HERE NOW REGENERATION UPDATE AND NEIGHBOURHOOD NEWS OCTOBER 2014 Regeneration Update Community Zone Spotlight 020 8964 6404 Se necessitar de parte desta informação em caracteres aumentadas, em Braille, em CD, cassete áudio ou apresentada no seu idioma, por favor contacte-nos, através do telefone abaixo indicado. 020 8964 6404 Si necesita esta información en Braille, en CD, en cinta o en su propio idioma, póngase en contacto con nosotros en el teléfono siguiente. 020 8964 6404 Regeneration Update Next moves into new development Welcome to the October edition of Here & Now. We have been really busy since our August edition, helping residents to move into their new homes in the second block to be built in the new development. See page 2 for an update on the moves. Check out our Spotlight interview on pages 7 to 8 with the Franco family who recently moved into the new development. The temporary park is now open and our design team has been working up detailed plans for Phase 2 so that the contractor will know precisely what we want them to build. See page 2 for more information. NewmanFrancis, your Independent Tenants’ Advisor, has been awarded the contract to provide the ITA service for a further three years. Turn to page 3 for more information and an update from NewmanFrancis. In our community zone, we bring you news on an exciting art project to improve the ramp and stairs at Paul House and information on how you can get involved. If you are looking for fun and affordable fitness classes led by expert instructors on your doorstep turn to page 10. We hope you enjoy this issue of Here & Now. If you have any questions, comments, or want to know more information about the regeneration, please get in touch with the Wornington Green Team. Best wishes From the team at Catalyst and our partners Contents 1. Welcome 2. Regeneration Update 7.Spotlight 9. Community Zone 10.Lifestyle Zone 11. Future Events At the beginning of October the first residents moved into the second block to be built in the new development. They are households from the existing Wornington Green Estate and many, moved into the apartments which have an entrance on Wornington Road, will be staying close to their existing neighbours. Some people told us that was important to them and wherever possible we try to meet people’s preferences as well as their housing needs. Although some people moved a few days later than expected, the new homes are looking fantastic and many people have told us that they are really excited about moving. You can read about one family’s experience, the Francos, in the Spotlight interview on pages 7 and 8. We anticipate that the next moves into Block 1 will be early in the New Year. Do make sure you take a walk down to the new Bonchurch Road if you haven’t been there for a while, it’s really starting to shape up nicely as a new London street. If you are a tenant living on the existing estate and would like more information about when you are likely to be re-housed, please contact the Wornington Green Team. Temporary Park The temporary park is now open. The section with the playground is closed at night to reduce the potential of disturbance for those living close to the park. Locking of the park varies throughout the year but is normally around dusk. One section is still fenced off; this is to let the cement dry underneath the surface that allows emergency vehicles to drive onto the grass. Preparing for Phase 2 Construction of Phase 1 is still underway but we are already looking ahead to future phases of the redevelopment. Phase 2 was granted detailed planning permission in July 2014. Since then our design team has been working up detailed plans so that the contractor will know precisely what we want them to build. When the designs have been developed we will present them to the Residents’ Steering Group so that its input can be taken on board. This is likely to be early in 2015. Meet Ardmore’s Resident Liaison Officer, Maria Cunnea If you haven’t already met Maria, then we would like to introduce you! Maria has been working on Wornington Green for the last year. She has lots of experience having worked in this field for eight years on similar projects as a Resident Liaison Officer. Maria is the first point of contact for people in the local community who want to know more about the construction activities, give feedback or make a complaint. Maria is based on the construction site. If you would like to speak to her, you can pop into the Residents’ Choice Suite between 8.30am and 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. You can also view the choice of kitchens and other finishes in the new homes for rent. Alternatively, you can call 0774 786 2022 to make an appointment or to discuss any issues regarding the construction. The park is managed by the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea. If you have any queries about the park contact RBKC on: 020 7361 3003. Maria Cunnea. Temporary Park. 1 2 HERE&NOW Regeneration Update NewmanFrancis awarded contract for a further three years As some residents know, Catalyst has recently been through a tendering process to appoint an Independent Tenants’ Advisor (ITA) for Wornington Green. Catalyst has funded the ITA service on the estate since 2009. The role of the ITA is to provide independent advice to and representation for residents and the wider community throughout the regeneration. NewmanFrancis, the current ITA was awarded the contract and will continue to provide the ITA service. We would like to thank the Residents’ Steering Group Committee members who were involved in the tendering process. To find out more about the ITA service