions
1. if you could clarify whether you do indeed intend to build the winning scheme, or if
it is an ideas competition only (i.e. with no intention of building any of the
2.2 Suunnittelukilpailu julkisena hankintana
2.2 Design competition as a public procurement
2. Could you further explain the following statement: “This competition is a public
procurement not exceeding the EU threshold value.”
2.3 Osallistumisoikeus
2.3 Participation right
3. Is there a limit to the number of entries an individual or team submit? 4. Can I enter alone as an artist? 5. Is it possible for a team to send more than one proposal? 6. Can we send more then one entry or we have to have 2 registrations? 2.5 Jatkotoimenpiteet kilpailun jälkeen
2.5 Further actions after the competition
7. Is there an approximate construction budget for the extension at this stage?
3.1 Ohjelma-asiakirjat
3.1 Competition documents
8. It is possible to get more information about the site (plans, dwg, ...) 9. Please confirm if there is a CAD drawing (DWG) available for the 2nd floor of the
Museum of Central Finland? 10. Is there an accurate topographic map of the competition area? The digital file
provided in the link is not usable. We would prefer a Rhino file but if that is not
available, then a Sketchup file would be fine. 11. Is there a digital file of site and building sections? Floor Plans? 12. Is there a better quality three dimensional digital model available? The model
provided in the link is unusable. Please advise the best way to obtain accurate
information about buildings and site. 13. Are there any high resolution photos available for use in a rendering? The images
provided are 300 pixels per inch but the image size is 10” x 7” 14. dwg. sections of the existing two buidings ( Aalto and Finland Museum). Without the
sections we can not draw 3d dwgs. 15. Is there a section drawing for the site of competition? 16. Are there section drawings available of both the Alvar Aalto and the Keski Suomen
Museums? 17. Asettaessani annettuja cad-tiedostoja tonttikarttaan (kohdistus)...totesin
huomattavaa poikkavuutta. eli onko mahdollista, että asetatte kilpailijoiden
käyttöön yhdistetyt tiedostot? tällä varmistettaisiin kaikkien työstävän samaa
lähtökohtaa. 18. Is there any 3D model of the site Topography we can use in order to have an
accurate measurement of the extension area as well as the overall competition
area? 19. Do you have cad drawings of these two buildings in competition archive:-roofs elevations-sections 20. Is it possible to find cad drawings of all floor plans of both buildings ? 21. There is hardly any photos of the Alvar Aalto Museum - a few of the facades, but
none from the interior. It would be very helpful to have more photos from this
building 22. Some of the maps are in Finnish or Swedish. Could you please send us a link for an
engligh version 23. I would like to request, if posible, further information such as: dwg file of the 2nd
floor of Museum of Central Finland, dwg files of sections and elevations of both
museums. 24. "" -tiedostosta puuttuvat kokonaan
kilpailuohjelmassa kohdassa 3.1 "Ohjelma-asiakirjat" lueteltujen molempien
museoiden leikkausten (ja julkisivujen) dwg:t ja pdf:t! Varsinkin kyseiset dwgtiedostot ovat suorastaan välttämättömiä kilpailussa vaadittavien asiakirjojen
tekemiseen: kilpailuohjelma kohta 5.1 "Vaadittavat asiakirjat": leikkaus, jossa
esitetty Alvar Aalto- museon,nivelosan ja Keski-Suomen museon liittyminen
toisiinsa ehdotuksen kannalta oleelliset leikkaukset ja julkisivut materiaali -ja
värimerkinnöin 1:200 25. The site plan doesn't seems very conclusive specially within the green zone/the
competition area. The contour plans is not very clear because they don't have the
contour figures (levels). It would be really good if the competitors can get the
correct contour plan, that will make it easy now to model up on CAD as well as built
a physical model later. 26. I would like to ask you for more information about the heights of the Alvar Aalto
museum and the museum of Central Finland in order to have a reference for the
new extention. Can you give me the values numbers in relation with the levels??? 27. Will sections of the buildings be available to competitors? 28. I wonder if it`s possible to have sections trough both buildings or, if not, sections
trough each building? 29. Would it be possible to provide sections and façade plans with measurements of the
two buildings? Especially the façades where the intervention is located would be
helpful. 30. Huomasin kilpailuohjelmassa mainittujen Alvar Aalto -Museon leikkausten
puuttuvan kilpailuaineistosta. Olisiko kyseisiä leikkauksia mahdollista lisätä
aineistoon. 31. Could you provide accurate section drawings of the existing museums? 32. Can we please suggest that a cross section through both buildings be provided along
with the other drawings? 33. There are some DWG drawings missing among the provided documents:  Museum of Central Finland 1st and 2nd floor plans with floor levels.  Museum of Central Finland sections.  Museum of Central Finland elevations.  Alvar Aalto Museum sections.  Alvar Aalto Museum elevations. 34. Mm. molempien museoiden leikkaus-dwg (ja pdf) -tiedostot on lueteltu
kilpailuohjelman (eri osapuolten hyväksymä) sivulla 4 kohdassa 3.1 Ohjelmaasiakirjat -listassa. "" -tiedosto ei siis
kuitenkaan sisällä " 3.1 Ohjelma-asiakirjat" -listassa lueteltuja ja jo annettuja dwg (ja
pdf) tiedostoja. 35. Ohjelma-asiakirjojen annetusta "Kilpailualueen pohjakartta -dwg" tiedostosta
puuttuu tärkeä uuden Yliopiston Ruusupuisto-rakennuksen piha-aukio -järjestelyn
dwg-informaatio kokonaan. Siinä suurella alueella on vain kolme vanhaa
korkeuskäyrää. Ruusupuistonaukion dwg-tiedot ovat välttämättömiä kun järjestäjä
toivoo (kilpailuohjelman sivu 6 alaosa) ideoita museoiden tontin kytkemisestä osaksi
Ruusupuiston uudisrakennuksen uutta aukiota. 36. Are there any more that you could provide; particularly sections and plans? As we
are required to design an interior space as well as an external form we need further
information to try and understand and recreate the existing spaces. 37. Is it possible to get a CAD version of sections for the buildings. 38. There is not floor levels in the Museum of Central Finland 39. Do the topographic conditions which are complex, this levels are really necessary. 40. The file downloaded from competition site:
07_Ruusupuisto_Museum_of_Central_Finland_drawings_Alvar_Aalto.pdf ARK 6
shows miscellaneous building sections named Leikkaus A, B, C, D and Details 1, 2, 3,
4, 5. Can you please give a key plan or elevation with the section and detail
locations indicated? 41. Can you provide competitors with the DWG files of elevations and sections of the
two existing museums? 42. Can drawings (floor plans) of the two museums on site be made available with
English labels? Both .pdf and .dwg are labelled in Finnish. 43. I would like to inquire if your foundation can also provide one or both of the cross
section drawings through the Alvar Aalto Museum building, which are represented
on the level plans (A-A & B-B), but are missing from the downloadable package
available on the aforementioned website. 44. Lastly, if I may speak not only for myself but also for the rest of the international
community interested in participating in this competition but unable to visit the site
before the deadline, I believe a more a detailed site plan of the Ruusupuisto Area,
scaled 1:500, is required. This would be crucial for a better understanding of the
natural terrain between the buildings of the two museums and also for a thorough
analysis of the pedestrian, auto and technical-delivery access and circulation
happening on site. 45. In the file 08_Ruusupuisto_Aerial_photos.pdf we can see works going on in the
Review Area. What is their purpose? Are there any updated photos of the Review
Area showing the final state? 46. Is it possible to have sections of the two new museums in .dwg file? 47. Is it possible to get the existing floor plan with room names in English ? 48. There are some rooms within the given plans that are labeled in short form - could
these abbreviations be advised? 49. Adjacent university building - What are the landscape materials used on as-built
landscape design? Is there a landscape / ground floor plan available? 50. Lighting requirements - would museum be opened during early evening period?
