2014 General Catalogue TABLE OF CONTENTS Hawke’s Bay Show Contacts ........................................................................................................................... 3 Office Bearer’s and Committee ........................................................................................................................ 3 Heads Of Section ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Society Membership ........................................................................................................................................ 4 General Conditions .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Motor Vehicle Policy ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Sponsors ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Calf & Lamb Competition ............................................................................................................................... 10 Dog Trials ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 HOME INDUSTRIES ..................................................................................................................................... 16 Student Creations.......................................................................................................................................... 16 Knitting .......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Handcraft, Sewing, Toys, Baking & Preserves............................................................................................... 19 Alpaca Fibre Woolcraft .................................................................................................................................. 20 Woodturning .................................................................................................................................................. 21 Poultry ........................................................................................................................................................... 23 ROYAL EVENT IN SHEEP ............................................................................................................................ 26 Romney ......................................................................................................................................................... 28 Perendale ...................................................................................................................................................... 28 Southdown .................................................................................................................................................... 28 Poll Dorset..................................................................................................................................................... 28 Suffolk ........................................................................................................................................................... 29 South Suffolk ................................................................................................................................................. 29 Dorset Down.................................................................................................................................................. 29 Cheviot .......................................................................................................................................................... 29 Interbreeds .................................................................................................................................................... 29 Supreme Sheep of Show............................................................................................................................... 29 All Breed Sheep Classes ............................................................................................................................... 30 Black & Coloured Sheep................................................................................................................................ 31 Fleece Wool .................................................................................................................................................. 32 ROYAL EVENT IN CATTLE .......................................................................................................................... 34 Simmental ..................................................................................................................................................... 37 Charolais ....................................................................................................................................................... 38 Gelbvieh ........................................................................................................................................................ 38 Lifestyle ......................................................................................................................................................... 39 Led Steer Competition ................................................................................................................................... 39 Meat & Wool Cup .......................................................................................................................................... 40 Beef All Breeds.............................................................................................................................................. 40 Local Young Judges Information ................................................................................................................... 41 Team Stock Judging Competition .................................................................................................................. 41 Export Lamb Competition .............................................................................................................................. 42 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 2 Hawke’s Bay Show Contacts Hawke’s Bay A&P Society P O Box 349 Kenilworth Road Hastings Ph: 06 878 3123 Fax: 06 878 3121 Email: events@showgroundshb.co.nz Web: www.hawkesbayshow.co.nz General Manager Brent Linn Ph: 06 878 3123 (ext 701) Mobile: 021 868 643 Email: gm@showgroundshb.co.nz Event Manager Anna Hamilton Ph: 06 878 3123 (ext 704) Mobile: 021 244 0673 Email: events@showgroundshb.co.nz Administration Manager Carole Masters Ph: 06 878 3123 (ext 700) Email: admin@showgroundshb.co.nz Office Bearers and Committee President: R Chambers Vice President: P Penman Hon. Treasurer: R Loach Executive Committee: Mrs M Gourlie, M N Morton, P J Penman, J Roebuck, D Wilson Past Presidents: H S Logan, B L Pattullo, D W Hildreth, P R Holden, J R Renton, H A McKeesick, M G Lester, N R Chambers, S O Nelson, P E Tod, R B Pattullo Honorary Life Members: H S Logan, B L Pattullo, D W Hildreth, P R Holden, J R Renton, R Lee, H A McKeesick, M G Lester, E H W Hayes, N R Chambers, D R Nelson, S O Nelson, P E Tod, R Alexander, R Duncan General Committee: Roger Alexander, Tim Aitken, Ann Bary, Simon Averill, Tony Connor, Bob Bruce, Sarah Busby, Richard Chambers (Executive), Simon Collin, Ross Duncan, David Evans, Maria Gourlie (Executive), Doug Guild, Dudley Hammond, Kevin Hansen, Doug Laing, Regan Loach (Executive), Mrs Flo MacEwan, Tim Macphee, Duncan McPhail, Don McLeod, Peter Margoliouth, Max Morton (Executive), Dave Nelson, Peter Penman (Executive), Tim Redstone, Graham Revell, Jason Roebuck (Executive), Sam Russell, Leon Stallard, Jack Tarrant, Sue Thomas, David Wilson (Executive), Les Vesty 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 3 Heads Of Section SECTION SECTION HEAD CONTACT NUMBER Cattle Sam Russell (027) 495 4127 Sheep Nick Sullivan (06) 856 8585 Alpaca Sarah Busby (06) 874 8086 Horse Maria Gourlie (06) 874 3165 Dog Trials Bob Bruce (06) 857 5132 Poultry Geoff Burton (06) 870 0718 Home Industries George Johnson (06) 878 3384 Privileges Peter Margoliouth (06) 877 7565 Society Membership The Society is a membership-based organisation with annual Membership running from 1 April to 31 March each year. The benefits of membership, which centre on the Society’s Annual Show, are detailed below: MEMBERSHIP ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION SHOW ADMISSION TICKETS $75.00 (incl.) 6 entry tickets The above provides a 33% saving on public Show admission prices. Contact the HB A&P Society Office if you wish to become a member of the society – or you may visit our website for an application form – www.hawkesbayshow.co.nz 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 4 General Conditions To be read in conjunction with Section Conditions and with the Rules and by-laws of the Royal Agricultural Society of New Zealand (RAS). The Hawke’s Bay Show is run under the by Laws and Regulations for the RAS (copies available on request). Privacy Act The Society holds records and names and addresses of all members and exhibitors and will publish these as necessary for media show reports unless otherwise advised. Smoking Smoking is prohibited in all Livestock pavilions and Horse boxes. The Committee reserves the right to impose a fine on any person found smoking within these areas. Health & Safety The Society will not be responsible for any accident, loss or damage that may be caused to or suffered by an exhibit. Or which may be caused directly or indirectly by any other exhibit. Notwithstanding any alleged negligence on the part of any officer or servant of the Society. It shall be a condition of entry that each exhibitor shall hold the Society indemnified against any claim in respect of any such accident, loss or damage caused by any exhibit of such exhibitors. By signing the entry form declaration, exhibitors accept the Societies conditions of entry and indemnify the Society under the provisions of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and any amendments thereafter. Each exhibitor must supervise and control their animals at all times and shall be liable for any hazards created or accidents, illness or damage caused by the action of themselves or their animals at the showgrounds. Exhibitors must comply with the appropriate animal legislation and