Notices and Reports FIRST COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION CLASSES HAVE NOW BEGUN - Please sign mass registers at the back of the church. FAITH IN THE FAMILY MEETING for all parents of Catholic children - Next meeting Tuesday 18th November. Those who complete the course will receive a Certificate of Parish Family Catechesis (which may be useful for applications for jobs and entries into Catholic institutions). Baptism Preparation for Parents - The next baptism preparation meeting is 4th November and 9th December at 8pm in the parish room. Servers’ Practice and Club will meet on Saturday 8th November at 9.15am and will end at 10.45am. Teaching, training, refreshments and games. Pizza and Prayer this Saturday for our younger post-confirmation group (6.30pm). Parish Pilgrimage to the Shrines of Italy leaves on Sunday at 8.15am from St Ethelbert’s. Please pray for the pilgrims traveling with Fr Marcus. Your intentions will be remembered throughout. Pugin reading group continues Friday 7th Novemberr in the parish room at 5pm. Sodality of Mary - Junior Girls meet (in the parish room) on Friday 7th November 5pm - 6pm / Seniors meet on Saturday 8th November 6.30 pm - 7.30pm. Planning events for Advent & consecration to Immaculate heart of Mary. Catholic Family Day for all day this Saturday (25th October) starting at 10.15am in the parish hall - in the evening after the 5.30pm mass special books for the family will be distributed. A NEW PARISH MASS AT 9.30am on Thursday mornings at St Ethelbert’s - Fr Joseph of the Divine Retreat centre will offer Mass at 12noon each Thursday at St Augustine’s. Please use these opportunities Adult Polish Catechesis in the parish hall every Saturday from 6.30pm-7.15pm. House Rosary: 31st October, 3.00 pm at Noreen Bolder’s, 11 Whitehall Road. The house rosary is open to all. A great opportunity to pray the Holy Rosary in the homes of the parish and occasionally in the churches. There is always time for tea and a chat too. Counterfeit Christs Ancient and Modern CONTINUES AFTER HALF TERM Monday at 8pm, 3rd November. Ancient heresies and moderns sects such as Mormonism and the Jehovahʼs Witnesses). We pray for the sick: N. Wall, K. Burton, M. Marjoram, A. Fell, M. McVie, M. Green, E. Smalley, M. Clark, D. Power, A. Shelts, J. Ribet, D. Hall, T. Webster, M. Stanley, P. Knowler, T. Bowell, M. Clarke, A. Coldwell, V. Adsett, M. Dufau, P. Ryan; E. Evans, A. Mauren, Baby Emily Pelling, H. Russell, J. Easter, F. Coyle, S. McCann, P. Turner, M. Whalley, R. Stagg, P. Crole, M. Cotton, D. Cliffe. Dates for your Diary 1st/2nd November - All Saints 3rdNovember - All Souls Responsorial Psalm: I love you Lord, my strength. Please remember that we need to promote ‘Care Not Killing’ for our sick and elderly. Say ‘No’ to Euthanasia. Priests - Fr Marcus Holden, Fr Stephen Haylett, Fr Andrzej Blazkiewicz Deacon - Rev Peter Brown Secretary Kay Roberts; Parish Assistants - Frank Vandervord; Safeguarding Officer - Kate Morgan; Parish Church, Office & Presbytery, 72 Hereson Rd, Ramsgate, CT11 7DS, 01843 592071 (Polish07719170818); St Mildred’s Priory, Minster Abbey, Minster, Ramsgate, CT12 4HF, 01843 821254; St Ethelbert’s School, Dane Park Rd, Ramsgate, CT11 7LS, 01843 585555 Parish of Ramsgate and Minster 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) This Week Saturday - Catholic Family Day Sunday - Parish Pilgrimage departs Monday - No Parish Catechesis Tuesday - Adoration (all day) - Benediction (6pm) Saturday - All Saints Missa Cantata Sunday - Solemnity of All Saints Mass Times & Confessions St Ethelbert’s: 9.30am - Mon, Tue, Wed, Sat 7.30pm - Thursday and Friday 5.30pm - Saturday 10.00am and 12noon - Sunday St Augustine’s: 12noon - Daily; 8.30am and 12noon - Sunday Minster Abbey: 9.00am - Mon-Sat. 10am Sun 12.00pm - Wed (St Mary’s) Confessions: Thurs/Fri 12.30 (St Aug’s); Sat 10 & 5- 6pm (St Eth’s); Sun 9.45-10.30am (Eth’s) And always on request. Loving the family means being able to appreciate its values and capabilities, fostering them always. Loving the family means identifying the dangers and the evils that menace it, in order to overcome them. Loving the family means endeavoring to create for it an environment favorable for its development. The modern Christian family is often tempted to be discouraged and is distressed