What is the exterior facade / landscape lighting? Can an early evening photo be
provided? 51. Can a better day time photo be provided without road works blockades in the fore
ground? 52. Could a close up photo be provided for the ceramic tile used for Alvar Aalto
museum? Approximately 1x1 sqm. 53. Presume exterior plastering is used extensively on both buildings. If possible a close
up photo of such material can be provided. 54. The buildings' AutoCAD layouts only include annotations in Finnish; kindly advise if
space annotation can be provided in English. 55. Please advise if outdoor levels at the connection area can be provided. 56. Please advise if photographs of Alvar Aalto Museum interior, especially the second
level, can be provided. 57. Would it be possible to have drawings of the façade and other relevant drawings of
two museums in .dwg format? 58. Since the water basins space is a subject of the competition a more detailed dwg file
is needed (with height markings). 59. Since the connection of the museums with the Ruusupuisto square is a subject of
the competition a more detailed dwg file is needed. 60. There are several photos of the inside space of the Museum of Central Finland at the
connection area but none of the inside space of the Alvar Aalto Museum (2nd
floor). Could you provide us with some photos? 61. There are no Section files (A-A' and B-B') of neither Aalto Museum nor Museum of
central Finland in the competition materials. 62. Any DWG elevation drawings? 63. Can some section drawings of both museums be made available in CAD-format? 64. Are interior photographs of the Aalto Museum available? 65. Are building section drawings of the Aalto Museum available? 66. Please provide site sections. 67. What is the floor level of the Museum of Central Finland? 68. What are the contour levels of the site and its surroundings? 69. How much increase/decrease in level does each contour line mean in the site plan
dwg? 70. What are the current floor to floor heights of the buildings ? 71. What are the existing entry and exit points for the two museums ? 72. The autocad survey plan with the contours provided is not clear with respect to
levels for the competition area. We have also referred google images to get clear
picture of contour levels. Can you provide precise contour levels of the competition
area or atleast for the construction area ? 73. What is the material used for the construction of walls for the existing museums ? 74. Any sections of Alvar Aalto museum and Museum of central Finland?
75. Actual facades of Alvar Aalto museum and Museum of central Finland? 76. Full plans of the 2nd and 3rd floor of Museum of central Finland?
77. Any 3d files of the museums?
78. Is there a specific image that you would like or I can choose any image seem at
pictures you send ? 79. Are there sections with precise heights of the two buildings? 80. 12.42 dotted area and 12.4222 dotted area cannot be identified on the town plan.
Would you indicate which is which on the town plan? 81. 12.63 Street area where a vehicle connection cannot be situated. This cannot be
identified on the town plan. Would you clarify? 82. 12.752 sr-1 the Act on the Protection of Buildings as well as 12.9999 the Nationally
Significant Built Environmental area. Can we get some English extracts of the two
regulations only the items related to this competition? 83. Plot 5-72-18 is the same as the competition area on the page 6/8 of the Competition
program? 84. If you can organise to get a more clear & detailed site contour plan concentrated
only around the area marked with green line in the competition document at a scale
of either 1:500 or 1:200 85. Is it possible to have access to drawings of the parking below the square in front the
two Aalto’s buildings? 86. Between the material we have there are not cross section about the museums. Is it
possible to give us some cross section? I so in the picture that the ground is quite
irregular so the cross sections are fundamental to understand the relations both
between the two buildings and between each one and the ground 87. Is it possible to have a plan with the topography of the area? 88. Is possible to have a key plan with the point of view of the pictures you gave us? 89. Can we get the plan drawings of the Keski Suomi museun in DWG, of all the floors
90. Do you have more plans of the existing elevator in keski Suomi museo? 91. Is there any chance of getting complete sections and elevations CAD drawings, if
not, the levels of Beams, Slabs, and Ceilings?
92. Can you deliver specific construction details drawings or specifications about both
the Alvar Aalto museum and the Museum of Central Finland, in adition to develop
an appropiate joint, between the new building and the existing ones.
93. Could you please advise if a more detailed site plan of the competition area with
levels is available?
94. Could you please advise if sections and elevations of the existing buildings in CAD
.DWG format are available?
95. Is there any 3-dimensional CAD .DWG information available of the existing buildings
or site?
96. Alvar Aalto ́s original drawings (pdf files) of the Alvar Aalto Museum indicate some
levels outside the building (in plans, sections and façades), but the internal levels
don ́t match the ones indicated in the new plans (dwg files). Is it possible to make
the updated external levels available? (near doors etc) And if possible, also the
updated heights of the building?
