2015 Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme: Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs) Version 3 – 23rd October 2014 Please note that the deadline for receipt of FAQs is 16:00 (GMT) Thursday 20th November 2014. FAQs must be submitted no later than this date. FAQs that have been added to this document since the last version was published are in pink font. Similar questions have been grouped below in the following themes: 1. Eligibility; 2. Eligible Funding; 3. Application Form; 4. Applying to the Scheme. 1. ELIGIBILITY a. Am I eligible to apply to the GOI Postdoctoral Scheme? If a previous application for the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship was not assessed by the IRC as it was not endorsed in due time by the HEI, does that count as an ineligible application? If the applicant will re-apply for the 2015 call, does s/he have to specify what was changed in the proposal? Applications that were deemed ineligible (e.g. because they were not endorsed by the HEI) do not count towards this limit. As the application was never assessed, the applicant does not need to specify what was changed in the proposal. I would like to know whether or not, if, for example, you have unsuccessfully applied twice for a 1-year GOI Fellowship, you can then apply for a 2-year GOI fellowship? The one-year and two-year GOI Postdoctoral Fellowships count as one scheme. So, for example, if you have been unsuccessful twice before for the one-year Fellowship, then you are not allowed to apply to the two-year GOI Postdoctoral Fellowship. Regarding the stipulation on number of previous applications, are ELEVATE and standard postdoc applications considered to be the same? (i.e. If a potential applicant this year applied last year to Elevate and applied for a one year fellowship the previous year, is he ineligible this year?) 1 While the one-year and two-year GOI Postdoctoral Fellowships count as one scheme, ELEVATE consisted of a separate, EU COFUND scheme. Thus, if a potential applicant has previously applied to the GOI Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme on only one occasion, s/he is welcome to apply again to this scheme (regardless of having submitted one or more previous applications to ELEVATE). Is an IRCSET EMPOWER Fellow eligible to apply for the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship? Following the merger of IRCHSS and IRCSET, the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship subsumes the previous IRCSET EMPOWER Fellowship and IRCHSS Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship. To be eligible for an Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship, the applicant must not hold, or have previously held, either of the aforementioned awards. If an applicant currently holds an IRCSET EMPOWER Fellowship they will not be eligible to apply for a Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship. b. Do I meet the cut-off point for application to the Scheme? I had my viva on the 17th of June 2014. The hard bound copies of my thesis were submitted last month and everything is passed and finished. I am due to graduate in January 2015. As it stands I believe I would be eligible to apply under criterion 4.2.1 as I will be awarded my doctoral degree before 28th February 2015. If I were to defer my graduation until October 2015 would I still be eligible to apply but under criterion 4.2.2 as I would have satisfied all the requirements for the award of a doctoral degree, but not yet graduated, in the five-year period before the 28th February 2015. Whether or not this person decides to defer his/her graduation, s/he is eligible to apply, as s/he will have been certified as having fulfilled within the five-year period before the 28th February 2015 all the requirements for the award of a doctoral degree, including a viva/thesis defence. I have just submitted my PhD thesis, and I anticipate that my viva voce examination will take place in April 2015. Am I eligible to apply? 2 As stated in the Terms and Conditions (4.2.2), applicants who have not yet been awarded their doctoral degree “must have been certified as having fulfilled within the five-year period before the 28th February 2015 all the requirements for the award of a doctoral degree, including a viva/thesis defence where such is required, but have not yet graduated. For the purposes of this condition, the original viva/thesis defence date and not the graduation date will be taken into account”. This person is not eligible to apply, as his/her viva date will be after 28th February 2015. I have passed my Viva but I will not have submitted my corrections before the 28th February 2015. Am I eligible to apply for the GOI PD scheme? As stated in the Terms and Conditions (4.2.2), applicants who have not yet been awarded their doctoral degree “must have been certified as having fulfilled within the five-year period before the 28th February 2015 all the requirements for the award of a doctoral degree, including a viva/thesis defence where such is required, but have not yet graduated. For the purposes of this condition, the original viva/thesis defence date and not the graduation date will be taken into account”. Thus, the viva/thesis defence must be held before the 28th February 2015. The applicant’s awarding HEI must be willing to certify that he/she has fulfilled all the requirements for the award of a doctoral degree. If an applicant has passed the viva with minor corrections before 28th February 2015, do they also have to submit these corrections before the deadline in order to be eligible or will it suffice to submit these before the fellowship begins? As stated above, the viva/thesis defence must be held before the 28th February 2015, and the applicant’s awarding HEI must be willing to certify that he/she has fulfilled all the requirements for the award of a doctoral degree. Ultimately, it is for the HEI to decide whether an applicant whose thesis has been passed subject to minor corrections has fulfilled all the requirements for the award of a doctoral degree satisfactorily. Will calculations regarding eligibility of candidates in terms of Postdoctoral experience be based on months or days: e.g. is a researcher with exactly five years’ (i.e. 60 months’) experience eligible to apply for an IRC Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship? Please note that calculations should be exact, and precise information must be supplied within the application. Where an applicant’s doctoral degree has already been awarded, the applicant will be required to supply an exact graduation date. NOTE: In order to be eligible, the PhD graduation date must be after the 28th February 2010 and no later than 28th February 2015. 