Charging of electric vehicles as reserves of power systems eCharge –workpackage ECV-seminar, TTY, 10.3.2015 Pertti Järventausta Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto (TTY) Smart Grids - future energy systems - distributed energy resources with fully integrated network management Smart grids has two main functions, which are challenges to the distribution system: 1) Enabler of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly open energy market – interactive customer interface, integration of active resources, demand response, common market models and comprehensive ICT solutions 2) Critical infrastructure of society fault and major disturbance management self-healing networks island operation and microgrids UPS systems Challenge in integration of renewable energy sources - availability of emission free balance power Production Consumption • Wind and solar power requires more balance power • Smart Grid enables balance by interconnected networks and also by integrated active small resources Demand Side Management (DSM) and Demand Response (DR) Reference: (Bartholomew, Callender, Hindes 2009) Using small resources in ancillary service markets Two different cases are calculated – small electricity consumers and – medium electricity consumers Case Small consumers Medium consumers Number of loads 10 000 400 The “ancillary service markets” are – frequency regulation (FR) – frequency controlled disturbance reserves (FCDR) – manually controlled disturbance reserves (MCDR) – balancing market (BM). Average annual mean power of the individual loads (kW) 1.2 30 Average peak power of the individual loads (kW)* 10 80 Frequency dependent charging • Plug-in vehicles will be a remarkable load • New load brings new challenges...but also opportunities • Ancillary services provided by frequency dependence – frequency regulation, disturbance reserve, … • Active power drawn by the charger is made dependent of locally measured grid frequency new dynamic load ancillary services Electric vehicles as resources of Smart Grids • Possible roles of EVs in Smart Grids – New load (charging) 3/13/2015 A simulated case study of distribution network • Real distribution network supplied from 110/20 kV primary substation having 457 km 20 kV network and 793 km 0.4 kV network, 469 secondary substation and 7612 customer • Roughly half of the customers have an EV with “dumb” and “slow” charging Peak powers of the MV feeders Electric vehicles as resources of Smart Grids • Possible roles of EVs in Smart Grids – New load (charging) – Controllable load • EV charging can be controlled at least as – on/off (~switch) – adjustment of charging current 3/13/2015 Electric vehicles as resources of Smart Grids • Possible roles of EVs in Smart Grids – New load (charging) – Controllable load • EV charging can be controlled at least as – on/off (~switch) – adjustment of charging current – Controllable energy storage • Vehicle-to-grid – “V2G” • Vehicle-to-home – “V2H” 3/13/2015 EV as a controllable load or energy storage Possible use of electric vehicles as resources of Smart Grids Actor Use Energy retailers • Electricity trade optimization • Balance management • Balancing market operation Distribution network operators • Network management (long term planning and real time operation) Transmission system operator • Disturbance reserves (manually or automatically activated) • Frequency regulation Individual electricity consumer • • • • Backup power Peak load management Energy cost optimization Power quality improvement 13.3.2015 Role of service provider in intelligent charging Intelligent charging / frequency controlled charging Älykäs latausjärjestelmä • taajuus- ja/tai jänniteohjatun lataustehon ohjaus • muu ohjaus 49.85 Hz? 203.5 V? Frequency value Output control 0.01 Hz accuracy PWM signal adjustment Fast sampling Charge current limitation Logging and reporting Logging past events and submitting information Status of available reserve? Electric vehicle charging stations as aggregated frequency containment reserves (FCR) Mika Lötjönen ( Introduction • Electric vehicles as aggregated FCR – objective is to find out the impacts • under disturbances FCR-D, • under normal conditions FCR-N • PSCAD is utilized for the simulations • Power system utilized consists of three voltage levels – a simplified equivalent of the transmission grid (HV) for