"רבעון של "בית ישראל נתניה,בית כנסת מסורתי Bet Israel Masorti Netanya Quarterly Bulletin December 2015 חנוכה Chanukah 5776 כסלו תשע"ו Sunday 6 December 2015 at 6pm Join us in the Dobkin Social Hall at Bet Israel as we light the 1st Chanukah Candle (bring your chanukiyah from home and let’s all light together) Entertainment by The Kim Usanov Choir of Shearim, Netanya Latkes, Sufganiyot & hot drinks Raffle Admission: Adults 40 Shekels Children (to 13 years, with adult) FREE Reservations please, to Bet Israel Checks to “B.I.C.A.” Bet Israel Masorti Congregation of Netanya נתניה, מסורתי,קהילת בית ישראל 19 רח' יהודה הנשיא 42103 נתניה437 .ד.ת 19 Yehuda Hanassi St. P.O.Box 437, 42103 Netanya, Israel Tel:09-862-4345 Fax: 09-882-5210 Email: office@betisrael.org Office: Sun. -Thu. 8:30 a.m.- 2 p.m. Website: http://www.betisrael.org/ 14:00 עד08:30 ' ימי א' עד ה:משרד From the President’s Desk !!! חג אורים שמח אלה בירנבאום בראש- בת. ליאל והרב בירנבאום היה יוצא מן הכלל,ניהול התפילות בימים הנוראים ע"י איתן בתיה פונדה ועוד רבים, עדית מאור, תודה לרחל על הארגון וכמובן לבני.השנה נתנה ביצועים מרגשים ביותר .אשר עשו עבודה נפלאה הייתה קבוצה של רקדנים.יום אחד אחרי יום כיפור היה לנו שריפה אשר נגרם מפיצוץ של גז בקומה השנייה מורי קפורובסקי טיפל בכל הנזקים מול חברת הביטוח והקבלן.באותו זמן בקומה השנייה ובדרך נס איש לא נפגע שפו !!! בעקבות המקרה החלתנו להפוך את המטבח, כל הכבוד. האיש תרם מעל המעבר.אשר ביצע את השיפוץ .לחשמלי בלבד ולהוציא כל אספקת גז מהבניין – וכך נעשה כל. היה הצלחה אדירה, אורגן ע"י הרב בירנבאום ומורי קפורובסקי,הקונצרט אשר התקיים בחול המועד סוכות !הכבוד .בתקוה שההכנסות יעלו ע"י אירועים מוצלחים וגידול מספר החברים בקהילה !!! אני מאחל לכם חג אורים שמח אהרון קריזר We were fortunate, once again, to enjoy High Holiday services led by Aiton and Liel Birnbaum, filling the roles of congregational leader and cantor. And of course, their father, Rabbi Ervin Birnbaum, our emeritus rabbi, was the spiritual leader that he always is for us all. It was a Birnbaum Family affair, with Bat-Ella contributing wonderfully to the inspirational ambience on Rosh Hashanna will her lovely voice and melodies. We can all be grateful for the hard preparatory work of Rachel Krupnik-Holman and to her help-meets, Benny Selezki, Edith Maor, Batya Fonda and many others from the kehilla who helped make these services a memorable and uplifting experience. Then, almost immediately following Yom Kippur, we were shocked by the fire which broke out in the kitchen. Thank God, even though there was a group activity going on – the Israeli dancing – noone was hurt. Morrie Kaporovsky took the full responsibility of following through vis-à-vis the insurance company and their repair team, who promptly and efficiently took action to fix the damage, so that by Friday afternoon the Shabbat services took place with virtually no sign that anything had taken place. In light of the fire it was decided to remove all use of gas in the building and to make the kitchen 100% electric. On Chol Hamoed Sukkot we once again enjoyed our Annual Joint Concert with Shearim Netanya, this time a klezmer concert with Ya’acov Yachnin and his band. The concert was an outstanding success, with a full house. And, once again, the thanks go to Rabbi Birnbaum and Morrie Kaporovsky, and their helpers, who worked mightily to sell tickets and ensure the success of this venture. Here’s hoping that successful events of this kind will bring in new blood and will help increase the membership of Bet Israel. Irit and I wish you all a Chag Urim Same’ach! Aron Krieser, President. GENERAL FUND Donated by In honor of Shoshanna & Tony Bellen Robert & Beth Footlik Robert & Beth Footlik Robert & Beth Footlik Millie & Morrie Kaporovsky Claudja Khenkin Nava Ronen Freda Sacharen Marc & Debra Schultz In honor of Bet Israel Millie Kaporovsky, Refuah Shelema Benny Selezki & Family, condolences on the loss of your beloved father, Avraham In honor of Bet Israel Sheila Harris, condolences on the loss of your brother For my family In honor of Bet Israel Jan Gaines, Refuah Shelema In honor of Bet Israel YAHRZEIT Donated by In memory of Suzanne Kahn Moshe Koolik Avraham Nathanson Gila & Dov Vogel Joan White