3 Could you please clarify the eligibility here? Candidate received PhD in May 2009 and didn't work in research until April 2013, so it is only for the last 1.5 years he is working as a postdoctoral researchers. The career breaks you mention do not include unconventional career path, such as working in industry. Would this candidate be eligible to apply for GOI postdoc fellowship? As stated in the Terms and Conditions, Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellows must not have been employed as a Postdoctoral Researcher for more than 5 years at the closing date of the call. Extension to this five-year period can be considered on provision of documented evidence of an eligible career break; career breaks of up to 5 years are taken into account. Eligible career breaks include: maternity leave, paternity leave, adoptive leave, parental leave, prolonged sick leave, carer’s leave. Working in industry is not an eligible career break for this scheme. 2. ELIGIBLE FUNDING Is the application at a disadvantage if the proposed research includes a number of trips of more than four weeks away from the Host Institution? It is up to the Applicant to justify the proposed time away in the context of the overall project and to demonstrate how the proposed time away is relevant to the proposed work and how it assists the successful completion of the project. 3. APPLICATION FORM I applied last year for the 12 month dissemination fellowship and considering reapplying this year. However, feedback received criticized lack of new research project. This was the main criticism and dissemination plans were described as excellent. Would it be better not to fill in sections such as methodology, research aims etc. if applying for the dissemination fellowship to avoid any confusion and to make clear that this is not intended to be a new research project? The one-year Fellowship is intended to enable the applicant to prepare a doctoral dissertation for publication through a variety of high quality published outputs: e.g. monographs, peer-reviewed articles, edited volumes, etc. It is the applicant’s responsibility to convey the merits of his/her proposed project and its schedule (e.g. including any supplementary research that such dissemination plans might require) in light of this. Please note that, aside from issuing feedback after a funding call has closed, the Irish Research Council does not offer advice to applicants with regard to 4 the content of their applications. Please note that some sections (e.g. methodology) include mandatory fields and cannot be left blank. If an applicant wants to apply in Irish, do they have to complete an application in Irish and in English (i.e. doubling the work involved)? Applicants are welcome to apply in Irish. In so doing, they may wish to upload an English-language translation of the application (in PDF format). Please note that there is no obligation on applicants who apply in Irish to supply an English-language translation. When an English-language translation is not supplied by the applicant, the Irish Research Council acquires a professional translation of the entire application. Of course, applicants may prefer to supply their own translation due to the complete level of control that this will give them over the translated application that the International Assessment Board will ultimately view. The application form asks whether the applicant has currently or previously held an Irish Research Council Award. I have never held an IRC award as such but I did hold an IRCHSS postgraduate scholarship. Should I select 'yes' or 'no' in answer to this question? The applicant should answer ‘yes’ to this question. Please note that, following the merger of IRCHSS and IRCSET, the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship subsumes the previous IRCSET EMBARK Scholarship and IRCHSS Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship. In Section 5 of the applicant form information is requested about undergraduate qualifications (Bachelors Degree or equivalent - 5.1), Masters Degree Details (5.2), and Doctorate Degree Details (5.3). I entered the doctoral program that led to my Ph.D. on the basis of Recognition of Prior Learning. I have no undergraduate qualification or Masters Degree. How should I complete section 5.1? The online application form includes sections relating to the applicant’s ‘Undergraduate Qualifications’ and ‘Postgraduate Qualifications’. Please note that the ‘Undergraduate Qualifications’ section includes required fields: i.e. the applicant must complete this section. Thus, we suggest that the applicant should include details of his/her prior learning in the ‘Undergraduate Qualifications’ section, and that he/she should use the ‘Additional Information’ box to include explanatory information. The Master’s Degree section is not mandatory: i.e. it can be left blank. There are also ‘Other Education’ and ‘Research Achievements’ sections in the online application form, where the applicant may include ‘additional information relevant to your academic background’ (e.g. training courses) that may add weight to his/her application. 5 The application form asks for the date of birth. I am a mature student. What is the purpose of this information? Will my age make me less likely to receive the fellowship? The date of birth is requested as an identifier in the case of applicants with the same name. Personal details in relation to the applicant such as name, age, sex and nationality are not visible to the international assessors. 