the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and any amendments thereafter. The Society reserves the right to order immediate removal from the Showgrounds, of any animal it considers unruly or unmanageable. It is the Societies policy to see that all due care is taken to protect property. And to protect, and to keep in 22-24 October 2014 efficient order its own property and to make provision for the protection of the property of others. The Society shall not be liable to any person in case of loss or damage by reason of any defect, accident, negligence or neglect howsoever arising. Persons occupying grandstands, buildings, other structures or other seating accommodation on the Showgrounds do so at their own risk, and no clam shall be made against the Association in respect of any loss, or injury by reason of any defect of accident, or by reason of any act or omission whether negligent or otherwise, on the part of the Society or of any employee or agent of the Society or on the part of any other person. Parking is entirely at the owners’ own risk. Any vehicles parked will be on this condition and the Society accepts no responsibility for any loss, theft, injury or damage is attributed to any negligence on the part of the Association, its employees or stewards. Substitution Once entries are catalogued, changes cannot be made and cannot be penned, unless the error originates from actions of the Show administration. (Exhibitors must check their entry forms carefully). No animal excepting those entered in the Catalogue, or as part of a Trade Display, will be allowed on the Showgrounds. Disruptive or Unacceptable Behaviour Any exhibitor who interferes with or abuses a Judge or Officer of the Society whilst acting in their official capacity as such will be dealt with as may be deemed fitting by the Committee, and Stewards are instructed to report such occurrences promptly. Each exhibitor shall be deemed to have guaranteed to the Society, by signature on their entry form, and have given warranty that each exhibit entered by him/her or brought upon the Showground, and every animal, bird, or other living thing brought by them onto the ground, is at the time of its entering upon the Showground free of any contagious or infectious disease. Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 5 Any exhibitor whose exhibit or animal that infringes this warranty shall be responsible to the Society, and to any other exhibitor who may suffer by reason of such breach. Should there be any reason to suspect that any exhibit is either diseased or dangerous; the Society shall have the right to refuse admission of such exhibit to the Showground or to remove the exhibit from the Showground at the expense of the exhibitor. Protests & Objections The determination of a judge shall be final as between all competitors, unless an objection is made to any exhibit and allowed on the ground of disqualification. The duly appointed member of the Committee, along with the Chief Stewards shall have, at their discretion, power to decide any dispute in their respective divisions after consultation with the Senior Stewards of the section involved, with the exception of regular protest and appeals. All objections or protest must be made in writing within one hour of judging of the class in question, signed by the person making such complaint, and delivered to the General Manager. No protest will be received later than one hour after the completion of the judging. If a prize-winner were afterwards disqualified, the Committee may, with or without the advice of the judge, decide whether the next animal on the list shall gain the prize. Prizes – Eligibility & Procedure Prize cards that have been awarded by the judges will be affixed as soon as possible after the judging has been completed and must remain displayed during the Show. Ribbons, prize colours or tickets awarded at other Shows may be displayed on stalls, pens or loose boxes but NOT on the animal itself. However, no such ribbon, prize colour or ticket may be displayed until all judging of classes or championships for which the animal concerned has been entered is complete where the exhibits are judged in the pens. In the event of there being no competition (i.e. one exhibit) in any Class, no prize will be given unless the Judge certifies to particular merit. 22-24 October 2014 Distribution of Prize Money Some prize money will be paid out during the Show and other sections will be paid within 30 days of the final show day. In some Sections prize money will be paid on the day in cash. All other prize money will be paid direct into bank accounts within 30 days of the Show. The payment will be made to the nominated bank account on your entry form. All persons who do not receive the same as above must apply to the Show Office for payment within two months of the date of the Show or the same may be forfeited. Class sponsorship monies, subject to confirmation, will be paid in lieu of Society prize money, although Breed Society special cash prizes will be additional. The Society takes no responsibility for sponsorships that do not eventuate. The Society shall not be responsible or liable of any error, misstatement or mis-description appearing in any Prize Schedule or Show Catalogue, or in any form or certificate of entry, or in any advertisement or notification, whether posed, displayed or published. It will, however, be the duty of the Society and other members of its office staff to take all proper care to avoid any such error, mis-description, misstatement. Forbidden Substances Exhibitors or persons entering or competing at Shows and Events affiliated to the RAS shall be deemed to accept and be bound by the ByLaws Regulations and Procedures of the RAS. The use of tranquilisers, stimulants, or any dugs capable of affecting the performance of animals is forbidden. Competitors are advised that tests for forbidden substances may be carried out during the Show and that testing of all animals is at the owners risk. Testing for forbidden substances will be carried out under the Royal Agricultural Society Forbidden Substance Judicial Committee (FSJC). Any competitor, who has administered to their animal any drug during the seven days prior to this Show, is required to notify the Horse Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 6 Office before the competition and complete a medication advice form. Drugs or Forbidden Substance means any substance capable of affecting the speed, stamina, courage, conformation or conduct of an animal by its action upon the central or peripheral nervous system or the cardiovascular, respiratory, alimentary, digestive, muscoskeletal or urogenital systems. From the time any animal enters the ground of any Show or event or competes in any class or event the Society or its duly appointed officer shall have the powers to order a drug test and if a test is ordered, the existing FSJC rules (suitably adapted in accordance with the type of animal being tested) and procedures and fines shall apply. Competitor Obligations None of the exhibits shall be removed from the Showground under any condition whatsoever during the continuance of the Show, without the approval of the Senior Steward in Charge or the Section Chairman, or until after the Grand Parade. Exhibits being presented in the ring for judging without the allocated neck number, or identification number, will be disqualified from the class. All stock must be penned at the time specified in the programme or the animals may not be judged. No distinguishing mark of ownership or stud name, with the exception of “earmarks, tattoos, ear tags” and registered brands, may be attached to any animal exhibited. Stud or pedigree information may be displayed on pens. The Society reserves the right to make any alteration in Show Timetable or to postpone the Show or withdraw any event as may be deemed desirable. Motor Vehicle Policy The A&P Society has the safety of our competitors, patrons and staff as an essential part of a successful show and to this end we need to highlight the following: · the Transport Regulations and therefore the rules of the road apply here. · Operators of vehicles need to ensure they have the necessary licenses, permits, registrations and observe all of the safety regulations required when operating a vehicle on a public roadway. · We particular draw your attention to the compulsory wearing of approved safety helmets on all bikes and ATV’s. · Speed is a particular hazard where there is a large crowd of people, often whose attention may be diverted and as such we have a 10km maximum speed limit on the grounds. · For everyone’s safety these regulations will be enforced and if necessary offenders may be asked to leave the grounds and/or disqualified from competing. Help us make this a safe and enjoyable Show experience for all. Deco City Motor Lodge Grand Parade We have our Deco City Motor Lodge Grand Parade at 1.30pm on Friday around the Main Arena. All competitors who wish to take part are welcome to. Livestock competitors, your section heads will arrange who will represent the section in the Parade. Cattle must be led, Sheep will be trailered. You are most welcome to display ribbons. Horse competitors – all welcome. We invite you to be ready in the warm up Arena by the Horse Office from 1.15pm sharp where you will be marshaled into order. Please can all Champions be available for the Grand Parade on Friday. Competitors must be well presented and we welcome you to wear any prize ribbons you have won during the Show. The Parade will take approximately a half an hour after which the World Cup class will start. The Showgrounds are a public road under 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 7 Purina ‘Pro Plan’ Terrier Race On Friday of the Show, just before the Deco City Motor Lodge Grand Parade, we will be having the Purina ‘PRO PLAN’ Terrier Race along the front of the Grandstand. This is always good fun for competitive terriers which some great prizes up for grabs. If you have a Terrier keen to enter please contact Anna Hamilton, Events Manager on events@showgroundshb.co.nz for an entry form. We take entries right up until the race. Competitors are to meet at the end of the Grandstand