Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Musashi Engineering inc. Shotmaster 300/3A CE S/N# 50902 Wt: 28 kg: 1626 ID: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 Tarkka robotti juotospastan,liimojen tai muiden nesteiden asettamiseen. Dispencer robot (CE opt.) with teaching pendant Locational accuracy -0.005mm repeatedly. ・Maximum speed 500mm/sec. Software for editing the dispensing pattern MuCAD (option). ・CE marking conformity product is line-up, cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Keithley 2015 S/N# 961266 Wt: kg: ID: 2121 size: Dmm+Total Harmonic Distortion M combine audio band quality measurements and analysis with a fullfunction 6,5-digit DMM 20Hz..20kHz sine wave generator This unit is in rack kitt cm Click for more details, documents and videos: HEWLETT-PACKARD 8596E/41/101/105/130 Spectrum analyzer Freq. 9 kHz - 12.8 GHz Dyn. Range-130..+30 dBm(9kHz..1,8GHz) Freq Reference Accuracy: +/- 2ppm Input Impedance: 50 ohms• Residual FM: -105 dBc/Hz - -90 dBc/Hz Resolution Bandwidth: 1 kHz - 3 MHz Video Bandwidth: 30 Hz - 1 MHz CDN-m425E +four conductor Frequency Range 150 kHz to 230 MHz Common Mode Imp.150 kHz - 26 MHz: 150Ω ± 20Ω 26 MHz - 80 MHz: 150Ω + 60Ω / – 45Ω 80 MHz - 230 MHz: 150Ω + 60Ω / – 60Ω Current 25 Amps AC/17 Amps DC (Max) Compliant Test StandardsIEC / EN 61000-4-6 Accessories Available ADAADA-515-2 150 Ω to 50 Ω adapters TEP-050 50 Ω Terminator S/N# 3829u0 0779 Wt: kg: 4469 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Com power S/N# Wt: 2.3 ID: 4555 kg: size: 15.2x15.2x33 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 1 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Rohde & Schwarz S/N# jm0104 8 Wt: 100 kg: 3073 ID: size: 19” rack 210 CRTU-G-W system enables R&D verification against GCF-CC requirements for GSM (ETSI 3GPP TS 51.010) and WCDMA measurements (ETSI 3GPP 34.121). System consist of the following: R&S CRTU-G/W GSM and WCDMA protocol test environment for GCF and PTCRB conformance test Possibility to run both 3G and 2G systems in one environment as an intersystem testing GPS and A-GPS tests for location based application testing (Maps, 911 Emergency call) SMT06 B1,B4,B6,B9 Signal Generator for EMC testing Frequency Range 5 kHz to 6 GHz signal source with specified frequency range from 5 kHz - AM, FM, fM, pulse modulation - FM DC with high carrier frequency accuracy - Broadband FM from DC to 8 MHz, broadband fM from DC to 2 MHz Convenient RF/LF/level sweep - Programmable level correction (compensation of external frequency response) - VOR/ILS generator (option SM-B6) Phase resolution 0.01 degrees - DDM resolution 0.0001 - Stereo generator (option SM-B6) for measurements on FM sound broadcast transmitters and receivers - Minimum RF leakage due to special shielding measures - GLP16AF F2125 Kaasu trukki kääntösäde 1955 mm nostokyky 1600kg nostokorkeus 3290mm Y1996 798h ajettu cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Rohde & Schwarz S/N# Wt: ID: 4570 kg: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Yale S/N# A81cb 03063T Wt: 3059 kg: ID: 1110 size: 224L107W218H cm Pyyhkimet,valot, sisälämmitin, Euro lava jatkokset , ketjut , manuaali. Tyre size-front 6.50 X 10-10 Tyre size-rear 5.00 X 8 Max Speed 20.5 km/h Click for more details, documents and videos: +VX&modelid=95410 Perävaunu jarrulinen, 4*lehtijouset, iskunvaimennus RESPO/Aisapojat respo1500 herkkien tavaroiden siirtoihin kok paino.1600kg, pariovet, peruutuskamera, sisävalot sisämitat L139cm*k146cm*s300cm S/N# V61001 501CE Wt: kg: ID: 1108 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 2 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Heraeus VMT07/64 S/N# y1986k mu200 Wt: 200 kg: 4005 ID: size: 115k*75l*90s mobile: +358 50 349 6499 temperature chamber with window L sisämitat 40k*40L*s40(korkeus +3cm hyllyn poistolla) Temperature range -70 / +180°C >4,5 °C/min -rs232, gpib ohjaus-VRSU Interface > ei testattu täydellisesti GPIB488/RS232 co2 syöttömahdol. cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Zeiss S/N# Wt: ID: 4569 Eclipse 3D mittauskone / 3D Measuring machine Measuring uncertainty:2,9 + L/250(μm) Temperature range for specified length-measuring uncertainties: 18-26° C 700mm*1000mm*780mm SIsältää calypso mittausohjelmiston WT11-180/4 Environment Chamber -45 to +180C.(specs) testspace h75cm**d45*w58cm (54cmWidth between the shelves) lämpökaappi tilavuus 180l, kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Weiss S/N# 582260 425 Wt: 521400 kg: 4006 ID: size: 177,5*78*87 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: alltion 3620 clamp flexible Mikroskoopin itse vaaittava teline. Mikroskooppi myydään erikseen. S/N# 3620s0 01 Wt: kg: ID: 1078 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 3 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale alltion S/N# Wt: ID: 4566 LED-405 microcope light Input power:12 watts Input voltage:Universal(100-240VAC) Light color:white / warm / red Light control:continuous control Mount diameter: ф63mm Number of LEDs:48 The LED LED-470 ring lamp is the high brightness LED lamp especially used for industrial stereo zoom microscope design. The brightness is adjustable, with low temperature, counterbalance, flash free and free from shadow. The elegant metal shell is insulated and anti-electrostatic; Control flow design keeps the LED lamp with a uniform luminous illustration, a consistency color temperature and a good 5200 240V50HZ powered ultrasound cleaner kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Branson S/N# Wt: ID: 4565 kg: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 sisämitat 30*24 ja syvyys 15cm n.10l tehokas ultraäänipesuri piirikorttien puhdistamiseen. Poistoputki ja kansi. cm Click for more details, documents and videos: KEISOKU GIKEN CO., LTD. LN-1000A-G7+LL-050+lx01 S/N# Wt: 18 kg: 3107 ID: size: 43,0X 12,8 X 42,0 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Electronic Load/DC 120V-180A-1000W, slew rate 30A/us (micro seconds)Standard Automated OverCurrentProtection testing for PSU. (no need for USB interface. configure max. 10kW load (LN-1000A-G6 X 10 sets). Min operating voltage 1V(180A) /0.5V(90A) /0.2V(36A) Nominal resolution H 15mA M 1.5mA L 0.3mA Mitutoyo S/N# Wt: ID: 4561 PJ300, kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 Profiliprojektori imperial Or Metric Resolution .001MM/.0001" Aangular Resolution 1 Sec Table X and Y 110mm X 60mm Screen Diameter 300mm x10 Magnification x20 Magnification 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 4 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale JDSU S/N# Wt: ID: 4562 ANT-5 SDH/PDH Analyser STM-1+4+16 Wavelenghts 1310/1550nm Consists of the following: 4565/35 ANT-5 STM-1/4/16 1310/1550 4565/50 ANT-5 SDH/PDH Access Tester EDT-135 E1 E1 & Data Tester Applications E1 pulse shape analysis and level measurement. E1 physical layer testing, including n x 64 kbps BERT, VF, Round Trip Delay, and Jitter. E1 service testing, including Frame Relay and GSM. Quality of Service (QoS) testing to G.821, G.826, and M.2100 ITU-T recommendations. Error and alarm generation and analysis. Primary Multiplexer and Demultiplexer testing. V.11/RS-442, V.24/RS-232, V.35, V.36/RS-449, and EIA-530 BERT testing. Enhanced Datacom testing, including X.50, HCM, and V.110 subrate circuit testing; status monitoring of V interface control and signaling lines; and V.24 PFA-35 PCM/Data Tester Multi-interface capability: V.24/RS232, V.11/X.24, V.35, V.36/RS449, G.703 co-dir, G.703 (2048/704 kbit/s) . X.50 simulation and analysis (64 kbit/s and 2 Mbit/s) . Primary Mux/Demux measurements . Sa bit, monitoring and generation . V.24/RS232Remoteoperation MP351 1499 ultraäänihitsauskone muoveille 35kHz Ultrasonic plastics assembly is the joining or reforming of ther- moplastics through the use of heat generated from high frequency mechanical motion. It is accomplished by converting electrical energy into high frequency mechanical motion (vibrations) that creates frictional heat at the joint area. The vibrations, when applied to a part under pressure/force, create frictional heat at the interface and cause the plastic in the joint area to melt, creating a molecular bond between the plastic components y2000 7bar dry air needed kg: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: JDSU S/N# Wt: ID: 4563 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: JDSU S/N# Wt: ID: 4564 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: microlease RInco Ultrasonics S/N# 1126 Wt: 92 ID: 4560 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 5 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale National Instruments PXI-1045 18-slot PXI chassis • Accepts both 3U PXI and 3UCompactPCI modules • Software programmable trigger routing between bus segments • Low jitter (<5 ps) 10 MHz reference clock • External 10 MHz reference clock with BNC I/O connectors • Removable, high-performance power supply with universal AC input • Extended 0 to 55 °C operating range • Temperature controlled fan speed • Remote power-inhibit control and voltage monitoring PXI-6552 100 MHz digital waveform generator/analyzer. It features 20 channels with programmable voltage levels and per clock cycle, per channel direction control. The module contains deep onboard memory with triggering and pattern sequencing. The latest version of NI-HSDIO driver software adds the ability to perform on-the-fly comparisons of expected data with acquired response data. With these module features, you can implement a wide range of digital stimulus-response applications, such as functional testing of memory chips and bidirectional communication. R3131 EMC Spectrum analyzer 9kHz to 3GHz with antennacompensation and QP detector Freq ref source accuracy: ±2 ppm/year±5ppm. Frequency span: zero, 10 kHz to 3 GHz Freq. stab.:SB noise:≤100 dBc/Hz(20kHzoffset) Resolution 3dB BW: 300 Hz to 1 MHz 1-3 step BW acc.: ≤ ±20% (RBW 1 kHz to 1 MHz) ≤ ±50% (RBW 300 Hz, typ. ±20%) Video bandwidth: 10 Hz to 1MHz 1-10 step Improved ease of use through Auto TUNE function ■ Total level accuracy guaranteed by Auto CAL function ■ Standard interfaces: GPIB, RS232C, Centronics, and FD drive ■ Large character display allows results to be seen ■ Substantial EMC measurement function P6158 50ohm probe 3 S/N# V08X0 1296 Wt: kg: 661 EI 22 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: National Instruments S/N# Wt: kg: ID: 28478 size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Advantest S/N# 811780 734 Wt: kg: 4429 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Tektronix S/N# Wt: ID: 4559 GHz, 20X, lowcapacitance probe for TDS oscillocopes kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 6 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Willtek 4405M GSM 900,1800,1900, edge päätelaite testeri koodekilla ja audiolla. Signaaligeneraattori AM, GMSK -15dbm... ACPR mittari SIsältää powerin säädettävällä jännitteellä ja virtamittauksella. kovalaukku pyörällinen laitekuljetuslaukku sisämitat 44*28*28 + 39*36*9+ 20*10*5 +27*14*9 + 37*29*9 (soft fyllings+2cm on every measure) S/N# 011138 Wt: kg: 1579 