Thursday, December 03, 2015 07:30-09:00 Registration, Gathering and Exhibition Visit 09:00-10:30 Parallel Sessions 09:00-10:30 Parallel Session 1A Hall A Moderator: Prof. Haim Berkenstadt, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. Leonid Eidelman, Beilinson Hospital, Rabin Medical Center 09:00 מעבר לאקרדיטציה:מהפכת האיכות ברפואה Dr. Eyal Zimlichman, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer 09:30 מדדי איכות בהרדמה Prof. Charles Weissman, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem 10:00 ? האם אנו מודדים את המדדים הנכונים:איכות בהרדמה Prof. Haim Berkenstadt , The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer 09:00-10:30 Parallel Session 1B Moderator: Prof. Idit Matot, Sourasky, Medical Center, Tel Aviv 09:00 Perioperative Stroke: Prevention and Treatment Prof. Alexander Zlotnik, Soroka Medical Center, Beer Sheva 09:30 Perioperative Acute Kidney Injury - Risks, Mechanisms and Management Dr. Orr Goren, Tel Aviv Medical Center 10:00 Perioperative MI - Pathophysiology and Prevention Prof. Giora Landesberg, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break, Poster Presentations and Exhibition Visit 10:30-11:00 Poster Presentations Moderators: Prof. Yeshayahu Katz, Rambam Health Care Campus Hospital, Haifa Dr. Alex Izakson, Ziv Medical Center, Zefat 11:00-13:00 Plenary Session Moderators: Prof. Benjamin Drenger and Dr. Alexander Ioscovich Hall C Hall B Hall A 11:00Greetings 11:05 The Israeli Basket of Health Services – 2015 Prof. Jonathan Halevy, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem and The Health - Basket Head of Committee 11:35 Anesthesia Delivery Systems Prof. James Philip, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, USA December 3-4, 2015 13 12:05 Propofol by Non-Anesthesiologists: Dangerous Choices Prof. Beverly Philip, Professor of Anesthesia, Harvard Medical School and Founding Director, Day Surgery Unit, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, USA 12:35 Practical Tools for Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) Implementation Dr. Joseph F Answine, Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Part of MSD symposium 13:00-14:00 Lunch Break and Exhibition Visit 14:00-15:30 General Assembly Hall A Prof. Benjamin Drenger, President, Israel Society of Anesthesiologists 15:30-16:00 Coffee Break and Exhibition Visit 15:30-16:00 Poster Presentations Moderators: Dr. Michael Rudin, Emek Medical Center, Afula Dr. Dina Orkin, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer 16:00-18:00 Parallel Sessions 16:00-18:00 Parallel Session 2A: Moderator: Dr. Jacob Katz, Schneider Children’s Medical Center 16:00 Anesthesia for Fetal Interventions Prof. Yehuda Ginosar, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem 16:30 Anesthesia and The Developing Brain: Should We Be Concerned? Prof. Yaacov Gozal, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem 17:00 Improved Outcomes in Pediatric Anesthesia – A Review of Contributing Factors Dr. Mustafa Somri, Bnei Zion Medical Center 17:30 16:00 14 Parallel Session 2B: Hall C Moderator: Prof. Charles Weismann, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem Failure to Resume Cardiac Medications Postoperatively Negatively Impacts Patient Outcome Prof. Benjamin Drenger, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem The Annual Meeting of The Israel Society of Anesthesiologists Genetics and Anesthesia: Is There Anything New and Important in the Horizon? Prof. Ruth Landau, Columbia University Medical Center, NY, USA 17:00 