under the Broadcast box at 1pm. Dogs are only permitted inside the Show from 12.45pm on Friday. The race will take place at approximately 1.15pm, after which the dogs will need to be removed from the Show. Dogs must be kept on leads before and immediately after the race. Owners must keep control of their dogs and we ask that competitors have appropriate manners and social skills to compete. G 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 8 Spo nsors 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 9 Calf & Lamb Competition Thursday, 23 October 2014 Judges: Waggs (More FM) Sponsored by: Sam & Jenny Nelson 600 Best Led Bull / Heifer Calf Big Dotty Black Current Patchy Pear Solo Samson Southern Cross Sweetie 22-24 October 2014 601 Libby Stewart Ashley Sedcole Monty Connor Kym Sedcole Belle Connor Grace Whaanga Kate Stewart James Knowles Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Best Led Lamb Cherry Chow Chow Daisy Frofy Lilly Lucy Nibbles Peaddie Pepper Peter Pip Pumpkin Rabena Rosie Sam The Lamb Scruffy Tiny Wish Kym Sedcole Max Whaanga Torin Leonard Libby Stewart Fenella Train Belle Connor Peyton Hearn Sam Whaanga Grace Whaanga Kate Stewart Lily Kent Ashley Sedcole Ataahua Hook Liam Leonard Oscar Train Monty Connor Toni Austin Amy Knowles 10 Dog Trials Judge: Mr Peter Williams Stewards: R Lee (Life Member), B Bruce, (HB A & P Society Representative), D McLeod (Life Member), S Dorward, D Evans, Mrs M Evans, C Hartigan, R Hawkins, L Horsefield, K O’Connor, G Rowley (Life Member), Mr & Mrs G Ryder, K L Satchwell, B Shapland, D Waldin, P Williams, B Wiseman, S Wedd, H Woodmass, A Morton, M Hindmarsh, C Lee, P Orviss, C Redmond Head of Section: Mr B Bruce Secretary: Mrs Margaret Evans - Ph: (06) 839-8889 Trophies for Section The HC & IM Chambers Cup Presented by Mr C B Davis will be awarded to the winner of the Open Class on the First day. The cup will remain the property of the Society and be competed for each year. The J S Lopdell Memorial Cup (Perpetual) Presented to the winner of the Open Class on the Second Day The Pukahu Sports Club Cup Awarded to a Smedley Student The W A MacFarlane Perpetual Memorial Cup Presented by the late Mr John MacFarlane will be awarded to the winner of the Final Wednesday, 22 October 2014 Start # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name S Martin K O’Connor G Ryder H Woodmass K Satchwell D Wallace J Vallance C Redmond Dog Grand Buff Don Verger Sue Slug Fleet Toss Status O M I O O I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 R Laugesen R Bullock P McFetridge K Satchwell K O’Connor W Smith T Walters A McDowall S Whiteman S Martin D Ryder W Ngata Shep Zeb Dash Glen Deal Fleck Toi Stu Parker Bee Chooky Spike M M M O O I M 21 22 23 C Lee R Laugesen A Blane Guy Smoke Flame I I O 22-24 October 2014 O I O M Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Region Wairoa Kotemaori Waipawa Napier Hastings Kotemaori Waipawa Otane Havelock North Waipawa Dannevirke Hastings Kotemaori Waipukurau Waipawa Waipawa Wanganui Wairoa Waipawa Waipawa Havelock North Tutira 11 Start # 24 Name G Ryder Dog Scott Status O Region Waipawa 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 C Robertson P Wagstaff D Evans S Wedd S Dorward S Martin B Bruce L O’Connor G Northcott J Tod J Lelievre S Martin Mac Sonny Prince Kip Cruze Podge Skip Zapp Barb Meg Vine Bugs O M M O I I O O I Whangarei Waipawa Napier Napier Hastings Wairoa 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 K O’Connor C Robertson D Wallace B Bruce G Duff P McFetridge D Wardle S Wedd Jo Grace Toi Trump King Patch Lou Becky I I O O I I 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 A Blane L Horsfall C Cox N Clark S Martin T Dolton D Evans G Dever C Robertson J Foss L Horsfall G Northcott H Woodmass G Duff S Whiteman Kohi Raid Scott Mary Slick Cash Jane Speck Street Dell Boss Jolz Meg Jay Smart M I N I M I I M I O M O M O M 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 P Cutbush J Virtue G Bryson A Orr R Hunia D McLeod D Wallace A Blane Brezz Cobber Boof Midge Gyp Lee Blue Taka 68 69 70 71 72 A Smith B Galloway W Smith A Morton B Bruce Nick Bo Lyn Meg Cheet 22-24 October 2014 I O M I M O O M O M I O Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Kotemaori Urenui Waipawa Waipawa Wairoa Kotemaori Whangarei Kotemaori Havelock North Dannevirke Waipawa Napier Tutira Hastings Waipukurau Wairoa Napier Wairoa Whangarei Wairoa Hastings Urenui Napier Havelock North Wanganui Waipawa Waipawa Waipawa Ruakituri Hastings Kotemaori Tutira Matamata Waipawa Waipukurau Napier 12 Start # 73 Name S Dorward Dog Boss Status I Region Hastings 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 83A 83B S Wedd D Evans S Martin N Clark G Dever C Redmond G Northcott J Foss J Westenra G Bryson C Cox D Peacock Connie Jess Face Star Snow Watch Amy Sue Coast Roger Tex Zena M O M I I I M I Napier Napier Wairoa Waipukurau Wairoa Otane Amy Wairoa Waipawa Waipawa I N M Ruakituri Thursday, 23 October 2014 Start # 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Name G Northcott B Bryson L Philburn J Fraser D Moloughney B O’Leary D Evans M Utting Dog Wal Von Steel Sue Zig Sai Blue Fern Status I M O M M I M M Region Urenui Gisborne Tauranga Gisborne Masterton Wanganui Hunterville Gisborne 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 R Mead D Avenell M Williams B Arends I Mayall B Wallace G Wellington B O’Leary Lad Jill Jet Turbo Jenn Miss Tux Mink Tote I O O M I O O I Gisborne Gisborne Raetihi Dannevirke Te Aroha Levin Wanganui Wanganui 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 J Harvey R Stephens R Strachan R Mead J Fraser E Weir B Berger N Halley Rose Moss Lyn Bob Fly Skye Flyn Spike O I I O I M M I Martinborough Te Kuiti Gisborne Gisborne Gisborne Waverley Putaruru Manutuke 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 B Strong R Shaw W Schmidt C Marriner F Wilson B Wallace A Smith M Williams N Halley Pearl Smokey Polly Rip Spike Seek Prince Horse Sue M M I M I O I M I Turangi Te Kuiti Levin Rotorua Gisborne Levin Matamata Raetihi Manutuke 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 13 Start # 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 Name N Mayall R Stephens D Avenell J Moloughney L Philburn B Bryson B Berger R Shaw B Arends G Wellington M Utting B Strong R Strachan W Schmidt L Hoole Dog Paige Teel Lucky Jess Crib Brad Rose Baldy Doc Rachael Briar Queen Joy Tyke Dawn Status I I O I M O I I O I O I M M I Region Te Aroha Te Kuiti Gisborne Masterton Tauranga Gisborne Putaruru Te Kuiti 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 J Harvey D Moloughney J Fraser F Wilson R Mead P Green R Strachan G Northcott C Marriner D Avenell M Utting J Barbers B Strong N Halley B Wallace B Bryson R Stephens B Arends D Avenell B Berger B Greig G Wellington D Smith Bob Veil Troy Beau Lee Di Kay Dick Spy McCaw Prince Ace Jet Tramp Queen Rex Will Chum Victor BoyII Hush Mist Grace O M O M O O O O M O O M I O I O O I M I M O I Martinborough Masterton Gisborne Gisborne Gisborne 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 J Carrad J Frazer E Weir M Utting J Moloughney W Schmidt B Dickie M Williams Bonnie Nick Loch Min Breeze Dream Star Snowman I I I I I O M O Wellington Gisborne Waverley Gisborne Masterton Levin Wanganui Raetihi 163 164 165 A Smith V Marfell G Northcott Dot Tam Hope O O O Matamata Masterton Urenui 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Wanganui Gisborne Turangi Gisborne Levin Gisborne Gisborne Urenui Rotorua Gisborne Gisborne Masterton Turangi Manutuke Levin Gisborne Te Kuiti Dannevirke Putaruru Palmerston North Wanganui Waverley 14 Start # 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 Name G Babbington B Bryson B Berger L Phillburn R Mead W Schmidt A Smith G Wellington R Strachan L Schmidt B Strong B Arends 22-24 October 2014 Dog Jess Glen Matt Meg Dice Jack Doug Murphy Jem Jill Sparkle Roy Status M M I I M I M O O I O O Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Region Matawai Gisborne Putaruru Tauranga Gisborne Levin Matamata Wanganui Gisborne Levin Turangi Dannevirke 15 Home Industries SECTION CO-ORDINATORS Head of Section George Johnson, 505a Windsor Avenue, Hastings - Ph 06 878 3384 Student Creations All stewards as to the category of the class entered Knitting Mrs Frances Burton, 53 Avenue Road, Greenmeadows, Napier - Ph 06 844 7519 Handcraft & Sewing, Toys, Baking & Preserves Mrs Mavis Mardon, 1422 Pakowhai Road, Hastings - Ph 06 876 7964 Alpaca Fibre Woolcraft Yvonne Monk, P O Box 141, Waipawa - Ph 06 857 7221 Woodturning Mr John Ward - 06 879 9981 Trophies for the overall Section – Spriggs Salver Student Creations AGE - 18 years and under Stewards: Knitting: Mrs F Burton Handcraft & Sewing & Toys: Mrs M Mardon Alpaca Fibre Woolcraft: Mrs K Priest Woodwork: Mr J Ward Judges: The judges from the sections above will judge the entries relevant to their section. Sponsors: Mrs Frances Burton st nd rd Class 400 – 1 $14, 2 $10, 3 $6 400 115 116 401 Knitting, 6 - 18 Years Knitted Items Or Article Sarah Fenwick Sarah Fenwick Toni LeLievre Brook Tulloch-Thompson Juliet Wilkie Isabella Nuku-Smith Brooke Wray Kate Richards Olive Cornwall Tessa Burns Larah Morrison Catriona Geddes Jessica Hansen Sharmila Tautari Madeleine Thompson Supar Sabmeethavorn Laura Foss Rachel McDougall Ashleigh Petitclerc Jessye Hickman Scarlette Neilson 403 Any wooden item (does not have to be turned on a lathe) Handcraft, 6-18 Years An Item In Any Material E.g. Fabric, Jewellery, Beads 117 118 119 120 121 122 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 Matthew Fenwick Sarah Fenwick Sarah Fenwick Cara Gibson Cara Gibson Isabella Warren Scarlett Macdonald Billie Cathrine Mark Lagudas Liberty Fowler Maggie Elers Brooke Webster Bernadette Dykes Lily Mclay 22-24 October 2014 If a toy, it needs to be suitable and safe for a child to play with 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 Rogan Allan Cara Gibson Hannah Marchal Brayden Mattson Zak Train Logan van der Meer Monty Wood 404 Home Baking 130 131 132 133 Matthew Fenwick Sarah Fenwick Alana Ludd Max Stothart 3 Plain Scones Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 16 405 Knitting Home Baking 3 uniced biscuits 134 135 136 137 138 Matthew Fenwick