- e Mediainfo 2015 Ambient Media Øko Høj kva Godt håndv Herslev Bryghus er et mindre økologisk gårdbryggeri i den lille landsby Herslev nær Roskilde. gørende for smagen, og vi udvikler løbende Vi brygger øl, som vi kan lide og har et bredt sortiment, som spænder fra pilsner og porter til hvedeøl med asparges og juleøl med gran. Vi dyrker selv det økologiske korn, som vore brygget på, og finder smagsgiver som blan hyben, hø og gran i naturen omkring brygh er terroir - vores landbrug, liv og kultur. Øllet brygges efter enkle principper, hvor godt håndværk, lokale råvarer og skånsom produktion er af- Forhandles hos udvalgte ølbutikker, Aarstid Irma og i bryggeriets egen gårdbutik i Hers Herslev Bryghus � Kattingevej 16 � Herslev � 4000 Roskilde � www.herslevbryg 142633 S&B 06 2014_BO_JAC_omslag.indd 1 o , Read m about ou ore r various other m edia at d gmedia .dk Copenhagen · Stockholm · Oslo SAS Ambient Media 2015 The SAS passenger Reach people on the move The Scandinavian 5+Travellers are modern and well-educated people in all ages who travel a lot. Travel is mainly about getting from point A to point B as quickly as possible. Yet it also involves a fair amount of time sitting still – in planes, lounges and behind computers. This is when travelers are often looking for diversion and are highly receptive to advertising messages. We offer advertisers the opportunity to reach people on the move with their messages – before, during and after the trip – on ground, on board and digital solutions. Gender Male: 60% Female: 40% Age Can be found in all age groups – high affinity in 30-55 SAS has assembled a range of attractive travel-related advertising media and promotional opportunities for this purpose. You are welcome to contact DG Media to discuss how Ambient Media can be integrated into your marketing effort and contribute towards getting your message across to the right target groups – when and where it counts. Interests Business Travelling Sports Culture Facts and figures about SAS • In 2014, more than 2.3 million passengers traveled with SAS per month • SAS flies to more than 120 different destinations • SAS launched 50 new routes in ’14- and plans to launch 15 more in ’15 • SAS has approximately 1,080 flights/day (Mon-Fri) worldwide Number of passengers Total: 28.5 million Norway: 9,800,000 Sweden: 7,300,000 Denmark: 7,600,000 Rest of the world: 1,400,000 42% Skiing 50% Business 48% Wine / winetasting 48% Foreign policy 88% Holidays abroad 40% Exercise 48% New technology 42% Trying new products 38% Tax questions 60% Personal finances 44% Education 34% Fashion news 36% Theatre Geography Primarily in larger cities and suburbs Income/Education Higher income and education than average Opinions Pays for quality Open-minded Career-focused Life values Curious Strong-willed Unbound Advertising sales Denmark · DG Media as Store Kongensgade 72 DK-1264 København K Tel. +45 70 27 11 55 epost@dgmedia.dk www.dgmedia.dk Norway · DG Media as Universitetsgaten 14 NO-0164 Oslo Tel. +47 216 08 190 epost@dgmedia.no www.dgmedia.no Sweden · DG Media Sales ab Tysta gatan 12 SE-115 20 Stockholm Tel. +46 72 506 85 20 mail@dgmediasales.se www.dgmediasales.se ted s ON BOARD SAS Breakfast Box Serving your message Place your message in a breakfast box in front of your audience. You can take full advantage of the surprise element by having your ad in the form of a gift voucher, a taste sample or a mini guide to your product service. Opportunity SE NO DK INT SE INT NO INT DK No of units Frequency 25,000 60,000 27,500 12,000 5,500 40,000 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks Rate in SEK 150,000 239,000 110,000 48,000 22,000 159,000 Deadlines Booking deadline 20 working days prior to event start. 15 working days prior to activity start, a dummy of the product must be presented. 