contact Patricia Poorman on 0300 456 2099 or email NewmanFrancis: Taking the Independent Tenants’ Advice service to the next level! We’re really happy that we will be continuing to deliver the Independent Tenants’ Advice Service on Wornington Green and have the opportunity to work with you all for another three years. Over the next few months we’ll be stepping up all the work we do with a greater focus on our advocacy service and one-to-one support for residents. We are already carrying out lots of outreach, at least two sessions every month and intend to supplement this by spending more time on Wornington Green meeting as many residents as we can. It’s time to meet the other members! Christine Dingle has lived on Wornington Green for a “long time”. “It’s important for residents to find out what’s going on. I also care about the community beyond the focus on bricks and mortar and brand new shiny buildings. We need to think about the kind of community we’ll have when the regeneration is over”. Julie Kamara has lived in the area for 35 years and used to live on Munro Mews, the first properties to be demolished. “I love the area; it’s one of the best. It’s good to be involved with the community and I enjoy the meetings. I want to make sure that we keep a really good neighbourhood feeling on Wornington Green as this is what we’ve always had.” Barbette Mamengi was born in Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. She has four children, has two jobs, is a qualified Health Trainer and somehow still finds time to volunteer and attend meetings. “It’s very important that I support my community. It’s a very close neighbourhood and I want it to remain like that. The regeneration will mean a better quality of life for everyone and a brighter future for many young people growing up here. We have lots of older residents too and I want to make sure they are well supported too.” The next Public Residents’ Steering Group Meeting is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 27 November 6pm–8pm at the Venture Centre Theme for the November meeting: “The Independent Tenants’ Advice Service – Taking it to the next level”. Fiona Hawthorne, an established artist who has been commissioned by Catalyst to create the artwork for the ramp and stairs at Paul House will be presenting the proposal for the project. The meeting is open to all residents living on Wornington Green. Tell your friends and neighbours. We always have nice cakes and sandwiches too!” For more information about the ITA and the RSG contact Howard Mendick: or Mekor Newman; alternatively you can contact us on 020 8536 1436/ Freephone: 0800 644 6040. Like us on Facebook! Wornington Green Resident Steering Group – RSG and follow us on Twitter! @worningtongreen. Maria Gulston has lived on Wornington Green for over 22 years and is also very involved with the Wornington Green Community Group. “I first got involved because I was asked to! But helping other residents comes naturally to me. I’ve moved into one of the new properties on Bonchurch Road and so far it’s going well”. Shaip Bajgora was born in Kosovo and has lived in 4 As the move dates approaches for tenants moving into Block 3, some people might be feeling a bit anxious, but we would like to reassure you that there is no need to be. Bernice, our Community Outreach Worker, will be on hand to offer support before, during and after the move. We are aware that moving home can be daunting and can have a huge impact on someone who has been living in their home for many years; we will do our best to ensure that your move goes as smoothly as possible. The delicious cakes, biscuits, tea and coffee, just to name a few went down a treat at a special Coffee Afternoon held on Wednesday 17 September to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Research. We would like to say a big thank you to Chinyere from Mears who helped to organise the event. Don’t forget the Coffee Afternoon takes place every Wednesday 2.30pm – 4pm, in the Residents’ Room. Bernice can be contacted on either 020 8969 9105 or 07785 345 740 between Tuesday to Thursday. We’ll be continuing our work with the Residents’ Steering Group (RSG), setting the group up on a more formal basis and helping to create a stronger voice for residents. Get in touch with us if you’d like to find out more about the RSG. 3 Older People’s Outreach Project Over the next month Bernice will be visiting residents living in Breakwell Court and Katherine House to introduce herself and tell you more about additional support that’s available to all elderly residents on Wornington Green. Look out for a letter from Bernice to inform you when she will be visiting. In the meantime, if you have a problem that you need help with, don’t wait for Bernice to visit, please get in touch to arrange an appointment for a home visit. Pepler House for 14 years. “It’s important to be involved and know what’s going on in the local area. It’s also good that so many local people give up their time to help create a good future for the community.” We know that most of you lead very busy lives and can’t always find time to attend the evening residents’ meetings. With this in mind we want to provide residents with additional opportunities to get involved. In our recent survey many of you asked us to organise more day time meetings and this is something we’ll be doing in future as well as a regular advice surgery and home visits. There will be other innovations as well. More about this in our next update in Here & Now! In the last edition of Here & Now we profiled the following RSG members, Rejhan Meshekrani (Chair), Karina Skinner (Vice Chair), Rob Merlini (Secretary), Ali Kassim Mukhayer (Treasurer), Danella McGillivray and Keith Stirling. Bernice. INDEPENDENT TENANT ADVICE SERVICE OUTREACH TIMETABLE From left: Maria Gulston, Barbette Mamengi, Julie Kamara & Lesley Dillon. Thursday 23 October 2pm – 5.30pm Door knocking, Katherine House Thursday 20 October 2pm – 5.30pm Door knocking, Watts House Thursday 20 October 2pm – 5.30pm Door knocking, Chiltern House HERE&NOW Regeneration Update Frequently Asked Questions About the new development Will there be a new home for the community garden? We know that residents really value the community kitchen garden on Wornington Green Estate, it’s a great place for people to come together to grow fruit and vegetables and catch up with their neighbours. Residents from the estate and from the new development have plots in the community kitchen garden. Catalyst has spoken to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) about the community kitchen garden. They’ve told us that they would be happy to consider incorporating provision for a community kitchen garden in the new permanent park. The community garden won’t get a permanent home until all of the space for the new park is available, which isn’t until Phase 3 of the redevelopment. Catalyst needs to build on the space that the existing community garden occupies in Phase 2, so there is likely to be a period of time when we can’t guarantee a community garden in the local area. We have looked for other suitable sites on the existing estate, but we haven’t found anywhere suitable, as it needs a location which gets plenty of direct sunlight. RBKC will be consulting the local community about their plans for the new permanent park. We would encourage residents to get involved and have a say. When will the new park open and will there be space to exercise dogs? The new temporary park is now open to the public (see article on page 2). There is no designated space to exercise dogs, but responsible dog owners are welcome in the park. The gated park at the top end of Portobello Road has an enclosed play area within it, to allow children to play safely. Dogs are not allowed in this area. Will I have the same neighbours when I move? Not necessarily, but we know how important friends and neighbours can be to people and what a close knit community there is on the existing Wornington Green Estate. If you would like to be re-housed close to an existing neighbour or family member please let us know and we will try to move you close to each other if we can. We have been able to do this for a number of people already and they are very happy in their new homes. If you are scheduled to move at the same time as your neighbours, it is likely to be something that we can consider, as long as we have the right sized homes close to each other in the new development. If you or your neighbour(s) have specific housing needs (for example need to be on a lower floor due to mobility issues) or other re-housing preferences it may not be possible. Equally, if there is someone that you really would rather not have as a neighbour when you move, you can let us know in confidence and we can see if we can take this into account when we make you a re-housing offer. If you would like to discuss your re-housing options please contact a member of the Wornington Green Team. 5 6 Why is one end of Pepler House being knocked down first? The redevelopment programme has been carefully planned. We’ve looked at which blocks need to be demolished in which order to enable us to build the new homes on a phase by phase basis. Our programme takes into account the masterplan for the new development (which sets out the new street pattern and the location and type of buildings) and where our existing tenants are living on Wornington Green Estate. The re-housing process is a really important part of the redevelopment programme. We need to be able to re-house our tenants living on the Wornington Green Estate before we can demolish their existing homes. Where possible we will offer tenants a single move into their new home and our redevelopment plans have been developed to take this into account as far as possible based on the housing needs information currently available to us. The redevelopment of the estate is in three phases. Flats 73 – 96 Pepler House are in Phase 2 of the redevelopment. It has been planned this way because a partial demolition of Pepler House and the demolition of Edward Kennedy House and the two remaining houses on Wornington Road will enable the first block in Phase 2 to be built. The rest of Pepler House will be demolished in Phase 3 of the redevelopment. How will the new road layout work? Will it bring back the old street plan? One of the key ingredients of the redevelopment of the estate is to put back as much of the original street pattern as possible. The street layout has been approved by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) and this approach will not only link the new buildings to the existing streets but will also provide new on-street parking for residents of the Borough and visitors to the area. Once completed, the redevelopment will also re-connect the top of Portobello Road with Ladbroke Grove. After each phase is complete, the Council will take legal responsibility for the new streets, including the pavements and will be responsible for maintenance, signage, lighting and enforcing any parking restrictions. The new streets allow for two way traffic with permit parking at the side of the roads. There are already problems with speeding traffic along Munro Mews. What can be done about this? The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) acts as the