Sarah Fenwick Alana Ludd Max Stothart Isabella Warren 406 Home Baking 139 140 141 142 Matthew Fenwick Sarah Fenwick Alana Ludd Max Stothart 407 Preserves Steward: Mrs F Burton - Ph 8447519 Judge: Susan Speedy 1 Iced Banana cake with plain chocolate icing SPONSORS: Mahora 'Wool Shop - Classes 9815, 9816, 9817 Skiens Wool Shop - Classes 9805 & 9809 Mrs J McCardle - Class 9807 Purple Patch - Class 9813 Mrs F Burton - Class 9814 & 9818 Onekawa Wool Shop Trophies for Section Beverley Horne Memorial Trophy Handspun Section 1 sealed jar of Preserved Fruit 408 Preserves 143 144 Matthew Fenwick Sarah Fenwick M Breen Memorial Cup Most Points Overall in the Knitting Section 409 Preserves 9800 1 Jar of Jam with covered top (Variety on label) 1 Jar of Chutney or Relish sealed or covered (Variety on label) 145 Matthew Fenwick 410 Preserves 146 Sarah Fenwick 411 147 148 149 150 151 Animal made from vegetables Matthew Fenwick Matthew Fenwick Sarah Fenwick Sarah Fenwick Isabella Warren 412 152 375 153 154 Necklace made from sweets/lollies Matthew Fenwick Matthew Fenwick Sarah Fenwick Sarah Fenwick 413 Floral arrangement 155 156 157 Matthew Fenwick Sarah Fenwick Isabella Warren 1 Bottle of Sauce sealed (Variety on label) Any one garment 232 233 234 235 236 Frances Burton Frances Burton Maree Buscke Rosemary Marriott Michelle Mudgway 9801 50g Ball Wool label to be included. A posy or vase arrangement with fresh flowers 22-24 October 2014 Bulky or Triple 238 239 240 241 242 243 Frances Burton Frances Burton Frances Burton Tamzin Coull L Stratford Judy Walker 9802 Waistcoat or Sleeveless Vest Any ply 244 245 246 247 248 Frances Burton Letitia Chittenden Tamzin Coull Judy Walker Judy Walker 9803 Knitted Footwear e.g: sox, bed sox etc 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 Frances Burton Frances Burton Frances Burton Letitia Chittenden Tamzin Coull Tamzin Coull Lynda Warren 9804 256 257 258 261 262 Any garment made from Handspun Wool Frances Burton Maree Buscke Maree Buscke Janet Tearle Rachel Woods Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 17 9805 Baby Knitting 9814 Any other article, excluding booties Knitted Accessory Hat, Gloves, Scarf, Shawl, Wrap etc 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 271 Nancy Banks Frances Burton Frances Burton Maree Buscke Tamzin Coull Sandra Frederikson Jennie Kuzman Judy Walker 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 323 Frances Burton Frances Burton Maree Buscke Letitia Chittenden Letitia Chittenden Tamzin Coull Elaine MacGregor Judy Walker 9806 Set of Knitted Doll's Clothes 9815 Childs Garment 324 325 326 327 328 329 331 332 Ruby Atkins Frances Burton Frances Burton Maree Buscke Tamzin Coull Elaine MacGregor L Stratford Judy Walker 9816 Adult Garment Four articles - displayed on cardboard, or on a doll 272 273 274 275 276 277 Frances Burton Frances Burton Tamzin Coull Tamzin Coull L Stratford Judy Walker 9807 278 279 280 281 282 285 286 Hand-Knitted article in Wool Frances Burton Maree Buscke Maree Buscke Yvonne Cameron Tamzin Coull L Stratford Judy Walker 9808 287 288 289 Hand-Knitted article in Aran Frances Burton Tamzin Coull Judy Walker 9809 Knitted article in Modern Fancy Yarn Lurex Boucle, Alpaca, Mohair etc. 290 291 292 293 296 Frances Burton Maree Buscke Maree Buscke Letitia Chittenden Rachel Woods 9811 Garment – Fairisle any ply any ply 333 334 335 336 Ruby Atkins Frances Burton Frances Burton Michelle Mudgway 9817 Baby Set Jacket, Hat & Booties. 337 338 339 340 341 342 Frances Burton Frances Burton Jade Elstone L Stratford Judy Walker Rachel Woods Partial or all over 297 Yvonne Cameron 9812 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 Knitted Toy Ruby Atkins Frances Burton Frances Burton Frances Burton Karen Callaghan Karen Callaghan L Stratford Judy Walker Judy Walker 9813 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 Tea Cosy Frances Burton Frances Burton Frances Burton Letitia Chittenden Jennifer Cook Jennie Kuzman Elaine MacGregor L Stratford 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 18 Handcraft, Sewing, Toys, Baking & Preserves 374 Lynda Warren 426 Preserves 1 Bottle of Sauce sealed (Variety on label) Steward: Mrs M Mardon - 876 7964 29 30 Mavis Mardon Lynda Warren Judge: Pat Davis 9860 31 32 33 34 Apron, full length, half or pop-over Frances Burton Frances Burton Frances Burton Julie Reay 9861 Hat, any style or fabric in crochet SPONSORS: Wool "N" Things, St Beads, Mrs M Mardon, Silky Oak Chocolates, Janet McCardle, Rose Ballard and Olive Branch Bread Company Napier, Heaven's Bakery and Café, John's Bakery Hastings and Edge's Art Framers Havelock North knitting or sewn etc Trophies for Section E R Spriggs Trophy Awarded to Student 35 36 37 38 Frances Burton Frances Burton Mavis Mardon Kath O'Halloran 420 9862 Child's Garment Home Baking 3 Plain Scones 1 2 3 4 Frances Burton Mavis Mardon Alison Russell Alison Russell 421 Home Baking Machine Made 39 40 41 Sandra Hansen Elaine MacGregor Lynda Warren 9863 Machine Sewn Patchwork e.g. Quilts, Wall hanging etc 3 uniced biscuits 5 6 7 8 9 Frances Burton Mavis Mardon Robyn Nelson Alison Russell Alison Russell 42 43 44 45 46 47 422 Home Baking 9864 1 Iced Banana Cake With Plain Chocolate Icing 10 11 12 13 14 Frances Burton Mavis Mardon Alison Russell Alison Russell Lynda Warren 423 Preserves Mavis Mardon Cherie Naera Lynda Warren Lynda Warren Lynda Warren 424 Preserves Ruby Atkins Frances Burton Frances Burton Mavis Mardon Cherie Naera Cherie Naera Lynda Warren 425 Preserves Ruby Atkins Frances Burton Frances Burton Mavis Mardon Cherie Naera Lynda Warren 22-24 October 2014 Frances Burton Mavis Mardon Julie Reay L Stratford 9865 Handmade Article 52 53 Robyn Nelson Selina Smith 9867 Crochet - Any Article In Wool Only. Knee Rug etc (No Hats) 54 55 56 57 Frances Burton Frances Burton Frances Burton Elaine MacGregor 9868 Crochet - Any Other Article In Yarn Other Than Wool e.g. Novelty, Garment, Cushion, Christmas Decorations, Toys. 1 Jar of Chutney or Relish sealed or covered (Variety on label) 24 25 26 27 28 373 48 49 50 51 Applique 1 Jar of Jam with covered top (Variety on label) 18 19 20 21 22 23 372 Any Other Article / Novelty Etc. (Machine Sewn) e.g. Cushion Cover, Toilet Roll Cover, Peg Bag, Casserole Cover. 1 sealed jar of Preserved 15 16 17 370 371 Frances Burton Julie Reay Julie Reay Julie Reay Julie Reay Julie Reay 58 59 60 Frances Burton Frances Burton Frances Burton 9871 61 376 Embroidery - Cross Stitch Picture, Framed Alison Russell Sally Calder Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 19 9872 Alpaca Fibre Woolcraft Item made using Beads e.g. Necklace, Bracelet etc or Decorative item using mainly Beads e.g. Purse, Bag, Collar Picture etc. 62 Sandra Hansen 9874 Fabric Toy Judge: Tracey White Dressed Doll, Golly or Animal etc. 63 66 Mavis Mardon L Stratford 9875 Teddy Bear: In Fur Fabric, Jointed or Unjointed, Safety Eyes preferred but not essential. 64 65 67 Julie Reay Julie Reay L Stratford 9877 68 69 Garment or Item in Wool Felting Elaine MacGregor Kath O'Halloran 9878 70 71 72 Garment Or Item Woven Jim Craven Jim Craven Elaine MacGregor Steward: Yvonne Monk & Elaine McGregor SPONSORS: Raydene Alpacas – Class 9880 Bay Carding – Class 9881 Charrington Alpacas - Class 9882 Mesa Fibre Mill – Class 9883 Gilt Edge Alpacas – Class 9884 Shenandoah Alpacas – Class 9885 Kane Carding – Class 9886 Sponsor of Supreme Overall Winner Skeinz, the Natural Yarn Store The steward would like to thank all entrants, sponsors and helpers for their support in making this section a success. 9880 73 74 75 Adult Garment Frances Burton Lousie Geerlings Briditte Hand 9881 Wearable Accessory eg. Scarves (under 20cm wide), Gloves, Hats, Socks, etc. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Frances Burton Frances Burton Maree Buscke Maree Buscke Jennie Kuzman Elaine MacGregor Sheryl Masters Sheryl Masters Yvonne Monk Kath O'Halloran 9882 Household Accessory eg. Cushions, Wall hangings, Table Runners, etc. 86 Frances Burton 9883 87 88 89 Child's Garment Frances Burton Gaye Martinson Judy Walker 9884 Babies' Garment To fit up to 12mths of age 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Frances Burton Frances Burton Tamzin Coull Sandra Frederikson Sandra Frederikson Gaye Martinson Gaye Martinson Yvonne Monk Ingrid Stevens Ingrid Stevens Janet Tearle Janet Tearle Judy Walker 20 9885 Woodturning Shawls, Stoles, Blankets and Rugs Minimum width 30cm 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 377 79 Letitia Chittenden Sandra Frederikson Lousie Geerlings Irvina Lunt Elaine MacGregor Suyen Pharazyn Christine Spooner Yvonne Monk Maree Buscke 9886 110 111 112 113 114 378 Hand Spun Skein Lousie Geerlings Yvonne Monk Yvonne Monk Christine Spooner Christine Spooner Gaye Martinson Stewards: Mr John Ward,Mr Colin Boyce, Mrs Alison Drayton, Judge: Geoff Addison Sponsors: Turning Tools Ltd, Auckland. Woodcut Tools, Hawke’s Bay. Toolshed, Hastings. Hawke’s Bay Saw Doctors, Hastings. Hector Jones Power Toolcentre, Hastings. The Rowland Cooper Memorial Trophy for the best Piece of Woodturning in the Show Exhibited by a member of the Hawke's Bay Woodturners Guild. 9890 Bowls Wooden items, which may be decorated with other materials, which have been turned to a bowl shape on a lathe. There is no size prescription. 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 Aidan Callaghan Walter Drayton George Lomas George Lomas George Lomas Nick Lucke Roger Mabey Mark von Dadelszen 9891 Constructed Piece Does not have to be turned on a lathe, an object of multiple pieces e.g. Small furniture, lidded boxes etc. 166 167 168 169 170 171 John Atchinson Denis Cadwallader Roger Mabey Tony Millson Bill Parker Mark von Dadelszen 9892 Plain Bowls Wooden items with no decoration, colouring, texturing or embellishment which have been turned to a bowl shape on a lathe. There is no size prescription. 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Bryan Baker Alison Drayton Alison Drayton Walter Drayton Walter Drayton George Lomas George Lomas George Lomas George Lomas Nick Lucke Roger Mabey Anne Mann Tony Millson Nigel Smith Ken Thomas Ken Thomas Mark von Dadelszen 21 9893 9896 Plates / Platters Wooden items, which may be decorated with other materials which have been turned to a plate / platter shape on a lathe. The height must not exceed 20% of the diameter eg. A 250mm diameter piece must not exceed 50mm in height. 