ID: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: parsons S/N# Wt: 15 kg: ID: 1497 size: 65*70*51 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Array electronics S/N# Wt: 5,5 kg: 4553 ID: size: 22*13,2*36 3665a rs232 (0~200V,0∼2,5A) DC power Load Reg. (Voltage)<0.01%+2mV Load Reg. ・Current・<0.01%+1mA Line Reg. ・Voltage・<0.01%+2mV Line Reg. ・Current・ <0.01%+1mA Prog. Res.Voltage 2mV Current 1mA cm Click for more details, documents and videos: FSIQ26 with tracking generator +K3 Spectrum analysis freq. 20Hz-26,5GHz Noise Measurement sw R&S FS-K3 +K4... Noise figure measurements. Rohde & Schwarz S/N# Wt: ID: 4207 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Measurement of noise figure and temperature to Y-factor method Measurements on frequencyconverting DUTs Frequency range same as basic unit, starting from 100 kHz Editor for ENR tables Phase Noise Measurement Software1) R&S FS-K4 Phase noise measurements Easy-to-use phase noise measurements Measurement of residual FM and φM Logarithmic plot over 8 decades Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 7 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Ulirvision TI160 S/N# 900027 02245 Wt: 0,393 kg: ID: 2942 size: 12,8×6,2×15,4 mobile: +358 50 349 6499 Tarkka lämpökamera kuvassa pikkurillin kynnenkokoinen FPGA • 160 x120 pixels IR detector resolution • Accuracy: ±2℃or ±2 of reading, • Temp range: -20 ℃ ~ 350 ℃, NETD<65mk at30℃ cm Click for more details, documents and videos:操作演示.flv Tektronix TDS754Copt13, 1F, 2F oscilloscope 500MHz 4 ch, 2 GS/s. Insta-Vu acquisition with color display. Includes floppy, Centronics, RS-232 and GPIB. Options:13 - Add RS-232C and Centronics hardcopy interface.1F - 2F - Extended waveform math: FTT, integration, and differentiation ZVR-K9 Virtual Embedding Networks 2 porttinen piirikone 50ohm 9kHz-4GHz S/N# B0118 Wt: 70 kg: ID: 4551 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Rohde& Schwarz S/N# Wt: ID: 4426 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Low end frequency limit 9kHz High end frequency limit 4.00 GHz Linearity above 40 kHz –15 dBm to –25 dBm < 0.6 dB –15 dBm to –25 dBm Input Noise Level <-130 dBm WhenImbedance latter is physically not existing,virtual embedding is involved. eri valmistajat S/N# Wt: ID: 4548 liitin laatikko Eri valmistajien adaptereita, esim N,BNC,UHF,VHF, TNC,SMA,SMB.plu ,rca etc. sekä hyvä laatuinen kaapeli kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 8 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Fluke TIS S/N# Wt: 1,2 kg: 4547 ID: size: 26,7k12,7l15,2p cm Click for more details, documents and videos: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 Kämpökamera vian etsintään elektroniikassa ja asuntojen vikojen etsimiseen Lämpötilan mittausalue -20 °C...+100 °C Lämpötilamittausten tarkkuus ±5 °C tai 5 % Kuvaustaajuus 9 Hz:n virkistystaajuus Ilmaisintyyppi 120 x 120 ilmaisinmatriisi, jäähdyttämätön mikrobolometri Lämpöherkkyys (NETD) ≤0,1 °C 30 °C:n kohdelämpötilassa. (100 mK) Infrapunan spektrivaste 7,5 μm...14 μm (pitkä aalto) Vakioinfrapunalinssi Näkökenttä: 17° x 17° Spatiaalinen erottelukyky: (IFOV) 2,50 mRad Pienin tarkennusetäisyys: 15 cm Kuvan pysäytys, katselu ja tallennus Yhdellä kädellä Keithley 2303 High speed power supply 15V, 3A / 9V, 5A IR1796 Soldering Bottom Heater for small boards for Martin ha04/05/DBL04/05/HJ05 soldeting robot kuuma alue 33mm*40mm DB002015 Easy cal set III calibration set/calibration tool verifies and calibrates top hot gas heaters of EXPERT 10.6 and 4.6 rework systems, ensuring optimum system performance and providing performance validation for internal or customer quality audits. Sisältää kaiken kalibroinnissa tarvittavan välineistön ohjelmineen. Calibration is supported by EASYCAL software, which calibrates the rework system. The tool analyzes gas flow rates, gas temperatures and verifies operation of sensor inputs. All calibration data is stored in a database and calibration documents are generated at the end of successfully performed calibrations. All calibration tool components come practically arranged in a small sturdy case. S/N# 071002 2 Wt: kg: ID: 1589 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Martin S/N# Wt: 0,22 kg: ID: 4549 size: 9s3,2k4l cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Martin S/N# Wt: ID: 4550 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 9 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Microwave amps LTD S/N# 004 4113 Wt: kg: 2878 ID: size: 20×12×10 AM-43-1.9-2.3-40-46 cm mobile: +358 50 349 6499 vahvistin/Amplfier esim EMC testaukseen wlan,3G,4G, etc Gain Range : 40W Frequency Coverage : 1.9-2.3GHz Gain Flatness : 1dB p-p max Noise Figure : 4dB typ VSWR : 2:1 max Output Power P1dB : +46dBm Power Supply : +12V DC (external) Operating Temp Range : 0 to 60C Connectors : input SMA/output N Female Click for more details, documents and videos: ABB S/N# Wt: 250 1622 ID: +98 IRB140 / M2000 kg: size: cm Robotti IRB140 M2000-ohjauksella (S4C+) Y2001 - liitynnät ja optiot RS232 kommunikoinnillle teaching pedant and base inc./opetusohjain ja alusta kuuluu mukaan Six axis multipurpose robot that handles payload of 6 kg, with long reach (810 mm). The IRB 140 can be floor mounted, inverted or on the wall in any angle. Available as Standard, Foundry Plus 2, Clean Room and Wash versions, all mechani- cal arms completely IP67 protected Click for more details, documents and videos: productLanguage=fi&country=FI EFT burst tester Haefely PEFT 4010 S/N# 080981 Wt: 14 kg: 4542 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: EFT impulse generation according 0.22 ... 4.8 kV. Spike frequency1 Hz ... 1 MHz ESD control and report functions for attaching an Electrostatic Discharge gun. Automatic test operation for shortest measuring time and minimal setup effort. Data exchange to printer or computer is possible without any additional hardware/software. Remote control is provided by optional software (WinFEAT&R) designed specially for EMC testing. ISO 9001 : 2000 certified manufactured -4_Edition2.pdf Shielded Chamber with pneumatic door sealer ETS-Lindgren EMC huone +RFD-60 included test power supplies with filters and aircondition parts for cooling. S/N# Wt: kg: ID: 4537 size: 434*250*251 Sisältää myös sisäsähköt filttereineen ja ilmastointiin liitettävät jäähdytys kennot cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 10 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale oma S/N# Wt: ID: 4538 mobile: +358 50 349 6499 EMC clamp kapasitiivinen clamppi kuljetuslaatikoineen sis kaapelin clampista haefely HVout liittimeen. TI384 • IR Resolution: 384 x 288 pixels • Accuracy: ±2℃ or ±2% of reading kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Ulirvision S/N# Wt: 0,65 kg: ID: 2924 size: 33× 9,5 × 8,6 • Thermal Sensitivity: <65mk at 30℃ • Temperature Range: -20℃~350℃ • High Temperature alarm: Color and Voice • Measurement: 4 moveable spots, 3 adjustable areas, horizontal, isotherm cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Alltion S/N# Wt: ID: 2999 XTL1A with flexstand kg: size: Stereo Microscope with Total Magnification: 3.5X – 225X ( Standard Magnification: 7X – 45XRatio: 1: 6 Objective Zoom Objective: 0.7X – 4.5X Standard Working Distance: 90mm The working distance is changed to 137MM after adding 0.5X objective cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Array electronics S/N# Wt: 5,8 kg: ID: 3003 size: 51,5*32*22 3722A cm Kuorma sähkölähteiden testauksiin tuotekehityksissä. DC-load 0~20A 0~200V 200W at 40deg Transient Operation Continuous, Pulse, Toggled : slew rate max.2A/us Max power 0~200W Constant Current Mode Accuracy. CCL 0~2A res.0.1mA(0.1℅+10mA) CCH0~20A res. 1mA acc.0.1℅+10mA CV 0~200V res.2mV (0.1℅+25mV) CRL 0.0666~6.66Ω Click for more details, documents and videos: res.0.1mΩ 0.5℅+40mΩ@I>3A CRM 6.66~666Ω 2.6uS*2 (0.3℅+375mS@V>20V) Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 11 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale teradyne S/N# Wt: ID: 4536 mobile: +358 50 349 6499 teradyne neulapeti kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: welltech S/N# Wt: 350 kg: ID: 4535 size: 195*118*133 YTH408Z-H 408L (85*60*80)-70 +150 /RH lämpö ja kosteus kaappi 20..95%RH RS482/232 väylällä PT100 lämpötilamittaus ohjelmoitavana. 80301 power sensor cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Gigatronics/IFR S/N# 183313 9 Wt: kg: 4529 ID: size: Sensor, +20 dBm to -70 dBm, 10 MHz to 18 GHz cm Click for more details, documents and videos: KEISOKU GIKEN CO., LTD. LN-300A-G7 S/N# Wt: 10 kg: ID: 2968 size: 21,5 × 12,9 × 42,0 cm Electronic Load 120V-60A-300W, 20A/us Loading mode CC, CR, CV, CP, EXT, Dynamic, Short USB & EXT analog input: Standard >Easy measurement by free software. Ripple & noise measurement input. (Optional: RC-02A) Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 12 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Agilent Technologies mobile: +358 50 349 6499 6654a 60V 9A DC power industry standard SCPI commands, via the GPIB Output voltage: 0 to 60 V Output current (40°C): 0 to 9 A Maximum current (50°C/55°C): 8.1 A/7.7 A ww5061 1 Chan 50MS/s waveformgenerator Sine waves to 25MHz Square to 15MHz SINE OUT to 50MHz, 1Vp-p into 50Ω 11 Built-in standard waveforms 14 Bit amplitude resolution 11 digits frequency resolution (limited by 1µHz) 512k standard waveform memory 10Vp-p into 50Ω, double into high TDS794D/13/1F/HD Oscilloscope 2GHz,4GSa/s,4ch 1% Vertical Accuracy 8-Bit Vertical Resolution, over 11-Bits with Averaging, and Over 13-Bits with Hi-res 1 ns Peak Detect 1 mV to 10 V/div Sensitivity Up to 1 GHz Differential Measurements Channel Deskew Record Lengths to 8M Points Floppy Disk Storage Iomega Zip™ Drive Compatible Advanced Triggering 29 Automatic Measurements and BMEP-5T Press ASG-Tyco Servo S/N# Wt: 25 kg: 4534 ID: size: 42,5Wx13,3Hx49, cm 8 Click for more details, documents and videos: Tabor S/N# 20436 Wt: kg: ID: 4533 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Tektronix S/N# Wt: ID: 4525 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Tyco S/N# 0086 Wt: ID: 4509 kg: size: 78,5 x 61,0 x cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 electric press. PCB capacity of [460 x 610mm]. Press force capacity of 5 tons [44 kN]. Ability to monitor and control force, distance and speed for every press cycle. Full SPC data of every component pressed for quality assurance and traceability. Database driven software for simple programming and automatic setup. 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 13 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Orbotech Trion 2340XP - Automated Post Solder Inspection System.・ - Operating System: OS Warp.・ - Scalable 2-D and 3-D・ - Image Acquisition・ - Multi-Directional Lighting- Includes:・ Off-Line Repair Station with:・ PC, Monitor, Laser Pointer for Deflect Highlighting・ - Programmable Keyboard.・ - Automatic width adjustment and safety housing.・ - TR-HSP-HNLD/A ' High Speed Handling.