H A P P Y B I R T H D AY Pablo Picasso is arguably one of the most influential artists of all time. In celebration of his 133rd Pablo Picasso birthday, is arguably one of 25, the 2014, most influential artists isofpresenting all time. Inover celebration of his 133rdworks by the Master. October Galerie Michael 100 unique original birthday, October 25, 2014, Galerie is presenting overthat 100inspired unique seminal original works works such by the The exhibition exploresMichael the characters and faces as Master. Portrait d’Olga Picasso, The exhibition explores the faces that inspired1963-64. seminal works suchPeriod as Portrait Picasso, 1919-1920 andcharacters Portrait deand Jacqueline Accoudée, The Blue opus,d’Olga The Frugal 1919-1920 and Portrait de depicting JacquelinePicasso’s Accoudée,early 1963-64. Blue Period FrugalQuarter of Paris, is a Repas, 1904, days asThe a starving artistopus, in theThe Spanish Repas, 1904, depicting Picasso’s early days as a starving artist in the Spanish Quarter Paris,inisthe a crown of the art visual masterpiece central to the development of early Modernism and aofjewel visual masterpiece central to the development of early Modernism and a jewel in the crown of the art historical canon. historical canon. Spanning his entire career, this retrospective features radically explosive and controversial abstraction Spanning his which entire career, this retrospective features controversial abstraction made Picasso world famous. The radically collectionexplosive includesand a myriad of exquisite works such as the rare which made Picasso world famous. The collection myriad1964 of exquisite works as the rarerarely seen bon à tirer bon tirer impression of Fumeur à laincludes Cigarettea Verte, with fresh and such vibrant colors bon à tirer impression la Cigarette 1964etching with fresh and vibrant colors- Le rarely seendans l’herbe is a outside ofofa Fumeur museumà print room. Verte, The 1925 Au bord de la Rivière couple outside of a museum room.ofThe 1925 use etching Au bord de la three-dimensionality Rivière - Le couple dans is ain his graphic stunningprint example Picasso’s of burin to create andl’herbe texture stunning example of Picasso’s use of burin to create three-dimensionality and texture in his graphic works. works. As an homage to the great genius, Galerie Michael is proud to present the breathtaking mastery of Pablo Picasso’s revolutionary visual style. As an homage to the great genius, Galerie Michael is proud to present the breathtaking mastery of Pablo Picasso’s revolutionary visual style. Buste D'Homme from La Suite des Portrait d'Olga Picasso, 1919-20 Tête de Femme: Madeleine from La Buste de Femme au Fichu, 1939 Drypoint on watermarked light Aquatint and 1939 engraving on watermarked Saltimbanques, 1905 Suite de Saltimbanques, 1905 Buste D'Homme from La Suite des Portrait d'Olga Picasso, 1919-20 Tête de Femme: Madeleine from La Buste de Femme au Fichu, green laid paper. Picasso on Montval laid paper. Etching on1905 thin, cream laid Japan paper. and engraving Aquatint watermarked Saltimbanques,Drypoint 1905 on Van Gelder paper Drypoint on watermarked light Suite de Saltimbanques, Baer 5. 912801. Drypoint on VanBloch Gelder4,paper 20 x 13 inches. Bloch 4, Baer 5. 912801. 20 x 13 inches. green laid paper. Bloch 37, Baer 57. 913090. 11913090. 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches. Bloch 37, Baer 57. 11 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches. Geiser 913091. Etching on thin, Bloch cream 2, laid Japan3.paper. 4 x 3 1/2 inches. Bloch 2, Geiser 3. 913091. 4 x 3 1/2 inches. Baerpaper. 672 II B.b., Bloch 324. 913115. Picasso Montval laid 1/2 324. x 13 913115. 1/4 inches. Baer 672 II B.b., 17 Bloch 17 1/2 x 13 1/4 inches. Au bord de la Rivière - Le couple dans l'herbe, 1925 Drypoint on zinc platel'herbe, printed1925 on Arches paper. Au bord de la Rivière - Le couple dans Stamped loweron right, numbered Drypoint on zincsignature plate printed Arches paper. 4/50 in pencil lower left. Bloch 72, numbered Baer 116/B/b1. 913143. 9 1/2 left. x 12 1/8 inches. Stamped signature lower right, 4/50 in pencil lower Bloch 72, Baer 116/B/b1. 913143. 9 1/2 x 12 1/8 inches. Front Cover: Le Repas Frugal, 1904. grattoir on Van Gelder wove paper. Front Cover: LeEtching Repas with Frugal, 1904. Fromon theVan edition of wove 250, of the ‘Saltimbanques’ suite. Etching with grattoir Gelder paper. 2 (II.2.b.2.), Bloch 1. 404009. From the edition Baer of 250, of the ‘Saltimbanques’ suite.18 1/4 x 14 3/4 inches. Baer 2 (II.2.b.2.), Bloch 1. 404009. 18 1/4 x 14 3/4 inches. Facing Page: Portrait de Jacqueline accoudée, 1963-64 Linocutderincé in white accoudée, and India ink on Arches wove paper. Facing Page: Portrait Jacqueline 1963-64 Signedand in red crayon lower right. Linocut rincé in white India ink on Arches wove paper. B. 922, Ba.right. 1240C. 912867. 29 1/2 x 24 3/10 inches. Signed in red crayon lower B. 922, Ba. 1240C. 912867. 29 1/2 x 24 3/10 inches. You Are Cordially Invited to Attend HOMAGE TO PABLO PICAS S O 133 YEARS • 1881-1973 Saturday Afternoon • October 25th, 2014 Four o’clock to Seven o’clock GALERIE MICHAEL 224 North Rodeo Drive Beverly Hills, California www.galeriemichael.com Hors d’oeuvres and Wine RSVP 310.273.3377 Valet Available at Two Rodeo Complex Entrance on Dayton Way H O M a G E t O pa B L O p i C a S S O 133 yEarS • 1881-1973 Fumeur à la Cigarette Verte, 1964 Soft ground etching on Richard de Bas wove paper. Signed, dated and annotated in crayon lower left, 'le 12.10.64. Bon à tirer Picasso'. Ba 1168/B/a. 913047. 20 1/4 x 25 inches. GALERIE MICHAEL 2 2 4 No r t h Ro d e o Dr i v e | 2 Ro d e o C o m p l e x | B e v e r l y Hi l l s C A 9 0 2 1 0 310.273.3377 | art@galeriemichael.com | / g a l e r i e m i c h a e l | w w w. g a l e r i e m i c h a e l . c o m
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