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 Alison Drayton George Johnson George Lomas George Lomas Nick Lucke Roger Mabey Tony Millson Tony Millson Tony Millson Ken Thomas Mark von Dadelszen 9894 Hollow Forms / Vases Hollow forms are wooden items, which may be decorated with other material, which have been hollowed while turning on a lathe through a hole which is significantly smaller than the diameter of the finished work. Vases are wooden items, which may be decorated with other materials, which are at least twice as high as they are wide and have been hollowed while turning on a lathe through the main opening. 200 201 202 203 W Ingram George Lomas Roger Mabey Tony Millson 9895 Domestic Ware Any wooden item created on a lathe with a turned lid that fits into or over the body of work. 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 Alison Drayton Walter Drayton Walter Drayton W Ingram Roland Johnson George Lomas Roger Mabey Alan McRae Bill Parker Ken Thomas Mark von Dadelszen John Ward 9897 Ornamental Any ornamental, sculptured or abstract item made of wood involving some use of the lathe in the making and carved turning being any item with more than 50% of the surface carved or textured. 225 226 227 Roger Mabey Alan McRae Mark von Dadelszen 9898 Woodcarving Any item carved from a single piece of wood not exceeding 400mm x 400mm x 900mm. 9899 Toys Does not have to be turned on a lathe, but needs to be suitable toy for children to be able to play with safely. Wooden items principally created on a lathe, which may be decorated with other materials. This includes items such as rolling pins, spoons / scoops, egg cups, goblets, salt & pepper shakers, egg timers, lamp stands, stools and other turned wooden items the turner believes to be utilitarian in domestic situation. 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 Lidded Boxes 228 229 230 231 Bryan Baker Walter Drayton Alison Drayton Eric Lamb Walter Drayton Eric Lamb George Lomas Roger Mabey Brian McGurk Brian McGurk Nigel Smith Nigel Smith John Ward 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 22 Poultry Senior Steward:Geoff Burton Judges: Poultry – Peter Kettle Pigeons – Jan Grady Smith Trophies for Section The Dudding Cup Awarded to the winner of the Champion Bird Old English Game Bantams - Hard Feather 102 Any Colour Cock 1 Rodger Shaw 2 Rodger Shaw 3 Rodger Shaw 4 Rodger Shaw 5 Rodger Shaw 6 Rodger Shaw 103 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Any Colour Hen Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Champion Game Bantam Bantams 113 Pekin, Black Hen 19 Annie Moffett 20 Annie Moffett 21 Annie Moffett 22 Philip Grady 116 23 24 Pekin, Any other colour Cock Sandra Hooper Sandra Hooper 117 25 26 Pekin, Any other colour Hen Sandra Hooper Sandra Hooper 118 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Wyandotte, Any Colour Cock Geoff Burton Geoff Burton Logan Gill Logan Gill Logan Gill Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw 22-24 October 2014 119 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Wyandotte, Any Colour Hen Geoff Burton Geoff Burton Logan Gill Logan Gill Logan Gill Logan Gill Logan Gill Logan Gill Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw 120 48 Ancona, Cock Wayne Southee 121 49 50 51 Ancona, Hen Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Wayne Southee 122 52 Rhode Island Red, Cock Wayne Southee 123 53 Rhode island Red, Hen Wayne Southee 124 54 55 Any other variety Bantam, Cock Jenni Tomlins Rodger Shaw 125 56 57 58 Any other variety Bantam, Hen Jenni Tomlins Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Champion Soft Feathered Bantam Male Champion Soft Feathered Bantam Poultry Light Breeds 126 Silkie, Cock 59 Taurimu Poultry 60 Taurimu Poultry 127 61 62 Silkie, Hen Taurimu Poultry Taurimu Poultry 134 63 64 65 66 Any other light breed Cock Lisa Caro Nicholas Bell Nicholas Bell Taurimu Poultry Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 23 135 67 68 69 70 71 72 Any other light breed Hen Lisa Caro Lisa Caro Lisa Caro Nicholas Bell Nicholas Bell Taurimu Poultry Light Breeds Champion Male Ducks 156 Muscovy Drake 102 Rodger Shaw 157 103 104 Muscovy Duck Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw Champion Duck or Drake Light Breeds Champion Female Poultry Heavy Breeds 136 Orpington, Any colour Cock 73 Annie Moffett 74 Taurimu Poultry Pigeons 168 Frillback Cock 105 Andrea Cruickshank 106 Andrea Cruickshank 107 Wayne Southee 169 108 109 Frillback Hen Andrea Cruickshank Wayne Southee 170 110 111 112 West of England Cock Pandora Bauckham Sussex Lofts Sussex Lofts 171 113 114 115 West of England Hen Pandora Bauckham Sussex Lofts Sussex Lofts Australorp, Any Colour Hen Geoff Burton Lisa Caro Lisa Caro Lisa Caro 174 116 117 Modena Cock Darryl Flood Darryl Flood 176 118 Fantail, Cock Ryan Bauckham 142 87 88 Plymouth Rock, Any Colour Cock Logan Gill Taurimu Poultry 177 119 Fantail, Hen Ryan Bauckham 143 89 90 Plymouth Rock, Any Colour Hen Logan Gill Logan Gill 182 120 Jacobin Cock Allison Wilson 144 91 92 Rhode Island Red, Cock Rodger Shaw Taurimu Poultry 190 121 122 123 Roller Cock Sussex Lofts Sussex Lofts Sussex Lofts 145 93 94 Rhode Island Red, Hen Rodger Shaw Rodger Shaw 191 124 125 126 Roller Hen Sussex Lofts Sussex Lofts Sussex Lofts 146 95 96 Light Sussex, Cock Sandra Hooper Sandra Hooper 194 127 Performing Tumbler, Cock Sussex Lofts 147 97 98 99 100 101 Light Sussex, Hen Lisa Caro Lisa Caro Sandra Hooper Sandra Hooper Sandra Hooper 195 128 Performing Tumbler, Hen Sussex Lofts 196 129 130 American Show Racer Cock Allison Wilson Ryan Bauckham 197 131 American Show Racer Hen Allison Wilson 198 132 Archangel Cock Wayne Southee 137 75 76 77 78 79 Orpington, Any colour Hen Lisa Caro Lisa Caro Taurimu Poultry Taurimu Poultry Taurimu Poultry 139 80 Wyandotte, Any colour Hen Taurimu Poultry 140 81 82 Australorp, Any Colour Cock Lisa Caro Nicholas Bell 141 83 84 85 86 Heavy Breeds Champion Male Heavy Breeds Champion Female 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 24 199 133 Archangel Hen Wayne Southee 217 159 202 134 135 136 137 Any other variety Cock Andrea Cruickshank Ryan Bauckham Ryan Bauckham Sussex Lofts Champion Homer in the Coloured 203 138 139 Any other variety Hen Ryan Bauckham Sussex Lofts Junior Section 220 Light Breed Poultry, Cock 160 Xavier Brougham 204 Coloured Show Homer, Blue or Black Chequer, Cock Andrell & Southee Champion - Junior Section 140 205 Flown Class, Old Hen Wayne Southee Champion Homer in the Flown Class Champion Fancy Pigeon Junior Bantams 225 Old English Game, Hen - Hard Feather 161 Amelia Brougham 162 Cole Smith 141 Coloured Show Homer, Blue or Black Chequer, Hen Andrell & Southee 206 142 143 Coloured Show Homer, Blue Bar Cock Andrell & Southee Daryl Flood 207 144 145 Coloured Show Homer, Blue Bar Hen Andrell & Southee Daryl Flood 208 146 Coloured Show Homer, Red Chequer, Cock Andrell & Southee 209 147 Coloured Show Homer, Red Chequer, Andrell & Southee 210 148 Coloured Show Homer, Pied, Cock Daryl Flood 211 149 Coloured Show Homer, Pied, Hen Daryl Flood Junior Pigeons 231 Fancy Pigeon, Hen 171 Cole Smith 212 Coloured Show Homer, Any other colour, Cock Andrell & Southee Andrell & Southee Daryl Flood 232 172 173 174 Homer, Cock Cole Smith Mikayla Flood Nicholas Flood 233 175 Homer, Hen Cole Smith 150 151 152 213 153 154 155 Coloured Show Homer, Any other colour, Hen Andrell & Southee Andrell & Southee Daryl Flood 214 156 Flown Class, Yearling Cock Wayne Southee 215 157 Flown Class, Yearling Hen Wayne Southee 216 158 Flown Class, Old Cock Wayne Southee 22-24 October 2014 227 163 164 165 Any other variety clean leg, Hen Amelia Brougham Cole Smith Xavier Brougham 228 166 167 Any other variety feathered leg, Cock Cole Smith Xavier Brougham 229 168 169 Any other variety feathered leg, Hen Cole Smith Xavier Brougham 230 170 Fancy Pigeon, Cock Cole Smith Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 25 Royal Event In Sheep ALL CLASSES ARE NATURAL CONDITION UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. CONDITION ON THE ENTRY FORM MUST BE SIGNED. DECLARATION OF NATURAL Run under the by laws and regulations of the R.A.S. This is a natural condition show Tuesday, 21 October 2014 9.00am Fleece Wool Judging 9.00am Black & Coloured Fleece Wool Judging Wednesday, 22 October 2014 All day, Fleece Wool Display (Under Grandstand) Thursday, 23 October 2014 9.00am Breed Judging and Interbreeds 1.30pm National Junior Judging Competition - Sheep 3.00pm National Junior Judging Competition - Fleece 4.00 pm Presentations (includes Fleece Wool) Friday, 24 October 2014 7.30am Local Junior Judging Competition - Sheep 7.30am Local Junior Judging Competition - Fleece (Under Grandstand) 8.00am Shearing 8.00am Wool Handling 9.00am Black & Coloured Breed Judging All Breeds Judging General Conditions: S 1. Exhibitors must check their entry acknowledgement / Tax Invoice carefully. Once entries are catalogued, changes cannot be made and cannot be penned, unless the error originates with the Administration. S 2. Entry Fees are inclusive of Goods & Services Tax. S 3. Sheep must be un-shorn unless otherwise stated. Date of previous shearing must be given when entry is made. Age to be declared in every case at time of entry. The age of sheep must date from the end of the third week after lambing commences. S 4. In all ewe & lamb classes the quality of lambs is to be taken into consideration in all judging. S 5. Ewe and her Lamb: Exhibitors are asked to note that in Ewe and Lamb Classes, lambs must be her suckling lambs. S 6. Imported sheep lambed in April shall be deemed to have been born on the last day of the month. S 7. The Society reserves the right to divide existing pens for the purpose of penning exhibits, should the entries necessitate such action. S 8. Exhibitors are to have sheep penned no later than 8.30am on the day they are to be Judged. S 9. Definition of Hogget: A sheep born after 1st July in any one year shall be considered a hogget up to and including 31st December the following year except in the case of the Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset sheep when May 1st should be substituted for July 1st. 