One Day Training Day Course Epilepsy Awareness & the Administration of Buccal Midazolam for people who work* with people with epilepsy *Teachers; Health Professionals; SNAs; Nurses BUCCAL MIDAZOLAM 2014 Training Schedule It has been recognised that the administration of buccal midazolam for the control of prolonged or continuous seizures is an effective treatment which can be life saving. Given promptly, this relatively simple procedure can prevent major disruption to daily life resulting from hospital emergency treatment. The use of buccal midazolam as a rescue medication has become increasingly popular over the last few years. This has resulted in its inclusion in the UK’s National Institute for Care Excellence (NICE) clinical practice guideline on the diagnosis and management of epilepsy in children and adults published in 2004. The administration of buccal midazolam is considered to be a less invasive procedure than the administration of rectal diazepam. The issue of privacy and dignity are less compromised and in situations where it is not acceptable or convenient to use rectal diazepam, buccal midazolam is an effective alternative. Location Date Tullamore February 27th & April 3rd Kerry February 12th Cork March 12th & November 26th North East April Longford September 11th Limerick September 22nd Letterkenny October 14th Kilkenny October 22nd Dublin — Epilepsy Ireland Head Office MAXIMUM 6 PLACES: January 15th - February - 12th - March 12th April - 9th & 16th May - 7th & 14th EPILEPSY IRELAND Epilepsy is a condition characterised by a tendency to have recurring spontaneous seizures. Epilepsy can affect anyone at anytime. 35,000 to 37,000 people in Ireland have some form of epilepsy. Epilepsy Ireland was established in 1966 and since then we have been providing support nationwide to people with epilepsy, their families and friends. Epilepsy Ireland also aims to improve public understanding of epilepsy and eliminate prejudice and misunderstanding about it; to encourage and assist research into the causes and treatment of epilepsy; and to promote awareness for the need for education and rehabilitation. Training in the administration of Midazolam is now being provided by Epilepsy Ireland in response to feedback from health professionals who have identified this as a currently unmet need in Ireland. Epilepsy Ireland’s training is the first of its kind in Ireland. 249 Crumlin Road, Dublin 12 T: 01 455 7500 E: W: Facebook: Twitter: @epilepsyireland - Registered Charity No. 6170 COURSE INFORMATION This course has been developed in conjunction with the Joint Epilepsy Council of the UK and Ireland (JEC) guidelines. COURSE OBJECTIVES Participants develop a greater understanding of epilepsy Participants are instructed in the administration of Buccal Midazolam Medication Participants undertake two written assessments Participants view a 45 minute DVD on seizures Successful participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance COURSE CONTENT Morning Session: 9.00am—1.00pm Afternoon Session: 2.00pm—4.30pm Module 1. Epilepsy Awareness Module 2. Administration of Buccal Midazolam What is Epilepsy? Causes of Epilepsy Diagnosis of Epilepsy What is a Seizure? Types of Seizures Stages and Management of Complex Partial Seizures Stages and Management of Tonic Clonic Seizures When to Call an Ambulance WRITTEN ASSESSMENT Seizure Triggers Treatment Options Medication Side Effects Lifestyle Implications Recording Seizures Epilepsy Care Plan What is Midazolam? How Midazolam works Advantages of Midazolam Potential Side Effects Protocols Indications for Use Convulsive and Non Convulsive Status How to Prepare Midazolam Practical Demonstration WRITTEN ASSESSMENT Evaluation and Close Participants will take a written assessment at the end of each module. On successfully passing these assessments (To pass participant’s must achieve 75%) participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance (valid for 2 years). Delegates are then deemed competent to administer Buccal Midazolam in an emergency situation. It is the responsibility of the Organisation to ensure that the necessary support procedures are in place for the safe administration of Buccal Midazolam in accordance with JEC Guidelines. Booking Form Please fill in the following: Name__________________________________ Title _____________________________________ Organisation_______________________________ Address___________________________________ Daytime Phone _____________________________ Mobile ____________________________________ Fax ______________________________________ ___________________________________ Email_____________________________________ ___________________________________ Training Location________________________ Fee: per person €95.00 Dublin Head Office €75.00 (includes training materials, lunch & tea & coffee) Total Number of Persons ___________ Total Amount enclosed €_____________ Cheque/bank draft made payable to: Epilepsy Ireland Please post completed registration form & payment to: Ashley Butler, 249 Crumlin Road, Dublin 12
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