the international publication for technology in entertainment medi a pa c k welcome mondo*dr is the leading international title focused on technology in entertainment. Established in 1990, the magazine has held a presence in the international marketplace for almost 25 years and covers some of the most impressive installations around the world, from theatres, live music venues and clubs to stadia, museums and cruise ships. Published in English, mondo*dr is targeted at distributors, dealers, installers and system integrators and provides unrivalled, in-depth editorial, read by the major decision-makers and buyers worldwide. Two multilingual versions are distributed: the European / Americas edition which includes French, German, Italian and Spanish translations, and the Asia / Pacific edition which includes Arabic, Chinese and Russian translations. With a circulation of over 13,000 addresses in over 120 countries, the magazine constantly works to build on its distribution through a commitment of exhibiting at most international tradeshows and visiting emerging markets. feature s lis t ISSUE 24.4 • MAY / JUNE 2014 WORLD TRADING SURVEY 2015 Report: Theatres & Concert Halls Product Guide: Mixing Consoles Bonus Show Distribution: Palm Expo, Mumbai; Palm Expo, Beijing; Infocomm, Las Vegas; KOBA, Seoul Editorial deadline: 18.04.14 | Advertising deadline: 25.04.14 Our annual directory of manufacturers, distributors, dealers and installers worldwide. Bonus Show Distribution: All Shows in 2015 Listings deadline: 14.11.14 | Advertising deadline: 28.11.14 ISSUE 25.2 • JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 ISSUE 24.5 • JULY / AUGUST 2014 Report: Stadia Product Guide: Moving Heads Bonus Show Distribution: Entech Connect, Melbourne Editorial deadline: 20.06.14 | Advertising deadline: 27.06.14 Report: Video & Visuals Product Guide: Amplifiers Bonus Show Distribution: ISE, Amsterdam; Prolight+Sound, Guangzhou Editorial deadline: 12.12.14 | Advertising deadline: 06.01.15 ISSUE 24.6 • SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 ISSUE 25.3 • MARCH / APRIL 2015 Report: Lasers Product Guide: Video Projectors Bonus Show Distribution: PLASA, London; Prolight+Sound, Shanghai; BPM & PRO, Birmingham Editorial deadline: 15.08.14 | Advertising deadline: 22.08.14 Report: Retail Product Guide: Lighting Control Bonus Show Distribution: Prolight+Sound, Frankfurt; LLB, Stockholm Editorial deadline: 13.02.15 | Advertising deadline: 20.02.15 ISSUE 25.1 • NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2014 ISSUE 25.4 • MAY / JUNE 2015 Report: Theme Parks & Attractions Product Guide: Theatrical Lighting Bonus Show Distribution: JTSE, Paris; LDI, Las Vegas Editorial deadline: 17.10.14 | Advertising deadline: 24.10.14 Report: Architectural Audio Product Guide: Loudspeakers Bonus Show Distribution: Palm Expo, Mumbai; Palm Expo, Beijing; Infocomm, Las Vegas; KOBA, Seoul Editorial deadline: 17.04.15 | Advertising deadline: 24.04.15 Please note: features are subject to change digital media mondo*dr realises the importance of an online presence and as such, has a number of offerings available to promote your business to our international readership: WEBSITE • • • Works in conjunction with the magazine by providing a platform for industry business news and the latest installations and products. Promote your business through various advertising banners, which run throughout the website. Editorial cross-promotion through mondo*dr social media outputs. DIGITAL EDITION & iPAD APP • • • • • • • • Delivered quickly and efficiently to the email inbox of 15,000 readers wherever they are in the world. Available as a free iPad app. All adverts booked in the print magazine are run in the digital version. All adverts are hyperlinked to company website. Search and bookmark functions to pinpoint editorial. Cross-promotion through mondo*dr social media outputs. Additional advertising and editorial opportunities available through embedding rich digital content. Exclusive sponsorship of e-shot: £600 per e-shot (sent six times a year). digital media MONDO*DR NEWSLETTER • Delivered via email to our international database of 15,000 industry professionals. • Contains up-to-the-minute business news and installation projects. • Links through to the website. • Sponsorship opportunities: £600 for a single, one- off booking or just £150 per email if booked for 12 months MONDO*DR PRODUCT E-SHOT • Delivered monthly to our 15,000 global email distribution list. • A direct link to your website included in the listing. • Listings cost £150 per product and includes a full listing in the product section of the website. produc tion A DV ERTISING TECH NICAL DATA - ONL INE There are three sizes of advert available on These can be jpeg, gif or swf format and should be less than 30KB file size. There will be an associated charge if you require mondo*dr to create this for you. A maximum of three adverts can be placed on rotation in each available advertising space. The adverts will receive