・ Requirements:・ 240VAC ・ 85-115 PSI・ Size: AOI 150 x 205 x 160 mm. Size: Laser pointer 70 x 90 x 110 mm. UTS6064 tester Paragon 98 reflow P98 reflow with chiller Manufacturer Specifications: S/N# TRF04 4009 Wt: 750 kg: 4499 ID: size: 150 x 205 x cm Click for more details, documents and videos: ATE mobile: +358 50 349 6499 S/N# 980002 Wt: kg: ID: 4506 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: BTU S/N# TVF-0 Wt: kg: 4515 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: J204-50.1/128 JOT ・ Maximum temperature rating: 300 C Operating temperature: 100-280 C Number of controlled heated zones: 7 Zones ( 7 top/7 bottom) Working dimensions: 22 inches ( 55.8 cm ) wide belt : 2 inch ( 5.1 cm ) nominal clearance above belt Heated length: 98 inches ( 249.0 cm ) Belt height above floor: 33.0 to 39.0 Conveyer 2m S/N# 500000 46 Wt: kg: ID: 4494 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 14 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale JOT mobile: +358 50 349 6499 J210-50.3/5 Unstacker 50cm APT-8400CE Flying probe tester Current 9A max power 2kW max Spectrum 8852 CPU 2.8Ghz + with 128Mb RAM, 10Gb Hard Drive, CD-ROM Drive, 3.5" Floppy Drive • 17" Colour Monitor with PC support arm, Keyboard and Mouse UTS6064 Functional tester S/N# 500000 48v Wt: kg: 4495 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Takaya S/N# 951101 60 Wt: kg: ID: 4517 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Teradyne S/N# 8852 -236 Wt: ID: 4503 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: ATE S/N# 980002 Wt: kg: ID: 4506 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 15 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale JOT mobile: +358 50 349 6499 J204-50.1/41 1m conveyor AP2000/B MPM UP2000 HIE screen printer 4195A+35676a Network/Spectrum Analyzer/imbedance analyzer 10Hz.. 500MHz Combined vector network and spectrum analysis capabilities. The frequency is covered from 10 Hz through 500 MHz with an excellent 0.001 Hz resolution for audio, baseband, HF, and IF applications. It directly measures amplitude ratio, phase, group delay, and spectrum level needed for characterizing linear/non-linear analog circuits or components used in communications, telecommunications, consumer electronics, and other equipment. TDS794D/13/1F/HD/2F/2C Oscilloscope 2GHz,4GSa/s,4ch 1% Vertical Accuracy 8-Bit Vertical Resolution, over 11-Bits with Averaging, and Over 13-Bits with Hi-res 1 ns Peak Detect 1 mV to 10 V/div Sensitivity Up to 1 GHz Differential Measurements Channel Deskew Record Lengths to 8M Points Floppy Disk Storage Iomega Zip™ Drive Compatible Advanced Triggering 29 Automatic Measurements and S/N# E11137 001 Wt: kg: 4501 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Speedline S/N# 21577 Wt: kg: ID: 4516 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Agilent S/N# Wt: ID: 2133 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Tektronix S/N# Wt: ID: 2130 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 16 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Tektronix S/N# Wt: ID: 4488 mobile: +358 50 349 6499 P6217 4GHz active probe 0,4pF 100kohm for TDS oscillocopes 6811B AC and DC Power 375 VA rms voltage 300 V rms current 3.25 A Rep.& non-repetitive peak current 40 A Crest factor 12 DC power 285 W PM97 Hanheld Oscilloscope 50MHz 25MS/s 8Bit Channel A, Channel B and Megavolt (MV) input. The signal input is an isolated Bayonet Neill-Concelman (BNC) connector, and it has a common input of Black Safety Banana Jack, which is a section of the external trigger. The input coupling is alternating current (AC), direct current (DC) and ground (GND), and it has a maximum input voltage (Root square mean - RMS) of 300 Volts (V). The maximum constant for this machine is 356x, and it has a constant in roll of 10 x. The pulse-width for 100 per cent probability setting is 40 nanosecond (ns) and 10 ns for pulse-width for 25 per cent Timebase is a device that manages the sweep timing, and it is usually based on the seconds/division (s/div) control. The SEC-AMP10 Video vahvistin säädettävä 0-12dB BNC in BNC out kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Agilent Technologies S/N# Wt: 28,2 kg: ID: 4487 size: 42,5W8,8Hx39,6 D cm Click for more details, documents and videos: philips S/N# Wt: ID: 2179 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: König S/N# Wt: 1 ID: 4486 kg: size: 24 x 19x 6,5 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 17 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Tektronix S/N# B0209 16 Wt: 2.9 kg: 3066 ID: size: 30,5*15,1*11 TDS220 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 - 2 x new Tektronix P2220 probes TDS 220: 100 MHz Sample Rate 1 GS/sec Record Length 2500 points per channel Vertical 2 channels; 2 mV to 5 V per division Horizontal Dual time base; 5 ns to 5 s per division, with zoom Trigger Edge, video, external; includes Trigger View function Waveform Storage Save current waveform (Stop) Expand and compress vertically and horizontally Reference waveforms (2) Acquisition Modes Sample, Average, Peak Detect Keithley 3706+3721+3721st DMM /datalogger 7,5dig LXI,USB,GPIB High performance multimeter provides up to 7½-digit measurements, offering 26-bit resolution to support your test accuracy requirements. This flexible resolution supplies a DC reading rate from >14,000 readings/second at 3½ digits to 60 readings/second at 7½ digits to accommodate a greater span of applications. The multimeter does not use a card slot, so you maintain all six slots in your mainframe. In addition, the multimeter is wired to the mainframe’s analog backplane, ensuring a high quality signal path from each card channel to the multimeter. The multimeter supports 13 built-in measurement functions, including: DCV, ACV, DCI, ACI, frequency, period, twowire ohms, four-wire ohms, three-wire RTD ntz112287 55N/cm torgue driver(adjustable) RTD Adjustable Torque Screwdriver /momentti rruvimeisseli /momentti rruvimeisseli 30Ncm-4Ncm S/N# 126799 1 Wt: kg: ID: 2868 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Ericsson S/N# 119920 0943 Wt: ,108 kg: ID: 4482 size: Used for any tightening operation such as mass production assembly and maintenance. cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Tohnichi S/N# 48223b m Wt: 0,05 kg: ID: 4481 size: 9,8*1,5 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: acc.3% Used for any tightening operation such as mass production assembly and maintenance. The rotary slip clutch reduces the possibility of over-torque. Once torque set is achieved, even if more force is applied, the tool ratchets and does not add additional torque. Adjustable torque setting by twisting shaft with main and supplementary Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 18 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale EMCO 3101 S/N# 3112 Wt: 7.7 kg: 4477 ID: size: L81,3*D33 Click for more details, documents and videos: S/N# 1041 Wt: ID: 4478 NSG431 2 TO 21 KV STATIC DISCHARGE SIMULATOR. Features: * Rise Time: 5ns +/-30% at 2kV * Discharge voltage: 2 to 21kV * Polarity: positive - non switchable * Discharge capacitor Co: 150pF +/-10% * Discharge resistor Ro: 150 ohms +/-5% * Mode of operation: single/cont. (20 Hz) * For testing per IEC 801-2 / 1984 2712 Spectrumanalyzer 9kHz-1.8GHz EMC 5 × 10-7 Frequency Accuracy Sensitivity to -139 dBm (-92 dBmV) with Built-In Preamp Internal Frequency Counter 4-Trace Digital Plus True-Analog Display 124 K of RAMEasy to Use Powerful Built-In Measurement Routines EMC Measurements with Optional Quasi-Peak Detector UL Listed 1244, Certified CSA C22.2 No. 231-M89 Applications:EMC Prequalification Testing 2706 RF Preselector improves the flexiblity and accuracy of your Spectrum Analyzer measurements, and is especially useful for EMI applications. The Tektronix 2706 has 7 bandpass filter RF Input/Output Connectors kg: size: Antenni Conical Log Spiral,50ohm max.100W (150Wpeak) n-connector(female) kalibroitu 200MHz-1GHz y1987 A broad variety of EMC testing using this model is common and often referred to as a MIL-STD 461 antenna, MilStd RE102 Antenna, MilStd 462 Antenna, MilStd 1541 Antenna, SAE ARP 958 Antenna, or an SAE J1113 RI Antenna. Conical log spirals are ideal for testing to cm schaftner mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Tektronix S/N# Wt: 9,5 kg: 4479 ID: size: 44,5D36,1W13,7 H cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Tektronix S/N# Wt: 5,9 ID: 4480 kg: size: cm - Type N. Input/Output Impedance - 50 Ohm nominal. VSWR (max) - 1.8:1. Ultimate Rejection, Stop Band - 60 dB typical. 40 dB min. below 500 MHz and 30 dB min. above 500 MHz. Maximum Input - +20 dBm, 50 V DC. Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 19 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Oxford instrumens X-MET3000TXR+ S/N# 70505 Wt: kg: 2108 ID: size: cm mobile: +358 50 349 6499 Alkuaine analysaatori analysoi materiaalista (lelut,maaaines,muovit,elektroniikka etc) tiedon kuinka paljon siinä on eri metalleja ja mineraaleja. (ROHS,WEE/ELV) Handheld EDXRF analyzer with Pentapin High resolution SI-PIN detector 40KV x-ray tube for ROHS measurement for Testing toys,soil etc. sis. kalibrointi palat , kantokotelon , kuljetuslaukun etc. Click for more details, documents and videos: Langer EMV-Technik GmbH PA303 S/N# Wt: ID: 3110 kg: size: cm Preamplifier The measurement of high-frequency near fields from 100 kHz to 3 GHz directly on electronic modules aids in the reduction of disturbance emission. The preamplifier makes measurement with very small probes possible, while at the same time maintaining high sensitivity. Very weak fields, such as in the automobile area, can be measured with high spatial resolution. Click for more details, documents and videos: Langer EMV-Technik GmbH RF4-E Near Field Probe Set S/N# Wt: ID: 3111 kg: size: cm The near field probes type RF4-E set contains two screened E field probes. Electrical fields can be measured in the frequency range from 30 MHz up to 3 GHz for comparison purposes. The near field probes are designed for the analysis of E field distributions, detection of coupling mechanisms on modules and evaluation of switching edges on signal leads and RF voltages of the supply system. Click for more details, documents and videos: Radiall S/N# Wt: 0,044 kg: ID: 4468 size: 3,65 R404507000 DC-2GHz 50ohms 6 W termination vswr 1.10 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 20 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale aeroflex S/N# Wt: ID: 4464 8516S-06-377 Suojele spektrisi edullisesti. Korjaaminen maksaa 100* enemmän. DC Blocking Attenuator SMA, 10 MHz - 2 GHz, 200 Volt ATTENUATION 6 dB VSWR:1.15:1 Impedance:50ohm DC Block Type inner only Voltage Rating 200V Input Power Operating Temp. Range Mechanical:Connectors:Passivated 1 -20db attenuator dc to 12.4 GHz 20db POWER RATING: 5 watts average @ 25°C ambient temperature, derated linearly to 0.5 watt @ 125°C. 1 kilowatt peak (5 μsec pulse width; 0.25% duty cycle) POWER COEFFICIENT: <0.005 dB/dB/Watt TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT: < 0.0004 dB/dB/°C TEMPERATURE RANGE: -55°C to +125°C Spektrin ja tehomittarin tarkistus vaimennin.TEST DATA: Swept data plots of attenuation and SWR from 50 MHz to 12.4 / 18 GHz is available at additional cost. CONNECTORS: Precision Type N connectors per MIL- STD-348 interface dimensions - mate nondestructively with MIL-C-39012 connectors. 