CHARLOTTE 49ERS STUDENT TICKET DISTRIBUTION POLICY FOR MEN’S BASKETBALL HOME GAMES Policies are Current as of October 24, 2014 and subject to change without notice. If interested in serving on the Student Athletic Ticketing Committee, send email to 1.0 ONLINE STUDENT TICKET DISTRIBUTION 1.1 Students reserve tickets online at for regular season men’s basketball home games. [Online registration for the NCAA men’s basketball tournament is determined on a game-by-game basis.] 1.1.1 Students login to their account using their Student ID 800#. The default password is set as guest. Students who have lost or misplaced their Student ID must purchase another Student ID Card. Students can get a replacement ID at the ID Office. A Student ID is mandatory to enter any Charlotte 49ers Athletic Event with a student ticket. 1.1.2 Currently enrolled, athletic-fee paying UNC Charlotte students are eligible to receive one (1) ticket each to men’s basketball home game. 1.2 Students have secure, personal accounts from which to: (a) manage their account information, (b) track their attendance history, (c) view their Loyalty Point total (see 3.0 for details), (d) print their ticket (e) cancel a previously claimed ticket, and (g) purchase student guest tickets for basketball, if available (see 7.0 for details). 1.2.1 Students can elect to receive an automatic email reminder at the beginning of each ticket request period by checking the “reminder email” button under their Student Status Information on the Student Information page of 1.2.2 By requesting tickets, students consent to receiving emails related to their ticket request(s). Students can elect to opt-out of receiving additional emails regarding athletics events by checking the “disable emails” button under their Student Status Information on the Student Information page of Students will then receive only those emails related to their ticket requests (e.g. email notification of being awarded a ticket, being placed on the waitlist, etc.). 1.3 The reserve period for each men’s basketball home game begins on the Monday of the week in which the game occurs. There is no advantage to being the first student to reserve a ticket, nor is there a disadvantage to being the last student to reserve a ticket. 2.0 SEATING IN HALTON ARENA 2.1 All student seating will be General Admission seating in the designated student seating areas of the arena. These areas can be seen on the Halton Arena diagram on the student website. Each lower level student section will have a designated aisle for entrance into that section. 2.2 All Students will enter through the student entrance located by the Miltimore Wallis Athletic Training & Academic Center Entrance on the North East side of Halton Arena. 2.3 Entrance to the arena will be based on the Loyalty Point ranking which will determine which door number the student is to enter. 2.3.1 There will two doors to enter for students who have reserved a ticket online. These doors will open one hour prior to tipoff. There will be a third door for the stand-by line. This door will open shortly after the first two. 2.3.2 Students picking up tickets at game time will automatically be sent to the stand-by line. 2.4 Event Staff will stamp students in the lower level with a section stamp to distinguish which section the student is to sit in. A marked aisle for that section will be the only way into that section. 2.4.1 A student must have a stamp for that section in order to enter the section. Event Staff will cut off entrance to a section once the section is full. 2.5 Event Staff will settle all disputes that arise over General Admission Seating and all decisions of said Event Staff are final. 3.0 EARNING LOYALTY POINTS BY ATTENDING GAMES 3.1 Loyalty Points are awarded based on attendance at all home ticketed 49er events. Including but not limited to Men’s Soccer, Women’s Soccer, Volleyball, Women’s Basketball, Men’s Basketball, select Baseball games, and by joining Niner Nation Gold. Students must be in attendance and meet requirements of the Sign-In to receive Loyalty Points. Loyalty Points are accumulated throughout the school year and are applied to Men’s Basketball Tickets Only and will eventually be applied to Football. 3.1.1 Men’s Basketball: Zero (0) Loyalty Points are earned simply for registering for a student ticket or claiming a student ticket that has been awarded. Attendance is required to earn Loyalty Points. Students must have their print-at-home tickets scanned at the student entry gates at Halton Arena to earn Loyalty Points for attending a game. Tickets picked up at the door will not assign you with a loyalty point. Scanners remain available at the student entry gates at Halton Arena until approximately the 10:00 mark of the second half of basketball games. Students with valid student tickets and 49er IDs may still gain admission after these times, but will not earn Loyalty Points for their attendance. One (1) Loyalty Point is earned for attending a Men’s Basketball game 3.1.2 Men’s and Women’s Soccer, Volleyball, Women’s Basketball, and select Baseball events: One (1) Loyalty Point is earned for receiving a ticket, attending the event, and participating in Sign-In. (see Niner Nation Loyalty Point Sign-In on main page for more information) 3.1.3 Niner Nation Gold: Eight (8) Loyalty Points are earned for each student who signs up and becomes a member of Niner Nation Gold (NNG). NNG is the booster organization formed by the 49er Club for the student body and provides premium benefits to its student members. For more information on NNG please contact David Jandrew at 704-687-6244. 4.0 TICKET CANCELLATION POLICY 4.1 Students who claim a ticket but later decide not to attend the game for whatever reason must cancel their ticket online no later than 12:01pm on game day. 5.0 STUDENT NO-SHOW POLICY 5.1 Students are limited in the number of times per season they can be a no-show for games. Each student no-show results in another student without a ticket who is denied the opportunity to attend a game. 5.1.2 Men’s Basketball: Students who accumulate three (3) no-shows in one basketball season will be ineligible for tickets the remainder of the season. 6.0 STUDENT ADMISSION TO MEN’S BASKETBALL HOME GAMES 6.1 Basic Requirements: admission to all men’s basketball home games requires that students present: (a) their valid student ticket and (b) their valid, 49er Student ID. 6.1.2 Student A cannot gain admission using the 49er Student ID of Student B. Students who attempt to use another student's 49er ID will be denied entrance and may have to appear before the student judicial council. 7.0 STUDENT GROUP TICKETS 7.1 Students may sit together in large groups in the upper level of the student section. There will be no reserved seats for groups. 8.0 STUDENT PAID GUEST TICKETS 8.1 Men’s Basketball: Student paid guest tickets are available for purchase, based on availability. 8.1.1 The Athletic Ticket Office reserves the right to limit the number of student paid guest tickets students may purchase throughout the season and for individual games. 8.1.2 Paid guests will enter the arena at the same door and at the same time as the student who purchased the ticket. All paid guests will be allowed to sit anywhere within the student section. 9.0 VIOLATIONS OF THE STUDENT TICKET DISTRIBUTION POLICY 9.1 Students who violate provisions of the student ticket distribution policy will be referred to the Office of Judicial Programs (OJP) and, when necessary, to the Department of Public Safety (Campus Police). 9.1.1 Violations that will result in referrals include, but are not limited to: The sale or attempted sale of student tickets. The duplication, replication, or alteration of student tickets. The presentation of a false, duplicated, replicated, or altered 49er Student ID, or the 49er Student ID of another student, at the student entry gate or the Athletic Ticket Office. Gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access to the online student ticket distribution system or the personal account of another student. 9.2 Students found “responsible” for violations of the student ticket distribution policy by OJP or convicted of a criminal act related to the student ticket distribution policy, face the loss of all accumulated Loyalty Points, in addition to other penalties.
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