97. The Extension to be designed will interfere in the façades of the two buildings, what
are the limitations in terms of the Heritage Features of the area? (regarding the
existing windows and doors for instance) .
98. Please provide information about the new museum which locates in YO-4( including
the name of it, plans of every floor, the general plan, the exhibits inside etc.)
99. What are the functions of the buildings located in ALK(the building marked VI) and
AO-s(the red building west of the museums marked ‘290 sr-25’)?
We want to know whether the original main entrance is still used since the
extension built in 1990.
Please provide us the drawings of RUUSUPUISTO plaza or the intention of
design for the plaza. (rendering pictures )
Please provide the new landscape site plan. 103.
We want to know about the Jyväskylä Art Festival whether it just celebrates
inside the Alvar Aalto Museum or outside as well. How many people use the site for
the Festival
Please provide the photos taken in the night of this area. 105.
What do sr and ar-25 mean for the building on the site plan?(the
importance/level of these buildings)
Please provide the guide maps of the Museum of Central Finland and the
Alvar Aalto Museum.
What are the functions of the campus building around the museums? 108.
Can we have the a competition site in dwg? i mean the area 109.
Can we havet the section between the building? 110.
Is there the DWG drawing data of the second floor of the Museum of
Central Finland? When there are drawing data, would you offer it?
Is there the structural design drawing of existing museums? Would you offer
it if there is a drawing?
Are the BIM models available for both the museums? Archicad? 113.
The buildings' AutoCAD layouts only include annotations in Finnish; kindly
advise if space annotation can be provided in English.
Please advise if outdoor levels at the connection area can be provided. 115.
Advise if photographs of Alvar Aalto Museum interior, especially the second
level, can be provided.
Can you provide sections and elevation in dwg? The porpose is based only in
the cafetería and the landscape surroundings?
In the .pdf files "09_Ruusupuisto_Photographs_today" page 2 and
"08_Ruusupuisto_Aerial_photos" page 3, it is visible a constuction site going on.
What are they building there?
Until now the Seminaarinkatu street was one-way traffic. Is it something
change from the new area development?
In order to express a better solutions for the connection between the
museums site and the neighbouring Ruusupuisto square, it is possible to have a
detailed plan with all the design development of the area (traffic ways, parking
areas, etc.)?
Is it possible to have the .dwg file with the second floor of the Central
Finland Museum?
Is it possible to have .dwg files with sections and elevations of the two
Is it possible to have a .dwg file with the individuation of the construction
Point 2 of the Competition Program says: "Both museum buildings are
protected with the town plan sr-1 [..]" which means that both museum are
protected building and there are parts of them which cannot be demolished. Which
are the buildings' parts that cannot be demolished? 124.
Is it possible to have a 3d file of the area? 125.
Is it possible to have sections of the two museums in .dwg file? 126.
It is possible to have a file of the brook in .dwg? 127.
It is possible to have an aerial image of the competition area? 128.
Is it possible to have a section in dwg format from the the two museums in
the competition area, to know exactly the levels?
I also verified that the file in dwg
'04_Ruusupisto_Competition_area_map' don't have the limits of the construction
area, could you give it to us, please? only to be more precise in the drawings.
Can you provide the floor elevations for the second floor of the Museum of
Central Finland? It looks to be various levels on the second floor.
3.3 Kilpailun ratkaiseminen, tulosten julkistaminen ja näytteillepano
3.3 Judging the competition and publishing and displaying the results
Will the judges be evaluating the entries online or will they be printed out
for evaluation?
4.1 Kilpailutehtävän tausta ja kilpailualue
4.1 Background of the competition task and the competition area
There are three boundaries, the review area, the competition area, and the
construction area, are we confined to designing the extension within the
"Construction Area" only? What is the difference between the review area and the
competition area? Can we design within the review and competition area
Existing trees - noted there are a few large trees in front of Alvar Aalto
museum - presume these need to be retained? How about existing trees within new
building area? Would these trees need to be transplanted within site?
After building the model of the master plan with museums I tried to project
this pink area of extension on the masterplan and I saw that pink area much wider
than 200m2(it's about 290-300m2). Is this pink are just a mark of the extension
location or right and certain borders of extension?
The form of instruction suggests that the connection between the museums
and the nearby university campus/buildings will be one of the main judging points.
What is the level of construction/modification we can apply? Is the re-design of this
area something that you would like to be undertaken as part of the proposal? What
is the exact area that is affected by this point?
The gardens outside between the museum seem to have some water
basins/ponds and a water stream. Is the water pumped into the pond and stream? Is
it all piped underground? If that is the case, would it be possible to have a diagram
showing this in more detail?
How many people visit each museum annually? 137.
What is a typical exhibition layout at level two of the Aalto museum? 138.
Are flags ever flown on the three red flagpoles? 139.
On which level is the groundwater under the building site, yh ? 140.
When is water pouring down the hillside by the torrential brook ? 141.
What is the maximum flow and how big is it ? 142.
What kind of traffic and parking is allowed on Ruusupuistonaukio and the
former street in the continuing of Alvar Aallon Katu ? May the traffic for these two
museums in any way use this?
For what use is the highter parking, LP-1, and is it in any way for the
museums ? May this parking be part of the design for the competition ?
During which time period during the year, dates, do caféguests sit outside
on the small bridge ?
The alignments that marks the area of intervention is the alignments that
must be maintained for the project or report the maximum range that can be
Can the Competition Project take care of the space between the museums
(without touching the fountain) and in front of them, towards Alvar Aallon Katu?
After building the model of the master plan with museums I tried to project
this pink area of extension on the masterplan and I saw that pink area much wider
than 200m2 (it's about 290-300m2). Is this pink are just a mark of the extension
location or right and certain borders of extension?
Is the street on the east side pedestrian only? ( The part of the street
between the museums and the new plaza)
Who are the current and target visitors to both museums? Does the
museum receive great numbers of visitors on buses?
Would you please let us know about existing heat & cool resources of the
two buildings? For example, Heat resource: Boiler, Heat pump, VRV, Geothermal
heat pump, Solar heat collector, etc. Cool resource: Water-cooling chiller, Aircooling chiller, VRV, Geothermal heat pump etc. Are there any possibilities to utilize
the existing resources?
Could you please advise on average annual visitor numbers to the Alvar
Aalto Museum and the Museum of Central Finland?