highway authority for most of the roads in the borough, including Munro Mews. This means that RBKC is responsible for maintenance of Munro Mews. If you have concerns or suggestions about the traffic on Munro Mews you can contact RBKC by email or by calling them on 020 7361 3000. HERE&NOW Spotlight SPOTLIGHT ON THE FRANCO FAMILY It was just over a year ago that the Franco family were told they would be moving from their two-bedroom flat in Edward Kennedy House into a three-bedroom apartment, part of the second wave of residents to be given new homes as part of the regeneration of Wornington Green. After 29 years in the same flat, October 8th would be the day that Jairo and Rubiela Franco, together with their children Jonathan and Tatiana, moved over the road to a top-floor apartment, the four of them living for the first time in a home with enough bedrooms for all of them. “When we were told about the move, I asked them if we could have the penthouse at the top of the building,” says Tatiana, “and that’s exactly what we’ve got!” For Tatiana, who had lived all her life at the old flat, the move to the new apartment is hugely exciting, but at the same time she has some mixed emotions. “The new place is fantastic, but it’s a little difficult to leave somewhere that’s been home for so long. So I’m a tiny bit sad about moving, but mainly just excited and happy about it.” Her brother Jonathan, an aspiring film-maker, has similar feelings about the move. The family moved to Wornington Green and into Edward Kennedy House when he was just six months old, and the new apartment will be the first time he has lived somewhere with outdoor space. A balcony extends around three sides of their new home, giving fantastic views across Notting Hill and into central London. For their mother Rubiela and father Jairo, the new apartment is the latest step in a journey that saw them both move from Columbia 40 years ago to London, where they met 7 8 and married before settling down in Wornington Green. For them, having choices such as the colour of the curtains and kitchen units was important, the little things that help the new place feel like home. Catalyst has guided them through this process, and a mixture of one-to-one conversations and public meetings means they have been kept in the loop throughout. On the day Here & Now meets the Franco family, they are having their second look at the new apartment, a couple of weeks after they first visited it and ten days before move-in day. It has already changed a bit since they saw it last, with finishing touches such as the floors and paintwork making it feel much more homely; in fact, all that seems to be missing to make it a home are the furnishings and kitchen appliances. The family are the first of their friends and neighbours to move into Block 3, and as such they’re expecting lots of visitors eager to see what can be expected when it’s their turn to move. But perhaps the visitor they have been happiest with was Jairo’s sister, who was over from Columbia at the time of their first visit to the new apartment. “It was so great she was able to see the new apartment,” says Rubiela, “and with so much more space than we currently have, it’s so much easier next time she wants to come and visit.” For the Franco family, the new apartment represents a new chapter in their life, a chapter that they’re embracing with enthusiasm. And after one look at their new apartment and the views from its balcony, it’s easy to see why. HERE&NOW Community Zone Lifestyle Zone Community Art Project Approved! Catalyst Housing is delighted to announce that we have secured over £20k funding from the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Housing and Regeneration Fund and Catalyst Gateway to work with a local artist to create a unique and vibrant piece of art that will transform the wall ramp and stairs area of Paul House into a colourful focal point that will brighten up the area. The access ramp and the entrance to Wornington Green from Ladbroke Grove was identified by residents who took part in an estate walkabout and local organisations as being a particular eyesore. We have commissioned an established local artist, Fiona Hawthorne, to create the artwork for the ramp. Fiona has lived and worked in this area for 30 years. Featured in Thames and Hudson’s book “Design After Dark”, Fiona has a long history of involvement in street art, art in schools and Carnival. Fiona states, “this is a very exciting project as it is a rare opportunity to turn a functional concrete ramp into a piece of sculptural art. I want to wrap every surface – top and sides – into bright, colourful imagery that draws you in and tells a story, or many stories. Moreover, I want to make the piece something that residents of the immediate area have contributed to and that reflects their heritage, their stories”. I actually paint on computer using a digital brush and palette, so can achieve a mix of photos and paint and can print the art on waterproof vinyl that can be applied directly to walls, around banisters and fittings, bringing the structure to life. I look forward to working with the residents to make this a joint collaborative project that involves drawings, photographs and snapshots of the history of this unique part of London.” Over the coming months Fiona will be running a series of workshops with residents, a local school and the Venture Centre to create the artwork to be erected on the concrete ramp. The content of the artwork will be busy and electric and will involve a mix of painting and photographs about the local area, North Kensington and Notting Hill and will reflect its rich mix of diversity