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 26 S 10. S 11. Hoggets are eligible for Championship Judging. Sheep must be exhibited in the class entered – no changes can be made. Natural Condition Sheep Rules: A declaration must be made on the entry form stating: (1) The actual date the sheep were shorn, (2) That they were shorn evenly and close to the skin, (3) That the wool has not been trimmed or locked in any way since, (4) That the sheep have not been coloured or oiled, other than by dipping in a standard sheep dip preparation. No dipping or bloom dipping will be allowed within one month of exhibition. Sheep in natural condition must not be housed except in transit or covered for more than 48 hours before judging. All sheep in Natural Condition Classes will be examined by Inspectors before judging. They shall disqualify any sheep which they consider do not conform to the term natural Condition. The Inspectors decision shall be final and not subject to appeal or objection. Bloom Dip and Artificial Colouring: The attention of Exhibitors is drawn to the provision of the Stock Amendment Act, 1963, Clause 4, which states: (1) No person shall sell or offer for sale any substance or preparation to be used, or purporting to be suitable for use, in the artificial colouring, blooming, or conditioning which results in colouring, of the wool of sheep. (2) No person shall use any such substance or preparation on any sheep or on the wool of any sheep. (3) No person shall sell, or offer for sale or bring or cause to be brought onto any land or other place at which sheep are offered for sale. Or exhibition any sheep the wool of which has been treated with any substance or preparation to which sub-section of this section applies. (4) Every person who acts in contravention of this section commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $200. Brucellosis Testing: All exhibitors must sign a declaration stating that rams entered for the Show are either: (a) From a flock currently accredited brucellosis free. Or (b) Have no palpable lesion of epididymitis and have received a negative test for ovine brucellosis. Copies of the accreditation certificate or the test certificate must be forwarded with the entry form. Exhibition Sheep: Pure-bred or Crossbred sheep may be exhibited at the Show other than in the standard competitive Classes upon payment of an entry fee of $10.00 per pen. Suitable sign-posting and publicity material will be allowed. Private Sale of Stock: Exhibitors are encouraged to offer their stock for private sale at the Show, and are invited to attach a card to the pen stating this fact and the name(s) of the Broker(s) who may be contacted to negotiate a sale. If Exhibitors so desire, they may also request on their entry form that this information be printed in the Catalogue beside the name of their exhibit. Insurance of stock being transported within the Showgrounds for Society purposes has been arranged. Protest: Any protest is to be lodged no later than 2 hours after the completion of judging and must be lodged with the General Manager of the Society. Any protest is to be accompanied by a fee of $50 which is refundable should the protest be upheld. 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 27 Romney Southdown Judge: Rick Lee Judge: Barry Scott Trophies for Section The Mana Trophy Donated by the Est Late G.C. Gibson for the best natural Condition Ram Hogget The Sunderland Cup Presented to the winner of class 3018 - Three shorn Ewe Hoggets Trophies for Section The W.J. Gimblett Perpetual Memorial Cup Presented by Messrs Gimblett Bros will be awarded for the most points in the Southdown section 5290 62 Ram, 18 months and over shorn Jocelyn Charleston 5291 63 Ram, under 18 months shorn Jocelyn Charleston 5263 33 34 Ram, 18 to 30 months shorn Di Timms Di Timms 5264 35 36 Ram, under 18 months shorn Di Timms Di Timms 5293 64 65 66 Ewe, under 18 months shorn Corey Prouting Corey Prouting Jocelyn Charleston 5270 37 38 Ewe, under 18 months shorn Di Timms Di Timms 5295 67 68 Pair of Ewes under 18 months, shorn Corey Prouting Jocelyn Charleston Champion and Reserve Champion Ram and Ewe Champion and Reserve Champion Ram and Ewe Supreme Champion Supreme Champion Perendale Poll Dorset Judge: Russell Proffit Sponsored by: Trophies for Section The Van Asch Salver Donated by Mr I.A. Van Asch for most points in the Perendale Section 5230 12 13 14 Ram, over 30 months woolly Gilbert Timms Gilbert Timms Longview Perendales 5232 15 Ram, over 18 months shorn LongviewPerendales 5233 16 Ewe, over 18 months, woolly and her suckling lamb(s) Longview Perendales 5235 17 18 19 Ewe Hogget, under 18 months woolly Gilbert Timms Gilbert Timms Longview Perendales 5236 Ewe Hogget, Under 18 Months, Shorn On Or After 20 July 2014 Gilbert Timms Gilbert Timms Longview Perendales 20 21 22 Judge: Rick Lee 5180 26 Ram, over 18 months shorn P G King 5181 27 28 Ram, 18 months and under, shorn P G King P G King 5182 29 Pair of Rams, under 18 months, shorn P G King 5183 30 Ewe, over 18 months shorn, and suckling lamb(s) P G King 5184 31 Ewe, under 18 months P G King Champion and Reserve Champion Ram and Ewe Supreme Champion Champion and Reserve Champion Ram and Ewe Supreme Champion 5237 23 24 Ram, under 18 months Gilbert Timms Gilbert Timms 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 28 Suffolk Dorset Down Judge: Barry Scott Judge: Barry Scott 5110 71 Ram, over 18 months shorn Ben Dawson 5111 72 73 74 Ram, under 18 months, shorn Ben Dawson Ben Dawson Ben Dawson 5113 75 76 Ewe, over 18 months, shorn and her suckling lamb(s) Ben Dawson Ben Dawson 5114 77 78 Ewe, under 18 months shorn Ben Dawson Ben Dawson 5121 6 7 Ram, under 18 Months, Shorn A A & H N Hallgarth A A & H N Hallgarth 5122 8 Ewe, over 30 months shorn, and her suckling lamb(s) A A & H N Hallgarth 5123 9 10 Ewe, under 18 Months, Shorn A A & H N Hallgarth A A & H N Hallgarth 5125 11 Ewe, 18-30 months & her suckling lamb(s) A A & H N Hallgarth Champion and Reserve Champion Ram and Ewe Champion and Reserve Champion Ram and Ewe Supreme Champion Supreme Champion Cheviot Judge: Russell Proffit South Suffolk Judge: Barry Scott 5280 1 Ram, over 18 months woolly Gilbert Timms Gilbert Timms 5100 41 42 43 44 Ram, over 30 months, shorn Pukerimu 2010 Partnership Pukerimu 2010 Partnership Spring Bank Stud Spring Bank Stud 5281 2 3 Ram, under 18 months shorn Gilbert Timms Gilbert Timms Gilbert Timms Gilbert Timms 5101 45 46 47 Ram, under 18 months, shorn Pukerimu 2010 Partnership Spring Bank Stud Spring Bank Stud 5284 4 5 Ewe, under 18 months woolly Gilbert Timms Gilbert Timms Gilbert Timms Gilbert Timms 5102 48 49 50 51 Ewe, 30 months and over shorn and her suckling lamb(s) Pukerimu 2010 Partnership Pukerimu 2010 Partnership Spring Bank Stud Spring Bank Stud 5103 52 53 54 55 56 57 Ewe, under 18 months shorn Pukerimu 2010Partnership Pukerimu 2010 Partnership Pukerimu 2010 Partnership Pukerimu 2010 Partnership Spring Bank Stud Spring Bank Stud Champion and Reserve Champion Ram and Ewe Interbreeds Champion Wool Breeds Ram Hogget Champion Wool Breeds Ewe Hogget Champion Meat Breeds Ram Hogget Champion Meat Breeds Ewe Hogget Champion Wool Breeds Sheep of Show Reserve Champion Wool Breeds Sheep of Show Champion and Reserve Champion Ram and Ewe Supreme Champion Supreme Champion Champion Meat Breeds Sheep of Show Reserve Champion Meat Breeds Sheep of Show Supreme Champion Sheep of Show Supreme Sheep of Show Trophies for Section The Hollycombe Cup To be awarded to the Supreme Sheep of the Show Supreme Sheep of Show 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 29 All Breed Sheep Classes Sponsored by: Judge: Willie Philip 5350 126 127 128 129 130 All Breed Ram under 18 months - Wool Di Timms Don & Yvonne Monk Don & Yvonne Monk Gilbert Timms Longview Perendales 5351 131 132 133 134 135 136 All Breed Ram under 18 months - Meat A A & H N Hallgarth Pukerimu 2010 Partnership Jocelyn Charleston P G King P G King Spring Bank Stud 5352 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 All Breed Ewe under 18 months - Meat A A & H N Hallgarth Corey Prouting Pukerimu 2010 Partnership Pukerimu 2010 Partnership Jocelyn Charleston P G King Spring Bank Stud 5353 144 145 146 All Breed Ewe under 18 months - Wool Pukerimu 2010 Partnership Gilbert Timms Longview Perendales 5357 153 154 155 156 157 All Breed Ewe And Lamb(s) - Meat Ben Dawson Pukerimu 2010 Partnership P G King Spring Bank Stud A A & H N Hallgarth 5358 158 159 160 161 All Breed Ram over 18 months - Wool Don & Yvonne Monk Gilbert Timms Gilbert Timms Longview Perendales 5359 162 163 164 165 166 All Breed Ram over 18 months - Meat Pukerimu 2010 Partnership Pukerimu 2010 Partnership Jocelyn Charleston P G King Spring Bank Stud 5354 All Breed Sire Progeny Class Ram/Ewe Under 18 Months - Wool 147 Gilbert Timms 5355 All Breed Sire Progeny Class Ram/Ewe Under 18 Months - Meat 148 Ben Dawson 149 Jocelyn Charleston 150 Spring Bank Stud 5356 151 152 All Breed Ewe And Lamb(s) - Wool Don & Yvonne Monk Longview Perendales 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 30 Black & Coloured Sheep Judge: Jim Stewart Trophies for Section The Raukawa Harding Challenge Cup Will be awarded for the most points. Cup is to remain the property of the HB A & P Society. Worsnop Silver Tray Donated by Mrs M Worsnop is to be awarded to the Best Ewe Hogget 3848 81 82 83 84 85 86 Ram, Over 18 Months, Shorn Craig Campbell Don & Yvonne Monk Don & Yvonne Monk Dylan Bibby R & S Fielder R & S Fielder 3849 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Ram, Under 18 Months, Shorn Craig Campbell Craig Campbell Don & Yvonne Monk Don & Yvonne Monk Dylan Bibby Dylan Bibby R & S Fielder R & S Fielder 3850 95 Ram, Over 18 Months, Woolly Dylan Bibby 3856 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Ewe, Under 18 Months Woolly, Shorn As A Lamb Craig Campbell Craig Campbell Don & Yvonne Monk Don & Yvonne Monk Dylan Bibby R & S Fielder R & S Fielder 3857 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 Ewe, Under 18 Months, Shorn Craig Campbell Craig Campbell Dylan Bibby Irvina Hunt Irvina Hunt Lynley Coffey Lynley Coffey R & S Fielder Champion Black & Coloured