equal exposure on the site. SKYSCRAPER The Skyscraper is 120 pixels x 600 pixels and sits on the right hand side of the page. ADVERTISING COSTS £350 per month (minimum of 3 months) £300 per month (3 – 6 months) £250 per month (6 – 9 months) £200 per month (12 months) MINI SKYSCRAPER The Mini Skyscraper is 120 pixels x 240 pixels and sits on the right hand side of the page. ADVERTISING COSTS £300 per month (minimum of 3 months) £275 per month (3-6 months) £225 per month (6-9 months) £175 per month (12 months) FOOTER 728 pixels x 90 pixels. ADVERTISING COSTS £325 per month (minimum of 3 months) £275 per month (3-6 months) £225 per month (6-9 months) £175 per month (12 month) produc tion ADV ERTISING TECHNICAL DATA - PRINT Di men s i o n s : H ei g h t b e fo re w i d th FULL PAGE DPS Full Page DPS Type 310 mm x 210 mm Bleed 339 mm x 242 mm Trim 333 mm x 236 mm Type 310 mm x 446 mm Bleed 339 mm x 478 mm Trim 333 mm x 472 mm 1/2 Page Portrait 1/2 Page Landscape Type 310 mm x 106 mm Bleed 339 mm x 116 mm Trim 333 mm x 113 mm Type 150 mm x 210 mm Bleed 157 mm x 242 mm Trim 154 mm x 236 mm 1/3 Page Portrait 1/3 Page Landscape Type 310 mm x 75 mm Bleed 339 mm x 85 mm Trim 333 mm x 82 mm Type 102 mm x 210 mm Bleed116 mm x 242 mm Trim 113 mm x 236 mm 1/4 Page Portrait 1/4 Page Landscape Type 145 mm x 110 mm Type 64 mm x 210 mm 1/2 PAGE Landscape Landscape (for floating ad set to TYPE size) Portrait Portrait (for floating ad set to TYPE size) 1/3 PAGE Portrait Portrait (for floating ad set to TYPE size) Landscape Landscape (for floating ad set to TYPE size) 1/4 PAGE (both ads float on page) Portrait Landscape PLEASE NOTE: All bleed pages must have a 3mm bleed on all sides. Type and important subject matter should be kept within the ‘Type’ area. You should allow 8mm between DPS adverts for binding. Please call for more information. circul ation & reader ship mondo*dr is a controlled circulation magazine that is distributed throughout the world. The magazine is mailed to around 13,000 addresses and has regular bonus distribution at the 20 shows - on average - we exhibit at each year, this helps introduce the magazine to new readers and markets and keeps the mailing list fresh and up-to-date. m o n d o*d r world wi de c i rc u l a t i o n UK We stern E u rop e R e st of E u rope N or th Am e rica C e nt ral an d S ou t h A me rica A s i a & Au st ralas ia M i d d le E ast A f r i ca 1087 3930 1745 1304 1553 2603 1021 322 m o n d o*d r re a d e rsh i p b y a re a o f i nte re st S p e c if ie rs /Des igne rs / A rc h ite c t s L i g h t in g Man u fac ture rs A u d i o m an u fac t u re rs O t h e r m an u fac t u re rs L i g h t in g Dist ribu to r/ De a le r A u d i o Dist ribu tor/ D e a le r O t h e r Dist r ibu tor/ D e a le r I n sta lle r/S ystem i nte gra to r Ve n u e s Ve n u e Operator 1443 298 965 1022 2657 3839 1043 2246 502 235 public ation r ate s & data ADVERTISING RATES CONTACTS Gatefold£5550.00 Double Page Spread £4100.00 Full Page£2300.00 Half Page£1700.00 Third Page £1300.00 Quarter Page £900.00 MONDO*DR OFFICE General Enquiries Tel: +44 161 476 8340 * all quoted rates assume GBP Sterling * prices are correct at time of print. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION JUSTIN GAWNE General Manager email: skype: justin.gawne RACHAEL ROGERSON Editor email: skype: rachael.rogerson1 Annual Subscription Rates (seven issues) UK: £30.00 / Europe: £50.00 / Rest of World: £65.00 Two year rates are available on request Subscribe online at or call +44 (0)161 476 5580 ISSN: 1476 4067 HELEN FLETCHER Deputy Editor email: skype: helen_fletcher82 mondo*dr (ISSN 1476 4067) is published in January, March, May, July, September, November and December by Mondiale Publishing Limited, Waterloo Place, Watson Square, Stockport, SK1 3AZ, United Kingdom. The 2010 US institutional subscription price is $102 Airfreight and mailing in the USA by agent named Air Business C/O Worldnet Shipping USA inc., 149-35 177Th Street, Jamaica, New York, NY11434US Postmaster: Send address changes to mondo dr c/o Air Business Ltd C/O Worldnet Shipping USA Inc., 149-35 177Th Street, Jamaica, New York, NY11434 LAURA ILES Advertising Sales email: PRODUCTION INFORMATION • • • Bitmap images need to be set at a print resolution of 300 dpi, in CMYK colour mode and saved as TIFF, JPEG or EPS. All fonts involved within the artwork must be supplied. A charge will only be incurred if artwork is sent incorrectly. Compatibility: We are MAC based and can accept the following: JAMIE DIXON Advertising Sales Manager email: DAVID BELL Production Manager email: MEL ROBINSON Design & Production email: DAN SEATON Design & Production email: Software: InDesign (preferred), Photoshop, Illustrator. File Type: INDD, TIFF, JPEG, EPS, PDF (for advice on sending artwork in PDF format please visit production). Compression Types: Stuffit, Winzip. mondo*dr magazine, Mondiale Publishing Ltd, Waterloo Place, Watson Square, Stockport, SK1 3AZ
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