1B -10db attenuator dc to 12.4 GHz 10db POWER RATING: 5 watts average @ 25°C ambient temperature, derated linearly to 0.5 watt @ 125°C. 1 kilowatt peak (5 μsec pulse width; 0.25% duty cycle) POWER COEFFICIENT: <0.005 dB/dB/Watt TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT: < 0.0004 dB/dB/°C TEMPERATURE RANGE: -55°C to +125°C TEST DATA: Swept data plots of attenuation and SWR from 50 MHz to 12.4 / 18 GHz is available at additional cost. CONNECTORS: Precision Type N connectors per MIL- STD-348 interface dimensions - mate nondestructively with MIL-C-39012 connectors. 8591E/004/041 Spectrum analyzer Freq. 9 kHz - 1.8 GHz Dynamic Range: -130 dBm - +30 dBm Freq Reference Accuracy: +/- 2ppm Input Impedance: 50 ohms• Residual FM: -105 dBc/Hz - -90 dBc/Hz Resolution Bandwidth: 1 kHz - 3 MHz Video Bandwidth: 30 Hz - 1 MHz kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: weinschel S/N# Wt: 0.071 kg: ID: 4466 size: 5,79 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: weinschel S/N# Wt: 0.071 kg: ID: 4467 size: 5,79 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: HEWLETT-PACKARD S/N# 3543A 04884 Wt: kg: ID: 4463 size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 21 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale IFR Ltd 2968 opt 30,32 S/N# 296501 / Wt: 19,5k kg: 2118 ID: g size: 60d42w20h mobile: +358 50 349 6499 Analogia ja digitaali radiomittapaikka. Radiotestset with analog and Tetra (opt.30,32) Digital and analog receiver and transmitter for 1GHz OPTION 30 TETRA MOBILE OPTION OPTION 32 TETRA DIRECT MODE RF SPECTRUM ANALYZER Frequency Range:100 kHz to 1 GHz, useable from 30 kHz to 1.05 GHz Spans 500 Hz/div to 100 MHz/div, in a 1, 2, 5 seq. Resolution Bandwidth 300 Hz to 300 kHz in a 1, 3, 10 sequence and 3 MHz (automatically selected according to span and manually selectable) Video bandwidth – fixed at 3 kHz Filter Shape Nominally 3 dB/60 dB, 1:11 (300 Hz to 30 kHz bandwidth) Reference Level (top of screen)-100dBm to +70dBm On Screen Dynamic Range80 dB Vertical Res. 0.5dB on 10dB/div, 0.05dB on 1dB/div cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Bird S/N# Wt: ID: 4461 8306-200-N-20db DC - 2GHz, 25 W forward 5W reverse, Type N (M-F) Fixed Coaxial Attenuator (50ohm) 20db kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Vision S/N# Wt: ID: 4435 cobra Microscope Magnification: Ranging from 2X to 160X Working Distance: From 26mm to 312mm Magnification: 6X-40X zoom Ergonomic Design: Microscope users can now work in a more upright position and even wear eyeglasses. 8308-300-N-30db DC to 3 GHz, 75W, Type N (M-F) Fixed Coaxial Attenuator 30db (50ohm) kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Bird S/N# Wt: ID: 4457 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 22 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale HEWLETT-PACKARD S/N# Wt: ID: 4456 8712ES/075 NETWORK ANALYZER 300kHz-3GHz 75ohm /1EC opt Two independent channels can measure and display two parameters such as S21 (transmission) and S11 (reflection) in a variety of formats including delay and SWR, on rectangular, polar or Smith-chart displays 4934 TIMS opt 001, j02 Measuring Set for audio(upto100kHz) with battery pack, front cover , 1-110kHz bandwidth, choice of C-message, 3kHz flat, 15kHz flat, program and 50kBit filters, and a choice of impedances. Level frequency up to 110kHz Noise and noise-to-ground Noise-with-tone and signal-to-noise ratio 3-level impulse noise P/AR kg: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: HEWLETT-PACKARD S/N# Wt: ID: 4450 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: JTAG technologies/Phillips PF 2111 /10 JTAG digital I/= scan module S/N# 818610 Wt: kg: 4452 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Bontronic S/N# Wt: 5,7 kg: ID: 4448 size: 33w12h28d PS100-1 0-100V DC power 0-1A current. Mahdollisuus 20% nimellisjännitteen ylitykseen (120V) lyhyitä aikoja cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 23 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Mascot S/N# Wt: 1,55 kg: ID: 4446 size: 21L*14,8D5,8H 8921 mobile: +358 50 349 6499 DC power 24V 12A 290W• Internally adjustable: 22 30 VDC cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Pace S/N# 02-00 -0352 Wt: kg: ID: 4444 size: ST 60E -sx +x-tracktor, mini thermojet Imujuotin puhallinjuotin , tarvitsee paineilman. alkuperäispakkaus ja uuden veroinen PE1542 3 lähtöinen (2*0..20V 1*0..7V) analoginen DC sähkölähde.(Lineaari poweri esim .EMC testaukseen) cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Philips S/N# s41601 542001 Wt: 6,6 kg: 4445 ID: size: 21w26d13h cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Astratec electronics XPresscheck XCP1N akkutesteri mobiililaitteiden akuille testaa Li ion, Nimh, ja Nicad akut S/N# 40735 Wt: kg: ID: 4433 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 24 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale HEWLETT-PACKARD 8656B 0.1..990MHz signal generator edullinen signaaligeneraattori esim. EMC immuniteetti testauksin. Sis AM/FF moduloinnit 1db taso tarkkuus 8447D opt.10 100 kHz to 1.3 GHz esim EMC testauksiin antennien vahvistamiseen pre amplfier 3db point 75 kHz to 1.7 GHz Gain >25dB(20°to30°C) gain flat. ±1.5 dB100 kHz to 1.3 GHz Out power for 1 dB gain comp.> +7dBm S/N# 2622u0 0555 Wt: kg: 4430 ID: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: HEWLETT-PACKARD S/N# 1937A 02623 Wt: 1,56 kg: ID: 4431 size: 13*86*22 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Rohde &Schwarz CIT mobile installation tester Heijastusvaimennus /vswr mittari 50ohm 100MHz to 1000 MHz N-female 13 dBm to 43 dBm (20 mW to 20 W) res.0.1dB(20to47 dBm);0.3dB(13to20dBm) SWR Meas Range:1.0 to 10 DC Current Meas0to10A (res.10mA) DC Voltage Meas 0 to 30V (res.10mV)CIT is designed to be used by car mechanics, who will be able to handle this compact tester in practically no time 4039 0.4..990MHz radio test set res 10Hz analogia radioiden testaukseen ja viritykseen GP-IB Conform to IEEE488 kasetteja ja ohjelmointi mahdollisuus S/N# 833509 /110 Wt: kg: 4428 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Stabilock S/N# Wt: ID: 4427 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 25 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Weller S/N# 598 Wt: ID: 4437 Ws-80 edullinen Juotin yksikkö 150-450 asteelle säätimellä ja kynämallisella juottimella. alakuori viottunut Temp. dial control from 300 ̊ F - 850 ̊ F • Automatic tool recognition • All Weller accessories up to 80W may be connected • Temperature locking via key-operated switch WS80 • Accuracy ±2% of final value WAD 100 SUOJAKAASUJUOTOSMUUNTAJA, DIGITAALINEN, SÄÄDETTÄVÄ 80W, ESD Käytetään sovelluksissa, missä suojakaasun sisällä tehtävä juotos on ainoa keino välttää juotospisteen hapettuminen. Suojakaasu syötetään PUWAD-101 muuntajasta juottimen kärjen kiinnitysholkin läpi juotettavan kohteen ympärille. Muuntajalla ohjataan juottimen kärjen lämpötilaa sekä suojakaasun virtaamaa. Juottimen vastuksen ohi virratessaan kaasu lämpenee, eikä näin jäähdytä juotospistettä. Stop&Go-juotinteline sulkee kaasun virtauksen, kun juotin asetetaan telineeseen. cobra Microscope Magnification: Ranging from 2X to 160X Working Distance: From 26mm to 312mm Magnification: 6X-40X zoom New Ergonomic Design: Microscope users can now work in a more upright position and even wear eyeglasses. Kamera adapterilla AX 323 DC power 2*0..30V 0..2,5A 1*4,5..5,5V 5A kg: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Weller S/N# 5910/0 0950 Wt: kg: ID: 4440 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Vision S/N# Wt: ID: 4436 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Metrix S/N# 944200 000014 Wt: kg: ID: 4423 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 26 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Agilent 54602B S/N# us3741 0757 Wt: kg: 4385 ID: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 Oscilloscope 2+2 channel 150MHz with GPIB chan 3,4 DC...250MHz input impedance 10MΩ, 13 pF sample rate 20Ms/S single 10Gs/S repetitve cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Grundig PN300 DC power supply DC 2*0..30V 0-2,3A 1*DC 5V 2A with GPIB E1333a 1GHz 3 channel VXI-C Counter E1420B 200MHz Hz 2 channel VXI-c Counter 2nS S/N# fnr154 4 Wt: kg: ID: 4414 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: HEWLETT-PACKARD S/N# 2934a0 1328 Wt: kg: 4404 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: HEWLETT-PACKARD S/N# 3401a0 23315 Wt: kg: ID: 4405 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 27 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale HEWLETT-PACKARD mobile: +358 50 349 6499 E1407a Command module for VXI-C E1472a rf switch 50ohm e1403c relay matrix for VXI-C E1412a 6,5dig dmm for vxi-c S/N# 3330a0 0891 Wt: kg: 4417 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: HEWLETT-PACKARD S/N# 3002a0 1731 Wt: kg: ID: 4421 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: hewLETT-PACKARD S/N# 2934a0 6608 Wt: kg: 4422 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Tektronix S/N# us3500 0164 Wt: kg: ID: 4418 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 28 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale agilent mobile: +358 50 349 6499 3499 switch mainframe 34401a dmm 6,5digit URE 2 RMS Voltmeter DC-25MHz • True RMS weighting for AC and AC + DC • More than 30 measurements/s • 4.5-digit display and analog display with selectable scale • Very high measurement accuracy • Highpass and lowpass filters • Relative measurement, maxima/ minima • Convenient menu-guided operation • Use of commercial probes, taking into account their division factor in the displayed result • IEC bus (IEEE488) 4 S series ISOTEST Speciale gaz Testeri pinnoituksen tai kaapeleiden eristystestaukseen ja viokojen etsintään. Korkeajännite testeri joka on säädettävissä 500V.. 35kV Maalipintojen, putkien etc. korkeajännitetestaukseen Varoittaa jos pinnoitteessa on pienikin reikä tai ohuempi kohta S/N# cn4005 3411 Wt: kg: 2694 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Agilent S/N# 34146a 51862 Wt: kg: ID: 4386 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: ROHDE & SCHWARZ S/N# 842185 /016 Wt: kg: 2739 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: ELMED S/N# 200808 /4 Wt: kg: ID: 4382 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 29 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Agilent E4421B/1EM Signal generator 0.1 - 3GHz esim EMC testaukseen with AM,FM,PM modulatation and good quality LF generators StabilityAging rate< ±1 ppm/yr < ±1 ppm, typ. < ±0.1 ppm, typ.