Does the planned extension interfere with the water collection of the basin?
Is it possible to use the underground of the Construction Area (yh) indicated
in the map (page 6-Competition Program) ?
Could we have more information about the path of the “creek” that feeds
the water basins near the Alvar Aalto Museum? From the pictures available it ́s
possible to see that it runs right across the Construction Area assigned for the
The small spring always be fulled of water, or only natural collection from
land typography by seasons ? or only after winter , or other reason ? cause for us
water fountain designed by Alvar Aalto is important element of existing landscape.
We just see 3 pine trees are cut out at the last picture of year 2015, they are
not necessary?
4.2 Kilpailun suunnitteluohjeet
4.2 Design guidelines
Is there a thought restriction of dynamism of form as well? or is it that we
just have to follow the ideologies of Alvar Alto's Architecture?
4.3 Tilaohjelma
4.3 Summary of spaces
Would the new gateway be acting as an entry to the alvar alto museum or It
was just be another entry to the museum shop?
Can new openings be made on the existing museum façades to connect with
new addition in the center site? If so, are we limited to door-size openings? Or could
a larger portion of the wall be torn down to allow for this new connection?
Can the rooftop on the Keski Suomen level become usable?
Do all the trees that currently occupy the new addition site need to be kept?
Does the creek need to be kept as well?
Is there a height limitation to the new addition?
Should we understand that each museum will still have their own entrance?
Or should we also consider the new addition to be the entrance to both museums?
Are the tickets for both museums purchased separately? Or do guests
purchase one ticket for both museums?
From the briefing we understand that one of the requirements is to add a
new passenger elevator in order to connect the two levels of the connecting
gateway and consequently both levels of the Alvar Aalto Museum. However we
noticed that already exist an elevator at the Central Finland Museum. Therefore we
would like to know what exactly the requirement are: do we have to do a new
elevator or do we only have to enable a connection to the existing one? In case of
adding a new elevator, we are also reconsidering the size of it. Wouldn’t it be better
if it is a service elevator rather than restrict it to passenger elevator?
Connection between what? Does the lower gateway has only to be
connected to the Alvar Aalto Museum’s first floor level? We spouse it has to be
accessible from the Alvar Aalto Museum’s first floor and from the first level of the
gateway throughout the elevator but not to the central Finland Museum.
“The space in between the museums with its terraces and water basins
creates an interesting outer space. The development of this space is one of the
design goals. In addition, the competitors are encouraged to express ideas of
connecting the museums site to the neighboring Ruusupuisto square.” The green
line defines the limit of the competition area. According to the above paragraph, Is it
expected to define a landscape and urban design proposal within the entirety of
borders (the intervention must be done in all the perimeter)? In that case, we
assume that the frontdoor area of both museums, that separates the museums site
with the neighboring Ruusupuisto square, can be changed and restructured in
different manner in order to articulate the relation between both outdoor spaces.
How will ticketing work with the new extension? For example, will ticketing
be combined to provide entrance to both museums? Can the main entrance be
relocated to the new extension?
Can you provide more information about the required workstations in the
new museum shop? Are these cashier’s/clerk’s desks? Do they need to have cash
registers or point-of-sale computers?
What is the “lower connecting gateway” connecting the Alvar Aalto Museum
to? Is it connecting the museum only to the extension or to the Museum of Central
Finland as well?
Must the vehicular paths/streets (directly in front of both museums) be
maintained? In other words, can we propose changes to the landscape here?
Can we propose changes to the landscape at/in front of the University
Tuleeko kilpailuohjelmaa tulkita siten, että olemassa oleva hissi säilyttää
sijaintinsa, jolloin hissiin ja hissikuiluun tehdään muutoksia, jotka mahdollistavat
esteettömän pääsyn sekä Alvar Aalto -Museon 1. että 2. kerrokseen? Vai
suunnitellaanko Alvar Aalto -Museon tasoeroja varten täysin uusi henkilöhissi?
Voiko muuttaa Aalto-museon olemassaolevan kahvilan keittio- ja
tarjoilutilaa, jotta liittyminen uudisosasta kahvilaan olisi luontevaa?
vaihtoehtoisesti : voiko uudisosasta muodostaa kahvilan viereen katetun yhteyden,
vaikka alue on rakennettavaksi merkityn alueen ulkopuolella?
Palveleeko uusi hissi koko yleisoa, vai onko se varattu ennen kaikkea
henkilokunnan ja tavaran kuljetukseen? Ja palveleeko se yksin molempia
Tarvitseeko portaat ramppien ohella, jos ramppien nousu on 8%? 178.
Onko mahdollista tuoda uusi hissi Aalto-museon olemassa oleviin tiloihin? 179.
What should be the maximum height of the proposed new extension
connection building?
May we make a proposal to setup the Ruusupuisto square to strenght the
concept of the new extension connection building?
Can we change the location of the existing access doors (emergency doors)
to the new extension connection building from both museum?
The brief states the indicative floor area of the extension between the
museums is circa 280 m2. However, the town plan notations and regulations add
that if the technical systems are located underground then the total area can reach a
total of 400 m2. Does the competition require a strict gross area of 280 m2 - or as
mentioned in the town plan documents the option of going underground may allow
for more gross square meters?
Competition Program/4.3/ "The two museums have to be accessible and
connected with among other things via the new elevator." Where is the new
Do the three work-stations (in the museum shop) have to have a direct
relation with visitors? or Do they have a more private character?
Is the existing pond designed by alvar aalto taking the water from a natural
spring or it is artificial?
When in the brief it is said the new elevator, does it mean the existing
elevator in the central finland museum or we need to add a new one?
Does the existing elevator need to connect people to the second floor of the
alvar aalto museum? Is it possible to change the interior of the elevator and add a
new door connecting to the second floor of the alvar aalto museum?
In the program it's written 280 square meters of "floor area" for the new
extension. Is this reported to the surface of each floor, or to the total one?
In the program it's written that the new addition has to link the two
museums. But, do we have to link this addition also to the outdoor? Will this be the
new entrance for both museums? Or maybe the exit, considering that there is the
shop? And, if it's a new entrance, have we to design a reception and a guarderobe?
