The recent charity show-cross event was a great success and it
was nice to see some of our members taking part and doing so
well. It was equally pleasing to other members taking part in our
competitions for the first time. This event in aid of “Nathans
Needs” along with the cake & tombola stand, charity envelopes
and Sarah Knowles workplace fundraising has so far raised in the
region of £2200 which is a fantastic effort and the club would like
to thank all those that helped , donated and supported these
events. We still have two further fundraisers in the pipeline, the
Halloween party on Friday 31st of October and the Santa
fundraiser taking place in December. A big thank you to Lane
Farm Equestrian for the use of their facilities and jumps enabling
this event to take place. Results will be uploaded to the
website shortly.
Some club members also took part in the
sponsored walk for Nathans Needs organised
by some of the Lane Farm liveries walking from
Bedlington Market Place to Morpeth Market
Place and back. (Well some of them did! with a
few culprits bussing it back and some others
doing a de-tour and going on an impromptu
assault course en-route). Thank you to everyone
who took part.
Tickets are on sale NOW for the Halloween Party on Friday 31st
October at Bomarsund Social Club, Stakeford. Get your scariest
glad rags on for a night of fun and entertainment with prizes for
the best dressed male/ female junior and adult participants.
Tickets cost £5 for an adult and £3 for a child and are available
from Deborah Porteous and Wendy Strang . Disco plus singing
sensation Chelsea Brookes. 7pm to 11pm. All Proceeds will go to
Nathans Needs, bring your own nibbles. Sure to be a
Spooktactular night!
Just a reminder that membership renewal’s are due THIS MONTH. Please download
this year’s membership form from the club website as this also has some of the dates
of next year’s event’s listed on it. Can we ask that where members tick to indicate
that they will help at events that they put the date in their diary also. Completed
membership forms should be sent with the correct membership fee to Dawn Wood
and let Dawn know your correct contact details especially your email address if you
wish to receive the monthly newsletter.
Our club clothing which includes fleeces, gilets, polo shirts and jackets can now be
ordered direct from the supplier through the link on the BBDRC website.
The Clare Dryden flat work training was well received and feedback from members
was good. Further training is in the pipeline , please keep an eye on the club web
site for further details.
We welcome any suggestions for training next year.
The Points Trophy for 2013-14 has now concluded and the presentation of trophies
and rosettes will take place along with the other awards at the AGM . It is proposed
to review and revamp this for next year and member’s suggestions and thoughts on
this are welcomed either at the AGM or by contacting a member of the Committee.
If anyone would like to find out more about the points trophy and how it works then
full details can be found on the club web site or contact Jill Thomson at or on 07920219721
All members are invited to attend the club AGM and presentation
of trophies on THIS TUESDAY 14th October at Bomarsund Social Club
, Stakeford 7.00 for 7.30pm. Come along and support your club
and hear all about the past years events and what we have
planned for next year. YOUR input is crucial to the forward planning
of events to ensure that the club is working for you and that you
get the most from your membership – you may be a winner of the
huge range of trophies on offer including categories such as ;
Riding Club Horse / Pony , Senior & Junior Endeavour, Most improved Senior / Junior,
Best Newcomer Horse / Pony and many more. With Buffet / nibbles.
OCTOBER 31ST – Halloween Party in aid of Nathans needs at Bomarsund Social club
NOVEMBER 30TH - Team Show Jumping Competition at Lane Farm Equestrian - open
to all – The schedule is now available on the club website with a link on the
facebook page.
RIDING CLUB CAMP 2015 – Dates have been confirmed for next year’s camps these
are to be held on the 7th and 21st August 2015. The 7th will be for Senior members and
21st for Junior member’s. Due to the popularity and potential demand for camps it is
only fair that priority will be given to those members who have helped at events and
attended training session’s/ competitions throughout the year. Both camps to be
held at Parkend Equestrian Centre and will run from Friday evening to Sunday.
Further details will be given early next year when application forms will also be made
This month’s members profile and news
Hello members, my name is Sheila Tweedy and I’m a tad over 21yrs old! I’ve been a
member of BBDRC for quite a number of years now and I am also a member of our
very hard working Committee. Part of my role on the committee many years ago
was to write the club monthly newsletters, writing entertaining reports from club
activities and events. Some of our older members may remember me as “Florence
running martingale” so nicknamed as I work as a nurse and my trusty steed Merrick
the “White Horse”.
Merrick was a steel grey when I first bought him then
turned “white” very quickly (closely followed by me!).