Jamie Williamson Mother, Mollie Kirshner & uncle Isaac Kaplan Father, Philip Koolik Yishayahu ben Reuven Max & Helen Stamler Mother, Helen Kornbluth Lillian Misner ALIYOT Miriam Liptscher TREE OF LIFE Donated by B.I.C.A. in honor of Miriam Liptscher, “our heroine” PROJECTOR FUND Malka & Bob Pinsly Howie & Suzanne Goodman Peter & Rachel Siegel Dr. Don & Myrna Silverberg B.I.C.A. Marsha and Alan Stein YOM KIPPUR DONATIONS Rachel Krupnik Malka & Reuven Pinsly Helena Merzon Sid & Nancy Kronenberg Howard & Suzanne Goodman Burt & Rita Green Inessa Platinovich Svetlana Pischansky Raya Federsova Aharon Shvayger Bella Garkavy Miriam Liptscher Dr. Paul Burg Morrie & Lenore Levin Carmel Miller Philip & Sylvia Wiener Helen Brawer Morrie & Millie Kaporovsky Rosa Feivusovich Genia Kuzmin Doreen Hocherman Moshe & Sara Ben-Zeev Aron & Irit Krieser Freida & Yoram Ben-Osher Mo Harvey & Bernard Burg Alan & Lucy Tobias Yitzchak Yosephson Baruch & Edith Maor Sonia Goldsmith Yelena Gubati Lyuba Agranat Mira Reder Shoshanna & Tony Bellen Alexandra Zurachova Alan & Marsha Stein Sally Ross GROUP DONATIONS BY CLASS-ATTENDEES Many thanks to all the class-attendees, who have made the decision to donate at each session, their donations going to the regular running expenses of Bet Israel. BICA : Bet Israel Cultural Activities Helen Brawer, after seven years of hard work as president of BICA, has now become mentor to the triumvirate of Hadassa Birnbaum, Edith Garfinkle and Millie Kaporovsky as the new copresidents. They lead a team including: Treasurer: Susan Goodman Secretary: Ida Plaut Membership: Sally Ross Fund-raising: Freda Sacharen (“Freda’s Shoppe”) Caring Committee: Batya Fonda Kiddushim: Nina Fishman and the Russian ladies (so loyal for so many years!) Shoppers: the Levins and the Kaporovskys, and Nina Fishman, and Social Secy: Harriet Kessler. At the Opening Meeting and Membership on 11 October, Natan Garfinkle, Edith’s 19 year-old grandson, who was Youth Shaliach for the Jewish Agency spoke about his year in Cincinnati, Ohio. We were all very impressed by Natan’s maturity and professionalism and his poise. His work; spreading the message of the Israeli spirit to schools, young adults, non-Jewish organizations and community centers. On Shabbat 21 November there was a special Simchat Shabbat Kiddush sponsored by BICA in honor of our heroine and holocaust survivor Miriam Liptscher. BICA has also dedicated a leaf on the “Tree of Life” to Miriam. On Sunday 6 December at 6pm BICA is hosting a Chanuka Party featuring the Kim Usanov Choir of Shearim Netanya. As always we invite everybody to bring their chanukiyya from home and light up together with us all. There will be festive, in-house-made refreshements, including sufganiyot and latkes (see the front page for details). We look forward to a stimulating year, and you are all invited to take part in our activities. If you have a suggestion for a particular program that you think would be enjoyable for a wide audience, please let us know. Chag urim same’ach, Hadassa, Millie and Edith: co-Presidents NEED A MINYAN FOR KADDISH? COME JOIN US AT THE MORNING MINYAN If you have a Yahrzeit coming up (anniversary of the death of a parent, or other close family member) and you want to ensure that there will be a Minyan at the Shacharit Morning Service for that day, PLEASE ADVISE THE OFFICE BY EMAIL DURING THE WEEK PRIOR, and we will ask people to make a special effort to attend. Many blessings to all the following for their invaluable help in bring goods over from the AACI to the Bazaar Shoppe (in the lobby of Bet Israel – open Monday mornings from 9:30am till noon): Myrna Silverberg, Alan Stein, Morrie Levin, Larry Hepner and Baruch Maor, And a special thank you to the AACI, and, of course, to Rachel Rubin Hirsch, for all their assistance. Freda Sacharen Many years experience in the Netanya area Apartments/Houses/Condos/Commercial Rental/Sale/Purchase/Property Management Going the extra mile so you don't have to! 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Tel: 09-882-3015 24-hr Mobile: 050-920-5920 Fax: 09-882-5242
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