In the program it's written that there has to be a museum shop with utility
spaces and workstations that links the second floor of the Alvar Aalto Museum to
the first floor of the Museum of Central Finland, and then there has to be a lower
connective gateway for the storage that links to the Alvar Aalto museum's first floor.
Does that mean that the shop can just be at the upper floor?
The Alvar Aalto Museum's first floor (ground floor) has a service entrance to
the kitchen situated in the competition area. Is this entrance operational and does it
need to be directly accessible ?
I have also noticed that an informal pathway has been formed in between
the two museums, that links the front road, the Alvar Café and the little parking that
founds itself behind the Alvar Aalto Museum. Is this pathway consider of high
importance ?
Is it allowed to construct below the ground level on the site, if yes how deep
it is possible to excavate?
Are there any requirements regarding the trees growing on site, if it is
possible to remove them, etc.?
Onko tarkoitus, että esteetön yhteys Alvar Aalto-museon 1. ja 2. kerroksen
välillä toteutetaan
a.väliosaan sijoittuvalla määräykset täyttävällä luiskarakenteella
vai b.alayhdyskäytävän kautta Keski-Suomen museon kellaritilaan ulottuvaan uuteen
hissiin, millä hujautetaan kyseisen museon 1. kerrokseen ja sieltä jatkaen luiskaa
pitkin takaisin Alvar Aalto-museoon.
Should there be a descent into the vault of the museum shop? 197.
Should the projected space have an ability of transform, or it is not
Is only the shop going to be located in the pass way on the second floor, or
this space can also be used for exhibitions?
What are they going to sell in the shop? Any books? If so, how many?
Should there be a lift or an escalator, or a ramp is enough? 201.
Should there be an access to the terrace from the planned pass way? 202.
Where should the main entrance to the combined museums be located? 203.
The brief says that both buildings and fountain are protected. How can we
connect the extension without altering the facades? Can we open holes on the
facades where the extension area relates to both buildings or should we connect
through the existing doors and windows?
Is the paving in between the buildings and around the fountain also
protected or can we modify it?
Can you let me know the type of trees that exist in the green area where the
gateway needs to be designed?
The 280 m2 are CUS or COS? 207.
Are there any height limitations? 208.
Is this gateway connection meant to become the main entrance to both
buildings or just an inner connection? Should it be planned with a formal primary
entrance or none?
What are precisely the three workstations for? Are office spaces or just part
of working/staff areas for the shop? Should they be enclosed workstations as
The lower connective gateway should only be related to the Alvar Aalto's
museum and not at all to the museum of Finland, is that right? Should this storage
and technical space be connected to the whole gateway extension through an inner
circulation or can it be detached and accessed only from outside the new gateway
and from the first floor of the Alvar Aalto museum?
The value of the lift to design is exclusively technical, or should serve users
of museum visitors?
There is a need to design a stair between the two levels of the new
The workstations have to be considered as cash desks?
We were not clear of the desired connection to the lower level of the Alvar
Aalto museum. While we understand the primary connection desired is between Lvl
1 of the Museum of Central Finland, and Lvl 2 of the Alvar Aalto Museum, is it
intended that the new extension provide accessible/equitable access for disabled
patrons directly to Lvl 1 of the Alvar Aalto Museum also? Is it intended that the
technical space, connected to Lvl 1 of the Alvar Aalto Museum, be also connected to
the floor level of the proposed extension, or only Lvl 1 of the Alvar Aalto Museum? Is
it intended that the technical space, connected to Lvl 1 of the Alvar Aalto Museum,
have direct access to the existing elevator in the Museum of Central Finland or is this
not required? Is it intended that the existing elevator is sufficient for all accessibility
requirements, and that this elevator, by way of the new extension, is capable of
providing required access to Lvl 2 of the Alvar Aalto Museum? Or is it intended that
a new lift be provided as part of the works to facilitate connection to the technical
It is written in the conditions that the connection between the Alvar Aalto
Museum’s first floor level and lower connective gateway(storage space for the
exhibition materials and the technicalroom) is at the level +85.960. But on the plan
of the Alvar Aalto Museum’s first floor is level +85.710 in that place. So what level to
take yet?
To assume the connection through the door which is to the room KEITTIÖ
(kitchen) now, or to assume that there will be another door in the future,
somewhere near this place?
The Museum of Central Finland’s first floor level is +87.554? Because it's not
shown in the drawing of this museum's plan.
What does it mean: to express ideas of connecting the museums site to the
Ruusupuisto square( Ruusupuiston aukio, in the drawing, if I understand correctly),
what could it be?
From the paragraph, the summary of spaces required in this extension is
only 280sqm. Is that correct? Are competitors allowed to propose extra usage of
space that may exceed the 280sqm floor area?
Any height restriction to the extension? 221.
Level connection: in the CAD drawing, the ground level of Musuem of Central Finland is +87.5, but Section 4.3 indicated +87.554; the ground level of Museum of
Alvar Aalto is +85.710 in the CAD drawing, but Section 4.3 indicated as 85.960. Please clarify
which levels (in CAD or competition document) we should follow.
The water fountain adjacent to the Alvar Aalto Museum were "protected
under the town plan", does that mean we could not propose new use to, build over,
or remove the water fountain for the purpose of this competition?
‘The two museums have to be accessible and connected with among other
things via the new elevator.’ But is is not clear in the new elevator is existing and
working today, or if have to be proposed into the new extension building, because it
is just described a total area for the extension of 280m2 distributed: - museum shop
& utilities ( 3 workstatios) : 200m2 - storage space: 80m2. So there is not described a
new elevator, hence it make confuse if have to be proposed a new elevator or if
there is one already working, but it is not described where is located specifically,
please clarify this
Is there underground infrastructure that needs to be considered? 225.
Can we relocate the parking lot on site? 226.
What significance does the small red building on the top of the slope behind
the two Altao buildings have?
What are the inadequacies the museum considers current provisions is
insufficient and would like to improve apart from additional connection between
museum with museum shop relocation? - for example, lavatory provisions, size of
Cafe Alvar, kitchen provisions, display extent.
Workstations within museum shop - any minimum sizes required? 229.
Egress - what are the minimum travel distances and maximum size of fire
Carparks - please advise the maximum number of car parks required? 231.
Please advise the lavatory provision requirement per floor area for
What are the disabled lavatory requirements? Internal dimensional
requirements, provisions (Water closet, basin, grab bars locations and dimensions).