Merrick was found for me by Christine Westerback, a
former BBDRC member. Merrick was a 14.3/15 hand
Highland / Arab Cross, and he was broken as a 3 year
old then turned away on Alnwick moor for two years, so
he was terrified of people when I bought him. I spent
many hours sitting in the stable with him to gain his
confidence and with a lot of time and patience I rebroke him to ride, and what an absolute
character he was. We did everything from
Dressage to team chasing – (his and my favourite)
and everything else in between. Merrick
represented BBDRC on both Junior and senior
teams at area and national level with Julia Lamb
(now Storey) at junior level and myself at senior
I’ve had many happy years of fun and enjoyment with this very special horse and
our adventures are recorded in old BBDRC newsletters (Vera will vouch for these!
And these make for very entertaining reading). Our greatest claim to fame was
being part of the “Herr Kutz” and the Frauleins Dressage Display Team (with a
difference!) – Again ask Vera Harrison! Merrick could turn his hooves to anything but
jumping and showing was his forte. His dressage was passable (just)and we must
have given dressage judges hours of entertainment with our test sheets always
making entertaining reading “well sat, well tried, very tactfully ridden, Airs above
ground not required at this level!” were just some........
As Merrick was now well into his twenties I bought a Belgian warm blood x
thoroughbred foal called Murphy from a friend, my aim was to bring Murphy on and
retire Merrick. Merrick in the last year of his life was a fantastic nanny to Murphy
teaching him manners and putting him in his place on many occasions. I had
Merrick for 27 wonderful years, he was still competing at the age of 32 in the August
and sadly in the December he was diagnosed with bowel cancer, so I made the
decision to have my best friend put to sleep while he still had dignity and quality of
life. Murphy was growing rapidly, and was accident prone as youngsters usually are.
He ended up having surgery to repair a laceration to the off fore pastern and had a
plaster cast on for three weeks.
My good friend Marilyn Lamb had bred a foal called Blitz form her lovely mare and
she suggested I take Blitz on loan. He is a 15.2 hand liver chestnut by the stallion
“Genuine gift” a thoroughbred. I loved Blitz from the minute I sat on him, it was like
coming home! He had a lot of Merrick in him, so I bought him after having him on
loan and palled him up with Murphy.
Murphy was growing quickly and at 2 years old he was well
over 16 hands, he had began to develop joint problems so
he was referred to the Royal (Dick) Vets in Edinburgh. The
degenerative joint disease had developed rapidly in all four
limbs, and the only decision I could make which was the
right one was to let him join his “Uncle Merrick” over the
rainbow bridge.
Blitz had taken over where Merrick had left off
and we started having loads of fun together. I no longer jumped so Blitz
and I mainly concentrated on dressage and showing. We did really well
at both local and County level showing and we were aiming to qualify
for some of the bigger shows in the future. Bad luck struck again, with
Blitz developing bone spavin in his off hind hock, had all the treatment
then injured the deep digital flexor tendon on the same hind leg which
was quite severe and required surgery followed by eight months box
rest. Talking about bad luck he also developed stringhalt in the same
back leg which had become very severe, so the Vet suggested and
operation to remove some of the extensor tendon. After the anaesthetic
he developed a bowel obstruction which was successfully treated, and
then to top it all he was found to have gastric ulcers - my poor little horse! He had
been through so much yet he remained the well mannered, laid back character.
After not being ridden properly for four years, I am now back on board Blitz and we
are both still sound!! My aim is hopefully to do a little bit of intro / prelim dressage
and concentrate on veteran classes as he is 18 and I am 21! Cough, cough.
Hopefully we might be able to go to the BBDRC camp next year! I count myself very,
very lucky that I have been blessed to own such beautiful, kind, generous horses.
Sheila Tweedy
I am looking for members to contribute to next month’s profile and news, please
email me any information you would like included and a photo to .
This week’s Horse & Hound magazine have run an article urging riders to take
greater care on the roads as light fades this Autumn. Figures for traffic accidents are
spiralling and so far this year there has been 181 road accidents – more than the
whole of 2012. In May H & H reported on a survey run by the AA which showed that
one in ten motorists is unaware of how to handle an equine encounter. As a result of
this the AA are trying to raise awareness and educate their members. The BHS is
constantly battling to promote road safety – the organisation is currently working
with bus company stagecoach in a “hit your brakes, not my horse” campaign.