(+5% 10%) External reference input> 0.35 Vrms into 50 Ω load1, 2, 5, 10 MHz OutputFrequency Amplitude 250 kHz to 1GHz+13 to –136 dBm >1to3GHz +10to–136dBm 164B bi-directional RF Wattmeter that can be inserted in a coax transmission line to measure power and VSWR. Wattmeter scale reads 0-10, 0-25 and 0-50 Watts. The actual power ranges are determined by the plug-in elements. FSP3 Spectrum analyzer Freq.9 kHz to 3GHz, Resolution bandwidth 1 Hz to 10 MHz Displayed average noise level -155 dBm (1 Hz) Phase noise -113 dB (1 Hz) at 10 kHz Additional filters: Channel filters from 100 Hz to 5 MHz and RRC filters FFT filters from 1Hz to 30 kHz S/N# my433 50837 Wt: 8 kg: 2119 ID: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: sierra (ford) S/N# 463B Wt: kg: ID: 4376 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Rohde &Schwarz S/N# 837619 /042 Wt: 10,2 kg: ID: 2974 size: 41,2×19,7*41,7 cm 2.5ms sweep time in frequency domain 1 µs sweep time in time domain Click for more details, documents and videos: http://cdn.rohde-schwarz. com/dl_downloads/dl_common_library/dl_brochures_and_datasheets/f_2/fsp_2/FSP_specs_en.pdf 0~35V,0~14.5A DC power supply Array electronics 3662a GPIB S/N# Wt: 5,5 kg: ID: 4013 size: 22*13,2*36 Load Reg. (Voltage)<0.01%+2mV Load Reg. ・Current・<0.01%+1mA Line Reg. ・Voltage・<0.01%+2mV Line Reg. ・Current・ <0.01%+1mA Prog. Res.Voltage 2mV Current 1mA cm Equipped with SENSE terminals to compensate for the line loss Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 30 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Array electronics S/N# Wt: 5,5 kg: 4375 ID: size: 22*13,2*36 mobile: +358 50 349 6499 3663a GPIB 0~80V,0~6.5A DC power supply kovalaukku Mittalaitteiden kuljetukseen pyörällinen laitekuljetuslaukku sisämitat 47*43*34 + 43*20*5+ 20*10*5 +46*20*3,5 (soft fyllings+2cm on every measure) varastossa on erillaisia sisältöjä Load Reg. (Voltage)<0.01%+2mV Load Reg. ・Current・<0.01%+1mA Line Reg. ・Voltage・<0.01%+2mV Line Reg. ・Current・ <0.01%+1mA Prog. Res.Voltage 2mV Current 1mA cm Click for more details, documents and videos: parsons S/N# 1496 Wt: 15 kg: ID: 1496 size: 65*70*51 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Maynuo S/N# Wt: ID: 4211 M8812 USB 150W 0-2A 0-75V DC power with sense and USB control Low ripple and low noise High resolution and accuracy (0.1mV/0.01mA) Built-in high-accuracy 5 1/2 voltmeter and milliohmmeter Supporting high-accuracy and dynamic programming output High-luminance VFD screen with two lines& four channels display Intellegent fan system fan will be automatically initiated according to the temperature Supporting remote voltage compensation and multidata storage Supporting external trigger input and output FSIQ7 B4, B5, B7, B13, B15, B70, K11, K72 Spectrum analysis frequency 20Hz-7GHz with ultrawide dynamic range for sophisticated ACPR meas: NF=15 dB/TOI=+20 dB Integrated vector signal analyzer for universal analysis of digital and analog modulated signals BPSK to 16QAM, (G)MSK, AM, FM, PM High-speed synthesizer with 5 ms sweep time for FULL SPAN (FSIQ 3/7) High display update rate up to 25 sweeps/s kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Rohde & Schwarz S/N# Wt: ID: 4208 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 31 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale National Instruments mobile: +358 50 349 6499 AT-GPIB/TNT AT-GPIB/TNT Card PCI-MIO-16XE-10 Multifunction DAQ 16-Bit, 100 kS/s PXI-6551 Digital Data Generator/Analyzer 50MHz GPIB-232 CV-A GPIB muunnin Rs232 S/N# AA56B F Wt: kg: 505 EM 41 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: National Instruments S/N# 10CBA C6 Wt: kg: ID: 730 EM 06 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: National Instruments S/N# E4C9F 3 Wt: kg: 510 EM 25 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: National Instruments S/N# Wt: kg: ID: 28477 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 32 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Advantest S/N# Wt: ID: 4025 U3851 9kHz-8GHz Spectrumanalyzer with two channels and with tracking generator 100kHz..6GHz and with EMC filter (QP etc) Connect the magnetic field probe to CH1 and the electric field probe to CH2 and measure the radiation from electronic and IC components in both the electric and magnetic field levels. near-field multipath measurement The near-field multipath components between RFIDs and the reader are measured by CH1 and CH2, respectively, and the time difference (phase difference) is analyzed. 1090 EMC test-table rotation controller.device driver is a Antenna Tower which is supported by RadiMation®. The EMCO 1090 is an intelligent turntable and antenna tower controller of EMCO. This device is a combination of the older EMCO 1050 and EMCO 1060 controllers. E4406a Digital Vector signal analyzer for baseband I/Q signals. In receivers, baseband I/Q analysis may be used to test the I and Q products of I/Q demodulators, after an RF signal has been down converted and demodulated. Measures also: -Spectrum (Frequency Domain) - Time Domain Measurements -Adjacent Channel Power (ACP) -Power Measurements -Making Power Stat CCDF Measurements kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: EMCO S/N# 9407 -1123 Wt: kg: ID: 4024 size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Agilent S/N# my440 21749 Wt: kg: 2120 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: hp 8590B S/N# 3016u0 413 Wt: 13.6 kg: ID: 15579 size: Spectrumanalyzer freq of 9 kHz to 1.8GHz Amplitude range -115dBm..30dBm amp. acc. 1,5dB rel 2dB cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 33 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale HP 8712ES/075 NETWORK ANALYZER frequency range of 300 kHz to 1.3 GHz.75-ohm versions S/N# US405 00724 Wt: kg: 4019 ID: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: HEWLETT-PACKARD 53310 Modulaton domain analyzer E5501B Phase noise measurement solution for 50 kHz to 1.6 GHz Ability to test a wide range of devices Measure AM noise directly Measure offsets to 100 MHz 6517a Electrometer for high imbedance measurement• 200TΩ input impedance • <3fa bias current • Up to 125 rdgs/s • 0.75fa p-p noise • Built-in ±1kv voltage source S/N# 3121A 02463 Wt: kg: ID: 4015 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: HEWLETT-PACKARD S/N# us3703 90036 Wt: kg: 4016 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Keithley S/N# 900716 Wt: kg: ID: 4014 size: cm • Current measurements from 1fA to 20mA • Voltage measurements from 10μV to 200V • Resistance measurements from 50Ω to 1016Ω • Charge measurements from 10fC to 2μC Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 34 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Rohde &Schwarz mobile: +358 50 349 6499 URV 3 with RF-probe 10kHz -2GHz Millivoltmeter 0,7mV-1050V TMA-25 Pumppukärry pituus n.1,9m nostokyky 2,5t nostokorkeus 120+85mm>205mm +alinkorkeus85..93mm haarukanpituus 1520mm haarukan leveys 520mm S/N# 872474 /085 Wt: kg: 4010 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Rocla S/N# 053B0 401522 Wt: 69 kg: ID: 4009 size: 186*52*117 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Fluke S/N# Wt: 0,9 kg: 4003 ID: size: 23,4Lx10,0Wx64 41B cm or DC: ±(2 % + 4 digits) + probe specs Watts/Volt-Amps (1mV/A) isolated input Range and Res.0.0W(VA) to 600 kW(kVA) average; 0.0W(VA) to ±2000 kW(kVA)peak Acc.AC+DC:±(1%+4 digits)+probe specs Harmonics(harm.level>5% using Smooth20) Click for more details, documents and videos: Agilent S/N# 2730a0 6386 Wt: kg: ID: 15595 size: 28*21,5*9 Voltage Range and Res.5 to 600Vrms (AC+DC) ±5.0 V to ±933 V peak Acc. rms: ±(0.5 % + 2 digits); Peak or DC: ±(2% +3digits) (Add 2 digits if<15V rms) Current (1mV/A) Isolated input Range and Res.1.00 A to 1000 A rms (AC+DC); ±1.0 A to ±2000 A peak Acc.: rms: ±(0.5%+3digits)+probe specs; Peak 5385A cm Frequency Counter B chan. 10 mVrms (-27 dBm) 100-1000 MHz A chan. 15 mVrms 50Hz.. 100MHz 25 mVrms 10 Hz to 50 Hz Damage Level: AC > 1 MHz +30 dBm (7 Vrms) AC <1 MHz 2 Vrms DC ± 5V Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 35 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Agilent S/N# 2536A 18045 Wt: kg: 15596 ID: size: 23*9,8*24 5315a mobile: +358 50 349 6499 Frequency counter DC.. 100MHZ Damage Level:500V(DC+ACrms) taajuuslaskuri vaihtosähkötehoille ja taajuuksille cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Boonton model 92 RF millivoltmeter 1,2GHz Logic Bridge 136 Sarjaliikenne/pulssi liikenteen työkalu tallentaa 50 erillaista aaltomuotoa. Pystyy vertailemaan signaalin muotoeroa eri probien välillä. clitch, audio,tone etc. tuotteen sarjaliikenne tarkastelemiseen EMC, lämpötila etc. testien aikana. Meratester V40.28 analog meter DC and AC voltage ranges 1,5mV...1500V DC and AC currents 150nA..1,5A ohms 100ohm..100MHohms S/N# 2200 Wt: kg: ID: 15593 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Inter-venture S/N# Wt: kg: 15594 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Meratronik SA S/N# Wt: kg: ID: 15597 size: 16,5 x 18,5 x 8,5 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 Lämpötilan mittaus -150..500 Deg. probe P-233 DC AC current 150A by shunt 0,5% acc. 1GHz ac probe P-225 Included 1KHz..1GHZ Frequencies DC AC Voltages 1,5% FullScale The 1,35 V battery is used for resistance measurement. 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 36 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Rohde &Schwarz NGPU 7/10 S/N# Wt: 14 kg: 3990 ID: size: 49,2 × 16,1 × 51,4 cm mobile: +358 50 349 6499 DC Voltage 0- 70 V 10 A adjustable via pot.meter or IEC/IEEE(GPIB) bus Resolution Manual control 0.02% IEC/IEEE bus 1000 steps/range; for voltage current ranges :0.1/1/10 A Click for more details, documents and videos: 45/05 Dual Display Multimeter with GPIB Fluke S/N# 646800 3 Wt: 2,4 kg: ID: 2745 size: 21,6W*9,3Hx28,6 D cm Click for more details, documents and videos: VDC Range: 0V-1000VRes.1 µV-0.01V Best Accuracy: ± 0.025% + 2* VAC True-rms AC Coup. Freq. 20H-100khz Range: 0V-750VResolution: 1 µV-0.01V Best Accuracy: ± 0.2% + 10* ADC Range:0 mA-10A Res.0.1 µA-10 mA Best Accuracy: ± 0.05% + 2 AAC True-rms, AC Coup. Freq. 20-20 khzRange:15 µA-10A Res. 0.1 µA-10mA Best Accuracy: ± 0.5% + 10 * Res.Range:0-100 MΩRes.: 0.001-1mΩ Best Accuracy: ± 0.05% + 2 * Frequency Range: 5 Hz - 1 MHz Resolution: .01 Hz-1 kHz Commtech S/N# Wt: ID: 3985 Fastcom®: ESCC-PCI-335 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Universal PCI Bus Dual Port Synchronous Comm. Adapt. CRC generation either CRC-32 or CRC-CCITT polynomials (CRC-16/CCITT for BISYNC) CRC reset state all 1's or all 0's Manchester line encoding FM encoding (Bi-Phase Space/Bi-Phase Mark) Preamble transmission (with repetition) BISYNC operating mode, receiving and sending BISYNC formatted data ASYNC operating mode, receiving and sending ASYNC formatted data, in true asynchronous (no clocks, data over sampled) or isosynchronous (async data format with no over sampling) Fluke TIR32 S/N# 100708 1,05 kg: Wt: 68 ID: 3980 size: 27.7 x 12.2 x 17.0 cm 320x240 resolution Infrared Camera. 20 °C to +150 °C Thermal Sensitivity (NETD) ..