T h e P r e s i...

Newsletter Date
The President’s Message—October 2014
It’s All About People!
In This Issue
 The President’s
MessageDwayne Lueck
“Here’s the church and here’s the steeple. Open the doors and see all the
people!” It is a hand game many of us learned as a child. Bottom line: the
church is people. As it states in my old catechism: “The holy Christian
Church is the communion of saints, that is the whole number of believers in
Christ; for all believers and only believers, are members of this Church. (The
Invisible Church.)”
So who do we want to be a part of the church? Everybody. All people. Jesus
said it quite simply, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
It is all about people.
 Across My DeskDJ Schult
 Save the Date!
 News and Events
 District Resources
Photo Booth
 Convention Corner
 Counselor Corner
 NWD Financial
Box Score
That is where you come in. You are not the Holy Spirit and you cannot
change the hearts of people, but you are a believer in Jesus Christ. You can
share what Jesus means to you in what you say to people and how you live
your life. You are a witness. You are letting your light shine.
Actions speak louder than words. Jesus said, “You shall love your neighbor
as yourself.” God’s people as the church are in the people business—
interacting, talking with different people including our neighbor, co-workers,
parents at a game or family members. You have a chance to build
relationships with people that only you can touch and maybe no one else
from the church can. If we are really serious, we want hell to lose some
future citizens through faith in Jesus Christ.
Honestly? Many of our churches do not have the same number of people that
worshipped there as years ago, but that does not mean we give up hope. We
may have to work a little harder to invite people to join us in worship, or
invite our neighbor’s children to come to Sunday School. We do this because
Jesus cared about people- that is why he came...and so should we.
So, let your light shine fellow church members! Let other people know about
the love of Jesus that shines through you. The church is about people–
hearing and believing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Across My Desk: DJ Schult
Do We Do Discipleship Wrong?
Reprinted with permission from Pr. Derwin Gray at MinistryGrid.com. Posted September 10, 2014.
In the American educational system, from first grade all the way up through
high school, we’re taught to memorize INFORMATION, and then take a test.
If we pass the intellectual test, then we move on to the next grade.
We’ve transferred this learning pattern to Christianity. We’re trained to learn Bible concepts, principles and doctrines intellectually. And the more Biblical information we know,
the greater disciples we are deemed to be.
I think this is killing the church in America, just like it hurt the Pharisees.
Let’s remember that the Pharisees, an elite group of well-educated men in Israel, knew
the Scriptures, but they missed the main point of the Scriptures: to KNOW Jesus personally and intimately (Phil. 3:5-11).
“You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures
point to Me!” John 5:39 NLT
Knowing the Bible doesn’t give us eternal life. Knowing Jesus does (John 17:3). Some people love the Bible more than they love Jesus.
I’m all for learning about Jesus and the Christian faith. I have a Master’s of Divinity with a
Concentration in Apologetics (Magnum Cum Laude). I’m currently pursuing my Doctorate
of Ministry with a Concentration in ‘New Testament in Context’ under New Testament
scholar Scot McKnight, Ph. D.
BUT, if all my learning does not produce more love for Jesus, myself and people, then I’ve
wasted my time (1 Corinthians 13).
If all that learning doesn’t cultivate more love in my heart, then I wouldn't be a disciple—
I’d be a gatherer of Bible facts. Gatherers of Biblical facts don’t transform the world, disciples do. I want to be a disciple. And I want Transformation church to be a community of
disciples who make disciples who make disciples. Jesus said, “You will know my disciples
by the way they love one another” (John 13:35).
Across My Desk: DJ Schult cont.
The Apostle Paul says to the Philippian Church,
“I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep
on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand
what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the
day of Christ’s return. May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ—for this will bring
much glory and praise to God.” Philippians 1:9-11 NLT
The “fruit of your salvation” is the fruit of the Spirit.
But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control; against such things there are no law. And those who belong to
Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Galatians 5:22-24
When our minds are in awe of Jesus and our hearts are overflowing with the love of
Jesus, we become the hands of Jesus by serving people because we love them.