Is the air raid shelter still a standard requirement for all buildings? Can these
rooms be used if not a statutory requirement?
Noted The museum promotes architectural education within the confines of
the museum with educational talks and workshops for various ages - what are the
largest sizes of these groups? Any requirements to existing provisions the museum
would like to improve?
Access to disabled lavatory - width of passage and turning areas. 236.
Is it necessary to connect the extension with museums by only existing
doors? or it's possible to make an opening through the existing museum walls?
I'm not sure, what these workstations for? I mean what is their function? 238.
Does it mean that lower level(lower connective gateway, storage space for
the exhibition materials and the technical) should only be connected with the Alvar
Aalto Museum’s first floor level (+85.960)? In order to leave space for outdoor
walking by the earth under the extension?
Should this lower level of storage and
technical room be connected(e.g. by stairs or lift) with upper level of extension?
"The two museums have to be accessible and connected with among other
things via the new elevator." But there is existing lift now, so it is necessary to plan a
new elevator?
What kind of workstations are required? 241.
What kind of technical room is necessary? 242.
There are four (4) trees into the chosen construction area of the
competition. Must they be considered in the proposal?
As regard to the required elevator. What kind of elevator is required, since
the difference of level between both museum is not so large for such an installation?
Must be conserved the place for parking adjacent to the entrance of the
Museum of Central Finland?
The extension consists exclusively of two floors connected by, at least, a lift.
Is the extension expected to be the main entrance to both museums once the
extension has been finalised?
In the upper floor there will be a souvenir shop for both museums and
workstations. What sort of work will be undertaken in these areas? You also
mentioned “utility spaces”, could you please be more specific about what use these
utility spaces will be used for? Are they just work-points similar to co-working spaces
open to everybody or are they expected to be private offices for the museum
Point 4.3 of the instructions suggests that the lower floor will be an
extension of the AAM but this extension would not be directly connected to the MCF
(except through the upper floor). Could you please confirm my understanding and
explain it in more detail? It is proposed that the lower floor would be used as a
storage room and/or technical room. However, it also says that this would not be a
permanent arrangement. Could you please explain what you anticipate these rooms
may be used for apart from being a storage room or a technical room? Furthermore,
what kind of “technical work” will be done in this room? When you mention that
they will not be permanent, should it be considered that the allocated space for
those tasks should not be fixed/restricted?
Does the Alvar Aalto museum currently have an elevator? If not, how is the
exhibition space accessible for disabled people?
In the competition program a new elevator is mentioned that connects the
(new) museums (levels) . Does this mean the existing elevator at the museum of
central finland? If so, how can this work since the levels of both museums are quite
different? Or is another new (to be designed) elevator mentioned here?
How to reach the café? Can the café interior be altered or is that out of the
What is the intended new main entrance for the complex? Is a new entrance
(location) envisioned?
The required workstations in the museum shop, are they directly related to
the shop activities, or are they also for other sort of work. Can it be assumed that
they are open workstations (no cells)?
The required technical room, is that for installations to serve the new built
Is the 1.5 meter difference between Level 2 of the Aalto Museum and level 1
of the Central Finland Museum to be accommodated by stairs and/or ramps and/or
a mechanical lift?
Does access to the exterior need to be maintained from the existing Keittio
door on level 1 of the Aalto Museum?
Is there a need of separate storagespace for the museum shop, how big ? 257.
What is the meaning and size of workstations ? 258.
The storage space for exhibition materials, is it supposed as an Extension
and direct connection for The Alvar Aaloto Museum or need also for The Museum
of Central Finland ?
How big is the technical room and its functions ? 260.
Is it supposed to have an connective gateway between the museums on
lower level ? 261.
What are the other floorlevels at The Museum of Central Finland ? 262.
Do we have to keep from each museum their current independent
It is request in the competition the forecast of a new elevator? Otherwise,
could you indicate explicitly what the situation of the passenger elevator is?
Does the storage space need to be directly accessible from the Shop or just
from the 1st fl. of Alvar Aalto museum?
It isn't clear from the competition program if there must be placed a new
elevator inside the Gateway? If yes, does it needs to connect 1st & 2nd fl. of Alvar
Aalto museum?
Do both floors of Alvar Aalto Museum need to be connected to the
Gateway? If not, can just the 2nd fl. be connected to the Gateway?
Is it possible to overpass the limits of the competition area with the roof? 268.
Can the structure (columns) of the new building be adjacent to the existing
What is the function of the technical room ? 270.
There is an existing museum shop for central finland museum and from
online references we have learnt that the alvar aalto museum also has a museum
shop. We need location of the museum shop in the alvar aalto museum. Will both
these shops continue to be used? As per brief the addition will then function as a
third museum shop or as an extension to the two other museum shops – which of
these assumptions is to considered.
As per brief [4.3 summary of spaces- page7/8] a new elevator has to be
provided. Please specify which building this elevator will service and capacity
required. Along with the elevator in the central museum of finland this will be the
second elevator ?
Is it necessary to connect the extension with museums by only existing
doors? or it's possible to make an opening through the existing museum walls?
I'm not sure, what these workstations for? I mean what is their function? 274.
Does it mean thatlower level(lower connective gateway, storage space for
the exhibition materials and the technical) should only be connected with the Alvar
Aalto Museum’s first floor level (+85.960)? In order to leave space for outdoor
walking by the earth under the extension?
Should this lower level of storage and technical room be connected(e.g. by
stairs or lift) with upper level of extension?
"The two museums have to be accessible and connected with among other
things via the new elevator." But there is existing lift now, so it is necessary to plan a
new elevator?
"The new extension between the museums will serve as a connecting
gateway between the museums, as a shared museum shop and as a technical space.
The extension will enable the shared use of the already existing exhibition spaces,
the passenger elevator, the auditorium, the cafeteria and the workroom spaces".
Where is the "passenger elevator"?
What does exactly mean "accessibility of the Alvar Aalto museum"? A
connection between the exhibition areas of the two museums? Or to both floors of
the Aalto museum?
The building competition area is connected with the private utility spaces of
the Cafe Alvar. In order to enable to shared the use of the Cafe, should we refurbish
those spaces? Should the connection be indoor? Or outdoor?