≤0.040 °C at 30 °C target temp (40 mK) Stand.Infr. Lens Field of View.23 ° x 17 ° Minimum Focus Distance..15 cm Voice Annotation..60 seconds Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 37 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Musashi Engineering inc. Super Ex mobile: +358 50 349 6499 Simple operated super intelligent dispencer Suitable for automated systems S/N# 2sc100 00002 Wt: kg: 1625 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Pace TF3000E S/N# 035 -041-a Wt: 78 kg: ID: 3977 size: 63,5Hx64,1W x 66 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Tektronix S/N# B0205 83 Wt: 7 kg: 3530 ID: size: L43*K22*S60 CSA803A opt.1T,10+sd22 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Juotin alalämmöllä ja poiminta päällä PC SYSTEM Pentium III, 850Mhz minimum 256Mb RAM, 10Gb Hard Drive, 8Mb Video RAM, High Resolution Video Capture Card, 3.5” Floppy Disk Drive, 2 USB Ports, 1 Serial Port, 1 Parallel Port, Keyboard and Mouse OPERATING SYSTEM Windows XP Professional TOP HEATER Convective (air or N2), 1600 Wat ts PRE-HEATER IR, 400 Wat ts (200 Wat ts x 2), 220mm x 155mm (8.6" x 6.1") COMPONENT SIZE 65mm x 65mm (2.6" x 2.6") maximum The SD22 is a dual-channel, 12.5 GHz sampling head specifically designed for lownoise measurement in communications and device characterization applications. acquisition rise time of 28 ps, and typically 450 µVRMS of displayed noise. 12.5 GHz Bandwidth Dual-channel Sample repetition rate Maximum: 200 kHz Minimum: 100 Hz Rise Time: 28 ps, from 10% to 90% Dynamic Range - 1 Vp-p within a ±1.6 V range Aberrations 50MHz 2 channel oscilloscope for service and tektronix 2225 maintenance S/N# 201538 Wt: 6,6 kg: ID: 15596 size: 13,8*44*38 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 38 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale collins 479s-6a S/N# 707 Wt: kg: 15582 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 VOR/ILS Signal Generator has all the capabilities required to test and troubleshoot VOR, ILS, and marker beacon navigation receivers in one easy-touse, solid-state instrument! While providing both RF and audio signals, you'll find quality results with simple setup and operation. Frequencies: 75MHz +0.4 MHz (marker beacon); 108 to 118MHz (VOR/LOC); 329 to 335MHz (glideslope); 118 to 152MHz (communications). Selectable VOR radials from 000.00 to 359.99 dregees and 1020Hz audio tone for identification signal come standard on this generator. Variable RF output: 6 to -120 dB mW VSWR: <1.5:1 - See more at: http://www. testequipmentconnection. com/1472/Collins_Radio_479S-6.php#sthash. hp 209a S/N# 1045a0 6471 Wt: 2,79 kg: ID: 15588 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Generator forsine (0.1% THD) and square waves (50 nS rise/fall time). The ranges are: 4-40 Hz 20-200 Hz 200-2,000 Hz 2- 20 kHz 20-200 kHz 0.2-2.0 MHz. For audio, the three 20 Hz - 20 kHz ranges are ideal, while the lowest range covers infrasonics. The higher ranges are best for interfering with AM radio broadcasts. Output source impedance is 600 Ω, and output opencircuit sine-wave voltages range from 260 mV (-11 -818.pdf Input 1 hp 5350a 010 Frequency range: 500 MHz to 20 GHz Sensitivity (full operating environment) 500 MHz to 12.4 GHz: -25 dBm 12.4 GHz to 20 GHz: -20 dBm Maximum input: +7 dBm Damage level: +25 dBm, peak Impedance: 50 Ω, nominal SWR 500 MHz - 10 GHz: Typically, <2:1 10 GHz - 20 GHz: Typically, <3:1 Coupling: DC to 50 Ω termination, AC to instrument Accuracy: ±1 count ±time base error x frequency Resolution: Selectable 1 Hz to 1 MHz Connector: Precision Type N female S/N# 2444a0 0308 Wt: kg: 15591 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Rohde &Schwarz FAMA opt B1,B8,B2 S/N# Wt: 13,6 kg: ID: 2176 size: 35,0 x 19,5 x 34,6 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 modulation analyzer VOR/ILS 55kHZ...1360MHz The Rohde & Schwarz Modulation Analyzer FAMA is a microprocessor controlled unit for analysis of modulated RF signals, with simultaneous frequency measurement. Modulation measurement with AM, FM, and phase modulation. Switch-selected highpass and lowpass filters for various test bandwidths, CCITT and CCIR weighting filters optional. Modulation signal measurement using weighting filters (AF voltmeter or psophometer function). IEC-bus (HP-IB) compatible. Carrier frequency range from 55 kHz to 1360 MHz 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 39 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Alltion S/N# Wt: ID: 3108 GS23 (kuva epromin sisältä) Microscope LCD Resolution 1280×800 Continuing Zoom Range 0.7~4.5 Storage : SD Card &PC 720P/fps and 1080P/30fps HD video and HDMI HD Output Mega digital professional camera and integration of capture, video and storage 9 Inches HD screen real-time display and no need to connect to computer kg: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: ifr S/N# 2487 Wt: 8,1 kg: ID: 15589 size: 19x13x41 nav-401l Designed to meet the electronic functional test requirements of Category I and Category II ILS Systems, Communication (COMM), Navigation (NAV), and Marker MKR) Systems Includes a signal generator with a variable attenuator which can be connected to the equipment under test by a radiated signal from a self-contained antenna or by a coax line Can be operated under either crystal frequency control or in a variable frequency mode in each band 3721a DC-load 0~40A 0~80V400W at 40deg Transient Operation Continuous, Pulse, Toggled : slew rate max.4A/us Max power 0~400W Constant Current Mode ACC. CCL 0~4A res.0.1mA(0.1℅+10mA) cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Array electronics S/N# a12120 42 Wt: kg: 655 ID: size: CCH0~30A res. 1mA acc.0.1℅+10mA cm CV 0~80V res.1mV (0.1℅+10mV) CRL 0.02~2Ω res.0.1mΩ(0.5℅+12mΩ@I>4A) Click for more details, documents and videos: CRM 2~200Ω res.8.6uS*2 acc.0.3%+1.25mS@V>8V) CRH 20~2000Ω res.0.96uS CMU200B21,52,,53,56,66,68,95K21..24K42,43,5 Radiotestset with bluetooth,gsm,gprs,egprs wcdma ROHDE & SCHWARZ S/N# 101027 /002 Wt: kg: ID: 26415 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 40 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale hp 8508a+85082a+85081b S/N# 2949u0 2116 Wt: kg: 15604 ID: size: Antenni sovituksien mittauksiin kun omaa lähetintä ei haluta sulkea testin ajaksi. • RF voltage and phase measurements 100 kHz..1GHz high-imp. probe inputs 300 kHz to 2 GHz 50 Ωinputs Absolute Accuracy +1/–1.5 dB, 100 kHz to 300 kHz (A,B 100 mV, 15° to 30°C) ±.5 dB, 300 kHz to 1 MHz ±.3 dB, 1 MHz to 100 MHz ±.6 dB, 100 MHz to 300 MHz ±1 dB, 300 MHz to 1 GHz (±1 dB, 300 MHz to 1.5 GHz1 ) (+1/–2 dB, 1.5 GHz to 2 GHz1 ) Its narrowband measuring technique gives a dynamic cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Primetest 100 schuko S/N# 344a01 0 Wt: kg: ID: 661 size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 hand held battery powered unit suitable for carrying out electrical safety checks on: · Class I appliances · Class II appliances · IEC mains leads · Extension leads · Mains outlet wiring cm Click for more details, documents and videos: A10 näytemylly. Pilkkoo näytteen tomuksi 43 Measures both forward and reflected CW power in 50W coaxial transmission lines. Low VSWR and insertion loss, ± 5% of full scale accuracy. Plug-in elements provide a wide choice of frequency ranges from 2 to 1000 MHz and power levels from 1W to 10KW. Select one or more elements to suit your requirements. Comes with Type-N connector S/N# 678556 Wt: kg: 1102 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: bird S/N# Wt: kg: ID: 15611 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 41 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale digiproduct mobile: +358 50 349 6499 dg500a putkinäyttöinen laskuri 8015a The HP 8015A is a 50 MHz pulse generator that features dual outputs - each capable of delivering pulses up to 16 V in amplitude. When the outputs are combined (A + B mode), up to 30 V is available. The 8015A is easy to use - the front panel layout is clear and unambiguous. Controls are positioned so that parameters are easily identified and invalid combinations of parameters can be avoided.Delay, double pulse, and square wave modes of operation are available. A feature of the 8015A is the B Del mode where channel B output is delayed with respect to channel A output. This can be combined with A + B mode so that complex and 3-level waveforms can be synthesized. The external input has a threshold level variable between +1 V and -1 V with 50 Ω input 3457a+44492 7,5dig dmm with switching S/N# 250161 Wt: kg: 15586 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: hp S/N# 2027g0 3132 Wt: kg: ID: 15577 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: hp S/N# 2505a0 0216 Wt: 5 kg: 15590 ID: size: 8,9*42,5*29,2 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: normarc nm3701 ILS tone generator S/N# 116 Wt: kg: ID: 15585 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 42 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale philips pm5109 Number of Channels 2 ch Waveform Sine,Square Min.Freq.10 Hz Max.Freq, 100 kHz Frequency Accuracy 5% Minimum Output Voltage 0 V Maximum Output Voltage 10 V Output Impedance 50 Ohm pm5715 50 MHz pulsegenerator TTL compatible signals. S/N# 01604 Wt: kg: 15605 ID: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: philips S/N# Wt: kg: ID: 15607 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: rohde& schwarz FAMA opt.B1,B2,B8 modulation analyzer VOR/ILS 55kHZ...1360MHz The Rohde & Schwarz Modulation Analyzer FAMA is a microprocessor controlled unit for analysis of modulated RF signals, with simultaneous frequency measurement. Modulation measurement with AM, FM, and phase modulation. Switch-selected highpass and lowpass filters for various test bandwidths, CCITT and CCIR weighting filters optional. Modulation signal measurement using weighting filters (AF voltmeter or psophometer function). IEC-bus (HP-IB) compatible. Carrier frequency range from 55 kHz to 1360 MHz FAM opt.B2 modulation analyzer 55kHZ...1360MHz S/N# 891164 /002 Wt: kg: 15574 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: rohde& schwarz S/N# 879267 /047 Wt: 2400 kg: ID: 15593 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 43 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale tektronics mobile: +358 50 349 6499 DPO4comp sw DPO2conn sw DPO4usb DPO4USB USB 2.0 Triggering and Analysis Automated Trigger, Decode, and Search for USB 2.0 Designed for use with MDO4000, MSO4000, and DPO4000 Series Oscilloscopes 2246 100 MHz, 4 channel oscilloscope S/N# DPO4c omp00 Wt: kg: 1137 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: tektronics S/N# c00013 1 Wt: kg: ID: 1142 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: tektronics S/N# DPO4a uto001 Wt: kg: 1143 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: tektronix S/N# b04274 6 Wt: kg: ID: 15573 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 44 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale tm515/wr501/counter100Mhz/dm501 Counter ,DMM , Oscilloscope etc. in same frame. The WR 501 is a 16-channel word recognizer with a/sc502 delay, packaged in a TM 500 plug-in. The WR 501 tektronix S/N# b02526 5 Wt: kg: 15595 ID: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 can provide a trigger signal for an oscilloscope or provide a trigger signal and data acquisition for the LA 501 Logic Analyzer. The DM501 Multimeter Module measures DC volts (2 V to 1 kV FS), AC volts (2 to 500 V FS), AC/DC current (2 mA to 2 A FS), resistance (2 kohms to 20 Mohms full scale. Features 4 1/2-digit LED display, auto polarity, and ±0.1% DC voltage accuracy. Used