frequency phenomena studies (source Fingrid) – distribution system consisting of MV and LV equivalents from Tampere (source Tampereen Sähkölaitos) • the distribution model is connected to the main grid via HV/MV • charging stations are on the LV-side Finnish grid equivalent • Hihgly simplified equivalent model reflects the structure of Finnish main grid and it consists of 8 nodes which define the 400 kV transmission system generation and loads are connected to the 400 kV nodes via HV/MV transformers the model is feasible for frequency phenomena studies 3-bus, 2-generator equivalent for rest of Nordic system • The effect of the rest of the Nordic power system on frequency response is modelled via two equivalent dynamic generators the two equivalents emulate on general level the effect of the inertia and the frequency reserves in other Nordic countries Finnish grid equivalent Distribution system (source Tampereen Sähkölaitos) 10 to 20 nodes in each MV / LV -model Latausasema 1 Latausasema solmupisteessä 7 M0408 RRL 1 M0290 2 RL M0 198 3 RL M02 24 4 RL M0020 5 RL P+jQ 6 RL RL #1 Tämä on lat ausasema bussille 7 RL #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 M0431 #2 #2 #2 #2 #2 #2 #2 3 Phase RMS 8 P+jQ #1 Pyynikintori P+jQ P+jQ P+jQ P+jQ P+jQ #2 P+jQ P+jQ 3 Phase RMS #2 P+jQ M01659 #1 V7 #2 #2 P+jQ 3 Phase RMS Bus_PJ1 M0354 RL V10 RL RL RRL 1 #1 #2 R R 3 Phase RMS V1 R RL RL RL RL RL RL P+jQ P+jQ P+jQ M0005 RL #1 P+jQ 9 RL #1 MV-distribution system model 10 RL P+jQ P+jQ P+jQ P+jQ P+jQ P+jQ P+jQ 11 P+jQ P+jQ V1 #2 LV-distribution system model Electric vehicles as FCR • Frequency limits set by the Grid Code – Normal operation • f = 49,9 …50,1 Hz • no action taken – Activation of FCR • frequency is outside the normal operation limits • • Electric vehicles as FCR – under disturbances and normal conditions • activation of reserves outside the normal operation frequency limits • utilizing the charger models available (AC/DC/(DC)) Other reserve loads and reserve power machines also utilized Main : Graphs 50.250 ftf fFFT2 49.916 Frequency reaches minimum limit 49.869 -0.047 Min 49.868 49.800 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 x 0.0 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 cont rol_1s 1.000 Frequency reserve is activated 0.000 -1.000 Min 0.000 Pload_cont rol 71.087 Power to the charging system Is turned off 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 0.637 -70.450 Min 0.637 14.0 16.0 6.8 8.3 f 0.7 Pload_control_PI PI-controlled charging Electric vehicles as FCR 71.111 0.065 -71.046 Min 0.065 LUT, eCharge, Frequency control 50.2 Over frequency 50.15 Overall target: • Developing simulation models related to frequency control in smart grid environment (and demonstrations) Frequency ( Hz ) • 50.1 Upper limit of dead band, for instance +0.05 Hz 50.05 50 49.95 Lower limit of dead band, for instance -0.05 Hz 49.9 Under frequency 49.85 49.8 01.10 21:30 01.10 21:45 01.10 22:00 01.10 22:15 01.10 22:30 12 Load increased 19 Current status: • Frequency control developed, implemented and tested in Green Campus environment • Possbility to demonstrate frequency controlled charging with commercial products (charging poles and EV) Power • 10 8 6 Normal operation of the load, 6 MW Load decreased 4 2 0 Jukka Lassila, LUT 10.3.2015 LUT GREEN CAMPUS DEMONSTRATIONS Älykäs sähköinen liikenne Smart charging • Latauksen ohjaus puhtaasti kaupallisia tuotteita ja olemassa olevaa infraa hyödyntäen • Kaupallinen sähköauto – kaupallinen lataustolppa – tietoliikennerajapinnat yleisesti käytettyjen standardien mukaan V2G • Tekninen demo • Modifioitu Plug-in hybridi (Prius) • Ei standardi rapapintoja, kommunikaation rauta (auto - tolppa) noudattaa jokseenkin uuden päivittyvän latausstandardin mukaista rakennetta 20 Jukka Lassila, LUT 10.3.2015 LUT GREEN CAMPUS DEMONSTRATIONS Frequency control, controllable charging Hz z GC EMS Ethernet GC unit, Linux Lataustolppa Sähköverkko Electricity utility Ensto, RS485 Data 21 Jukka Lassila, LUT 10.3.2015 LUT GREEN CAMPUS DEMONSTRATIONS Frequency control, V2G Teho (W) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 11:40 11:45 11:50 11:55 12:00 12:05 12:10 12:15 12:20 12:25 12:10 12:15 12:20 12:25 Aika Taajuus (Hz) 50.05 50 49.95 49.9 11:40 11:45 11:50 11:55 12:00 12:05 Aika 22 Jukka Lassila, LUT 10.3.2015
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