5 working days prior to activity start, all material must be delivered to SAS. Technical data Flyer dimension: Max. W: 10 x H: 20 cm. For further information, please contact our sales support + 46 72 506 86 10 or material@dgmediasales.se. SAS Inflight Entertainment Your onboard show SAS 13 long-range aircraft Airbus 340/330 is an ideal showcase/window/display area for your advertisement. A new system (fully launched in Q2 2016) allows “gate-to-gate” entertainment and your advertisement can be displayed already on ground after mandatory safety videos have been shown. In addition, a new GUI display is introduced in September 2015 with unique possibilities for you to have your advert shown from the system home page. Destinations served - and reach per month From Copenhagen: New York, Chicago, Washington, San Francisco, Beijing, Shanghai and Tokyo. Reach: 84,000 passengers. From Stockholm: New York, Chicago and Hong Kong (September 2015). Reach: 24,500 passengers. From Oslo: New York. Reach: 11,500 passengers. A total reach of 120,000 passengers per month. Opportunity 30 sec. spot 30 sec. spot 60 sec. spot 60 sec. spot Frequency One time per flight Two times per flight One time per flight Two times per flight Period Rate in SEK 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 82,700 123,500 134,000 199,200 Max. no. of advertisers: Three on the same flight Deadlines 2015 Campain Start May 31 June 30 July 31 August 31 September 30 October 31 November 30 December 31 Order April 20 May 20 June 18 June 29 August 21 September 21 October 20 November 20 Material April 27 May 27 June 26 July 3 August 27 September 28 October 27 November 27 Technical data Material to be provided in two formats until May 2016: For old system: Apple proresHQ in DD with stereo sound For new system: MPEG-4 Part 10. For further information, please contact our sales support + 46 72 506 86 20 or material@dgmediasales.se. Agency commission An agency commission (to recognized agencies) of 15% of the net billing is granted for spot advertising. Discounts 2 months advertising 4 months advertising 10% discount 15% discount ON BOARD SAS Seat Pocket Placement With SAS Seat Pocket Placement, you get the opportunity to expose your brand or product to SAS passengers in an engaging context. Working as an add-on to other Ambient Media offers, the seat pocket is an excellent place for a product catalog or a topic that requires more in-depth information. The seat pocket is just half a meter in front of the passengers. They are comfortably seated and in a pleasant state of mind. One month distribution Opportunity Norway* Sweden* Denmark* Intercontinental Frequency No. of passengers No. of units Language Rate in SEK Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly 820,000 600,000 630,000 120,000 50,000 54,000 45,000 18,000 Free of choice Free of choice Free of choice Free of choice 330,000 240,000 250,000 50,000 One round distribution Opportunity Norway* Sweden* Denmark* Intercontinental Frequency Seatpockets No of units Language Rate in SEK 1 round 1 round 1 round 1 round 8,000 6,000 5,000 1,500 10,000 8,000 7,000 2,000 Free of choice Free of choice Free of choice Free of choice 79,000 65,000 55,000 23,000 *Note that due to changes in aircrafts routes the geographical selection cannot be guaranteed Opportunity means domestic flight and flight from origin to rest of Europe Deadlines 2015 Distribution Start January 1 February 1 March 1 April 1 May 1 June 1 July 1 August 1 September 1 October 1 November 1 December 1 Order Material December 11 January 12 February 9 March 11 April 10 May 11 June 10 July 10 August 11 September 10 October 12 November 10 December 18 January 19 February 16 March 18 April 17 May 18 June 17 July 17 August 18 September 17 October 19 November 17 Technical data Max size A4 and max weight 130 gr For further information please contact our sales support +46 72 506 86 10 or material@dgmediasales.se SAS Onboard Ad Hoc placement Place your product where it all happens. We offer you the possibility of a first-class product placement on the seats of the aircrafts. This is an ideal opportunity to inform about a new product and has plenty of other uses. You can promote a product by having it placed on seats in the aircraft or place a catalogue in the same way. Please contact us for a specific offer. ON GROUND At 16 different SAS lounges and at 11 airports – Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, Gothenburg, Helsinki, Brussels, Paris, Chicago, New York, Trondheim and Tromsoe – there is a unique opportunity for close contact with potential consumers. Every year the SAS Lounges are visited by more than 2.7 million travelers. Tastings and product placements are especially effective in a casual lounge atmosphere. Why not use the lounge to place a product or a fact sheet or inform about a new product, perhaps even with a personal demonstration. Placements