Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com TETRAKTYS FILMS Disseminating knowledge through Digital Media The current catalogue includes documentary films and publications which are available for educational purposes, through the Tetraktys films’ Online Shop. To order a film or/and publication from our online store, first you have to register and activate your account. If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment to register online at www.tetraktysfilms.com. DOCUMENTARY FILMS on DVD Asian Studies: A Baul… The Baul IDASAA001 - €200 Directed by: Samim Akhtar Ansari ETHNOGRAPHY|MUSIC|ANTHROPOLOGY|PHILOSOPHY HUMANITIES|SPIRITUAL Bengali/English with English subtitles/ 120 min/ Color/ 2013 This documentary, A Baul the Baul, unfolds polygonal aspects of the mysterious and mystic life of this religio-cultural sect deeply rooted in Bengal. The phenomenon of ever-increasing popularity of the Baul music and its influence on modern music are unplugged and demystified here. This film deals with their worldview, their music and their interaction with contemporary society. Various practitioners of the Baul music and philosophy like Gour Khyapa, Purna Das Baul, Kanai Das Baul, Brahmakhyapa (an urban Baul music band) and others uphold their understanding on this issue. Moreover, dynamics of the relation between the music and the philosophy in Baul life are discussed. Views and interviews of social scientist like Jane Rowan, research worker like Shaktinath Jha, linguist like Pabitra Sarkar, member of a Bengali rock band (Cactus) like Siddhartha Sankar Ray (or Sidhu), organizers of music festivals, and concerned people across the society have been presented in a way which induces questions and answers on various myths attached to this sect. To conclude, this is a trustworthy documentation to enter inside the enigmatic world of Bauls and their music. Children, Youth & Families: CDYCCPC001 - €200 Stelios/Ypervasi Directed by: Costas Cacoyiannis and Pambos Kouzalis ART|HUMAN RIGHTS|MUSIC | SOCIETY Greek with English subtitles/ 20 min/ Color/ 2007 A lesson of power and willingness for life, from the composer Stelios Pissis. Paralyzed in his bed for years due to muscular dystrophy, Stelios can only move the fingers of his left hand. With the aid of modern technology he composes and orchestrates. In this documentary, Stelios speaks about his illness and the deeper meaning of life. Also featured is his mother Aglaia and the singer and collaborator Maria-Elena. Awards: Music Award – Cyprus Short Film Festival, 1st Documentary Award Drama – 31st Film Festival. Cyprus Archaeology, History & Culture: Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com CDSRSP001 - €160 Cyprus on the Silk Routes Directed by: Stavros Papageorghiou ANTHROPOLOGY| ARCHAEOLOGY| INDUSTRY| CULTURE| ETHNOGRAPHY| AGRICULTURE| CYPRUS HISTORY Greek with English, French and German subtitles/ 50 min/ Color/ 1997 This documentary film concerns the Cyprus silk industry, which has played an important role in the economic life of the island throughout the centuries. Although silk appeared in Cyprus from the Byzantine times, the period in which this material predominated in the "Silk Routes" is mainly from the 13th to the 15th century A.D. during the Lusignan Rule of the island. Cyprus was then developed into the manufacturing and trade center of the silk industry in the eastern Mediterranean basin, supplying with silk the Church in the West. Besides, one has to mention that the silk industry in Cyprus survived as a cottage industry until the mid-20th century. The traditional methods of silk production and weaving into precious textiles as well as their uses for the dowry household linen and costumes are presented in this documentary film. Awards: Ministry of the Aegean Sea. CDUMAX001 - €160 Unwitnessed Memories Directed by: Athena Xenidou HISTORY| CONFLICT &/OR WAR MEMORIES| SOCIOLOGY Greek with English subtitles/ 60 min/ Color/ 2000 Eight people from the generation of the Cypriot Crisis, who were born after the war in 1974, recall memories of places where they never lived and talk about their personal experiences, hopes, fears and the life they dream of living. In UNWITNESSED MEMORIES, Athena Xenidou lets different youngsters explain what it means to live among the remnants of war. As in Germany, Ireland, South Africa and the Middle East, children in Cyprus grow up among monuments, memorial meetings and other memories of wars that they have not themselves experienced. Costas, for example, explains what it is like to be a child of one of the 1619 people who have been missing since the invasion of Turkey in 1974. Others come from families who were forced to leave their house in that year and have been unable to visit their birthplaces ever since. For the first time, eight youngsters talk about their dreams, nightmares and desires with “reality bites” of their everyday lives. About a line of division, entrenched in their country by military force in 1974 -- a line they dare not cross. Awards: Gold Jury award for Best Documentary at Worldfest Houston, Best Documentary at the Film Festival in Cyprus and was also an International Emmy Awards semi-finalist. CDWBTK001 - €160 In the wake of the Barbarians Directed by: Thomas Kallis CYPRUS HISTORY| CULTURE| ARCHAEOLOGY Greek with English subtitles / 25 min/ Color/ 2003 The destruction which the cultural heritage of Cyprus has suffered in the occupied areas is complete. Archaeological sites wrecked. Churches destroyed wall paintings and mosaics in fragments. In the 21st century, Cyprus is trying to save whatever is left of the archaeological treasures which the occupying regime has sold at high prices in the markets of Europe and America. Sketches of Cypriot Literary Figures Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 CDLFSP002 -€160 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Directed by: Stavros Papageorghiou CULTURAL HERITAGE| CYPRUS HISTORY| GREEK LITERATURE Greek with English subtitles/ 90 min/ Color/ 2000 This documentary, as the title reveals, has as its subject the relatively recent literature of Cyprus. It covers the largest part of the period of the British Colonial Rule of the island, and more specifically from the last decade of the 19th century up to World War Two. The literature of that period is presented as a transition from previous eras to the eras of today, to show that the past and the present are undoubtedly linked. Through images and sound, interviews and documents, the most important writers are introduced. At the same time, the socioeconomic facts of the time are presented, facts which marked the history and influenced – to a greater or lesser degree – the local cultural movement and literary production. Part of this documentary is dedicated to writers who lived and created outside Cyprus, in places like Egypt or Athens. In this way, another side of the story of Cypriot literature comes to light: the relationships and the bonds between the center and peripheral regions. CDDMP001 - € 160 Divine Inspirations Directed by: Mary Plant SOCIETY│ ETHNOGRAPHY | HISTORY Greek with English subtitles/ 26 min/ 2011 The documentary was inspired by the series of work Pantanassa, a collaboration between the artist Mary Plant and artist/icon painter Evanthia Kouma. The series sets out to examine the various epithets of the goddess Aphrodite and the Virgin Mary and to discover any connections. In the documentary experts talk and highlight these concerns with an emphasis on the connections. Human Rights & Global Issues: IDBMK001 - €200 The Real Cost Behind the Mask Directed By: Mohamed Kenawi HUMAN RIGHTS| SOCIETY| ARTS Arabic, Italian with English subtitles/ 29 min/ Color/ 2013 “Ali”, a young Tunisian came to Italy many years ago, hoping to find a better life. He bought special clothes and a mask and became a living STATUE. He was able to face his new way of life behind the mask. Passers-by were struck by his living statue but “Ali” felt humiliated, sad and alone. “Ali”, the man with the mask ‘had found some work and a little money......but had “Ali” the man without the mask found himself?’ Out of This World SDOVN001 - €160 Directed By Viktor Nordenskiöld HUMAN RIGHTS | CHILDREN SLAVERY Urdu with English subtitles/ 10 min/ Color/ 2014 At home, Rizwan 12, hugs and plays with his siblings. At work, he is forced to a claustrophobic job in an Industry that's key to our economy. Here at Pakistan’s second largest oil depot, children crawl inside the dark interior of the diesel tanks – in spite of the extremely carcinogenic fumes. Out of This World follows Rizwan down through the hatch of the oil tank – like a kid astronaut from a forsaken universe. Immigration & Border Studies: Hope against Hopeless Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 (CDHCPGA001) - €200 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Directed by: Constantinos Patsalides and George Avraam IMMIGRATION| ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION| HUMAN RIGHTS| POLITICS Greek, English, Turkish, Iraqi with English subtitles/ 43 min/ Color/ 2008 This documentary “Hope against Hopeless” deals with the causes that provoke the refugee ‘waves and the trespass of Human Rights. It aims to shed light at the illegal movement of economical immigrants and refugees from Syria into Turkey and later on into Cyprus. Shocking images of immigrants at the borders of Syria and Iraq oscillate between hope and hopelessness. The political position of Turkey, the position of the International Amnesty and the never ending struggle of people thriving for a better quality of life are some of the major issues touched by this documentary. Awards: 2nd prize Union of Cyprus Journalists. Jewish Studies: IDSQPC001 - €200 Sho Qostak (What’s your Story) Part I Directed By Pauline Carbonnier and Jamal Khalaile HISTORY|CULTURE|ANTHROPOLOGY | PHILOSOPHY | HUMANITIES|SOCIETY Hebrew-Arabic with English, French and Arabic subtitles/ 55 min/ Color/ 2012 Jamal, a Palestinian citizen of Israel, meets five young Israelis with different ideological perspectives. Through conversations about different topics, they define their identity and express how they see themselves, and how everyone finds the logic of their own narrative. Furthermore, they explore their identities at a level deeper than the simplistic image of the Israeli as an executioner, and attempt to find the person within the political persona. From this point their discussion moves to ways of creating space for the "other" to exist -without delegitimizing their own existence. Eventually, the focus shifts once more and rests on the ultimate question: How can we imagine/ picture a different Israel? From this point onward the focus begins to shift more heavily towards the issue of fear, living in fear and feeling trapped in it. As a result of the human instinct to survive and live well the need to resolve these fears arises - not so much because of a shift in political views. The question of the hour becomes one of allowing a place for "the other" without giving up your own existence. LGBT Studies: CDSDK001 -€160 Shushu Directed by: Diomedes Koufteros GENDER ISSUES| SEXUALITY| LGBT Turkish, English with English, Greek, Portuguese subtitles/ 14 min/ Color/ 2007 “I like being a woman. Because I get more sexy.” At nights Ozkan changes. With wigs and glitter he turns into Shushu, the renowned belly-dancing drag queen of Kyrenia. Ozkan also happens to be gay and living openly without hiding his sexuality. The only one who appears not to know this is his mother, with whom he lives. Based on interviews and performances, the documentary only scratches the surface of sexuality and gender issues in Cyprus. Filmed by a Greek Cypriot and featuring a Turkish Cypriot, it also raises wider questions of identity in a war-torn country. Awards: Best Film, Shooting Reality Film Festival, UNDP – ACT. Nicosia Media, Art & Culture: The Heir of Liszt Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 SDTNH001 - € 200 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Directed by: Natalie J. Halla SOCIETY │ HUMAN RIGHTS│HISTORY German/Spanish/Russian with English subtitles/ 60 min/ Color/ 2014 How does musical genius come about? The documentary THE HEIR OF LISZT tells about the unusual life of the 11-year-old piano genius and composer Michael Andreas Häringer and sheds light on some of the lesser known aspects of the biographies of his famous ancestors, Franz Liszt and Sophie Menter. CDFWPC001 - €200 The Fire within Directed by: Petros Charalambous ART & BIOGRAPHY Greek with English subtitles/ 46 min/ Color/ 2011 The documentary begins with the fire that signals a new beginning for the well-known Cypriot painter Andreas Charalambous. The painter’s workshop was a really priceless cultural treasure, with paintings of unique value, theatrical machetes, and hand scripts, infrequent collection of books, precious stones and photographs. Through his interviews and through the eyes of the persons who experienced the destruction and were close to him, we get to know the person and artist Andreas Charalambous. The documentary includes shots from his workshop before the fire, shots from a retrospective exhibition of 35 years of work, slides from paintings, unedited material of fire from the television stations with interviews, photographs of the burnt workshop and more. Andreas Charalambous has dedicated himself to the art of Cyprus but also to the cultural and political happenings of our country. This film is a small token of what we can offer as an indication of our appreciation to the artist and what he represents. CDCNISN001 - €160 Cementography Directed by: Nicolas Iordanou and Sylvia Nicolaides ARTS| CULTURE Greek with English subtitles/ 28 min/ Color/ 2012 Cementography* is a documentary about an art form that carries a Cypriot identity. From the sketched idea onto paper, to the making of the mould, to the celebration of a finished piece, this documentary follows for over a year Costas Economou’s making of his latest works using cementography. Introduced for the first time by the Cypriot artist Christoforos Savva and continued by Costas Economou, this technique transformed its decorative elements into an exciting form of art. * cementography is a term created by Costas Economou to describe this art form. Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com The Masters of the Vase EDTMK002 - €160 Directed by: Mohamed Kenawi ART| ANTHROPOLOGY | CULTURE Arabic with English subtitles/ 21 min/ Color/ 2013 We are in Upper Egypt. In the crafting of the vases the same traditions and techniques have been used forever. Nothing has changed for thousands of years. Man as craftsman is the protagonist; his effort and commitment passed down through centuries breathes life into the clay. Middle East & Arab Studies: Fragments of a lost Palestine PDFNM001 - €200 Directed by: Norma Marcos MIDDLE EAST STUDIES|HUMAN RIGHTS Arabic/English/French with English & French subtitles/ 74 min/ Color/ 2012 Palestinian filmmaker Norma Marcos has a French passport, yet finds herself a citizen of nowhere. Denied entry to Palestine by the Israel authorities, she is unable to visit her ailing mother, and spends much of her time on the phone being given the runaround by civil servants. When she is finally allowed home to visit, she is keen to show her friend Stefan how people try to live normal lives outside of the occupation and that there is a vibrant side of Palestine that exists outside of grim reports of violence and war. Marcos demonstrates that despite the inescapably tense political environment, life goes on. Waiting for Ben Gourion PDWNM002 - €160 Directed by: Norma Marcos MIDDLE EAST STUDIES|HUMAN RIGHTS Arabic/English/French with English & French subtitles / 73 min/ Color/ 1999 Critic, filmmaker and journalist Norma Marcos was born in Palestine and, though she currently lives in Paris, frequently returns to work in Palestine and its territories. During work on one particular project, Marcos has travelled to Palestine to begin production when she was detained by Israel authorities and jailed in Bethlehem. Never one to let a storytelling opportunity escape her, Marcos used a mini-DV camera to capture her experience during the seven weeks she spent in Bethlehem not being able to leave the town waiting for her case to be sorted out as the Israelis refused to let her leave through Ben Gourion airport. Marcos worked the footage, including interviewing with an occasional visitor, her seven-year-old niece Yara, into a short documentary called En Attendant Ben Gurion (Waiting For Ben Gurion). The film blends Marco’s own review of Bethlehem during her detainment with a child’s perspective on life in the Middle East. Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Multicultural Studies: Separated SDSNH004 - €200 Directed By Natalie J. Halla SOCIETY|HUMAN RIGHTS |HISTORY Arabic/Slovak/Spanish with English subtitles / 60 min/ Color/ 2012 In Slovakia, behind walls built to separate the Romani ethnicity from the “white” population, babies are born in precarious conditions. In Palestine, a civilian population’s life passes in the shadow of a concrete wall eleven meters high. Beyond that wall, family, land, and jobs are left behind. In Western Sahara, in an attempt to create a safe zone, young women risk their lives removing landmines from the 3,000-kilometer strip of sand wall that separates them from their land and families. SEPARATED, through the voices of its protagonists, speaks of three peoples’ struggle to survive. Their common destiny unites them: exclusion and oblivion. Awards: Belize International Film Festival Special Mention of the Jury Best Documentary, Festivals Cinematografico Internacional de Uruguay Special Mention of the Jury Best Film on Human Rights. Religion, Theology & Ethics: Murid CDMYS001 - €200 Directed by: Yeliz Shukri RELIGION|CULTURAL DIVERSITY|SOCIETY English/ 52 min/ Color/ 2010 As a teenager, Chris abruptly abandoned his dream of becoming a fighter pilot of the US Navy to join a colorful yet reclusive Sufi sect led by the mysterious Turkish-Cypriot Sheikh Nazim. He then harbors a new dream of becoming an Islamic scholar. But the Sheikh has other, maybe grander, plans for him. A decade and half later, Chris, now known as Alauddin, lives in Germany, happily married to Fatima, the wife the Sheikh advised him to marry when he was 17, and working as a cook in the Sheikh’s restaurant. But despite his apparently problem-free lifestyle, Alauddin has begun to question whether the destiny alluded to by the Sheikh will ever materialize. He travels to Cyprus, the Shiekh’s home and spiritual headquarters, to find out. Science & Philosophy: Entelechy CDESP003 - €200 Directed by: Stavros Papageorghiou ARCHAEO-ASTRONOMY| ANTHROPOLOGY| ARCHAELOGY| ASTRONOMY Greek with English subtitles/ 60 min/ Color/ 2010 In 1992 Stavros Papageorghiou documented on camera Goris Gregoriades' research about the alignment of three ancient temples in Cyprus with the sun at the solstices. Twenty years later the two men take a journey into the past seeking out the truth behind the universal phenomenon of ancient temples aligning with celestial bodies. During his initiation trip into religion and philosophy, Stavros records how these three temples are linked through geodesy with the Delphi oracle and the Parthenon in Greece, the Aphrodite temple in Aphrodisias,Turkey as well as with the Great Pyramid in Egypt through the projection of the Orion constellation. Adventure of the Soul Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 CSFASP001 - €160 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Directed by: Stavros Papageorghiou PHILOSOPHY| GREEK CLASSICAL STUDIES| MYTHOLOGY| PSYCHOLOGY Without Narration/ 11 min/ Color/ 2012 “Adventure of the Soul‟ has its roots in the well-known Allegory of the Cave in which, the Greek philosopher Plato describes how a prisoner freed from the cave of ignorance comes to understand that the shadows projected on the wall have nothing to do with reality. Enlightened, he has to persuade the other prisoners in the underground cave about what reality is. Even though this particular myth is written twenty-four centuries ago, the strong and intense messages it conveys affiliate with our present. The most astounding part is the direct relationship of the myth and its messages with the power of cinema and television and the influence they have on modern society. Immortals: At the Southern point of Europe GDIYM001 – € 200 Directed by: Yiorgos Moustakis PHILOSOPHY│ RELIGION │ HISTORY │ BIOGRAPHY Greek/Russian with English subtitles/ 75 min/ Color/ 2012 In the Aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster and the "death" of the Soviet Union, a team of Russian scientists seeks "immortality" on a tiny Greek island and in the philosophy of Pythagoras. Along with a survivor of the disaster, the nuclear physicist Andrei, as their leader, they create a commune on the island and establish there an esoteric school. The film presents the development of their ideas and their adventurous relation with the local community, as it is now Greece's turn to sink inside its own big crisis. A quest for certainties in an era of total uncertainty. Gaelle Social Sciences: SDGNH003 - €200 Directed by: Natalie J. Halla SOCIAL|HUMAN INTEREST|HISTORY Spanish with English subtitles/ 65 min/ Color/ 2011 A magnitude 7 earthquake shook Haiti on January 12, 2010, reducing the poorest country in America to rubble. The earthquake took place close to the centre of Port-Au-Prince and cost the life of over 316.000 people, being considered one of the worst humanitarian catastrophes in history. Immediately rescue teams from all over the world came to the island to search for the citizens trapped below the rubble in a fight against the clock. A team of Spanish firefighters, accompanied by the rescue dog “Turco” answered the international call for help and became the protagonists of one of the most media rescue: two years old Redjeson, was found alife 48 hours after the earthquake, becoming a symbol of hope. But their mission in Haiti changed their life forever… One year after the tragedy, when the world seems to have forgotten about the little island, three Spanish firefighters decide to return to search for Redjeson and try to get their wounds to heal. Awards: Best Content Award, Cebu Int. Film Festival Philippines. Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Urban Studies & Environment: In search of the Mouflon in Paphos Forest CDPMLC002 - €160 Directed By Loukas Christophorou WILDLIFE Greek with English subtitles/ 43 min/ Color/ 2004 Follow us into the vast forest areas of Troodos and Paphos while exploring the wildlife and the shelter of the beautiful and impressive mouflons. The mouflon is known to be a unique subspecies of sheepgoat worldwide and the largest native ground (χερσαίο) mammal that characterizes Cyprus fauna. It was considered an endangered species and thus it is included in the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) red list since 1978. However, since 1990 it is considered as Vulnerable species and under protection by the CITES, the international treaty for the protection of rare species. In this documentary, we explore mouflon’s ecology, their biology, nutrition, social space, safety and preservation. Gyps Fulvus (Griffon Vulture) CDGVLC003 - €160 Directed by: Loukas Christophorou WILDLIFE English/ 30 min/ Color/ 2003 In Greek mythology Gyps Fulvus (Griffon Vulture) are the servants of the Gods, carrying out the souls of the dead in the endless universe. It is easy to see why the Ancient Greeks linked these huge birds to death since they are indeed the undertakers of countryside, feeding on dead bodies. Despite their habits they have a majestic beauty. Historical records suggest that the Griffon Vulture, a largest native bird, was once abundant on the island of Cyprus and could be found on all areas. However, more recently, the combination of food shortage and poisoned baits have marked a decrease in in their numbers. Thankfully, a small colony of Griffon Vulture numbering only about 15 birds survives on the high cliffs of Episkopi Bay, within the British Base area. The environment department’s work ensures that here at least the birds are safe. At the Nest of Bonelli’s Eagle CDBELC001 - €160 Directed by: Loukas Christophorou WILDLIFE| ANIMAL BEHAVIOR English/ 38 min/ Color/ 2006 Bonelli’s Eagle is the only eagle which nests, albeit in small numbers, in the mountainous regions of Cyprus. A symbol of great power and an imposing presence, it is the absolute master of Cyprus‟ skies. Bonelli’s Eagle is one of the rarest but most significant birds of the Cyprus avifauna; unfamiliar to many, it lives and reproduces far from human eyes in remote and secluded regions. It is for this reason that Bonelli’s Eagle requires protection by the state, being a species which is in real danger of disappearing from the beautiful island of Cyprus. In this documentary we follow several stages of the life of an eagle in the boundless Cyprus forests. Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Women’s Studies & Men’s Studies: Drug mothers (Madres De La Droga) SDDNH002 - € 200 Directed by: Natalie J. Halla SOCIETY│ HUMAN INTEREST Spanish with English subtitles/ 60 min/ Color/ 2010 They reach great lengths to support their families. They carry their babies on their backs while they pick coke leaves and step on the lethal mass barefoot, to then extract the cocaine base paste. By trying to avoid prostitution, others search within drugs micro-commerce for work. And some try to change their destiny by taking the white poison from South America to the countries of highest consumption. They don’t feel guilty about the damage they are causing. They ignore the fact that they form part of a game where there are very little winners and where many lose everything. Our moral standards don’t apply to them. With the crime they’re committing they want to buy a better future for their children and many times suffer the consequences alone, forgotten by their surroundings and partners. They are drug mothers. The Threshold of the Desert MDTRA001 -€ 200 Directed by: Ramon Vila Alberich SOCIAL│ HUMAN INTEREST | HISTORY French/English with English, French, Spanish subtitles/ 18 min/ 2012 Aziz Najat is part of the very limited 15% of women who are economically active population in rural areas of Morocco. She has crossed the threshold of her house, has gone out to work to generate resources and streamline her environment. Her daily struggle for autonomy is an act of selfempowerment within a traditional Islamic Society that predominantly confines women roles and activities to the domestic sphere. Najat and other women are facing with dignity, effort and the collaboration of several international organizations, their difficult social and geographical environment, defying with new proposals the desert and some of their traditions. Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Shashat Organization Supporting Women Filmmakers from Palestine It looks pretty…but! SHA-ID007 - €100 Directed by: Rana Mattar Environment│Gaza│Siege│The Occupation│Laws│Political Palestine│6 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2013 The film explores the secret of this magically beautiful image and its distorted and polluted details. Gaza’s sea is the unsafe sanctuary and the only outlet and meeting place for Gazans. It holds the story and history of Gazans…of departures, borders, agreements, and occupation. The sea is the source of livelihood, love, happiness, joy and hope, but in spite of all that the sea gives, we have made it a dump for garbage and sewage and our polluted thoughts, and so the sea is besieged by all these details. “My Children… My Love” SHA-MD006 - €100 Directed by: Fadya SalahAl-Deen Physically Challenged│Women’s Rights│Youth│Laws│Social Values│Social Palestine│8 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2013 Rudaina Abu Jarad is the mother of four children (two girls and two boys). She faced strong objection from her family and community when she decided to have a child, claiming that she doesn’t have the right to become pregnant because of her condition. She affirmed her right to become a mother, in spite of fear, worry and internal doubts throughout her pregnancy, as she awaited the new born baby. TRAILER Hush! SHA-HSF002 - €100 Directed by: Zeina Ramadan Women’s Rights│Social Values│Marriage│Education│Young Women│Social Palestine│8 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2013 Lamia is a girl facing social pressures to be a "perfect girl," which translates into marriage, children, and silence…as if there are no other options for a girl. Anything other than that will lead to scandal and dishonor. The constant criticism of everything she does added to the constant scrutiny in a male dominant society makes things even worse for a girl whose only wish is to have a small quiet room of her own where hope exists. TRAILER Countryside in Black SHA-CD005 - €100 Directed by: Fida’ Nasr Employment│Environment│West Bank│The Occupation│Youth│Political Palestine│7 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2013 In the countryside of Dura-Hebron, scrap is burnt in order to extract the metal. The smoke produced by the burning covers the countryside and results in environmental pollution. This pollution spreads like the illnesses it causes to the inhabitants in the absence of any action by the authorities. Abdullah and Jalal and others like them spread the black smoke in order to make a living. TRAILER Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com This is the Law! SHA-TD011 - €100 Directed by: Fadya Salah Al-Deen Laws│Women’s Rights│Social Values│Males│Employment│Social Palestine│17 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2012 An outdated law…A law that is older than us…An unjust law which is adverse to women…A law that must be revised in order to address the needs of contemporary life…This is how many Palestinian women perceive Personal Status Law. Kholoud Al-Faqeeh is the first woman judge in Palestinian religious courts. TRAILER If they Take it! SHA-ID012 - €100 Directed by: Liali Kilani The Occupation│West Bank│Women’s Rights│Environment│Violence│Political Palestine│14 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2012 There are different forms of resistance. For Um Ayman, resistance is to stay in her home and take care of it. This woman and her family’s life has been turned into a hell, full of fear and terror, as settlers have ferociously attacked her land, home and orchards. Her overwhelming concern is to protect her home, “If they take my house they would take the whole mountain because it is the last house remaining on the mountain.” TRAILER Cut! SHA-CD013 - €100 Directed by: Athar Al-Jadili Gaza│Siege│environment│The Occupation│Laws│Political Palestine│6 min│ language/subs │2012 Electricity - Gaza’s much awaited visitor. When it is 10 p.m. the neighborhood splits into two one is ready to welcome this visitor after an eight-hour absence, and the other is rushing against time to bid adieu to it. It is a visitor never forgotten as it affects all aspects of life impacting people emotionally that yearn for its rays of light. TRAILER Noise! SHA-ND014 - €100 Directed by: Alaa Desoki Gaza│Siege│Environment│The Occupation│Laws│Political Palestine│7 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2012 Sound is a blessing as we hear what surrounds us –birds chirping, leaves rustling, waves dancing…but we in Gaza wake-up to generators, funerals, ambulances, shelling, merchants…Noise is the legitimate negative offspring of our situation which makes people violent and aggressive, unable to communicate with each other resulting in our alienation from one another. TRAILER SHA-SD015 - €100 Separation Directed by: Areej Abu Eid Divorce│Violence│Women’s Rights│Laws│Marriage│Social Palestine│9 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2012 The two partners in a marriage are responsible for its success or failure. Differences and lack of prior knowledge of each other may lead to divorce and physical and emotional violence against women by the man or his family. A woman may wonder how to live after divorce. “Amal” shares with us her life struggle and the impact of her divorce on herself and her children. TRAILER Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Little Feet SHA-LD016 - €100 Directed by: Enass Ayish Physically Challenged│Marriage│Social Values│Gaza│Employment│Social Palestine│9 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2012 “Alaa” dreams of the same normal life as everyone else. Although people mock him for his short stature because he is a ‘midget’ his happiness springs from painting smiles on children’s faces. His wife doesn’t understand people’s curiosity about her marriage to him. TRAILER Black and White SHA-BD017 - €100 Directed by: Rana Mattar Women’s Rights│Social Values│Gaza│Laws│Young Women│Political Palestine│9 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2012 A search in memory – photographs and personalities, elegance and grace, competitions and championships, trophies and awards. Some women in Gaza have given up on being women athletes, others see themselves as a continuation of the will to overcome hardships and continue their race towards their goal in spite of the stop sirens of society which threaten their journey. TRAILER Out of Frame SHA-OD018 - €100 Directed by: Reham Al-Ghazali Women’s Rights│Young Women│Gaza│Siege│The Occupation│Social Palestine│12 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2012 Ibaa and Rihaf are two Gazan young women who grew-up dreaming of a society in which they can be part of its hopes and aspirations. But the two of them clash head-on with a reality harder and crueler than they had imagined and end up feeling ‘outside the frame. TRAILER The Fig & the Olive SHA-FD020 - €100 Directed by: Georgina Asfour Women’s Rights│The Occupation│Jerusalem│Violence│Laws│Political Palestine│ min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2011 When we hear the stories of our grandparents, the topics get mixed together - imagination, reality, love, politics, struggle and dreams. Sometimes reality is more incredulous than the imagination, and the dream becomes a way to survive. The Fig and the Olive is the story of a woman and a house in Jerusalem. TRAILER Acrid & Honey SHA-AD021 - €100 Directed by: Lana Hijazi Marriage│Women’s Rights│Youth│Gaza│Social Values│Social Palestine│9 min│ language/subs │2011 Two women – Nisreen, the mother of quintuplets, who faces daily the hassles and burdens of motherhood, and the second is Maissoun who is awaiting her first child. The film captures the happy and sad moments of motherhood. TRAILER Madleen SHA-MD023 - €100 Directed by: Reham Al-Ghazali Young Women│Employment│Gaza│Siege│The Occupation│Political Palestine│6 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2011 Madleen Klab, is the first girl fisher-woman in Gaza, with a special relationship to the sea. Difficult conditions forced her to go to sea in order to support her family. Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Portrait SHA-PD024 - €100 Directed by: Rana Mattar Young Women│Gaza│Siege│Women’s Rights│Art│Social Palestine│6 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2011 Rasha Abu Zayed is a Palestinian Gazan woman artist, and the film explores her relationship with her paintings and with color as well as her relationship with the architecture of the “Old City” of Gaza. .com SHA-CD025 - €100 Directed by: Fatema Bani Odeh Young Women│Gaza│The Occupation│Education│Social Values│Political Palestine│7 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2011 “We were fighting the occupation and now we are fighting each other. Fear of the occupation was implanted inside us, and then we began to fear one another...youth got fedup and wanted to escape their reality Sardine & Pepper SHA-SD026 - €100 Directed by: Athar Al-Jadili Young Women│Gaza│Siege│The Occupation│Jerusalem│Political Palestine│6 min│Arabici with English Subtitles│2011 The film explores Gaza’s relationship with sardines and pepper, and how this relation intertwines with and expresses how it feels to live in Gaza. Step & a Half SHA-SD027 - €100 Directed by: Enass Ayish Young Women│Gaza│Siege│The Occupation│Education│Political Palestine│6 min│ language/subs │2011 On a day trip to discover the city of Khan Younis, Enass tries to break psychological barriers… those imposed by the military occupation and the restrictions of Gaza society. Kamkameh SHA-KD028 - €100 Directed by: Eslam Elayan & Areej Abu Eid Siege│Gaza│The Occupation│Social Values│Violence│Political Palestine│6 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2011 The culture of Gaza became a culture of hiding both personally and socially….masks and sticks, the darkness of day, above the sky and under the ground. Rush SHA-RD040 - €100 Directed by: Raghda Itma Young Women│Employment│Education│West Bank│Women’s Rights│Social Palestine│3 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2010 “My life is rush, rush all the time, from home to university to work as a radio news announcer, to my next work as a videographer, for summer is wedding season. This all happens in one day without me remembering to relax and enjoy the summer like other girls my age.” Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Nileeni ya Sabr SHA-ND042 - €100 Directed by: Salam Kanaan Young Women│Employment│West Bank│Education│Environment│Social Palestine│5 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2010 Salam is a journalism student. Her graduation project is a video feature story about the delicious cactus (sabr) fruit for which Nileen is famous. Salam doesn’t anticipate the problems she will run into while filming the picking and cleaning of the cactus fruit. The Groom’s Mother SHA-GD044 - €100 Directed by: Raya Orouq Marriage│West Bank│Employment│Environment│Social Values│Social Palestine│5 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2010 Um Adnan is the groom’s mother; she works in the field in the mornings and evenings, and at the same time prepares for her son’s wedding by making yogurt and ‘henna’ for the women’s party at night. Summer, with its abundant income, is the wedding season for farmers. The Decision SHA-DD045 - €100 Directed by: Liali Kilani, Anna Persson, Dara Khader & Ina Holmqvist Young Women│Education│West Bank│Women’s Rights│Social Values│Social Palestine│13 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2010 “I want my dream to come true, I want to start a new life. I have been waiting for this chance for a long time and now, it has almost come true. But what about my family, friends, my grandmother, and the people around!! It’s a hard decision!” A Dance in the Shadow SHA-DD046 - €100 Directed by: Amani Sarahna & Ahang Bashi Physically Challenged│West Bank│Art│Women’s Rights│Laws│Social Palestine│6 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2010 Amani suffers from a disease, but she has her own way of healing from within. This is a poetic film about finding light in the darkness The Sister and her Brother SHA-SD010 - €100 Directed by: Omaima Hamouri & Michael Krotkiewski Love│Women’s Rights│Young Women│Jerusalem│Social Values│Social Palestine│8 min│ language/subs │2010 In Jerusalem, the close-knit Hamouri family shares an intimate family discussion as 22 year old Omaima attempts to discuss with her brother difficult subjects. The whole family becomes engaged. Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Remains SHA-RD047 - €100 Directed by: Omaima Hamouri, Anna Persson, Ina Holmqvist, Michael Krotkiewsk & Liali Kilani Employment│The Occupation│Violence│Males│West Bank│Political Palestine│4 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2010 The Asakirah brothers tell of how their life-long dream turned into a garbage dump after six years of unemployment is a heart wrenching testimony of the tremendous suffering of the Palestinian people during the Intifada. Golden Pomegranate Seeds SHA-GD008 - €100 Directed by: Ghada Terawi Sexual Abuse│Sexual Harassment│Women’s Rights│Laws│Art│Social Palestine│14 min│ Arabic with English Subtitles │2009 “Golden Pomegranate Seeds” is a Palestinian fairy tale about a girl who faced hardships in life. She bore her hardships patiently and silently for years, and was rewarded for her patience and lived happily ever after. Real women in Palestine who lived in fear and suffering and then broke their silence, how will their stories end? TRAILER Far From Loneliness SHA-FD048 - €100 Directed by: Sawsan Qaoud Women’s Rights│Employment│The Occupation│West Bank│Jerusalem│Political Palestine│15 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2009 The hard life of three farming women – Khadra, Na`ima and Sa`diyyah – a life joined by the common fate of working hard on the land, their companion and confidant, where they bury their oppression and loneliness in the exhaustion and fatigue they endure in order to make a living from it. Samia SHA-SD049 - €100 Directed by: Mahasen Nasser-Eldin The Occupation│Jerusalem│Women’s Rights│Violence│Marriage│Political Palestine│15 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2009 Samia, 71, is still feisty, active and committed. She takes us on a journey in Jerusalem and Jericho as she travels the path of a life marked by her struggle for the right of girls to education and the right of Palestinians to live in Jerusalem. Samia has lived through wars, Intifadas and times of unrest and has negotiated power with members of her society and with the Israeli occupation. Yet, she has a place in her heart for the tender memories of love. First Love SHA-FD050 - €100 Directed by: Dima Abu Ghosh Young Women│Marriage│Women’s Rights│Social Values│West Bank│Social Palestine│13 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2009 “Trust is very important. Parents, who trust, advise and communicate with their children, help them to avoid making mistakes. But parents who are strict and think everything is forbidden and taboo don’t help their children to level with them. Girls will hide things and make mistakes, and ask their teenage peers, who may lead them astray. Parents who are open help and communicate with their children help them to avoid mistakes. Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com We Live in a Caravan SHA-LD052 - €100 Directed by: Zainab Al-Tibi Youth│Jerusalem│The Occupation│Violence│Laws│Political Palestine│7 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2009 Through the eyes of a young girl, we see the everyday life of a Palestinian Jerusalemite family who lives now in a caravan, as a result of the confiscation of their home by the Israeli Authorities due to lack of a building permit. Jerusalem in Colors SHA-JD055 - €100 Directed by: Najah Musallam Jerusalem│West Bank│Art│The Occupation│Siege│Political Palestine│8 min│ language/subs │2009 Nabil Anani is a Palestinian artist who is allowed to enter Jerusalem because of his older age, but he refuses to visit the city while it is occupied. So, he brings Jerusalem to him through a painting full of his old memories of the city. TRAILER On The Ground SHA-OD057 - €100 Directed by: Omaima Hamouri Jesrusalem│The Occuaption│Violence│Young Women│Siege│Political Palestine│3 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2009 Through a personal voice-over, Omaima tells of Israel's major plan to Judaize Jerusalem expressing an overwhelmingly painful reality - from the Apartheid Wall, to the railway connecting Israeli settlements with Jerusalem, and the demolition of Palestinians homes. TRAILER Jerusalem…A Dream not yet Realized SHA-JD058 - €100 Directed by: Salam Kanaan Young Women│Jerusalem│The Occupation│Violence│Siege│Political Palestine│3 