The two museums have to be accessible and connected with among other
things via the new elevator". Must we add an elevator in the lay out of the
Can we make alterations to the interior of the two museums? 282.
Is the new extension going to be the main entrance for both museums? Or
will the two museums’ entrances maintain their autonomy and the extension is
only a connection?
Will the storage space serve both the buildings? 284.
Will there be a pass-through regardless to the opening hour of the
Should we plan a new elevator , in a designated area, or on the existing
elevator at North Finland museum?
Are there plans for the two building in English?
Will the two museum operate as one museum, how will it work with tickets,
Should the extension be accessible only from the museums? 289.
What is the gross area? 290.
Should the storage space be accessible from the museum, or from outside?
Is the storage area (+85.71) higher than the entrance level of Finland
museum (+85.96)?
How should the working space divide in the shop? 293.
Are ramps for wheelchars a requirement? 294.
Within the brief for the competition, there is a reference to a new lift, but it
was not 100% clear to me. Are we meant to include a lift in the extension? or else
can we assume we can use the existing one of the Museum of Finland?
What is the area of the workstations? Do they all have the same area? 296.
Do the workstations need windows, or they may be lighted by the windows
in the ceiling?
What is the area of the utility spaces of the shop? 298.
What goods will be sold at the shop? 299.
Will it be good if the shop will have its own entrance? 300.
Does storage spaces and a technical room (area circa 80m) need to have
entrance from the shop, or from one of the museums? What height do this rooms
What is the carrying capacity of the elevator? 302.
You say the competitors are encouraged to express ideas about the
connection between the museum site and the Ruusupuisto square. What kind of
connection do you mean? physical connections like pedestrian path or visual
From the summary space we we can understand that you are thinking a two
floors building for the connection. Is it possible to make a different proposal?
Lower connective gateway. Is it just a connection between the first and
second floor level of the Aalto Museum?
Is there a limit to the height of the addition? 306.
Is there any restriction about the height of the competition ́s building?
Could you please confirm which floors of the Alvar Aalto Museum and the
Museum of Central Finland are to be served by the lift within the new extension?
Could you please confirm if direct access to the museum shop within the new
extension is desired from outside? i.e. Can the shop act as a new entrance to the
museums from Ruuspupuisto Square?
Could you please confirm how entry to the two museums is ticketed? Are
visitors free to move between museums with one ticket or is movement control
Could you please confirm if the museum shop within the new extension is to
be for both museums or solely for the Alvar Aalto Museum?
Regarding the elevator, “the two museums have to be accessible and
connected with among other things via the new elevator”. Does this refer to the
elevator in the Museum of Central Finland (in the previous extension) or should the
new extension hold a new elevator connecting the different levels? We can’t find an
elevator in the Alvar Aalto museum, is that correct?
Should the Café on the first floor of the Alvar Aalto museum be directly
connected to the lower part of the extension, or is it to be understood that it is to be
connected via the stairs on the second floor (from the higher level of the extension
via the exibition floor)? If connected via the stairs, we take it that only the
storage/technical area is directly connected to the extension on the first floor. If not,
the layout for the restaurant has to be modifyed, correct?
Is there a limit in height for the extension? 313.
Is there a minimum floor area for the storage room? 314.
A plan of three workstations in the museum shop, you mean just
workstation on a desk? Are normally in bookshops are or olso a small office?
What the technical room will contain? There are some particular plants or
machineries required? And what is the minimum size you need for the storage
About the connections, when you write with the new elevator you mean we
should provide a new elevator in the design?
About the connections, the lower connection gateway have to connect just
Alvar Aalto Museum’s first floor level with the new building or can also directly
connect with the Museum of Central Finland?
About what is write: express ideas of connecting the museums site to the
neighbouring Ruusupuisto square. The connection can have and exit and/or an
entrance or have just to be a connection between two museums?
Is it necessary to connect the extension with museums by only existing
doors? or it's possible to make an opening through the existing museum walls?
I'm not sure, what these workstations for? I mean what is their function? 321.
Does it mean thatlower level(lower connective gateway, storage space for
the exhibition materials and the technical) should only be connected with the Alvar
Aalto Museum’s first floor level (+85.960)? In order to leave space for outdoor
walking by the earth under the extension?
Should this lower level of storage and technical room be connected(e.g. by
stairs or lift) with upper level of extension?
"The two museums have to be accessible and connected with among other
things via the new elevator." But there is existing lift now, so it is necessary to plan a
new elevator?
The gap between the two buildings is 1.36 m? 325.
The two floor, shop and tecnical space, wil must be connected by internal
Is it possible to create more than one elevator in the proposal, e.g.
passenger and service elevator?
In the present moment, both buildings (Museum of Central Finland and
Alvar Aalto Museum) have doors with direct connection to the garden between
buildings. Are these used by the staff or the public, and if so, is it necessary to
maintain these connections, and which ones?
Section 4.3 of the competition program refers to a "museum shop". Could
you please provide clarification on the function of the shop? Is it a shop where gifts
and other items are sold or is it a shop where museum displays and items are
constructed, stored, ect.?
Section 4.3 of the competition program refers to a (3) "museum shop
workstations." Will any additional information be provided about the requirements
of these workstations such as their intended use, user, size, ect.?
You considerate in the project brief a space denominated ̈workstation ̈.
Could you describe this space a little more. Please. In relation if this is a public or
private space and the use of this space.
The other doubt to solve is when you mention in the project brief: ̈The two
museums have to be accessible and connected with among other things via the new
elevator ̈ you mean that in the new building, a new elevator should be proposed?
Express ideas of connecting the museums site to the neighbouring
Ruusupuisto square. Is this imply a design of the Ruusupuisto square?
"the two museums have to be accessible and connected with among other
things via the new elevator." Does this mean that a new elevator is part of the
program or that we must design a way to reuse the elevator in the Central Finland
Are we allowed to create new openings in either of the museums or are we
required to utilize only the existing openings in the buildings?
Is the fountain served by a natural stream or only a pipe as shown in the
original Aalto Museum Drawings - drawing #AAA 44-385?
Can we propose to add stops to the existing elevator or is this too old to be
tampered with?
Can we propose site improvements (plazas, plantings, pergolas, steps,
terraces, etc) beyond the "construction area" shown on page 6 of the competition
The brief mention the presence of 3 workstations, do I have to consider
them like a library workstation?