A Drop of Water in the Desert or a Grain of Sand in the Ocean Prof. Rauven Pizov, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa 17:30 A Bridge Too Far: Is Perioperative Switching from Coumadin to LMWH Justified? Prof. Yeshayahu Katz, Rambam Health Care Campus - Hospital, Haifa תוכנית עבור אחיות התאוששות Thursday, December 03, 2015 07:30-09:00 Registration, Gathering and Exhibition Visit 09:00-10:30 Session I Moderator: Dr. Arie Eden, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa 09:00 Pass the Night in the PACU-Overnight and ICU Patients in the PACU Dr. Yitzhak Cohen, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer 09:30 Restlessness in the Recovery Room Dr. Philip Levine, Shaare Zedek Medical Center 10:00 Modern Approach to Acute Postoperative Pain Treatment Dr. Uri Suponitsky, Emek Medical Center, Afula Hall A GAS –Multicenter Study-Preliminary Results and… What Does it Mean for Us? Dr. Ludmila Kachko, Schneider Children’s Medical Center 16:00-18:00 16:30 Galil Hall תוכנית עבור טכנאי הרדמה Thursday, December 03, 2015 07:30-09:00 Registration, Gathering and Exhibition Visit 09:00-10:30 Session I Golan Hall תל – השומר, בי”ח שיבא, דר’ אורית נחתומי:מנחות ירושלים, בי”ח שערי צדק,B.A. Biotechnology ,סימי סילבר טכנולוג הרדמה – הווה ועתיד יו”ר איגוד טכנולוגים רפואיים,שלומי מרום 09:00 Perioperative Neuromonitoring 09:30 השומר- תל, בי”ח שיבא,דר’ אורית נחתומי TEG and Cell Saver in Massive Bleeding 10:00 חיפה, מרכז הרפואי בני ציון,דר’ הואש נאסר December 3-4, 2015 15 Friday, December 04, 2015 07:00-08:00 Morning Running and Walking 08:00-08:30 Registration and Gathering 08:30-10:30 Parallel Sessions 08:30-10:30 Parallel Session 3A: Moderator: Prof. Gabriel Gurman, Mayanei HaYeshua Medical Center, Bnei Brak 08:30 Modern Management of Perioperative Hypertension Prof. Serban Bubenek, Chief 1-st Cardiovascular Anesthesia and Intensive Care Dept, C.C. Iliescu Cardiovascular Diseases Institute Bucharest, Romania 09:00 Advanced Monitoring in Invasive and Noninvasive Ventilation Prof. Francisco Javier Belda, Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Hospital Clínico Universitario (University Hospital). Valencia. Spain Sponsored by Medtechnica Hall C 09:30 Acute Postoperative Pain Management: Up to Date Prof. Philip J. Wagner, Hospital for Special Surgery, Weill-Cornell College of Medicine New York, NY, USA 10:00 Perioperative Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea patient Prof. Suzanne Karan, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, University of Rochester School of Medicine, Rochester, USA 08:30-10:30 Parallel Session 3B: Moderator: Prof. Tiberiu Ezri , Wolfson Medical Center, Holon 08:30 Optimizing Maternal Outcome: Anesthesia beyond the Epidural Dr. Carolyn Weiniger, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem 09:00 Ultrasound in Obstetric Anesthesia Practice Dr. Cristian Arzola, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada 09:30 Controversies in Treatment of Post Dural Puncture Headache Dr. Alexey Pyregov, Head of the Department of Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology, Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Moscow, Russia 10:00 37 Seconds: The Stephanie Arnold Story: Amniotic Fluid Embolism Dr. Sharon Orbach-Zinger, Beilinson Hospital, Rabin Medical Center 11:00-12:30 Parallel Session 4A: Moderator: Prof. Yoram Shapira, Soroka Medical Center, Beer Sheva 11:00 The New Resuscitation Guidelines: Are They Cool or What? Prof. Sharon Einav, The Head of Israel Society of Resuscitation 11:30 