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2009 Salam Kanaan is an 18-year-old Palestinian girl who has dreamed her whole life of going to Jerusalem. She has repeatedly attempted to enter the city, but has been unsuccessful. Now, hours, days, and years have passed without her seeing Jerusalem. For Salam, Jerusalem is a dream not yet realized… TRAILER Bread SHA-BD059 - €100 Directed by: Raghda Itma Employment│West Bank│Social Palestine│3 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2009 At dawn bakers throughout Palestine prepare to bake the daily bread. TRAILER From my Goats SHA-FD060 - €100 Directed by: Dara Khader Employment│West Bank│Environment│Social Palestine│3 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2009 The film is about milking the goats, then selling the milk to make a living. TRAILER Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Jerusalem Wakes-up SHA-JD061 - €100 Directed by: Omaima Hamouri Jerusalem│The Occupation│Siege│Political Palestine│3 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2009 When the stores of Jerusalem open, when its alleys are crowded with people, when its colors change to yellow, green, blue and all the colors you can imagine…This is when Jerusalem wakes-up. Hisbet Baladna SHA-HD062 - €100 Directed by: Najah Musallam Employment│West Bank│Environment│Social Palestine│3 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2009 Vegetable and fruit sellers compete for the prey, the hungry buyer. Hebron and Clay SHA-HD063 - €100 Directed by: Amani Sarahna Employment│West Bank│Environment│Social Palestine│4 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2009 Every morning, Hebron wakes up to make for itself a new color of clay. Sweet Carob SHA-SD064 - €100 Directed by: Liali Kilani Employment│West Bank│Environment│Social Palestine│4 min│Arabic With English Subtitles│2009 It is hard to imagine the market of Nablus without the call for “Sweet Carob”. TRAILER Ni’lin in my Heart SHA-ND065 - €100 Directed by: Salam Kanaan The Occupation│Violence│West Bank│Siege│Males│Political Palestine│8 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2009 This is the life of Ni’lin’s villagers every Friday after the building the Separation Wall…Resistance, steadfastness, and holding on to the land. Palestine’s Heritage SHA-PD066 - €100 Directed by: Zainab Al-Tibi Employment│Social Palestine│3 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2009 Heritage has given Palestine its character and identity. This is what we see in a store in Ramallah. Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Making of… SHA-MD072 - €100 Directed by: Betty Schiel Mohammad Samy Alwan Young Women│Women’s Rights│Social Values│West Bank│Males│Social Palestine│6 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2008 The film contains behind-the-scenes footage of the production of At the Mall capturing many a difficult moment as well as the fun and joy of the Making of. Short Fiction: N.G/Kooz SHA-NSF004 - €100 Directed by: Reham Al-Ghazali Employment│Males│Gaza│Siege│Youth│Political Palestine│6 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2013 Hamza is like many other youth of his age; he graduated from university and began his long journey searching for a full-time job, which can provide him with a decent living. After 5 years of looking he could only find work in the NGO sector which exploit youth in short-term 2-month contracts at low pay. This entire struggle created in Hamza a strange relationship with paper his resume and university degree – the sources of his disappointment. TRAILER Engagement Ring SHA-ESF009 - €100 Directed by: Taghreed Al-Azza Marriage│Divorce│Young Women│Social Values│Males│Social Palestine│13 min│ Arabic with English Subtitles │2012 A drama exploring the period of engagement which precedes marriage - a most critical period for both genders, as it offers them the opportunity to know and discover each other while they ready themselves for the life-long journey ahead. Due to a complicated social culture legal betrothal also takes place at that time. The fear of being considered a divorcee, if the girl breaks the engagement, becomes a major obstacle. TRAILER White Dress SHA-WSF001 - €100 Directed by: Omaima Hamouri Early Marriage│Arranged Marriage│Youth │Love│Social Values│Social Palestine│9 min│Arabic with English subtitles │2012 When love becomes conditional...As a result of indirect pressure from everyone around her, Rand, a twelve-year old girl, finds herself trying to figure out how to receive love. Rand reaches the conclusion that her father and everyone else around her prefer and love only married women…so she decides that at such a young age she wants to become a married woman. TRAILER Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com 5 Cups & A Cup SHA-5SF019 - €100 Directed by: Laila Abbas Laws│Women’s Rights│West Bank│Marriage│Divorce│Social Palestine│10 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2011 In an atmosphere filled with coffee, tension and snide remarks, a group of Palestinian feminists expose their personal and professional agendas regarding changing Palestinian Personal Status Laws. What will be left on their agenda to discuss with the Palestinian President that same day? TRAILER It’s a Tough Life! SHA-TSF022 - €100 Directed by: Dara Khader Young Women│Employment│Women’s Rights│West Bank│Education│Social Palestine│10 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2011 Some values are so ingrained that it is difficult to discuss or question them. Two girls, in their early-twenties, are faced with the irony of life as they race against time in order to earn what seems like a small amount of money, but which is sufficient to solve a temporary problem. But inevitably they run head-on into these gender values. TRAILER Restriction SHA-RSF030 - €100 Directed by: Taghreed Al-Azza Youth│Women’s Rights│Art│Education│West Bank│Social Palestine│6 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2011 A thirteen year-old girl dreams of becoming a ballet dancer, but she faces difficulties which prevent her from achieving her dream. Fruity Dreams SHA-FSF029 - €100 Directed by: Laila Abbas Youth│The Occupation│West Bank│Marriage│Males│Political Palestine│5 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2011 A Palestinian family is shopping at a super market; the little girl chooses an Israeli ice cream. A small ordinary discussion over the Israeli product ends up as a larger political, yet amusing, dispute with more shoppers involved. Forgotten Flowers SHA-FSF031 - €100 Directed by: Raya Orouq Early Marriage│Young Women│Women’s Rights│Education│Social Values│Social Palestine│5 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2011 Some teenagers think marriage means the wedding gown, flowers, gold ring, and forget or try to forget the responsibility which comes with becoming a woman. A Date SHA-DSF032 - €100 Directed by: Omaima Hamouri Young Women│Marriage│Divorce│West Bank│Social Values│Social Palestine│5 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2011 Imagination is imagination and reality is reality, but that’s not what Reem thinks who takes us on a journey in her fertile imagination. Sometimes she is classically romantic with her boyfriend Sameer, and other times her mood is reversed. Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Birth SHA-BSF034 - €100 Directed by: Dima Abu Ghosh Youth│Marriage│West Bank│The Occupation│Art│Social Palestine│ 9 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2011 In a Palestinian village in the seventies, lives Farah a 7-year old with her mother, Sara. The father is absent. Farah has to overcome her fear of the darkness, in order to go out at night to get help for her mother who is about to give birth. Echo of Silence SHA-ESF033 - €100 Directed by: Wafa Nassar Sexual Abuse│Sexual Harassment│Violence│Young Women│Laws│Social Palestine│7 min│Arabic│2011 A boy lives in a violent domestic environment... He sees, hears and is affected by all this...Then he is forced to confront his reality. The First was the Last SHA-FSF035 - €100 Directed by: Salam Kanaan Young Women│Marriage│West Bank│Social Values│Males│Social Palestine │4 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2011 Rami and Nour fall in love on the Messenger before they meet…will their love end up in failure? Just Forbidden SHA-JSF036 - €100 Directed by: Fadya Salah Al-Deen Young Women│Social Values│West Bank│Women’s Rights│Education│Social Palestine│5 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2011 A 12 year-old girl`s transition from childhood to adolescence, which results in conflict with her parents during this dramatic change in her life and even appearance. On Air SHA-0SF037 - €100 Directed by: Ghada Terawi The Occupation│West Bank│Jerusalem│Violence│Siege│Political Palestine│6 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2011 What could it be like if suddenly the Palestinian-Israeli conflict ends, what if we get a democratic, barriers-free state, where all are equal, simply a country (Palestine-Israel) of its inhabitants. In this film we see events in a past that did not happen yet. A Shekel a Ride SHA-SSF038 - €100 Directed by: Ammera Rjoub Employment│West Bank│Environment│Social Values│Laws│Social Palestine│5 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2010 The conflict between the past and the present still exists and we constantly hear about “the good old days.” But when traditional ways that have been used in the past are resorted to, we are attacked and become a subject of amusement, although these ways were perfectly functional and effective in the past. Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Girls And The Sea SHA-GSF039 - €100 Directed by: Taghreed Al-Azza Young Women│The Occupation│Social Values│West Bank│Women’s Rights│Political Palestine│7 min│ Arabic with English Subtitles │2010 Three young Palestinian girls want to go to the beach after one of them wins a prize to stay at a hotel by the sea. They plan their trip with great enthusiasm. But they have to overcome their parents and the occupation before they can manage to make their dream come true. Shadow SHA-SSF041 - €100 Directed by: Fadya Salah Al-Deen Young Women│West Bank│Environment│Social Values│Art│Social Palestine│4 min│Arabic│2010 “This is an expressionist film which shows my relationship with shadow, which I try to search for and hide in on hot summer days. I appear in the film through my shadow which I try to evade today, although in my childhood I waited for it so that I could play with it.” Sea SHA-SSF043 - €100 Directed by: Wafa Nassar Physically Challenged│Young Women│Women’s Rights│Social Values│Environment │Social Palestine│5 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2010 A girl dreams of freedom from reality’s obstacles and restrictions, whether they are social, political or physical. For her the sea is the symbol of freedom. My Cousin SHA-CSF051 - €100 Directed by: Liali Kilani Young Women│Jerusalem│The Occupation│West Bank│Women’s Rights│Political Palestine│5 min│ language/subs │2009 A Palestinian girl hopes for a basic right…to visit her country’s capital, Jerusalem. The film tells of Liali, a Palestinian girl, and Tania, her American cousin who visits Palestine for the first time. Whereas Tania is able to visit Jerusalem because of her passport, Liali, who has spent her whole life in Palestine, is forbidden to enter the city. Her wish has become only a dream, but Tania won’t let her cousin just dream. TRAILER My Lucky 13 SHA-LSF053 - €100 Directed by: Dara Khader Young Women│Jerusalem│West Bank│Violence Palestine│7 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2009 At dawn, torn between emotional anxiety, danger and the challenge of reaching the heart of the homeland, Nour embarks on the long journey from her home in Jenin to Jerusalem. “Our journey to Jerusalem today, the capital of my homeland, is clandestine. How contradictory this is to Article 13 of the International Declaration of Human Rights.” TRAILER Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com My Grandmother’s Story SHA-GSF054 - €100 Directed by: Raghda Itma Youth│Jerusalem│West Bank│The Occupation│Siege│Political Palestine│6 min│ Arabic with English Subtitles │2009 Mohammed is a young boy who has never visited Jerusalem, and knows the place through his beloved grandmother. Before she passed away, she bought him a picture of Jerusalem when they were visiting the Old City of Nablus. Mohammed loves the picture, as it symbolizes his grandmother. TRAILER Jerusalem on the Messenger SHA-JSF056 - €100 Directed by: Amani Sarahna Young Women│Jerusalem│West Bank│The Occupation│Males│Political Palestine│5 min│ Arabic with English Subtitles │2009 Faisal, a young man from Hebron, chats with a Palestinian girl living in the Emirates through Messenger on the internet. He pretends he is from Jerusalem in order to hold the interest of the girl, who loves the city. The situation, however, becomes complicated when she asks Faisal for his picture in Jerusalem—a city he has long been forbidden to enter. TRAILER If you say yes or you say no SHA-ISF067 - €100 Directed by: Liali Kilani Young Women│Art│Women’s Rights│Social Values│Youth│Social Palestine│3 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2008 An old and new story. A girl who dreams of flying and being free through her dancing, escaping closed rooms and lives. She dances her inner soul in elegance, grace and beauty, wanting to be the person she wants to be. “Its message is clear to parents: be open-minded by listening and understanding their children’s need to express their abilities and talents.” TRAILER Remote Control SHA-RSF068 - €100 Directed by: Dara Khader Young Women│Education│Women’s Rights│Social Values│Males│Social Palestine│6 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2008 Remote Control is about a girl who is dominated by her boyfriend. When she receives a full scholarship to the USA to continue her education, he demands that she turn it down. After much agonizing she accepts the scholarship. TRAILER We’re all in the Same Boat SHA-WSF069 - €100 Directed by: Isra’ Diab Young women│Sexual Harassment│Males│Social Values│West Bank│Social Palestine│7 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2008 This video is how boys perceive girls, and their attempt to see in a girl’s normal every-day actions a come-on to them. “The closed society I live in and the misleading thoughts guys have about girls motivated me to make this film. Maybe we can answer the question that I constantly ask, why all of this underestimation of girls?” TRAILER Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Love on the Mobile SHA-LSF070 - €100 Directed by: Zainab Al Tibi Young Women│Social Values│Males│Education│West Bank│Social Palestine│5 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2008 Love on Mobile is the story of a girl university student who receives anonymous phone calls on her mobile from someone who courts her through music. Slowly she becomes attached to this mobile phone courtship and to the music. By chance she discovers the identity of the caller, and that he is someone she does not like. Rahaf SHA-RSF071 - €100 Directed by: Fadia Salah Al-Deen, Mohammad Samy Alwan Arranged Marriage│Social Values│West Bank│Women’s Rights│Males│Social Palestine│4 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2008 Many girls get engaged and never get married due to reasons which may be caused by their parents. Most of the time, the girl is blamed for the failed engagement and is ostracized. TRAILER At The Mall SHA-ASF073 - €100 Directed by: Liana Saleh Young Women│Women’s Rights│Social Values│West Bank│Males│Social Palestine│9 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2008 The video is about the trip a group of girls from the provinces take to “Plaza Mall” on their first evening in Ramallah. Wanting to have fun and goof off, a group of guys see them and begin to follow them, who pretend to ignore them. The girls have the last laugh. This is a group project by the “Confession” team, writing the script, acting and producing the work. TRAILER Animation: Manshar Ghaseelo SHA-MAL003 - €100 Directed by: Alaa Desoki & Areej Abu Eid Sexual Harassment│Young Women│Social Values│Gaza│Women’s Rights│Social Palestine│10 min│Arabic with English Subtitles│2013 The film recounts sarcastically part of the dictionary of verbal sexual abuse women are subjected to, as well as their visual rape regardless of how covered-up they are…harassment has nothing to do with how a woman is dressed. TRAILER Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Publications Ancient History: The World of Herodotus (CBTKVTI001) - € 48 Author: V. Karageorghis V., I. Taifacos Publisher: The A. G. Leventis Foundation ARCHAEOLOGY │ANCIENT HISTORY 2004 / 20 x 26 cm / 423p. / soft cover English/ ISBN: 9963-560-57-1 This book, edited by Dr. Vassos Karayiorgis and Dr. Ioannis Taifacos, contains the proceedings of an international conference held at the Foundation Anastasios G. Leventis in Nicosia, September 1821, 2003. The twenty five communications presented in “The World of Herodotus” book, cover a wide spectrum relating to Herodotus’ Histories and will constitute an indispensable tool for historians, philologists, archaeologists and students of the ancient world in general. Cyprus Archaeology: Kypris: The Aphrodite Of Cyprus - Ancient Sources And Archaeological Evidence CBKKJ001 - € 52 Author: J. Karageorghis Publisher: The A. G. Leventis Foundation ANCIENT HISTORY │ARCHAEOLOGY │APHRODITE 2005 / 21, 5 x 28 cm / 269p. / soft-hard copy English/ ISBN: 9963-560-67-9 This book is the result of many years of research about the origin of the cult of the Goddess of fertility in Cyprus from the Prehistoric period onwards, when the Goddess developed as Astarte-Aphrodite. The author puts forward a very interesting theory about the adoption of Aphrodite by the Achaean Greeks and her ascent to Mount Olympus at the beginning of the 12th century B.C. - The book contains numerous references to ancient Greek and Latin authors and to inscriptions and representations of the Goddess found throughout the island of Cyprus. The text (269 pages and 329 illustrations) contains also a lengthy and up to date bibliography. The author of the book collaborated over several years with the program of the Cyprus Tourist Organization “Aphrodite’s Cultural Route”, which uncovered vestiges of the cult of the Goddess in various museums and archeological sites and included visits to natural spots throughout the island, connected with the myth of Aphrodite. Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Archaeology in Cyprus 1960–1985 CBAKV002 - € 34 Author: V. Karageorghis Publisher: The A. G. Leventis Foundation CYPRUS │ HISTORY │ MEDIEVAL│ ARCHAEOLOGY 1985 / 21 x 28 cm / 311p. / XXXV plates / hardbound English/French/German / ISBN: 9963-560-00-4 This volume of archaeological studies was published to celebrate the 5Oth anniversary of the Department of Antiquities of the Republic of Cyprus in 1985. The first paper by Karageorghis, then Director of the Department, summarizes the 50th year history of the Department and its achievements. The following 20 papers by Cypriot and foreign scholars, mostly in English but with a few in French and German, are devoted to excavations at sites of all periods from the Aceramic Neolithic through the Mediaeval undertaken between 1960 and 1985. Retrospective summaries of different periods are provided by Merrillees (Stone Age and Early and Middle Bronze Age), Muhly (Late Bronze Age), Coldstream (Geometric and Archaic), Tatton-Brown (Classical to Roman) and Megaw (Early Christian and Mediaeval). The final contribution by Ieromonachou provides a summary bibliography of Cypriot archaeology for the fifty year period 1935-1985, mainly publications of the Department of Antiquities. Cyprus Culture: Cypriot Costumes in the National Historical Museum -The World of Cyprus at the Dawn of the 20th Century CBCIMLM005 - € 50 Author: I. Mazarakis-Ainian, L. Michaelidou Publisher: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation and the National Historical Museum CYPRUS HISTORY│CYPRIOT COSTUMES│ 1999 / 25 x 29 cm / 224p. / 250 color and b&w illustrations / hardbound English/ ISBN: 960-7254-82-1 The publication was prepared on the occasion of the exhibition entitled “The World of Cyprus at the Dawn of the Twentieth Century”, jointly organised by the National Historical Museum and the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation (November 1999 – January 2000). Included in the volume are texts on the political history of Cyprus in the early twentieth century, the Cypriot Exhibition of 1901, Cypriot costumes at the turn of the nineteenth century, as well as a detailed presentation of the costumes and single dress items exhibited. This unique collection was donated to the Historical and Ethnological Society of Greece by the Patriotic Association of Cypriots in Athens immediately after the “Cypriot Exhibition and Market” organised in Athens at the Zappeion Hall. Cypriot Traditional Music: Collection – Inventory – Analysis CBCST006 - €107 Author: S. Tombolis Publisher: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation CYPRUS │TRADITIONAL CYPRIOT MUSIC │ CYPRIOLOGICAL STUDIES 2002 / 24,5 x 31 cm / 788p. / hardbound English/ ISBN: 9963-42-097-4 (vol. 1), 9963-42-098-2 (vol.2) This two-volume edition presents the collective work of Sozos Tombolis, including both published works and a large amount of unpublished material recorded in Byzantine and European musical notation. The collection brings together about 300 songs and dances as well as musical examples of traditional music from the broader Hellenic regions also encountered in Cyprus. Volume 1 includes an introduction to traditional Cypriot music and its characteristic features, such as rhythm, melody and form. The 228 songs are divided into various thematic units. Volume 2 contains the dances and a short biography of the author by Clelia Tombolis-Theodoulou. Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Fauna & Flora of Cyrpus: Birds of Cyprus CBBJS002 - €20 Author: J. Stylianou Publisher: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation and Birdlife Cyprus CYPRUS │ ENVIRONMENT│ ANIMAL BEHAVIOR│ BIRDS│ ENDANGERED SPECIES 2009 / 17 x 26 cm / 132p. / 100 colour photographs / paperbound English/ ISBN: 978-9963-42-873-1 An easy-to-use book, accessible to all, especially children. It presents all the birds that nest in Cyprus, both endemic and migratory, each referred to by its scientific, dialectic and common Greek name. It contains useful information on their living habits as well as on endangered species. Greek Orthodox Religion: Holy Bishopric of Morphou. 2000 Years of Art and Holiness CBHLM007 - € 62 Author: L. Michaelidou Publisher: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation CYPRUS │ BYZANTINE AND POST-BYZANTINE ARCHITECTURE │ ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 2002 / 23 x 31 cm / 502p. / hardbound English/ ISBN: 9963-42-806-1 This publication was prepared on the occasion of the homonymous exhibition (December 2000 – June 2001), jointly organised by the Cultural Foundation and the Bishopric of Morphou in the framework of the worldwide celebrations on the 2000 years from the Birth of Christ. The volume includes texts covering the pre-Christian cultural heritage, with references to archaeological sites in the ecclesiastical history of the region and to significant findings, to the Byzantine and postByzantine architecture (4th – 20th c.), examining the architectural types of churches within the borders of the bishopric of Morphou. As far as the decoration of monuments is concerned, the description of the most important works of wall-painting is accompanied by a parallel theological commentary. Portable icons are dealt with in extensor, with a review of the work and known biographical details of the artists. Museum collections: Ancient Art from Cyprus in the George and Nefeli Giabra Pierides Collection CBAVK001 - € 57 Author: V. Karageorghis et al. Publisher: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation CYPRUS │ EARLY BROZE AGE │ MEDIEVAL PERIOD │ ARCHAEOLOGY 2002 / 25 x 29, 5 cm / 340p. / color and b&w images / hardbound English / ISBN: 960-7037-29-4 Published to coincide with the opening of the Museum of the George and Nefeli Giabra Pierides Collection (donation by Clio and Solon Triantafyllides), the collection covers a wide range of Cypriot history and archaeology from the Early Bronze Age (2500 BC) to the end of the Medieval period (16th century). This chronological sequence has dictated the structure and design of the publication. It is worth noting that this is the first time the Collection is published in its entirety. The aim of the scientific catalogue is to document the immense historical and archaeological value of the Collection, present it to the wider public and submit it to the scholars for study. Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy Tetraktys Films Catalogue for the institutional market | Fall 2014 |www.tetraktysfilms.com Coins of Cyprus - From the Collections of the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation CBCLMEZ004 - € 42 Author: L. Michaelidou, E. Zapiti. Publisher: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation CYPRUS │NUMISMATICS│COINS 2008 / 21 x 27 cm / 332p. / 250 color & 555 b&w photographs / hardbound English/ ISBN: 978-9963-42-868-7 This publication gives an account of the Foundation’s numismatic collection, which covers the whole range of Cypriot Coinage from the late sixth century BC to the coins of the Republic of Cyprus. Included in the publication are 577 specimens, divided into nine chronological periods. Each period is presented in a chapter which comprises a brief historical introduction and a coin catalogue with colour photographs. At the end of the book one can find two annexes, three subject indexes and tables of all coins in their actual size. Tetraktys Films Ltd 95 Kyreneia Avenue, Off. 201, Aglantzia, 2113, Nicosia – Cyprus Mob: +357 99694407 Tel: +357 22337433 Fax: +357 22339286 Email: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy
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