As the nights are drawing in hacking out brings with it additional hazards with failing
light conditions and fog/misty conditions. Make sure that you and your horse are
visible at all times by wearing high visibility (fluorescent and reflective) garments
when riding on the road. Fluorescent and reflective ankle bands and stirrup lights are
particularly effective in attracting the attention of motorists. If possible, riders should
use high visibility garments that conform to BS EN1150, a European Standard for high
visibility garments for non-professional use. There is a standard for high visibility
garments for professional use, BS EN471, which can also be used.
The Highway Code (Rule 51) advises riders that it is safer not to ride on the road at
night or in poor visibility. Riders who must use the road in these conditions should
ensure that the horse has reflective bands above the fetlock joints and carry a light,
which shows white to the front and red to the rear.
Cold weather, ice and snow present special problems
for horses and their owners. But the challenges brought
on by winter are not insurmountable. Here are tips and
suggestions for how you can make sure your ride as is
safe as possible, despite the hazards winter can throw at
Slow Down: Plan to school or hack out at a slower pace
so your horse does not sweat as much. Cooling down can take much longer, and
chilled muscles take longer to warm up. Horses sometimes need time to adjust to the
footing on all surfaces if they are not used to walking on frozen, uneven ground and
their gaits may feel a bit stilted until they learn they can step out with confidence.
A Wet Horse Can Get Cold: Plan extra time to cool down after your ride. Don't put a
sweating horse out in the cold, wind or damp. Blanket so that moisture wicks away
from your horse's coat, and change the blanket if it becomes damp. When the
horse is dry to the skin, you can turn it out.
Dress in Layers: Dress yourself in layers that can be removed easily if you get warm
while working your horse. Fabric that wicks sweat away and dries quickly is best for
any athletic winter activity. There is a variety of under and outerwear made
especially for riders. Ear warmers can be worn under your helmet, or hoods can be
put over your helmet.
Wear Safe Boots: You may want to wear warmer boots while riding in the winter. Be
sure they are not so bulky as to get wedged into your stirrups. They should still slide
out easily if you take a spill.
Prevent Snowballs: If snowballs form in hooves while you ride, give the bottom of
hooves a coating of petroleum jelly
And a little hint from the horse mouth - Warm the Bit: A frosty cold bit
can be uncomfortable for me. Keep bridles in the house, warm the bit
with your hands, or put a warm (not hot) gel pack around the bit
before putting it in my mouth.
October 18th – BD and unaffiliated dressage @ Todburn Equestrian Centre
October 19th – Unaffiliated dressage @ Pastures New Equestrian
November 2nd – Unaffiliated dressage @ Lane Farm Equestrian
November 9th - BD and Unaffil Dressage Competition @ Todburn Equestrian
November 16th – British Dressage @ Lane Farm Equestrian
November 23rd - Dressage UK Sunday Competition @ Todburn Equestrian
October 12th - Grandslam Show Jumping @ Lane Farm Equestrian
Shooting Stars Show jumping every Wednesday from 5.30pm @ Lane Farm Equestrian
Unaffiliated jumping every Thursday 5.30pm – 10.30 pm @ Leamside Equestrian
October 18th – British Show jumping Senior Show – Lane Farm Equestrian
October 19th – Bay Riding Club Show jumping at Lane Farm Equestrian
Blue Sky Equestrian Centre – Now have jumping every Friday night please see web
site for details
October 26th – Woodlands Show Cross at Lane Farm
October 26th - Philippa Curry SJ Series Competition @ Todburn
November 9th – Grand slam show jumping at Lane Farm
November 16th - Philippa Curry Show Jumping Series @ Todburn
November 23rd – Woodlands Show Cross at Lane Farm
November 30th – BBDRC team show jumping at Lane Farm
Contact details:Chairperson/Training Officer
Wendy Strang
Treasurer/Area 2 Rep
Dawn Wood
Vera Harrison
Helene Grove
Points Trophy
Social Events
Christmas Show
Summer Camp
14 Riverview, Bedlington NE22 5LR
07525 661 216
01670 843 026
07590 398 428
01670 790 028
Jill Thompson
Sophie Tunnah
Debra Porteous
Sheila Tweedy
Susan Harrison
07920 219 721
07960 098 884
07793 561 203
0191 237 5389
07772 392 194
Heather Harrison
Halcyon Maben
07934 674 811
That’s all for now, we hope to see you at the AGM.
Details of all club events, schedules and contact details can be found on the clubs website