About the shop, shall we consider special items to be sold [like a Aalto's
furniture shop], or it's a generic commercial space?
The translation of terms & concepts between languages can be complex.
hope you can clarify the intended use of the word 'gateway' for me. In English
gateway implies: "entrance or access" . In architecture / planning gateway is
used to describe a significant entrance / access between exterior and interior
spaces. So to clarify is the new 'gateway' in this project intended to be a new public
entrance from the street / between outside and inside?- Or Is this gateway intended
as an interior connection only between the interiors of the two museums?
Maximum height? Is there height limitation for the extension proposal?
We did not understand "workstations in the museum" very well. Is it a set
computer, printer, scanner, etc. for one person ? Would you please describe it in
detail ?
Can we demolish part of the facade of the central finland museum (floor 1)
in order to make an open space?
Can we move a Access door of the Aalto museum? 345.
The height of the lower connective gateway(+85,960) can be lowered to
(+85,710m) reference heigh of the first floor of Alvar Aalto museum?
The value of the lift to design is exclusively technical, or should serve users
of museum visitors?
There is a need to design a stair between the two levels of the new
The workstations have to be considered as cash desks?
The parking area situated at the north of keski-suomen museum is used by
who? By the visitors?
It is possible to replace the new lift required in paragraph 4.3 with a ramp?
The lift required in paragraph 4.3 serves only to overcome the height
difference between the two museums? Or serves for some other reason?
It is possible to conceive the new extension/connection as a new entrance?
The elevator can be replaced by a ramp accessible by disabled? 354.
It is possible to have an aerial image of the competition area? 355.
The required surfaces are net or gross? 356.
Wich is the minimum size of the technical room required? 357.
In the old pictures we saw a small stream. We didn't see it in the new
pictures. We understood that the recovery of that stream is one of the
competition's goals– please clarify.
What are the specific requirements for the technical room. 359.
What is the area of the workstations? Do they all have the same area? 360.
Do the workstations need windows, or they may be lighted by the windows
in the ceiling?
What is the area of the utility spaces of the shop? 362.
What goods will be sold at the shop? 363.
Will it be good if the shop will have its own entrance? 364.
Does storage spaces and a technical room (area circa 80m) need to have
entrance from the shop, or from one of the museums? What height do this rooms
What is the carrying capacity of the elevator? 366.
I have some questions regarding the"storage space for the exhibition
materials, and a technical room (circa 80 m2). "Is (80m2) for both these areas 1.
What are the exhibition materials ? . What kind of objects will this space
hold....heavy... tall ? e. 2. Can the storage/ technical space (80m2 ) be broken into
separate areas, if so what is minimum size for technical room. 3. What height and
width is needed for this space / spaces?
Could you please let us know which is the winter snow average? 368.
What will happen to main entrances of the 2 museums? Will these remain
Access control: How does it work nowadays? Is it possible for visitors to
enter the Alvar Aalto Museum through the Cafe, using the lateral door that leads to
the outdoor area near the water basin?
Access control: Is it possible to consider a new access for visitors to both
museums through the New Extension (besides the existing ones in each building)?
Will the Museum Store in the New Extension sell items from both
Museums? Will it replace the store seen in the photos of the Museum of Central
Could we receive more information about the characteristics of the Museum
Shop ́s utility spaces mentioned in 4.3 Summary of Spaces : museum shop with utility
spaces and workstations?
We understand the "new elevator" mentioned in 4.3 Summary of Spaces is
one of the items of the New Extension ́s program; the competitors are supposed to
include a new elevator in the design. Is it correct?
Where are / is the existing elevator that is mentioned in the program. Is it in
the museum of finland. The Alvar Aalto Museum does not seem to have an elevator.
How do wheelchair users navigate the existing levels in the 2 museums?
5.1 Vaadittavat asiakirjat ja kilpailusalaisuus
5.1 Documents required and confidentiality
With regards to the presentation of 1:200 plans: Is that in reference to the
scale of “The Review Area,” “The Competition Area,” or “The Construction Area”?
Competition Program/5.1/ "floor plans (two levels), sections and elevations
with material and colour markings relevant to the entry 1:200" Please explain
further the materil and colour markings you require on the drawings.
Competition Program/5.1/ "illustration of the extension inserted into a given
photograph" According to the presentation technics that we might use, I suppose
the above required document could be a sketch, a water-colour picture, a collage or
anything else from the view point that we see on the given photograph. Is that ok?
We think that the documents presentation in 3 horizontal A3-sized sheets is
not enough for the amount of information we would like to presente.
The drawings are big and the A3 format is shortest for the presentation of
both museums plus the new gateway.
It would be more acceptable to submit the proposals on A1 panels, one or
Can competitors submit more than three A3 size sheets? 383.
What information must be included in the summary report? 384.
Illustration of the extension inserted into a given photograph: As we are an
international competitor, we do not have access to the site. Is there a high
resolution photograph that you can provide us? Does every competitor need to use
the same photograph for the use of the photomontage?
Are there any specific requirements for information to be included in the
"Summary Report" listed on page 8 of the brief?
What do you mean about entri material must be sent in a file max 50 mt? 387.
The summery report has to be included in the 3 a3 sheet? 388.
Can you explain me what do you mean with “ entry's copyright holder”.
Can you give me a format for this document?
With "general layout plan 1:500" you mean a master plan showing the
footprint of the buildings?
What do you mean with "section plan"? Is it a section through the two
museums and the connection?
Could you please confirm if the Summary Report is part of the 3 x A3 sized
sheets? Or should it be a separate document?
Could you please confirm if a proposal is required for the landscaping of the
full Competition Area denoted in green?
What you mean with : “ section plan, where the connection of the Alvar
Aalto Museum, the extension and the Museum of Central Finland is presented
1:200” because you already ask for plans of thee two floor levels and sections. If is
just a plan that shows the connection between two museums can we just make the
two floor plans?
It is possible to produce other material (for example more renderings) if
they fit in the three A3?
May I use the photograph except a given photograph for illustration? 396.
Do we create our pseudonym for our submission ourselves or is it given? 397.
About the summary report place – we understood that it must be included
in one of the 3 A3 pages. Can it be in a separate file?– please clarify.