at the growth of its difficulties; it is an eminent form of love to give it back its reasons for confidence in itself, in the riches that it possesses by nature and grace, and in the mission that God has entrusted to it. "Yes indeed, the families of today must be called back to their original position. They must follow Christ”. ST JOHN PAUL II on the family (Familiaris Consortio) COUNTERFEIT CHRISTS Parish Services and Information ANCIENT AND MODERN - OLD HERESIES, N E W P E R M U TA T I O N S , N E W L A B E L S MONDAYS 8PM 13TH, 20TH OCTOBER 3RD, 10TH NOVEMBER IN THE ST ETHELEBERT’S PARISH HALL (72 Hereson Road, Ramsgate, CT11 7DS) A four week course with Fr Marcus Holden and Danielle Plant. Provides a deeper understanding of God and Christ and (crucially) our own sharing in the divine life. It will strengthen and enhance our own devotional life. This is a course not just about dusty 'who cares' doctrine. It is a subject that really makes a difference. We will look at the heresies of the early times and encounter modern cults and modern sects (such as the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons) that surround us. NOVEMBER APPROACHING - THE MONTH FOR THE HOLY SOULS WHO HAVE DIED PLEASE PLACE THE NAMES OF YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY WHO HAVE DIED IN THE ENVELOPE FOR MASSES AND PRAYERS TO BE SAID DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER. NAMES WILL BE PLACED ON A LIST AND READ OUT AT THE BEGINNING OF MASSES. PLEASE PUT YOUR DONATION /STIPEND IN THE ENVELOPE IN THE COLLECTION BASKET OR GIVE/POST IT TO THE PRIEST. IF THERE ARE TOO MANY REQUESTS WE WILL CONTINUE TO OFFER MASSES FOR THE HOLY SOULS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. PLEASE INDICATE IF YOU WOULD LIKE AN INDIVIDUAL MASS FOR ONE PERSON BY FILLING IN THE ORDINARY MASS INTENTION FORM. THESE OFFERINGS CAN BE GIFT AIDED (PLEASE SIMPLY USE YOUR NUMBER). Special Masses for All Saints and All Souls All Saints - 1st/2nd November 12noon 1st November at St Augustine’s All Masses on 2nd November(transferred feast) All Souls - 3rd November 9.30am - St Ethelbert’s 12noon - St Augustine’s (Latin) 6.30pm - St Augustine’s 6.30pm - St Ethelbert’s 7.30pm - St Ethelbert’s (Polish) Blessing of Graves with Holy Water and Prayers Ramsgate Cemetery (Cecilia Rd) - Monday 3rd November at 10.30am - start in cemetery carpark St Augustine’s Cemetery - Monday 3rd November after 12noon Mass and on Sunday 9th November after 12noon Mass St Ethelbert’s Small Ashes Burial Plots Monday 3rd at 10.15am after the 9.30am Mass MASSES Time & Location Intention Feast Sunday 26th October 5.30 pm (Sat) Eth 08.30am Aug 10.00am Eth 12noon (Polish) Eth 12noon(LatinOF)Aug Norman Cotton RIP McGlaughlin Family, living Margaret Walley Thirtieth Sunday (A) Pro Populo Monday 27th October 12.00pm Aug Tuesday 28th October 9.30am 12.00 noon Eth Aug Wednesday 29th October 9.30am (OF)Latin Eth James 12.00noon Aug Pelosi intention 12.00noon SM Feria Thursday 30th October 9.30am 12.00pm 7.30pm Feria Friday 31st October 12.00pm(OF Latin) Aug 7.30pm (Polish) Eth Forgotten Souls in Purgatory Saturday 1st November 9.30am 12.00 noon 5.30pm LATIN SUNG MASS - ALL SAINTS Mrs. L. Mayne RIP Sunday 2nd November 9.30am 08.30am 10.00am 12 (Polish) 12 (Latin EF) Eth Eth Aug Eth Eth Aug Eth Aug Eth Eth Aug St Augustine’s: open for visitors 10.00am-4.00pm every day. Exposition/Adoration: At St Ethelbert’s Mon-Fri 8.30-9.15am; Tues 10am-6pm (Rosary from 9.10am); At St Augustine’s on Thurs 12.30-1pm; At Minster Abbey (8pm-8.45pm every day except Wed&Sun) ‘Mothers’ Prayers’ every 2nd Tues of the month. ‘Padre Pio prayer group’ every 4th Tues (both at 7pm in parish room). Donna & family, happiness & wellbeing Private intention Feria Martin Hennessy RIP Ss Simon and Jude Betty Thompson FM Feria Pro Populo P. O Connell All Saints (Latin Mass St Augustine’s) All Saints House Rosary: 31st October, 3.00 pm at Noreen’s, 11 Whitehall Road. Prayer candles: Norman Cotton, RIP; David Cliffe; Mary Roberts, RIP; Parish Surgery takes place in the parish room at St Ethelbert’s on Friday 6pm-7.30pm. Last Sunday: Mass numbers were 515 1st collection: £659.39 (excluding Minster) 2nd collection: £252.65 The second collection this week is for urgent parish building fund.
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