4. APPLYING TO THE SCHEME a. How do I apply to this scheme? I wish to apply for Post doc. Please find resume is attached with this email. An application to the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme will be deemed ineligible and will not be considered for funding if it has not been submitted via the online application system. No hardcopies or emailed forms will be accepted. I wish to apply for a 2015 GOI Postdoctoral Fellowship. However, I had surgery and I am off work for the coming weeks, meaning that it is unlikely that I can meet the application deadline. I have medical certification for this period and am receiving illness benefit. Is there any possibility of an extension to the application deadline? We regret to inform you that the Council cannot accommodate any individual applicants by extending the Applicant Deadline. What was the success rate for each of the postdoctoral funding schemes in the 2014 call? Is it possible to get the success rate according to whether the applicant was applying to be based within their existing HEI (at the time of application) as host or if they were applying to be based within a new HEI? The overall success rate for the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship 2014 scheme was 17.3%. Further statistics will be available on the Irish Research Council website at a later date. b. What publications and supporting documentation should be included? 6 In the ‘Peer-reviewed publications’ section, why is there no field for ‘Author name(s)’? What is the point of indicating ‘Author Role’? In the spirit of fairness, consistency and transparency, the Irish Research Council endeavours to ensure that personal details in relation to the applicant (such as name, age, sex and nationality) are not visible to the international assessment panel. For this reason, applicants are asked to indicate the role that they had in relation to the publication instead of listing the name(s) of the author(s) involved. For peer-reviewed publications, can monographs be listed provided that they are published in peer-reviewed collections? As stated above, your top 5 peer-reviewed publications (where applicable) should be included in the ‘peer-reviewed publications’ section. Peer-reviewed publications that have been published or accepted for publication are acceptable. If the applicant has published an essay or a book-chapter in a peer-reviewed collection, this may be included. Can an applicant use the bibliography from her PhD or does it need to be modified and include a prospective bibliography? In the ‘Proposed Research’ section of the application, there is a specific field for ‘References and Select Bibliography’. The bibliography should contain key references of direct relevance to the proposed research only. We do not recommend inclusion of a full PhD bibliography, as it is likely to be of excessive length. c. How do I choose a Mentor and Host Institution? Can you put me in connection with an Irish Academic Mentor for details, or do I need to find him? I am a PhD student outside of Ireland. I am planning to do a postdoc research project in Ireland. May I get help in having a host university or research institute? It is the applicant’s responsibility to locate a Host Organisation and an Academic Mentor. The Irish Research Council does not offer advice in this regard. Can an Academic Mentor support more than one postdoctoral application? 7 Can you please confirm that I can support more than one application to this scheme (as Mentor)? I have three very good candidates and I am going to prepare three proposals. Yes. As per the Terms and Conditions (6.2), “An Academic Mentor at an Irish HEI/RPO is permitted to support more than one Fellow under each type of Postdoctoral Fellowship available in the 2015 call”. Can the applicant’s Academic Mentor also act as one of his/her referees? No. Two references are required and the applicant’s Academic Mentor may not act as one of these referees. d. Can I have two Academic Mentors? Can a postdoc applicant have more than one Academic Mentor? For Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowships (one-year and two-year), only one Academic Mentor can be formally nominated. In the event that more than one Academic Mentor is involved, only one Academic Mentor will be provided with login details to access the system and to complete the Academic Mentor in Ireland Form. Both Academic Mentors will be asked to confirm their willingness to co-mentor the applicant after the offer of an award has been made. When will the Postdoctoral Fellowships begin? All Postdoctoral Fellowships must commence on 1st October 2015. e. General online-application queries. My word count is saying it is exceeded limits but I know I have 300 words. Any bullet points pasted from Microsoft Word into the application will count as one word each. For example, a 300 word paragraph that has five bullet points in it will result in 305 words when pasted into the online system. Are the referees contacted as soon as the applicant adds them to their draft application or are they contacted after the final deadline? 8 Referees will receive an initial registration email when they are added to the online application system for the very first time (i.e. the first time that they are registered by someone as a referee; this may have occurred under a previous call). This registration email will include login details with username and password. Referees will automatically receive an email when the applicant has added the Referee to his/her application. Should a referee forget his/her password, he/she can easily reset this by clicking the link on the online application system’s login page. NOTE: The referees can complete the Referee Form while the application is in ‘Draft’ status. (They do not have to wait until the application has been submitted.) Once the application has been submitted, the applicant will be able to monitor whether a Mentor form and references have been uploaded in the online application system. When can the Mentor supply his/her reference? Mentors can create and submit the Academic Mentor in Ireland Form as soon as the applicant has submitted his/her application. 9
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