in SAS Lounges Opportunities No. of lounges No. of visitors/month Frequency 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 30,400 9,800 5,500 57,100 22,800 6,500 27,500 Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Stockholm International Stockholm Domestic Gothenburg International Copenhagen Oslo Helsinki London Rate in SEK 57,800 18,600 10,500 108,500 43,300 12,400 52,200 Deadlines 2015 Distribution Start Order Material January 1 February 1 March 1 April 1 May 1 June 1 July 1 August 1 September 1 October 1 November 1 December 1 December 11 January 12 February 9 March 11 April 10 May 11 June 10 July 10 August 11 September 10 October 12 November 10 December 18 January 19 February 16 March 18 April 17 May 18 June 17 July 17 August 18 September 17 October 19 November 17 Events in SAS Lounges Opportunities No. of lounges No. of visitors/2 weeks 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 15,200 4,900 2,750 28,550 11,400 3,250 13,750 Stockholm International Stockholm Domestic Gothenburg International Copenhagen Oslo Helsinki London Frequency Every 2 weeks Every 2 weeks Every 2 weeks Every 2 weeks Every 2 weeks Every 2 weeks Every 2 weeks Rate in SEK 60,800 19,600 11,000 114,200 45,600 13,000 55,000 Deadlines 2015 Booking deadline 20 working days prior to event start. If staff must be present, booking deadline is 13 weeks prior to event start, due to security reasons. Technical data - Placement/Events in SAS Lounges For further information please contact our sales support + 46 72 506 86 10 or material@dgmediasales.se Agency commission An agency commission (to recognized agencies) of 15% of the net billing is granted for display advertising (excluding supplements and inserts). Discounts 5% discount offered to customers purchasing for at least SEK 300,000 a year. 10% discount offered to customers purchasing for at least SEK 500,000 a year. Frequency discounts 2 advertisements 4 advertisements 6 advertisements 10 advertisements 5% discount 7.5% discount 10% discount 15% discount All discounts require a joint order. The advertisements/campaigns must be inserted/started within 12 months. JORD & VIDEN september 2014 • pris dkk 66,50 • eur. 9 s m a g o g b e h a g • s e p t e m b e r 2 01 4 BO Vind g a s t r o n o m i , v i n , September 2014 • Nr. 6 • Årgang 159 f o r k æ l e l s e og kokken Claus Holm en aften Hans tjener10.for000 kr.) (værdi: Økologi Høj kvalitet Godt håndværk gørende for smagen, og vi udvikler løbende nye øl. og har et bredt sortir og porter til hvedeøl gran. Vi dyrker selv det økologiske korn, som vores øl er brygget på, og finder smagsgiver som blandt andet hyben, hø og gran i naturen omkring bryghuset. Det er terroir - vores landbrug, liv og kultur. cipper, hvor godt håndm produktion er af- Forhandles hos udvalgte ølbutikker, Aarstiderne, Irma og i bryggeriets egen gårdbutik i Herslev. LOUIS JADOT BOUrgOgne heLT kOncenTrereT sØnderJYlland UFOrMeL den oprindelige smag af danmark med efternavnet Jacobsen serverer sandheden helt uden dikkedarer enkeLT, ærLIgT Og SkyhøJ kvALITeT sYlt Japan og gem sommeren dublin guide til meget mere end guinness og kartofler Jomfruhummer med brian mark hansen 28.08.2014 - 24.09.2014 ingevej 16 � Herslev � 4000 Roskilde � www.herslevbryghus.dk 9 770904 670005 Scandinavia’s largest media house – more than 100 media options Lønstatistik 6 Kompetenceudvikling 8 Landskabsøkologi har meget at byde på Side 4 20 kr. 66,50 Årets ret | talentet | mÅnedens Vine | Øl | Grej | sVinGdØren | unika affinaGe | nyt & nyttiGt 00006 Effective advertizing • Strong media combinations Low contact prices • Documented effect BK returuge 39 12/08/14 14.29 76536_JV_6_2014.indd 1 10/09/14 11.41 FOR THE MODERN TRAVELER FROM SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES | NOVEMBER 2014 Somewhere along the journey across the equator, subtle aromas from the old sherry cask soften the aquavit. 1 THE WINE WINE WEST YOUR PRIVATE DRIVER Travel first class through Napa Valley The Uber revolution ‘My dream was to become an artist but I wasn’t good enough’ LIVING IN A BOX The world’s tiniest hotel rooms Norwegian starchitect, Kjetil Trædal Thorsen LET IT SNOW! 6 This winter’s must-hit trails and must-have gear EDINBURGH WAYS To board a plane Sizzling with culture – literally Bea Szenfeld is an aRtiStiC gIrl iN a maTerIal woRld LINIE DOUBLE CASK AVAILABLE IN NORWAY, COMING SOON TO ALL MARKETS Track your bottle at www.linie.com | #linieaquavit | Enjoy Linie Aquavit responsibly 04 oktober-december 2014 diamanten DET KONGELIGE BIBLIOTEK UDSTILLING: FABULERENDE FOTOGRAFIER COOPER & GORFER NORDPOLENS DRAGENDE MYSTIK DANMARK SOM POLARNATION HØR MUSIKKEN LIVE OPERA UDEN ORD SIMON STEEN-ANDERSEN S U N D H E D // N R . 