Year 3 Understanding Organic Synthesis Course 2009-2010; Professor Martin Wills Contents of the course: Introductory lecture describing the contents of the course. Pericyclic reactions and Woodward-Hoffmann rules for concerted cycloadditions, electrocyclisations and sigmatropic rearrangements. FMO theory. Baldwin's rules and related cyclisation reactions. Stereoelectronic effects: How such effects can be moderated to the advantage of the synthetic chemist. Additional reading: Clayden et al.; “Organic Chemistry” by Clayden, Greeves, Warren and Wothers, OUP, 2001. R. B. Woodward and R. Hoffmann in Angew. Chem., Int Edn. Engl., 1969, 8, 781. “Molecular Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions”, Ian Fleming, Wiley, 2009 (new edition). Note: Since not all the material is in the handout, it is essential to attend ALL the lectures. Professor M. Wills CH3B0 Understanding Organic Synthesis 1 Introduction: Unexpected results of cyclisation reactions. Pericyclic reactions are; “Any concerted reaction in which bonds are formed or broken in a cyclic transitions state”. (electrons move around in a circle). i.e. there is a single transition state from start to finish, in contrast to a stepwise reaction. Multistep reaction Concerted reaction Transition states Transition state Energy Energy starting material product reaction co-ordinate starting material intermediate intermediate product reaction co-ordinate Properties of pericyclic reactions: (a) Little, if any, solvent effect (b) No nucleophiles or electrophiles involved. (c ) Not generally catalysed by Lewis acids. (d) Highly stereospecific. (e) Often photochemically promoted. 2 Examples of pericyclic reactions: 1) Electrocyclisation reactions – Linear conjugated polyene converted into a cyclic product in one step. The mechanism is not particularly surprising, but the stereochemistry changes depending on whether heat or irradiation (typically UV-light) is used to promote the reaction. e.g. Me Me heat Me Me Me Me irradiation (h) Me Me 2) Cycloaddition reactions – Two linear conjugated polyenes converted onto a cyclic product in one step. Again, the stereochemistry of the reaction is remarkably reproducible. e.g. (two cis or Z alkenes) irradiation (h) + but no 3 Examples of pericyclic reactions, continued: Example of a cycloaddition to give a 6-membered ring: O (one cis or Z alkene, and a E,E-diene) Me O Me One diastereoisomer is favoured. heat O O (Diels-Alder reaction!) O O Me Me 3) Sigmatropic rearrangement reactions: These involve a concerted migration of atoms or of groups of atoms. E.g. migration of a s-bond. The numbering refers to the number of atoms in the transition state on either side of where bonds are made or broken. H H [1,2] This would be classified as a [1,2]-sigmatropic rearrangement (or shift). Me H Me [1,5] H This would be classified as a [1,5]-sigmatropic rearrangement (or shift). 4 Examples of pericyclic reactions, continued: 3) Sigmatropic rearrangement reactions: A high level of stereochemical control is often observed. Me Me Me heat observed only, no: Me [3,3] Me Me This would be classified as a [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement (or shift). Other concerted reactions: a) Ene reaction (synthetic chemists), or Norrish rearrangement (photochemists) or McLafferty rearrangement (for mass spectrometrists). O O enol H H O n.b. enolate = alkene b) Decarboxylation reaction: H O O + O C O H 5 Woodward-Hoffmann theory for prediction of the stereochemistry of pericyclic reactions: Electrocyclisations. The ‘Woodward-Hoffmann’ theory explains the stereochemical outcome of pericyclic reactions by considering the symmetry of the ‘frontier orbitals’ which are involved in the reaction. These are the orbitals which actually contribute to the bond making and breaking process. They are also the ‘outermost’ orbitals (of highest energy) in a structure, hence the term ‘frontier’. Electrocyclisations. Consider the conversion of butadiene into cyclobutene: The mechanism is quite simple, but the stereochemistry of the product is directly related to (i) the stereochemistry of the starting material and (ii) whether