Ewe Reserve Champion Black & Coloured Ewe Supreme Champion Black & Coloured Champion Black & Coloured Ram Reserve Champion Black & Coloured Ram 3852 96 97 98 99 100 Ewe Over 30 Months And Her Lamb(s) Woolly Don & Yvonne Monk Don & Yvonne Monk Craig Campbell Dylan Bibby Lynley Coffey 3853 101 102 103 Ewe Over 30 Months And Her Lamb(s) Shorn Craig Campbell Dylan Bibby Lynley Coffey 3854 Ewe, Over 18 To 30 Months And Her Lamb(s) Woolly Craig Campbell Don & Yvonne Monk Don & Yvonne Monk Dylan Bibby 104 105 106 107 3855 108 109 Ewe, Over 18 to 30 months and her lamb(s) shorn Craig Campbell Lynley Coffey 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 31 Fleece Wool Sponsored by Trophies for Section C J Baker Cup The D Butler & Sons Trophy Will be awarded for the Reserve Champion Mature Fleece The Douglas McLean (Perpetual) Cup Awarded for the most points in all sections The Oakbourne Cup Presented by D C & M H Canning, will be awarded to the Supreme Finewool Fleece The W Tucker Silver Entree Dish Donated by W Tucker Ltd, will be awarded for the Champion Hogget Fleece. This Trophy is to be won three times in succession or five times at intervals before being won outright. The Whanawhana Trophy Presented by M G Beamish, will be awarded to the Reserve Champion Hogget Fleece. To be won three times in succession or five times at intervals before being won outright. Fleece Wool Champion Hogget Crossbred Fleece Judges: Lachie Grant (Crossbreed) Peter Lange (Fine Wool Reserve Champion Hogget Crossbred Fleece Champion Mature Crossbred Fleece 4110 Fleece From Crossbred Hogget, Shorn AS A Lamb, 39 Microns And Coarser Reserve Champion Mature Crossbred Fleece 4111 Fleece From Crossbred Hogget, Shorn As A Lamb, 33 to 38 Microns Inclusive 4119 Fleece from halfbred or Corriedale Hoggett, shorn as a lamb, 31 microns and finer 4112 Fleece From Crossbred Hogget, Shorn As A Lamb, 32 Microns And Finer 4120 Fleece from merino Hoggett, 25 microns and finer 4113 Ewe Or Wether Fleece, Crossbred, 39 Microns And Coarser 4121 Ewe or Wether Fleece, halfbred-Corriedale, 33 microns and finer 4114 Ewe And Wether Fleece, Crossbred, 33 To 37 Microns Inclusive 4122 Ewe or Wether Fleece, Merion 25 microns and finer 4115 Ewe Or Wether Fleece, Crossbred, 33 Microns And Finer 4123 Ram Fleece, Halfbred microns or finer 4116 Ram Fleece, Any Breed, 39 Microns And Coarser 4124 Ram Fleece, Merino, 25 microns or finer 4117 Ram Fleece, Any Breed, 33 To 37 Microns Inclusive 4118 Ram Fleece, Any Breed, 33 Microns And Finer Supreme Champion Crossbred Fleece - Corriedale 33 Champion Hogget Finewool Fleece Reserve Champion Hogget Finewool Fleece Champion Mature Finewool Fleece Reserve Champion Mature Finewool Fleece Supreme Champion Finewool Fleece 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 32 Black & Coloured Fleece Judge: Ross Buscke 5010 5011 5012 Black & Coloured Mature Fleece (31) Microns And Finer Craig Campbell Don & Yvonne Monk Don & Yvonne Monk Dylan Bibby Lynley Coffey Black & Coloured Mature Fleece (33) Microns And Stronger Craig Campbell Don & Yvonne Monk Don & Yvonne Monk Lynley Coffey Lynley Coffey Sue Grayson Sue Grayson Black & Coloured Woolly Hogget Fleece (30) Microns And Finer Craig Campbell Lynley Coffey 5013 Black & Coloured Woolly Hogget Fleece (31) Microns And Stronger Craig Campbell Lynley Coffey Lynley Coffey Sue Grayson 5014 Black & Coloured Shorn Hogget Fleece (30) Microns And Finer Craig Campbell Don & Yvonne Monk Don & Yvonne Monk 5015 Black & Coloured Shorn Hogget Fleece (31) Microns And Stronger Craig Campbell Don & Yvonne Monk Don & Yvonne Monk Champion Mature Black & Coloured Fleece Champion Hogget Black & Coloured Fleece Supreme Champion Black & Coloured Fleece 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 33 Royal Event In Cattle Cattle Section Supervisor – Sam Russell (027 495 4127) Thursday, 23 October 2014 9am – Breed Judging 11.30am – Calf & Lamb Competition 1pm – Interbreed Judging 2.30pm – Led Steer Competition 3pm – Meat & Wool Cup 4pm – Team Stock Judging Competition 4.30pm – BBQ for Competitors, Exhibitors, Stewards & Judges – Beehive We welcome AFFCO staff and representatives to join us at the Beehive Friday, 24 October 2014 8am – Local Junior Judging – Beef Cattle 9am – Local Junior Judging – Sheep 9am – All Breeds Classes 10am – Local Junior Judging – Fleece (Under Grandstand) 1pm – Presentation for Junior Judging Competition (Local) 1.30pm – Grand Parade All Breed & Meat and Wool Cup Competitions are run under the by laws and regulations of the RAS. TB Status of Show Cattle As per the current MAF legislation and requirements. All Cattle entered for showing must be from a TB Clear Herd. A copy of the current TB test certificate must be attached to your entry forms. The Society must be notified at the time of entry of any testing to be carried out after closing date of entries or of any TB issues that may arise after entries have been submitted. Owners entering cattle must sign the declaration printed on the entry form. There are now two documents required under MAR regulations. TB Test Certificate: For Cattle from declared movement controlled areas – all cattle over the age of three months are to be tested and have a clear test within 60 days prior to being moved to the Show. All other animals must be from a herd that is up to date with its current routine TB testing requirements. TB Animal Status Declaration Card: This is a legal requirement for all animals being moved. All animals entered must be accompanied in transit by a signed and dated TB Animal Status Declaration Card showing a TB Clear status in accordance with present legislation. Animal individual numbers must be included on the TB test sheet. These cards may be inspected at the unloading area. For cattle being moved from 1 July 2012: A NAIT approved RFID tag will be mandatory for all movements of cattle, including day old calves. NAIT approved RFID cattle tags are white only. Please do not remove tags if cattle are identified with Animal 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 34 Health Board or MINDA tags. As of 1 July 2012 a second tag is no longer required under the new NAIT scheme. All animals being exhibited at the Show, including any participating in a hoof and hooks carcase competition, come under the standard identification and ASD regulation. These cattle will require the NAIT approved RFID tag. Where live cattle or deer form part of a trade display the exhibitor is responsible for: (i) Ensuring all stock have completed all TB testing requirements as per Animal Health Board testing regulations. (ii) Ensuring all stock are identified in accordance with current legal requirements. GENERAL CONDITIONS Entries: C1 Names of Pedigree Cattle and birth dates must be stated on Entry From before entries will be catalogues. C2 Substitution of an entry upon the production of a veterinarian’s certificate will be allowed only in the classes in which the original animal was entered. C3 Exhibitors must check their entry acknowledgement / Tax Invoice carefully once entries are catalogues, changes cannot be made and cannot be penned, unless the error originates with the Administration. C4 Prizemoney – in classes where there is less than four entries, only 1st and 2nd prize money will be awarded, 3rd placing will receive a ribbon only. Judging: C6 Times for judging shown in this schedule may be varied dependant on numbers of entries. Protest: C7 Any protest is to be lodged no later than two hours after the completion of judging and must be lodged with the General Manager of the Society. Any protest is to be accompanied by a fee of $50 which is refundable should the protest be upheld. Private Sale of Stock: C8 Exhibitors are encouraged to offer their stock for private sale at the Show and are invited to attach a card to the pen stating this fact and the name(s) of the Broker(s) who may be contacted to negotiate a sale. Night Pens & Paddocks: C9 The Supervising Steward will do allocation of Covered Night Pens. C10 Exhibitors requiring loose boxes or lockers are required to bring their own padlock and keys. C11 All animals will be penned in the Breeder’s Groups, not in Catalogue order. C12 All Night Pens not required for exhibits to be reserved for aged Bulls and Cows with Calves at the discretion of the Supervising Steward (application to be made to him). C13 No exhibits are to be removed at night unless arrangements have been made for paddocks off the grounds. C14 Cattle must not be put in the Sheep holding paddocks. C15 All Cattle Stalls must be cleaned out before 8am on each morning of the Show. Muck is to be placed in bins provided. C16 No vehicles are permitted within the confines of any stalling area. No exceptions apply, offending vehicles will be towed away at owner’s expense. Inspection: C17 The Committee reserves the right to inspect at random any cattle for Age, Tattoos or Identification to establish TB Status. Judging: C18 Exhibits being presented in the ring for judging without the allocated NECK NUMBER, or identifying number, will be disqualified from the class. Presentation of Exhibits during Judging: C19 No distinguishing mark or ownership of stud name, with the exception of “earmarks, tattoos, ear tags” and registered brands may be attached to the animal exhibitied. Unruly Animals: C20 The Society, through the Supervisor of its Cattle Committee, reserves the right to order immediate removal from the Showgrounds of any animal it considers unruly or unmanageable. Nose Clips: C21 All led Bulls (born before 31 December 2013) must have a ring through the nose and be led by two leads and be under 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 35 adequate supervision. It is compulsory that all Beef Females (born before 31 December 2013) be led by a halter and nose clip. Two handlers are allowed with Senior Bulls whilst they are parading in the Show Ring. C22 All Bulls must be securely tied in the stalls by an adequate halter as well as a leather collar or chain. C23 All animals are to be led by experienced, competent handlers. Age of Cattle C24 Age of all cattle shall be computed as at 1 June. All animals shall be deemed to be one year older on this date. Calves at foot must be born on or after 1 June prior to the show. C25 Cows and heifers calving after entry has been made may be transferred to the classes for which they have become eligible. Parading C26 Animals entering the Judging Ring must parade clockwise to enable the Judge from the centre of the Ring to obtain a clear view as the animals move around. 