BIOCENTER OULU SEMINAR SERIES PRELIMINARY SPRING 2015 PROGRAM Time: Place: Registration: Information: 15.15-16.00 on Thursdays unless otherwise indicated in the program Coffee is served during the networking session before the seminars Medical Campus: Aapistie 7A, A101 Anatomy unless otherwise indicated No registration required Pirkko Huhtala, tel. 0294 486101, e-mail pirkko.huhtala(at) Date and Place February 12 A101, Anatomy Speaker Title Markku Varjosalo Institute of Biotechnology University of Helsinki, Helsinki Dissecting cellular signaling pathways using mass spectrometry based proteomics Michael Kühl Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Ulm University, Germany Molecular mechanisms of cardiogenesis in vertebrates Seppo Vainio Biocenter Oulu Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Oulu Morphogenetic guidance cues in emergence of structure & function during organogenesis March 19 Leena Palotie hall 101A, Aapistie 5A Biocenter Day Personalized Medicine: Hype or Hope? Separate Program March 30, Monday! A101, Anatomy Joel Sussman Structural Proteomics Center Dept. of Structural Biology Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot, Israel What is in common between Alzheimer’s drugs & nerve agents? Acetylcholinesterase Lluís Montoliu Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology National Centre of Biotechnology (CNBCSIC) Madrid, Spain Johanna Schleutker Department of Medical Biochemistry and Genetics Institute of Biomedicine University of Turku, Turku Functional analysis of non-coding DNA genomic sequences with CRISPR-Cas9 approaches Host: Aki Manninen February 19 A101, Anatomy Host: Seppo Vainio February 26 A101, Anatomy Host: Rik Wierenga April 9 A101, Anatomy Host: Raija Soininen May 21 A101, Anatomy Host: Gonghong Wei Prostate cancer genetics – old challenges and new developments The seminars are open for everybody. Welcome!
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