Management of the Hopelessly Ill Patient-the Ethical Dilemma Prof. Gabriel Gurman, Mayanei HaYeshua Medical Center, Bnei Brak 12:00 Failure to Rescue - Track and Trigger Systems. Dr. Nimrod Adi, Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot 11:00-12:30 Parallel Session 4B: Moderator: Prof. Rauven Pizov, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa Hall C Hall D 11:00Professionalism Prof. Idit Matot, Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv 11:30 Sugammadex: Hot Topics and Controversies Prof. Tiberiu Ezri, Wolfson Medical Center, Holon 12:00 “Mama’s Weak Heart”- OB Patient with Cardiac Pathology Dr. Alexander Ioscovich , Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem Hall D 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break 11:00-12:30 16 Parallel Sessions The Annual Meeting of The Israel Society of Anesthesiologists December 3-4, 2015 17 WORKSHOPS Thursday, December 03, 2015 09:00-10:30 Hall D Workshop - Understanding Your Anesthesia Machine Moderator: Prof. James Philip Friday, December 04, 2015 08:30-10:30 חוקים, עקרונות-evoked potentials ניטור מערכת העצבים וחוט השדרה ע”י.א והשפעת חומרי הרדמה – מר עקיבא קורן , – עקרונותtrans cranial Doppler- וcerebral oximetry ניטור המוח ע”י.ב אפליקציות ודוגמאות מחדר ניתוח – ד”ר ויולטה גלאובר , אימפליקציות בחדר ניתוח, כאמצעי ניטור בחדר ניתוח – עקרונות בסיסייםEeg .ג יתרונות וחסרונות – ד”ר אורית נחתומי שיק,אמצעי הניטור הקיימים A workshop on understanding your anesthetic machine, presented by Prof. James Philip, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, USA Workshop - Ultrasound of Spine Moderator: Dr. Evgeny Reider מטרת.סדנא בנושא שימוש באולטרסאונד לצרכי הרדמה באזור הגב התחתון הסדנא הינה הבנת העיקרון ורכישת המיומנות בזיהוי מבנים אנטומיים וביצוע תוך שימוש תומך באולטרסאונד,הרדמה אפידורלית A workshop on the use of ultrasound for spine. Organized and presented by: Dr. Cristian Arzola, Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Canada Dr. Evgeni Reider , Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv Dr. Carolyn Weiniger, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem 15:00-17:00 Workshop - Brain Monitoring during Anesthesia- New Modalities Moderator: Dr. Orit Nachtomy סדנה זו נועדה לחשוף את המשתתף לאמצעי ניטור המוח ומערכת העצבים .הקיימים היום בחדר ניתוח :בסדנה יהיו שלוש תחנות .סדנא בנושא הבנת המבנה והתפקוד של מכונות הרדמה של יצרנים שונים מיועדת למומחים ולמתמחים כאחד ובנויה על פי עיקרון ‘’דיון עם מומחים סביב בעל מומחיות על במבנה, הסדנא תועבר על ידי פרופ’ פיליפ.’’שולחן עגול ותפקוד של מכונות הרדמה 11:00-13:00 Golan Hall 10:30-12:30 Workshop - Difficult Airway - Supported by Unrestricted MSD Grant Moderator: Dr. Gad Estis מטרה של סדנה ללמד מתמחים להרדמה לתפל פשוט ונכון בדרכי אוויר כדי .לא להגיע למצב של ״דרכי אוויר קשות״ שמות המדריכים יוסף- ד״ר שחר בר.א ד״ר יוליה ריבו.ב ד״ר ארטיום לנצ׳ינסקי.ג Workshop - Ultrasound for Peripheral Nerve Block Moderator: Dr. Evgeny Reider סדנא בנושא שימוש באולטרסאונד לביצוע חוסמי עצבים פריפריים A workshop on ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blocks. Organized and presented by: Prof. Philip J. Wagner Hospital for Special Surgery, Weill-Cornell College of Medicine,NY, USA Dr. Evgeni Reider , Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv Dr. Yefim Raichenshtein , Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem Supported by: Eldan (Neopharm group) DCS Medical 18 The Annual Meeting of The Israel Society of Anesthesiologists Workshops Sponsored by December 3-4, 2015 19
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