OPENING HOURS CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR 2014-15 Tue 23.12. Wed 24.12. - - ART MUSEUMS: - Amos Anderson Art Museum, t.09-684 4460 - Ateneum Art Museum, t. 0294 599 401 - Cygnaeus gallery, t.040-128 6360 Thu Fri 25.12. 26.12. - - Wed 31.12. Thu 1.1. 10-17 - Tue 6.1. (Open on Mondays 10-17) - - 10-17 - 10-17 - - 10-17 - - - 11-18 11-18 11-18 11-18 - - - - - - - - 11-17 - 11-16 - 11-17 12-17 11-17 - - - - 11-18 - - - - - - - - - - 11-17 - - - - - - 11-17 10-17 - 10-17 11-14 - - - 9-17 11-17 - - opens 2015 - - - - - opens 2016 only in - 12-16 - - summer 11-18 - open 11-18 - 11-18 - - - 11-16 11-17 11-17 - - - Theatre Museum, t.0207 961 670 - - - - - - 11-18 - Hotel and Restaurant Museum, t.044 747 4110 - Finnish Museum of Photography, t.09-6866 3621 11-16 - - - 11-18 - - 11-18 - - - 11-18 - - - Didrichsen Art Museum, t.010 2193 970 closed due to renovation - - EMMA- Espoo museum of modern 11-18 art+ WeeGee building, t.09-816318319 - Gallen-Kallela museum, t.09-849 2340 11-16 - Halosenniemi (in Tuusula), t.09-8718 3466 - Helsinki City Art Museum, * Kluuvin Galleria p.3108 7039 opens in - Helsinki City Art Museum, * Tennispalatsi, t.09-3108 7001 (autom.) autumn 2015 - Kunsthalle Helsinki, t. 040 450 7211 11-18 - Hvitträsk, t.040 128 6359 opens in - Kiasma, Museum of Contemporary March 2015 Art, t.09-1733 6501 - Sinebrychoff Art Museum, t.0294 500460 HISTORICAL MUSEUMS: - Helsinki City Museums: * Sofiankatu 4, t.09-310 36630 * Hakasalmi Villa, t.09-310 78519 * Tram Museum, t. 09-310 36630 * Villa Hakasalmi, t. 09-310 78519 * Sederholm House, t.09-310 36529 * Museum of Worker Housing, t.09-310 71548 - National Museum of Finland, t.09-40 501 - Military Museum, t. 0299 530 241 - Mannerheim-museum, t.09-635 443 - Urho Kekkonen Museum, Tamminiemi, t.09-4050 9650 (guiding at 12, 9-14 opens 2015 - 13 & 14. Sundays Swedish 12.30, English 14.30) CABLE FACTORY: Helsinki Tourist Information, Visit Helsinki 12/2014 Visit Helsinki is not responsible for any changes OPENING HOURS CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR 2014-15 Tue 23.12. Wed 24.12. SPECIAL MUSEUMS: - Arabia Museum&gallery, t.0204 39 5357 * factory shop, t.0204 39 3507 - Studio Aalto, t. 0207 481 350 * Aalto House, t. 09-481 350 10-20 10-20 11.30 - 10-13 10-13 - - - - 11-18 12-16 - 11-15 12-16 - 11-20 17-22 - - - - -. 12-16 11-17 11-18 11-18 10-16 11-17 11-18 - - - 11-15 - 11-17 11-17 10-16 12-18 10-21 10-18 10-21 10-21 - Designmuseum, t.09-622 0540 11-15 - Design Forum Show Room, t.09-622 0810 12-15 closed due to - Helsinki University Museum renovation Arppeanum t.09-1912 4071 - Natural History Museum, t.0294 1911 - Päivälehti-press museum, t.09-122 5210 11-17 -Helsinki Observatory, t. 191 24244 12-16 - Bank of Finland Museum, t.010 195 702 11-17 - Museum of Finnish Architecture, t.09-8567 5100 - Museum of Technology, t.09-7288 440 - Sports Museum of Finland, t.09-434 2250 11-15 SIGHTS: - Parliament building, t.09-432 2027 - Finlandia Hall, t.09-40241, guided tour - Flamingo, water park & spa, t.020 7785 201 (exchange) - Gardenia-Helsinki, t.09-3478 400 - Heureka-science center, t.09-857 99 - Korkeasaari Zoo, t.09-310 37900 - Icepark ice skating rink, t. 09-310 37900 (* - Kallio ice skating rink (* t.09-310 31641, NB! changes in the opening hours 10-21 - Thu Fri 25.12. 26.12. 11.30 13, 14 & 15 Wed 31.12. Thu 1.1. Tue 6.1. 10-16 10-16 - 11.30 10-16 10-16 11.30 13, 14 & 15 13, 14, 15 Spa 1022 10-17 10-16 10-21 - 12-18 10-16 10-21 10-18 10-16 10-21 10-15 10-17 10-16 10-21 10-17 10-18 10-16 10-21 10-17 10-18 10-16 10-21 8-16 - 10-16 10-16 10-16 10-16 8-22 garden open daily 9-20 possible! - University Botanical Garden, Kaisaniemi t.02941 4455 * greenhouses *garden - Finnish National Opera, t. 09-4030 2211/ticket sales - Indoor playground-Leikkiluola, p.020 710 9902 -Helsinki Music Center, t. 020 707 0400 - Sealife, t.09-565 8200 - Serena water park, t.09-8870 550 -Snadistadi-indoor adventure park, t.09 42576770 - Stadion Tower, t.09-436 6010 - City Wintergarden, t.09-3103 9985 10-16 - - - - 19.00 Die - - Fledermaus 10-20 - - 10-20 10-20 10-20 10-20 10-18 10-17 10-20 - - 10-17 12-20 10-20 8-22 10-19 12-20 10-18 10-17 12-20 10-20 10-20 10-17 12-20 10-20 9-15 - - 12-16 8.30-15 12-15 12-16 12-16 Helsinki Tourist Information, Visit Helsinki 12/2014 Visit Helsinki is not responsible for any changes OPENING HOURS CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR 2014-15 - Tropicario-tropical animal house, Tue 23.12. 