1 0 // N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 4 19. september 2014 | 68. årgang | Dansk Psykolog Forening 15 Genfugt din vintertørre hud med den fantastiske Exuviance-natcreme HydraFirm Forsker i skizofreni Skizofrene personer har svært ved social kommunikation. Psykolog Vibeke Bliksted vil med sin forskning bidrage til at svare på hvorfor. IG INA L QU AL IT Vi mødes på nettet Bare ikke geronto – Netterapi sprænger rammerne for psykoterapi. Det er ikke for tidligt at overveje ’hvad så’. Psykologers arbejde med ældre mennesker giver et kick. En psykolog modsiger fordommene. SIDE 10 SIDE 14 UA Y G RAN U V IA AUTHORIZED PROFESSIONAL ED BY EX Fest og glæde, sådan er gymnasieårene. Eller var. Mange unge lever nu med angst og depression. NCE O R SIDE 4 Hold fast i de unge SIDE 8 TE økologisk gårdbryggeri i Roskilde. 6 THE DERMATOLOGY FOUNDATION N R . 1 0 // N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 4 // I S A M A R B E J D E M E D D A N S K E R E G I O N E R MAGASINET MOTION D! HOLD FRI FRA SORGEN JA, BØRN KAN ARVE SKO SÅ MEGET SKADER ALKOHOL? De enkelte lande er uenige LOUISE WOLFF: succes Søvn er = med PLUS Prices and terms of payment All prices mentioned are excl. tax. Every advertisement is billed right after the date of publishing/the campaign start. The deadline for payment is 10 days after the date of publishing/the campaign start. In case the deadline for payment is exceeded, an additional cost of 2% pr. started month will occur. In certain cases, DG Media can demand that the advertisement is prepaid. Discounts are not applicable for extra charges. Complaints DG Media and the publisher are not accountable for errors in advertisements that are booked in agreement with the advertiser’s conditions. This is also valid for material received from other media, material not in agreement with the technical data, or in cases where the deadline for material is exceeded. In case of misprint, wrong sizes, dates etc. for which the advertiser or bureau is not responsible, there will be a reduction estimated by DG Media, which cannot exceed the cost of the advertisement and insertion in the media. Complaints due to misprint, wrong colors etc. must be received by DG Media no later than 5 days after the insertion of the advertisement. Should an advertisement be inserted more than once with the same error without DG Media receiving a complaint, only the first insert is subject to a possible discount. In case of incorrect, delayed or missing inserts, DG Media/ publisher cannot be held responsible for compensation claims. V E LVÆ R E SIDE – den perfekte kombination HØRELSEN FODPLEJE 142554 Magasinet Sundhed nr.10 2014.indd 1 Terms and conditions KOST VIN fra Produkter que Pacifi Beauté 53 LØB OG YOGA SKØNHED BØGER SYNET KRYDSORD 14 tip til mental sundhed LÆS MERE PÅ: magasinet-sundhed.dk 17/11/14 14.29 Read more about our various magazines at dgmediasales.se Cancellation Cancellation of an order must happen by writing to DG Media no later than 5 working days prior to the deadline for ordering. Advertisements, for which special placements are ordered, cannot be cancelled without prior agreement with DG Media. In case of cancellation, any discount given in conjunction with previous or other advertising, will be adjusted and reduced accordingly on the following invoice. Other terms DG Media reserves the right to reject advertisements that go against the publisher’s interests or current rules and regulations. Advertisement orders which contain conditions of referrals through text will be rejected. Any advertisement which can be mistaken for editorial content must, at the advertiser’s expense, be supplied with the word ”advertisement” directly above a line stretching the full width of the advertisement. Contact us by telephone, and receive suggestions on how to effectively contact your target market. Denmark +45 70 27 11 55 Norway +47 216 08 190 Sweden +46 72 506 85 20
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