of architecture, culture and people. Fiona will be doing a presentation at the Residents’ Public Meeting on Thursday 27 November, 6pm, at the Venture Centre. Pop in and find out more about this exciting project and how you can get involved. Contact Patricia Poorman on 0300 456 2099 or email for more information. The images below show various mock-ups of how colourful artwork could enhance the area. The content used is just to show colour – artwork for the ramp will be newly generated. Wornington Green Gets Greener Avocado and Papaya Salad Wornington Green’s Community Kitchen Garden has been awarded a level three in the London in Bloom and Royal Horticultural Society’s ‘It’s your Neighbourhood’ awards. In a tropical climate avocados grow all around the world. This fruit has a distinct, but subtle flavour and creamy texture. Like a banana its flesh turns brown quickly when exposed to air. Although high in fat and calories, most of the fat comes from the healthy mono-unsaturated fat that can help to lower cholesterol level. They are also a good source of vitamins C and K, so can make a nutritious addition to your diet. However if you are watching your weight you might want to keep the portions small. It’s the second time the garden has received this recognition, and it’s all thanks to the hard work and dedication of our residents. As well as getting the chance to grow their own fruit, vegetables and herbs, residents look after the garden with support from Catalyst and the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea. The garden includes a communal herb garden and has 20 plots, 16 of which have been allocated to green fingered residents. We also provide regular workshops and host events at the garden to encourage more people to take part. If you live on Wornington Green and are keen to get involved in the Community Kitchen Garden, there are currently a few plots available. Plots are allocated on a first come first served basis. To find out more on how you can get involved contact Patricia Poorman on 0300 456 2099 or email Get Active for less at the Venture Centre! For fun, affordable fitness classes led by expert instructors on your doorstep look no further than the Venture Centre. There is no need to book and everyone is welcome, just turn up with some comfy footwear and a smile. Monday Zumba 7pm – 8pm £4 Wednesday Yoga 10am – 11am African Dance 12.30pm – 13.30pm £2 Pilates 4pm – 5pm £2 Friday Zumba 7.30pm – 8.30pm £2 £4 Ingredients 4 avocados 4 papayas (peeled, halved and seeded) 2 limes (zested and juiced) 2 baby gem lettuces 1 small red onion (finely diced) 2 handfuls of cherry tomatoes (halved) 1 clove of garlic (minced) ¼ teaspoon sugar ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper ¼ cup olive oil Method 1. Slice the avocado lengthwise into ½ inch slices. Slice the papaya width-wise into ½ slices, drizzle with the juice of one lime immediately. 2. Arrange slices overlapping and alternating on a bed of baby gem lettuce, then add the cherry tomatoes and onions. 3. In a small bowl combine remaining ingredients, mix well, spoon over the salad serve immediately. Serves 4. Preparation time: 15 minutes. For more inspiring recipes join the British Heart Foundation free Heart Matters Service. Visit or call 0300 330 3300. Lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. *Similar cost to 01 or 02 numbers© British Heart Foundation 2014. Registered charity in England and Wales (225971) and in Scotland (SC039426). For more information and to find out what else the Centre has to offer just pop in or call 020 8960 3234. 9 10 1 HERE&NOW FUTURE EVENTS COFFEE AFTERNOON MEET & GREET LUNCHEON Every Wednesday Tuesday 28 October 2pm – 4.30pm Residents’ Room, 8c Chiltern House 11.30am – 2pm Residents’ Room The regeneration team are working on a wide range of events and activities through 2014, with the following scheduled to take place in October/November. Contact Wornington Green Community Group for more information – 07534 658 440 KENSINGTON RESIDENTS’ FORUM RESIDENTS’ STEERING GROUP PUBLIC MEETING Wednesday 19 November Thursday 27 November 6.30pm – 8.30pm Lancaster Road Methodist Church 6pm – 7.30pm The Venture Centre Contact Leigh 0300 456 2099 CATALYST IS IMPROVING ITS CUSTOMER SERVICE We are improving our service to you by simplifying the way you contact us. Instead of trying to telephone individual members of staff you are now asked to contact our central Customer Services team. The benefit to you will be: he customer services centres are available from 9am to 5pm every T day. As we have a good number of fully trained advisors, you can call at any time and always have an officer available to talk to you. You will still be able to speak to specific members of staff about matters that only they can address. By speaking to the Customer Services team first you can be certain your query is appropriately logged on our system and assigned to the right member of staff (should they be away from their desk). CONTACT US The regeneration team remain on-hand to answer any queries you might have regarding the regeneration programme. Please see the guide below for a list of all the key contacts. EXISTING HOMES NEW HOMES Catalyst General Enquiries: Office open Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm 0300 456 2099 Bonchurch Road New Development (Stiles Harold Williams) To report defects & repairs contact: Aftercare team on: 0300 456 2093 Out of hours emergency repairs: 0843 658 5060 Catalyst Emergency Repairs: Out of Hours – Evenings & Weekends 020 3589 2985 ARDMORE Maria Cunnea, Resident Liaison Officer 07747 862 022
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