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 36 Simmental Judge: Grant Crawshaw Thursday, 23 October 2014 Cattle Arena 9am Trophies for Section The Fredsberg Salver (Perpetual) Awarded to the Supreme Champion Simmental 4521 Cow, (3 years & over) with her own calf/calves at foot Bk 190 110 183 Entry Glen Anthony Whitney Ratalea Yarrow AY3 Ratalea Yule 4522 Heifer, (2 years) with her own calf/calves at foot Glen Anthony Simmentals Sue Wylie Glen Anthony Simmentals Bk 117 123 133 38 Entry Glen Anthony Alpha Glen Anthony Amour Glen Anthony Arena Glen Anthony Azure 4523 Cow (2 years and over) Production Class Bk 123 133 38 110 Entry Glen Anthony Amour Glen Anthony Arena Glen Anthony Azure Ratalea Yarrow AY3 Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals 4527 Yearling Bull Bk 124 182 115 116 Entry Glen Anthony Bdfest Glen Anthony Bismark Glen Anthony Bonanza Glen Anthony Bronson 4528 Yearling Bull, Performance Class Bk 124 182 Entry Glen Anthony Bdfest Glen Anthony Bismark Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Champion Junior Bull Reserve Champion Junior Bull Supreme Champion 4529 Pairs Class Bk Entry Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals 4530 Progeny Class (two animals, male and female, one year and over) Bk Entry Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Sue Wylie Champion Senior Female Reserve Senior Champion Female 4524 Yearling Heifer Bk 171 109 179 160 Entry Glen Anthony Barina Glen Anthony Beauty Glen Anthony Breeze Glen Anthony Brocade 4525 Yearling Heifer, Performance Class Bk 171 109 179 160 Entry Glen Anthony Barina Glen Anthony Beauty Glen Anthony Breeze Glen Anthony Brocade Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Champion Junior Female Reserve Champion Junior Female Champion Female Reserve Champion Female 4526 Bull (2 years and over) Bk 189 114 172 Entry Glen Anthony Yale Glen Anthony Y-arta Ratalea Anchor AA2 Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Sue Wylie Senior Champion Reserve Senior Champion 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 37 Charolais Gelbvieh Judge: Ed Beetham Judge: Ed Beetham Thursday, 23 October 2014 Cattle Arena 9am Thursday, 23 October 2014 Cattle Arena 9am 4562 Heifer, (2 years) with own calf/calves at foot Longview Challenge Cup Awarded to the Supreme Champion Charolais Bk 37 Entry Wairau Abba 4750 Cow, (3 years & over) with her own calf/calves at foot 4563 Cow (2 years and over) Production Class Bk 169 Entry Rauriki Fanny F24 Bk 37 Entry Wairau Abba 4751 Heifer, (2 years) with her own calf/calves at foot Reserve Senior Champion Female Bk 176 Entry Nonvelle Halo H6 4564 Yearling Heifer Reserve Senior Champion Female Bk 121 170 108 Entry Gladstone Rose B71 Wairau Blink Wairau Bubbles 4756 Yearling Bull 4565 Yearling Heifer, Performance Class Bk 158 165 Entry Rauriki Ice Breaker I3 Rauriki Icelander I7 Bk 170 108 Entry Wairau Blink Wairau Bubbles Trophies for Section Rauriki Charolais Rauriki Charolais Champion Senior Female Rauriki Charolais Rauriki Charolais Robert & Sandy Mitchell Robert & Sandy Mitchell Champion Senior Female Maungaraki Cattle Co Robert & Sandy Mitchell Robert & Sandy Mitchell Robert & Sandy Mitchell Robert & Sandy Mitchell Champion Junior Female Champion Junior Bull Reserve Champion Junior Female Reserve Champion Junior Bull Champion Female Supreme Champion 4757 Bk 158 165 Reserve Champion Female Yearling Bull, Performance Class Entry Rauriki Ice Breaker I3 Rauriki Icelander I7 Senior Champion Rauriki Charolais Rauriki Charolais Reserve Senior Champion 4567 Bk 192 185 Yearling Bull Entry Gladstone Bourban B37 Gladstone Brandy B45 Maungaraki Cattle Co Maungaraki Cattle Co Champion Junior Bull Reserve Champion Junior Bull Supreme Champion 22-24 October 2014 4569 Pairs Class Bk 118 170 Entry Maungaraki Cattle Co Wairau Blink 4570 Progeny Class (two animals, male and female, one year and over) Bk 118 170 Entry Maungaraki Cattle Co Wairau Blink Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Maungaraki Cattle Co Robert & Sandy Mitchell Maungaraki Cattle Co Robert & Sandy Mitchell 38 Lifestyle Led Steer Competition Dexter, Lowline Thursday, 23 October 2014 Cattle Arena 2.30pm Judge: Kevin Ryan Sponsored by: Thursday, 23 October 2014 Cattle Arena 9am 4680 Purebred Yearling Heifer Bk 19 Entry Markim Bella 4681 Purebred Heifer Calf Bk 131 122 Entry Cardon Heights Ellora Kotahi Ataahua 4683 Purebred Yearling Bull Bk 154 Entry Snowline Annabel Markim Dexters 4808 Maria Hamilton Maria Hamilton Markim Dexters Champion Junior Reserve Champion Junior 4684 Purebred cow (3 years and over) with own calf/calves at foot Bk 177 Entry Triple M Winter Angel 4688 Bk 159 4705 Bk 166 Led Steer Competition Entries open to any Led Steer, up to 3 Years, must be under good control Bk Entry 164 220 Harry 157 221 Courtney 175 222 Larson 168 223 Jared 137 224 Charley 20 225 Steph 130 Gladstone Bagdag B43 Maungaraki Cattle Co 134 Gladstone Baldrick Maungaraki Cattle Co 191 Rauriki Noble III Rauriki Charolais Triple M Stud Yearling Heifer Entry Triple M Angels Secret Triple M Stud Bull Calf Entry Triple M Echos Onyx 22-24 October 2014 Triple M Stud Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 39 Beef All Breeds Meat & Wool Cup Judge: Peter Mathews Thursday, 23 October 2014 Cattle Arena: 3pm The "Meat & Wool" Cup donated by the late Philip Hereford Snr, and Sons. The Supreme Beef Animal of the Show The Champion Male and Female from each Breed will go forward for the competition to be judged. Should that animal be a cow with natural progeny at foot, those progeny must be paraded with the dam and will be judged as a unit. All entries should be paraded round the ring twice and then stood up for final appraisal. At Close of entries: In the event that any Breed section is combined to make Other Registered Breed section because of lack of entries, the Judge will nominate the Best Female and Male from each Breed to go forward to the Meat & Wool Cup. Each judge shall be given a card on which he/she will write down their first four placings in order. The Steward shall collect these cards and award 10 points for first placing, 8 points for 2nd, 6 points for 3rd, 4 points for 4th, 2 points for 5th, and 1 point for 6th. The entry gaining the highest points shall be the winner. In the event of a tie, that entry gaining the greatest number of first placings shall be declared the winner. In the event of there still being a tie, an independent judge shall be asked to determine only between those entries which are tied. After the award is made the winner’s name, date and Show is engraved on it and it is dispatched to the next Show in the circuit ie. Hawke's Bay, Wairarapa, Manawatu & Feilding. The Cup is a Perpetual Challenge Cup, and is returned to the Hawke's Bay A & P Society at the end of each round. Trophies for Section The Meat & Wool Cup (Perpetual Challenge Cup) Donated by the late Philip Hereford Snr, and Sons. winner will also receive a miniature. 4806 Meat and Wool Cup The Friday, 24 October 2014 Cattle Arena: 9am 4880 All Breed Senior Bull Bk 189 114 172 Entry Glen Anthony Yale Glen Anthony Y-arta Ratalea Anchor AA2 4881 All Breed Yearling Pairs Pairs must be from the same breeder. They can be a pair of yearlings, either male or female, or the same sex. Bk Entry Glen Anthony Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Glen Anthony Simmentals 118 Maungaraki Cattle Co Maungaraki Cattle Co 184 Rauriki Charolais Rauriki Charolais 170 Wairau Blink Robert & Sandy Mitchell 4882 All Breed Cow Production Class (2 years of age) with or without own calf Bk 117 123 133 38 176 37 Entry Glen Anthony Alpha Glen Anthony Amour Glen Anthony Arena Glen Anthony Azure Nonvelle Halo H6 Wairau Abba 4883 All Breed Cow (3 Years And Over) with own Calf/calves At foot Bk 190 110 183 169 Entry Triple M Stud Glen Anthony Whitney Ratalea Yarrow AY3 Ratalea Yule Rauriki Fanny F24 4884 All Breed Yearling Bull Bk 192 185 124 182 115 116 158 165 Entry Gladstone Bourban B37 Gladstone Brandy B45 Glen Anthony Bdfest Glen Anthony Bismark Glen Anthony Bonanza Glen Anthony Bronson Rauriki Ice Breaker I3 Rauriki Icelander I7 4885 All Breed Yearling Heifer Bk Entry Triple M Stud Gladstone Rose B71 Glen Anthony Barina Glen Anthony Beauty Glen Anthony Breeze Glen Anthony Brocade Wairau Blink Wairau Bubbles 121 171 109 179 160 170 108 22-24 October 2014 Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Sue Wylie Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Rauriki Charolais Robert & Sandy Mitchell Glen Anthony Simmentals Sue Wylie Glen Anthony Simmentals Rauriki Charolais Maungaraki Cattle Co Maungaraki Cattle Co Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Rauriki Charolais Rauriki Charolais Maungaraki Cattle Co Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Glen Anthony Simmentals Robert & Sandy Mitchell Robert & Sandy Mitchell 40 Local Young Judges Information Friday, 24 October 2014 Facilitator: Sue Crawshaw, Nuhaka Trophies for Section Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Stock Judging Team Trophy Cattle Arena: 8am 712 Beef Cattle Sheep Pavilion: 9am 710 Sheep Judging Under Grandstand: 10am 711 Fleece Judging Team Stock Judging Competition Thursday, 23 October 2014 Facilitator: Sue Crawshaw, Nuhaka Cattle Arena: 4pm 715 Team Stock Judging Competition 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 41 Export Lamb Competition Sponsored By 4004 Ovation New Zealand New Spring Lamb (under 6months old) 14.0 – 21.9kg HCW 3 – 16mm GR Hamish & Lea Giblin Papawai Partnership Rotoma Station Rotoma Station Rotoma Station William Wallace William Wallace 4005 Lean Meats Old Season Lamb (6months and over) - 18.0 – 23.9kg HCW 3 – 15mm GR Hamish & Lea Giblin James Lyons James Lyons James Lyons Papawai Partnership Papawai Partnership Waiwhenua Farms Waiwhenua Farms 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 42 NOTES
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