with TM-Series module. Temperature (-55º to +125º C). cm Click for more details, documents and videos: pdf Covers 100Hz to 1.8GHz with -131 dBm Sensitivity tektronix 495p and ±1 dB Frequency Response 10¯9 Marker and Center Frequency Accuracy, Builtin Signal Counter; External Reference Input with Option 05: 10¯5 Frequency Accuracy with the standard 495/495P Front Panel Execution of Downloaded Programs with the 495P Option 05 Intelligent Markers with Signal Processing Functions Pushbutton Occupied Bandwidth and Noise Normalization Functions Switch Selectable 50 ohms and 75 ohms Impedance (Option 07) for IF, CATV and Local Area Network Applications Nonvolatile Memory for Up to Nine Waveforms and S/N# b03051 9 Wt: kg: ID: 15599 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: portable data&logic analyser tektronix 308 Timing analysis of parallel signals State analysis of parallel signals State analysis of serial transmissions Signature analysis The 308 provide an 8-channel input, a 20 MHz clock speed, and 52-bits/channel memory size when used as a Parallel Timing analyzer. S/N# 300288 Wt: kg: 15601 ID: size: cm The eight channel (expandable to 24 channel) parallel word recognizer triggers upon recognition of a preset digital word. If no preset data is presence, the 308 immediately and automatically generates an internal trigger at the start of an acquisition. Data sampling rate ranging from 50ns to 200ms (20 MHz Click for more details, documents and videos: Treston RA60 kokoonpanopöytä hissillä valoineen. S/N# 2460/8 9 Wt: kg: ID: 1154 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 45 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Agilent S/N# Wt: ID: 2911 85024a kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 The Agilent 85024A high-frequency 3GHz probe makes it easy to perform in-circuit measurements. An input capacitance of only 0.7 pF shunted by 1 megohm of resistance permits high frequency probing without adversely loading the circuit under test. Excellent frequency response and unity gain guarantee high accuracy in swept measurements with this probe. High probe sensitivity and low distortion levels allow measurements to be made while taking advantage of the full dynamic range of Agilent RF analyzers. Treston S/N# Wt: kg: ID: 3716 size: 53,5 x 23,2 x 15 PCB Magazine Rack Korttien säilytys teline/PCB Rack pysty tai vaakasento cm Click for more details, documents and videos: tektronics TAP1500 S/N# B0204 35 Wt: kg: 1129 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: tektronics DPO4auto S/N# DPO4a uto002 Wt: kg: ID: 1140 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 TAP1500 Single-ended Active FET Probe provides excellent high-speed electrical and mechanical performance required for today’s digital system designs. Specifically designed for use and direct connection to the TekVPI™ probe interface used on Tektronix’ new DPO7000 and DPO/MSO4000 Series Oscilloscopes, the TAP1500 Active FET probe achieves high-speed signal acquisition and measurement fidelity by solving three traditional problems: Lower DUT loading effects with ≤1 pF input capacitance and 1 MΩ sw Automotive Serial Triggering and Analysis Module for tek dpo 4000 series Enables triggering on packet-level information on CAN and LIN buses as well as analytical tools such as digital views of the signal, bus views, packet decoding, search tools, and packet decode tables with timestamp information. Signal Inputs – LIN: Any Ch1 - Ch4 (and any D0 D15 on MSO models); CAN: Any Ch1 - Ch4 (and any D0 D15 on MSO models), single-ended probing only Recommended Probing – LIN: Single ended; CAN: 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 46 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale tektronics DPO3comp S/N# DPO3c omp00 Wt: kg: 1141 ID: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 Computer Serial Triggering and Analysis Module for tek dpo 3000 series. Enables triggering on packet-level information on RS-232/422/485/UART buses as well as analytical tools such as digital views of the signal, bus views, packet decoding, search tools, and packet decode tables with time stamp information. cm Click for more details, documents and videos: tektronics DPO2conn LAN Port – RJ-45 connector, supports 10/100Base-T for MSO2000 Series • DPO2000 Series S/N# c00013 1 Wt: kg: ID: 1142 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Tektronix p5050 S/N# p5050s 001 Wt: kg: 1117 ID: size: Attenuation1 10X ±0.5% at DC Input Resistance1 10 MΩ ±0.5% Input Capacitance 8.0 pF (±0.8 pF) Compensation Range 16 pF to 22 pF System Bandwidth (--3 dB) 500 MHz (TDS3054) or TDS500 series avaamaton paketti cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Tektronix DPO3AUTO S/N# DPO3A UTO00 Wt: kg: ID: 1122 size: Automotive Serial Triggering and Analysis Module for tek dpo 3000series Enables triggering on packet-level information on CAN bus and LIN bus as well as analytical tools such as digital views of the signal, bus views, packet decoding, search tools, and packet decode tables with time stamp information. cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 47 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Spirent S/N# 1084 Wt: ID: 3075 GSS4200 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 Multi-channel Satellite Simulator: A GPS simulation solution specifically designed to support production testing of A-GPS enabled handsets.Test location-capable CDMA phones, a critical element of assisting in meet the U.S. FCC E911 requirements. Spirent has leveraged its success in mobile performance and certification testing in the CDMA market to also bring comprehensive performance analysis to the GSM and WCDMA market ¢ 6 channels GPS L1 C/A code ¢ Allows position fix with representative satellite dynamics and data ¢ Single channel mode Quad S/N# Y1999 Wt: 1590 kg: ID: 3513 size: 234*145*104 QSV-1 Plus Ladontakone/Pick and Place System Features: Single gantry design provides placement rates up to 7,000 cph takt time Handles board sizes from 3.2" x 3" to 15" x 18" requirements 3kVA 240VAC /5,5Bar 7scfm cm Click for more details, documents and videos: XTL1A microcope mcn 350-650 650V DC supply• Setting res.: ±1 x 10-4 500mA • 31⁄2 digit DVM for voltage and current (at 1⁄219" units switch- selected) Residual ripple: Up to 350 W nominal power <5 x 10-5pp + 50 mVpp, from 700 W nominal power on <2x10-4pp + 200 mVpp S/N# XTL1A 004 Wt: kg: 1074 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: FUG elektronik S/N# 861123 3705 Wt: 6 kg: ID: 1101 size: 35*22,2*3 HU / 13,3 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 48 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Rocla PVA-10D Akuilla toimiva Sähköinen nostin/pumppukärry 2,45m korkeuteen asti 1000kg max. Omapaino n.350kg BMM2000 ESD Accuracy 1000V, 500V, 250V, +15% Accuracy 1000V 20GΩ ±2% ±2digits ±0,2% per GΩ 500V 10GΩ ±2% ±2digits ±0,2% per GΩ 250V 5GΩ ±2% ±2digits ±0,2% per GΩ Measuring Range: EN61557 range:0,10MΩ to 1,00GΩ leagage current :10% ±3digits Accuracy: Continuity0,01Ω to 99,9Ω Test current:210mA ±10mA (0-2Ω) xk1025 käsikäyttöinen,hydraulinen pinoamisvaunukuormituskapasiteetti 1000 kg takapyörät on varustettu jarruilla - max. nostokorkeus 2500 mm - haarukoiden min. korkeus 90 mm - haarukoiden pituus 1100 mm - haarukkaleveys 550 mm - korkeus masto alhaalla 1838, korkeus masto ylhäällä 2970 mm - kääntösäde 1350 mm - kuorman painopiste 500 mm - max. nostokapasiteetti/pumppaus: kuormalla 20 mm/pumppaus, ilman kuormaa 22 mm/pumppaus - max. laskunopeus: kuormalla 145 mm/s, ilman kuormaa 53 mm/s kovalaukku sisämitat 46*55*25 +55*14*5 (soft fyllings+2cm on every measure) Missing handle 14.9 fixed tires S/N# 51 -06200 Wt: 350 kg: 1111 ID: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: S/N# 103402 Wt: kg: ID: 1619 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: IKH S/N# 136 Wt: 276 kg: 136 ID: size: 166P 86L 183,8 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: parsons S/N# 1492 Wt: ID: 1492 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 49 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale spellmann XLF60N60x2673 S/N# CO221 49-001 Wt: kg: 1098 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Agilent Technologies S/N# Wt: ID: 3116 8595E/004/010/021/101/105 HV power 60kV 10mA Plastics Sorting Crystal Inspection Diamond Inspection Filament: 12 volts @ 5 amps, preheat level is 0.45 amps in standby. Voltage Regulation: Load: 0.005% of full output voltage no load to full load. LIne: 0.005% for input voltage range change. Current Regulation: Load: 0.05% of full current ±100μA from 0 to full voltage. 9kHz-6,5GHz spectrumanalyzer with 2,9GHz tracking generator Dyn. Range-130..+30 dBm(9kHz..1,8GHz) Freq Reference Accuracy: +/- 2ppm Input Impedance: 50 ohms• Residual FM: -105 dBc/Hz - -90 dBc/Hz Resolution Bandwidth: 1 kHz - 3 MHz Video Bandwidth: 30 Hz - 1 MHz kg: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Heraeus S/N# 830129 1 Wt: 160 kg: 3115 ID: size: 80*69*63 VT5050EK Temperature and depressure chamber Lämmön ja alipaineen testaus kammio Interior/sisätilavuus: 49cm*49cm*50cm maks lämpötila: 250astetta min alipaine: 1mBar Liitäntä 1kpl alipainepumpulle sekä 1kpl sähköselle tiedonsiirrolle. 6633B DC power 0 to 50 V Current 0 to 2 A with GPIB cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Agilent S/N# Wt: 13 kg: ID: 3113 size: 43x 9x 36 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 50 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Agilent S/N# Wt: ID: 3064 mobile: +358 50 349 6499 41800A active probe (5Hz - 500MHz) - all original accessories included in the case - paper manuals included PM3585 Logic Analyser 200MHz =================================== - one of two 32-pin probes is having 31 pins left (one pin is faulty) - including original manuals and discs ESHS10 EMC receiver for high measurement accuracy, typical error 0.5 dB Freq.9 kHz to 30 MHz Comply with CISPR 16-1, VDE 0876 and ANSI C63.2 For measurements to European Standards 55011 to 55022, ETS, FCC, VCCI and VDE 0871 to 0879 Level measurement range -36 to +137 dBμV Frequency resolution 10 Hz 545A opt.03,08.09 Microwave Frequency Counte 10Hz to 18.0GHz is read directly from a 12-digit LED display which is sectionalized into GHz, MHz, kHz and Hz making it easy for even unskilled operators to make measurements quickly and accurately. Three input bands are standard: Band 1 is from 10Hz to 100MHz (sensitivity of 25 mV rms) with 1 Mohm impedance (BNC); Band 2 is from 10MHz to 1.0GHz (sensitivity of -20 dBm) with 50-ohms impedance (BNC); Band 3 is from 1.0GHz to 18.0GHz (sensitivity: -30 dBm from 1.0GHz to 12.4GHz; -25 dBm from 12.4GHz to 18.0GHz) with 50-ohms impedance (TYPE N). Time base crystal frequency is 10MHz with an aging rate of <3x10E-7 / month, 10MHz square wave (1 V p-p minimum into 50-ohms) output is available. Overall kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Philips S/N# NC: 9450 Wt: ID: 3067 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Rohde &Schwarz S/N# 860043 /002 Wt: 21 kg: 3062 ID: size: 43,5 x 23,6 x 36,3 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: EIP S/N# 01326 Wt: 11,8 kg: ID: 3061 size: 19” rack 2 units cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 51 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Metcal S/N# Wt: ID: 3060 BGA-3000 mobile: +358 50 349 6499 BGA Juotin asema/BGA rework station kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Seaward S/N# Wt: 0,8 kg: ID: 3059 size: 26x10x 5.5 Solar Survey 100 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Valo-energiamittari ,kompassilla, kulma ja lämpötilan mittauksilla. IRRADIANCE Disp. Range 100–1500 W/m-2 Meas Range 100 – 1250 W/m-2 Resolution 1 BTU/hr-ft2/ 1W/m-2 COMPASS BEARING Display Range 0° to 360° Measurement Ranges 0° to 360° Resolution 1° INCLINOMETER Display Range 0° to 90° Measurement Ranges 0° to 90° Resolution 1° Willtek 4910 S/N# lx6782 91 Wt: kg: 3056 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Coupler 500MHz-2GHz Universal Antenna Coupler for all mobile phone types Functional check of mobiles includes antenna Mobile phone clamp fits all standard models Caters all mobile frequency bands (800/900/1800/1900 MHz) and standards (GSM, CDMA, TDMA) Can be used with all Willtek RF Testers: 4100, 4200, 4300, 4350, and 4400 RF Shield Box and Universal Antenna Coupler combination provides accurate and interference-free results Schaffner NSG203A The Schaffner NSG 203A is a Line Voltage Variation Simulator S/N# 936853 8 Wt: kg: ID: 3021 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 52 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Schaffner NSG222A Fast Impulse Plug-In for NSG200 Produces fast interference pulses typical to mechanical devices such as relays, switches etc. Pulse amplitude 50 to 2500V, rise time 5 to 10ns, pulse duration unload 100ns loaded 80ns into 50O. NSG223A Generates high energy pulses typical of Those produced by switching Inductive and capacitive loads, lightning strikes, etc. The pulsescan be symmetrically or asymmetrically superimposod on the mains supply by means of the coupler in the main-frame as well as being available via separate sockets for component testing purposes. Because of their relatively high energy of about 2 Joules, the pulses can result in damage to unprotected or unsuitably arranged elements in input circuits. This type of pulse is defined by varlous standards. IEC 801-5 among them. Compared to this specification, the NSG 223A generator has a some what higher internal impedance of 45 Ohm in keeping with the wishes of many instrument manufactures NSG426 Coupling unit for data line pairs NSG431 2 TO 21 KV STATIC DISCHARGE SIMULATOR. Features: * Rise Time: 5ns +/-30% at 2kV * Discharge voltage: 2 to 21kV * Polarity: positive - non switchable * Discharge capacitor Co: 150pF +/-10% * Discharge resistor Ro: 150 ohms +/-5% * Mode of operation: single/cont. (20 Hz) * For testing per IEC 801-2 / 1984 S/N# 288985 17 Wt: kg: 3022 ID: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Schaffner S/N# 1007 Wt: ID: 3023 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Schaffner S/N# 210 Wt: ID: 3025 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: schaftner S/N# 250 Wt: ID: 3027 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 53 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale KEISOKU GIKEN CO., LTD. S/N# Wt: 1,7 kg: 2972 ID: size: 18*8,5*30 RM-103 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: MPI DC Volt. Measurement Range +-6.0000V +-60.000V +-500.00V Resolution 0.1mV 1.0mV 10.0mV Accuracy(*5) +-0.025% of rdg. +-0.025% of f.s. Max. Applied Volt. +-500V Measurement Time less than 90ms(Fast Mode)/less than250ms(Slow Mode) Ripple Noise Measurement Ranges 300.0mVp-p 3000mVp-p Resolution 0.1mV 1.0mV Accuracy(*1,*2,*3) +-2% of rdg. +-1% of f.s. Nominal Bandwidth 100MHz LF Bandwidth 50Hz - 2KHz HF Bandwidth 2KHzTHRU Bandwidth 50Hz-100MHz HG7900 BGA Juotin asema/BGA rework station Bottom Heater and Camera System for PCB's Up to 410x410mm Ei vaadi ulkoista tietokonetta vaatii paineilman TI395 Thermal camera for building application 384 x 288 pixels IR detector resolution • Temp range: -20 ℃ ~ 250 ℃ S/N# 790fc0 4 Wt: kg: ID: 2955 size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Ulirvision S/N# Wt: 0,393 kg: ID: 2941 size: 12,8×6,2×15,4 • Accuracy: ±2 ℃or ±2 of reading, NETD: <65mk at 30 ℃ cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Agilent 34401a dmm 6,5digit S/N# my450 11467 Wt: kg: ID: 2934 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 54 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale ET-systems S/N# Wt: 3*60 ID: 2869 EAC-S-3P-1000/usb EAC-S-3P 1000 Vin: 3 x 230 VAC / 50 Hz Vout:3 x 0 - 300 VAC / 0 - 425 VDC Cout: 3 x 10 A max. Output frequency: 50/60/400 Hz + 1 - 500 Hz Power: 3 x 1000 VA Size: 3 x 19" x 6 HE x 434 mm Weight:3 x 60 kg 16048C Test fixture for bigger components (hp4192a) 16095A Test fixture PROBE(hp4192a) 16096A Impedance Analyzer kitt (hp4192a) kg: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Agilent S/N# Wt: ID: 2857 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Agilent S/N# Wt: ID: 2858 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Agilent S/N# Wt: ID: 2852 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 55 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale fluke Fluke 5101B,Fluke 5220A CALIBRATOR with current amplfier The versatility of the 5100B Series Calibrators is unmatched at any price. They are compatible with the popular Fluke 7411C and MET/CAL based Calibration Systems, the Navy's MECCA Systems and the new Fluke 5700A Multifunction Calibrator. Enhanced Capability is also available with the 10 MHz Wideband Option and the Capability to directly Drive the Fluke 5220A 20A Transconductance Amplifier and the 5205A or 5215A High Voltage Amplifier. 33120A 5 MHz sine & square waveforms generator Ramp, triangle, noise & DC waveforms 12-bit,40MSa/s,16,000points arb waveform AM (int/ext), FM (int), FSK (internal/external), burst (int/extl) Linear & logarithmic sweeps and burst operation IntuiLink software plus GPIB & RS-232 interfaces Option 001 provides improved stability & a multiple-unit link 53131a Frequncy counter 2* 225 MHz input channels, plus optional third channel up to 12.4 GHz 10 digits per second, 500 ps time interval resolution GPIB Standard E4421B/1EM Analog Signal generator 0.1 - 3000 MHz with AM,FM,PM modulatation and nice LF generator S/N# s/n 220000 Wt: kg: 2770 ID: size: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: agilent S/N# US360 10865 Wt: 4 kg: ID: 2721 size: 25.4x10.36x37.4 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: agilent S/N# 3546a1 0697 Wt: kg: 2732 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Agilent S/N# my433 50221 Wt: 8 kg: ID: 2154 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 56 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Keithley mobile: +358 50 349 6499 7999-6+mascotpower +connector RF switch 4GHz with power 3400a with gpib 50MHz Sine, 25MHz Square & 10MHz arbitrary Waveforms S/N# 978724 Wt: 2.8 kg: 2149 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Array electronics 14-bit,125 Msa/s, 256K-point Arbitrary Waveform Pulse,Ramp, Triangle, Noise & DC Waveforms S/N# TW000 12088 Wt: 6 kg: ID: 2142 size: 53*34*26package cm Linear & Logarithmic Sweeps & Burst Operation AM,FM,PM,(PSK), FSK & PWM Modulation Types Amplitude Range, 20 mVpp to 20 Vpp into Open Circuit Remote Control via USB, LAN or Opt. GPD Graph Mode for Visual Verification of Signal Settings 16-bit Data Output via Pattern Out Free Waveform Editor Software Wavepatt Click for more details, documents and videos: ShibaSoku S/N# Wt: ID: 2139 725B Automatic Distortion Analyzer TSG271 PAL TV Generator kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Tektronix S/N# Wt: ID: 2140 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 57 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Agilent S/N# Wt: ID: 2129 mobile: +358 50 349 6499 8644B Signal generator 0.252 - 1030 MHz 4191A 1Ghz RF Impedance Analyzer kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Agilent S/N# Wt: ID: 2135 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Agilent S/N# Wt: ID: 2131 5351A microwave counter 5100B 4,5 Digit dmm calibrator kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Fluke S/N# Wt: ID: 2132 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 58 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Tektronix S/N# Wt: ID: 2136 576 kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: mobile: +358 50 349 6499 Curve tracer Voltage range: 15, 75, 350, 1500 V Maximum continuous peak current: 10 A, 2 A, 500 mA, 100 mA Amplitude current (characteristics): 200 A at 15 V range, 40 A at 75 V range, 8 A at 350 V range Series resistance: 0.3 Ω to 6.5 MΩ Safety interlock to protect operator from 75, 350, and 1500 V collector voltages Width (characteristics): 300 or 80 µs, determined by 576 polarity control Maximum peak watts (characteristics): Three illuminated pushbuttons select 10, 100, or 1000 W maximum peak power Step generator Weller S/N# Wt: ID: 1716 W201D Soldering iron 200W 240V kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Weller whcp-20 Soldering controller for 1 iron S/N# 53148 Wt: kg: 1709 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Armeka Engineering S/N# 1649 Wt: ID: 1649 AE-280 ionizator gun kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 59 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale EFD S/N# 1647 Wt: ID: 1647 mobile: +358 50 349 6499 ultra1400 series dispencer 4403 gsm 900,1800,1900, gprs päätelaite testeri 1000XLE Dispencer for pasta and liquids TCU-05F2 Peltier master manage temperature and viscosity of liquid materials by heating and cooling. kg: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Wavetek S/N# 101105 a11138 Wt: kg: ID: 1645 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: EFD S/N# 632764 T Wt: kg: 1644 ID: size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Musashi Engineering inc. S/N# po5114 17 Wt: 2.2 kg: ID: 1624 size: 15*18,4*100 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 60 Myytävät laitteet/Instruments for sale Memmert S/N# b297.1 Wt: 28 kg: 1597 ID: size: 60*55*52 mobile: +358 50 349 6499 UM200 uuni max.220celsius din12880-k1 interior 380mm/w)*250mm(D)*300mm(H) volume 32 l Komponenttien kuivatukseen ja testaukseen vacum 33 - electronic specialgas Vakuumi pakkaamiseen: esim.herkille materiaaleille, puolijohteille, hapettuville komponenteille. Voidaan käyttää typen kanssa. Pidenetää varastointi aikaa. cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Tecla snc S/N# Wt: 26 kg: ID: 1616 size: 60*31*16 cm Click for more details, documents and videos: HP S/N# 3011A 12984 Wt: 17 kg: 1591 ID: size: 14,6H42,5W46,2 D 8903B audio analyzer cm Click for more details, documents and videos: epsg:pro&lc=fin&ct=PRODUCT&cc=FI&pselect=SR.PM-Search%20Results.Key%20Specifications Probe for tps2000 series tektronix P5120 S/N# id1485 Wt: kg: ID: 1485 size: cm Click for more details, documents and videos: Artturintie 3 01640, Vantaa, Finland MEAS Oy Fi- 2425520-0 18/05/2015 Page /sivu 61
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