Hautala Johanna, January 2015 Publications and awards Publications Peer-reviewed scientific articles Hautala J (2015) Interaction in the artistic knowledge creation process: The case of artists in Finnish Lapland. Geoforum, in print. Hautala J & J S Jauhiainen (2014) Spatio-temporal processes of knowledge creation. Research Policy 43(4): 655–668. Hautala J (2013) Tiedon jalostamisen empiirinen tutkimus maantieteessä (Empirical research of knowledge creation in geography). Terra 125(3): 111–121. Hautala J (2011) Academic knowledge creation as a spatio-temporal process. The case of international research groups in Finland. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis A 584. Hautala J (2011) Cognitive proximity in international research groups. Journal of Knowledge Management 15(4): 601–624. Hautala J (2011) International academic knowledge creation and ba. A case study from Finland. Knowledge Management Research & Practice 9(1): 4–16. Jauhiainen J S & J Hautala (2011) Puhetta, tekoja ja tekemisen meininkiä: tiedon jalostuminen innovaatioksi kansainvälistyvässä yliopistossa (Talking, acting and doing: creation of knowledge into innovations in an internationalizing university). In Johansson M, Nuolijärvi P & Pyykkö R (eds.): Kieli työssä: asiantuntijatyön kielelliset käytännöt (Language at work: linguistic practices of expert work). Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura, Helsinki. 138–161. Hautala J (2008) Internationalization of knowledge creation at the university. The case of the University of Oulu, Finland. Proceedings. 2nd Conference on Nordic Innovation Research, December 3-4 2007. Luleå University of Technology. Thesis Hautala J (2011) Academic knowledge creation as a spatio-temporal process. The case of international research groups in Finland. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis A 584. Non-refereed scientific articles Hautala J (2012) Hallitsematon tieto (Knowledge out of control). Terra 124(1): 66–67. Hautala J (2012) Kansainvälinen huipputieto jalostetaan vuorovaikutuksessa, tilassa ja ajassa (International distinguished knowledge is created in interaction, space and time). Alue ja Ympäristö 41(1): 138–141. Hautala J & P Toivonen (2005) Ulkomaalaiset huippuosaajat ja heidän puolisonsa Oulussa (Foreign experts and their spouses in Oulu). Nordia tiedonantoja 1, 43–54. Publications intended for professional communities Hautala J (2012) Huipputieto syntyy yhteistyöstä ja kitkasta (Distinguished knowledge is created in collaboration and in friction). Aktuumi 1/2012 (Journal for the interest groups of the University of Oulu). Hautala Johanna, January 2015 Hautala J (2006). Mausteista kulttuuria (Spicy culture). Tietopisto 9/2006 (Journal for the staff of the University of Oulu). Publications intended for the general public, linked to the applicant’s research Jauhiainen J & J Hautala (2006). Yliopisto tarvitsee ulkomaalaisia osaajia (University needs foreign experts). Kaleva 9/13/2006 (Newspaper of Northern Finland). Academic awards and honours Best dissertation in economic geography in 2011. The international award of the Economic Geography Specialty Group (EGSG) of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), USA, 2012. Article I of the dissertation (Hautala J 2008): Best paper of the international conference ”Nordic Innovation Research”, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, 2008. Article II of the dissertation (Hautala J 2011c) editor’s selection for the representative article of 2011 to the 10 year Anniversary Selection of the KMRP Journal. Research funding German Research Foundation (DFG) (2015) 9 600 euros with Professor Oliver Ibert Academy of Finland (2013) 238 200 euros Post Doc Pooli/Kone Foundation (2013) 30 000 euros The foundation of Tauno Tönning, Finland (2008) 1 000 euros and (2007) 5 000 euros. Participating to applying funding as a part of a research group: Responsible leader Professor Jussi S. Jauhiainen, project “Knowledge Creation Processes” funded by the Academy of Finland (2012–2016) 405 325 € Association of American Geographers (AAG), USA (2012), 250 dollars Leibniz-Institute of Regional Development and Structural Planning (IRS), Germany (2012), 900 euros University of Oulu, Finland (2012), 1 800 euros Luleå University of Technology, Sweden (2008), 1 000 euros
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