Marinate on that,
Pastor Derwin
Retired Pastors, Wives and
Oct. 7 & 8
Best Western, Waupaca
Pre-Retirement Workshop
Oct. 17 & 18
St. Mark’s, Wausau
Oct. 23-24
Mount Olive, Weston
Adult Gathering
Oct. 28
Mount Olive, Weston
Widows Retreat
News and Events
Adult Gathering
How could Martin Luther succeed when others had failed? Join us for this
year's Adult Gathering titled "Martin Luther and the Reformation". Topics
include Reformers Before the Reformation, the Young Luther, and contributions that Luther has made to the worship and music of churches today plus
more! It will be held October 28, 2014 at Mount Olive in Weston. The deadline for registration is Oct. 21! Click here for the brochure and registration
The Professional Church Worker Conference is held every three years. This year’s event,
held on October 23-24 at Mt. Olive in Weston under the theme Strengthened to Proclaim,
will begin with a generosity ingathering. Participants will collect and bring in food and paper items for KI Sawyer Air Force Base, a mission of Victory Lutheran Church, Gwinn, MI
and Deacon John Weber. Approximately 3,000 people live on the now closed base. Eighty
percent of the residents receive some form of government aid. There is a high amount of
abuse, drug use and alcohol addiction. Ninety percent of the operating funds for Victory
Lutheran come from Circuit 2 churches, supporting NWD churches and individual donors.
Thanks to all who lift up this ministry in prayer and support!
Over $98,000 in donor directed student aid grants were given this school year. Check out
the difference these gifts make through the thank you notes below:
Dear Scholarship Committee,
Thank you for your generous scholarship, it will help my dream of becoming a Kindergarten teacher become a reality. Sharing God’s love to little children is such a joy. Right now
I am undergoing orientation at Concordia Mequon and look forward to an exciting year of
learning and growing! In Christ, Emily J.
Dear President Lueck and Staff,
I would like to express my deepest gratitude and thanks for your generous giving of grant
money for the upcoming academic year. I truly appreciate all that you do for the congregations throughout the district, as well as the students studying to become professional
church workers. I would also like to thank you for your continued support and prayers not
only for myself, but also for all my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who are studying
to join the ministries of the church, whether through pastoral ministries, teaching, etc. I
pray God’s richest blessings on the rest of the year for you all! In Christ, Tyler W.
News and Events Continued….
Our schools have been asking the question: what can we do together that
we couldn’t do apart? Some exciting opportunities have come from those
TEC21 is a national program used in the LCMS to organize district cohort
groups for focused professional development in technology. The NWD principals brought the program director to Wausau for their October Principal Academy to
consider involvement for 2015-16. The program is one year and limited to ten participants, but would be renewed with new cohorts each year.
Curriculum mapping is an organized way for teachers to know what they teach and how
to teach it. Completed maps are always a work in progress, opening meaningful professional reflection and collaboration on meeting the needs of students. Principals and lead
teachers from many NWD schools participated in a webinar to consider a mapping tool
used in 4-6 other LCMS districts. The NWD has been able to secure reduced pricing
through group purchasing, having a group of schools commit to the product.
Sample Harassment Policy
Need help updating or creating your church or school’s Harassment Policy? Go to our
website www.nwdlcms.org and look under Church Resources or the School tab to download a Sample Harassment Policy.
Pre-Retirement Workshop
The North Wisconsin District is pleased to share we will once again be offering the PreRetirement Workshop. The workshop will be conducted by Concordia Plan Services at St.
Mark’s Lutheran Church in Wausau on October 17 and October 18th. The cost is $10 to
attend and will begin promptly at 9:00am and conclude at 4:00pm. For more information
and registration, click here.
Disaster Planning
Disaster planning is back in the news. Pass this along to the appropriate leaders (pastor,
Board of Directors etc.) as a starting point to get something on paper and practice it with
church members: Guidelines for Emergency Operations Plan.