10-19 Wed 24.12. - Thu 25.12. - Fri 26.12. 10-19 Wed 31.12. 10-19 Thu 1.1. 10-19 Tue 6.1. 10-19 8-21 - - 12-21 8-18 12-21 8-21 10-17 10-16 - - 10-16 11-14 10-16 11-14 - 10-17 10-16 - - - - - - - - - - - 13.30 13.30 13.30 10.30-16.30 - - 10.30-16.30 11-18 - - 10.3016.30 11-15 12-18 11-18 - * The Jetty Barracks Gallery * Restaurant Café Chapman *Jääkellari * Suomenlinna Brewery Restaurant *Viapori Deli & Café 10.3016.30 - 11-18 11-16 11-18 * Café Vanille * Restaurant Kerhoravintola Klubi 20 - - - - 10-16 - 10-16 - 10-16 - 10-17 10-12 11.45-17 11.45-17 10-17 11.45-17 11.45-17 11.30-18 9-10, 11.30-18, t.09-750 076 - Kivikon hiihtohalli, Arctic Sport Center 09-224 5103 Unique Lapland, t.0500 899 999 SUOMENLINNA: t.09-684 1880/ tourist information * guided tour; in English 6.9.-28.12. (Sat-Sun, klo 13.30) * guided tour in Russian during 1.11.-21.12. & 27.12.2014-11.1.2015 * Suomenlinna visitor centre & museum CHURCHES: NB! closed during church events - Temppeliaukio Church, t.09-2340 5940 NB! changes possible! - Cathedral, t.09-2340 6120 9-18 NB! closed during church events and services, changes possible! - Uspenski Cathedral, t.09 85 646 100 NB! Closed on public holidays and eves MARKET HALLS Old Market Hall Hakaniemi Market Hall Hietalahti Market Hall Kauppatori, more information from Whole Sale Food 9-18, 1310-16, 9-11 9-16.30, 14 (servi- Cantores- (service), Organ ce), music at 12 Minores 11-17, 15.30concert at Tsunami 16.30 17 memorial (service), ervice at 17 21-22.30 - Service 9.00, liturgia 10.00, Vigilia 15.00 liturgia 10.00 liturgia 10.00 - 8-20 8-20 8-20 - 8-12 8-12 8-12 - - - - - - - - - 9-18 9-18 (?) 9-18 (?) - 14-20 15-20 10-16 10-15 - - - 15-20 Christmas concert at 18 liturgia 10.00 liturgia 10.00 - - 8-18 8-18 - - - - - - 15-20 15-20 Market, t. 09-310 23565 SAUNAS Kotiharju Sauna, t. 09-7531535 Sauna Hermanni, t. 09-701 2424 Helsinki Tourist Information, Visit Helsinki 12/2014 Visit Helsinki is not responsible for any changes 14-20 15-20 OPENING HOURS CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR 2014-15 Sauna Arla, t. 09-719 218 Tue 23.12. - Wed 24.12. 12-17 Thu 25.12. 14-20 Fri 26.12. 14-20 Wed 31.12. 14-20 Thu 1.1. 14-20 Tue 6.1. 14-20 - - - - - - 11.00 - - 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 - - 10.30 - - - - 9-18 9-15 - - 10-16 - 9-18 9-16 10-16 - 10-16 - 9-15 9-15 - - - 9-16 9-16 - - 9-16 - - - 9-16 - - 10-18 - - 12-18 10-18 12-18 12-18 CINEMAS/MOVIE THEATRES Finnkino movie theatres Tickets and information: tel.0600 007 007, BUS TOURS: -Strömma Finland, t.09-2288 1600 - Panorama Audio Tour, Esplanade park (Fabianinkatu) - Guided bus tour in SWE & ENG Katajanokka terminal, tickets must be purchased by Dec 21 NB! Advance bookings highly recommended, tickets from, Strömma Finland’s sales points or for the same day at the departure point if available. INFORMATION: - Helsinki City Tourist Office/ tourist information, t.09-310 13300 *Strömma Finland, t.09-2288 1600 - Strömma Finland, Railway station t.092288 1600 * tourist information point at Railway station - Virka-Info (City of Helsinki-information) / City Hall, t.09-310 11111 Tourist Information, Airport (* possibility to rent skates at Ice Park and Kallio ice skating rink Shops are allowed to be open during Christmas and New Year as follows: Tue 23.12. shops are allowed to be open as normal (latest until 21.00) Wed 24.12. shops are allowed to be open until 12.00 Thu 25.12. shops are closed Fri 26.12. shops are closed (except for small grocery stores that may be open for 4 hours between 8-18) Wed 31.12. shops are allowed to be open until 18.00 Thu 1.1. shops are closed Tue 6.1. shops are allowed to be open between 12-21 Source: webpages of Finnish Grocery Trade Association (Päivittäistavarakauppa ry) NB! When calling to Finland from abroad enter +358 for Finland and leave out the first zero (0) from the area code (eg. +358-9-XXX XXX ) Helsinki Tourist Information, Visit Helsinki 12/2014 Visit Helsinki is not responsible for any changes
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