District Resources Photo Booth
DJ Schult presenting NLSA awards to principals Bill Zuelsdorff
(Trinity,Wausau) and Ken Longmire (Pilgrim, Green Bay). Other schools
that received the 2014 NLSA accreditation in the district were:
St. Martin, Clintonville; St. Luke’s Preschool, Wis. Rapids; Immanuel,
Wis. Rapids, NEW Lutheran High School, Green Bay; and Wisconsin Valley Lutheran High School, Mosinee.
Convention Corner
By now you should have received your forms for the North Wisconsin
District 2015 Convention. If not, please contact Lori at:
lori@nwdlcms.org or 715-854-8241 ext. 103
Here is a link on our website for important Convention Forms.
Concordia Plan Services
Paychex Special Offers!
As the Concordia Plan Services preferred payroll provider, Paychex is
offering LCMS employers access to payroll services – which include
electronic payroll processing, tax filing and reporting, and compliance with
IRS regulations – at up to 35% off the retail cost!
And now, for a limited time, Concordia Plan Services will also reimburse payroll costs for new
enrollees on up to 15 employees for the first three months of Paychex payroll services. That
means CPS employers with 15 employees or less on payroll will receive THREE MONTHS
FREE payroll service. Employers must commit to a 12-month service agreement with
Paychex by December 31, 2014, and begin processing payroll by January 31, 2015, (limited
to the first 250 employers who sign up). In addition, the $50 setup fee will be waived for
employers who sign up by December 31, 2014.*
LCMS employers who are already Paychex clients can earn a $100 credit for referring a new
Paychex is a leading provider of payroll outsourcing solutions for more than half a million
businesses. Paychex aligns with CPS values and was chosen for its outstanding customer
service, experience with the unique needs of church payroll, commitment to business continuity and backup systems, and willingness to provide a dedicated Payroll Specialist for LCMS
organizations. Paychex payroll services are also integrated with commonly used ministry
products like Concordia Technology Solutions’ Shepherd’s Staff®, which is used by thousands of LCMS churches.
Contact 877-758-0036 (reference code 6105) or visit ConcordiaPlans.org/paychex for more
information and to get started today!
*Limited time offer is available to new payroll clients only.
Counselor Corner
He was a leader on “top of his game.” He had proven himself to be a dedicated…and victorious man of God.
And then the threat came. One serious critic was all that it took to begin the
retreat of this notable leader. This critic had the power and positioning to
carry out what was threatened.
Faced with this opposing force, this leader chose to digress into despair. Indeed the darkness that shrouded him led him to ask God to take his life. The perceived
path before him appeared bleak and meaningless.
God had other plans for this chosen leader. Though this leader would be challenged in the
fulfillment of this future work, he had the assurance of God’s provision and protection to
fulfill this mission.
Now for the question—Who was this man of God? He was the ancient prophet Elijah (see 1
Kings 18 &19).
It is fascinating to note that many of God’s chosen leaders had similar “dark” days in the
fulfillment of their work for Him. Consider Moses, David, Peter and Paul—as the beginning
of that list. How about Christ himself—whose darkest days came just days before the first
Easter dawn? Indeed it was Christ who told His followers:
“In this world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”(John
Or consider the words of one of the most challenged of God’s leaders, the afore mentioned
Paul, who said this in the midst of his daunting ministry:
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give
up.” (Galatians 6:9)
As professional church workers, ours is the same invitation...ours is the same encouragement. And, using an example from Peter’s life as a disciple, we are not to focus on the external circumstances...but on Christ who stands in the “storm” with us...who indeed
comes to us in that “storm” (Matthew 14:25-33). As He reminded Peter, “faith” is the essential ingredient (vs. 31).
So we as workers are called to faith and perseverance. God’s plan is “in process,” and our
calling is to “trust and obey” until we finish the “race” (2 Timothy 4:7).
Pastor Dan Kohn
District Counselor
NWD Financial Box Score
September Offering
September Budget
Year-to-date total offerings
Year-to-date budget
North Wisconsin District Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
3103 Seymour Lane
Wausau, WI 54401
715-845-8241 l www.nwdlcms.org l www.facebook.com/nwdlcms