heat or irradiation is employed to promote the reaction. irradiation (h) or heat () E,E E,E irradiation (h) Heat ( Heat ( cis irradiation (h) trans E,Z E,Z 6 Woodward-Hoffmann theory applied to cyclobutene formation. What is happening in the cyclisation is that p-orbitals (which form the p-bonds) are combining in order for a new s bond to be formed between the ‘ends’ of the conjugated system. However, in order for this process to happen efficiently, it is necessary for the orbitals with the same wave-function sign (phase) to ‘join up’. In order to work out where these are, a quick analysis of the four molecular orbitals (formed from the 4 atomic – p – orbitals) is required. Energy 3 nodes H H H H H H Note: the view of the butadiene is 'edge-on' with the single bond 'further back'. 2 nodes 1 nodes 0 nodes There are 4 electrons in this bonding system. Filling orbitals from the lowest first soon reveals the nature of the outermost or 'frontier' orbital. Note: ‘n’ atomic orbitals, when combined, result in the formation of ‘n’ molecular orbitals. Low-energy orbitals are generally bonding and high energy ones are antibonding. Because the lower orbitals are filled in the butadiene system, the molecule is stable. 7 Woodward-Hoffmann theory applied to cyclobutene formation. So it is now possible to see what happens when butadiene is converted to cyclobutene. In order for the new sigma bond to be formed between the newly-connected carbon atoms, the ends of the molecule have to ‘rotate’ in a very specific way for this to happen. We only need to consider the highest-energy molecular orbital (highest occupied molecular orbital, or HOMO): H X X H H Y X Y Y Y X X (HOMO) Y X Y X Y X Y X X Y X Orbitals of same sign form a bond heat Y Y X Y overall: H Y X X Y The result is that the ‘X’ groups end up trans to each other, as do the ‘Y’ groups. Because this involves a concerted rotation of each end of the diene in the same direction (clockwise is illustrated, although anticlockwise would give same result) this is referred to as a ‘conrotatory’ process. It is also referred to as ‘antarafacial’ because the orbitals which link up have identical signs 8 on opposite faces of the diene. Woodward-Hoffmann theory applied to cyclobutene formation under photochemical conditions. Under photochemical conditions, the orbitals are not changed in structure, but an electron is excited by one level. As a result, a new ‘highest occupied molecular orbital’ or HOMO, is defined. The photochemically-excited molecules, whilst not as numerous, are of much higher energy than the unexcited molecules, and dominate the resulting chemistry. thermal (unexcited) Energy H H H H H H Note: the view of the butadiene is 'edge-on' with the single bond 'further back'. photochemically excited h Now (see the next page), the manner in which the molecule changes shape upon cyclisation is very different. 9 Cyclisation under photochemical conditions: In the new HOMO, the ‘ends’ of the orbitals with the same sign are on the same face of the diene, or ‘suprafacial’. In order for these to ‘join up’ to form a bond, the ends of the alkene have to rotate in opposite directions. This process is described as ‘disrotation’. H X Y H H Y X Y X Y X Y Y Y X Y Y X Y X X X X Orbitals of same sign form a sbond h overall: H X X Y Y (photochemical X Y irradiation) X Y i.e., A suprafacial, disrotation process. n.b. Note that the hybridisation of the carbon atoms at the ends of the diene changes from sp 2 to sp3 in the process. 10 Woodward-Hoffmann theory applied to cyclobutene formation – conclusion: It is now possible to understand all the stereochemical observations for the butadiene cyclisations which were described at the start of the section: E,E irradiation (h) Heat ( cis antarafacial conrotation suprafacial disrotation E,E Heat ( E,Z trans antarafacial conrotation irradiation (h) E,Z suprafacial disrotation Note how antara/conrotation go together, as do supra/disrotation. Logical really. Note, also, that the rules also work in the reverse direction, e.g. E,E irradiation (h) suprafacial disrotation Heat ( cis E,Z antarafacial conrotation Although it should be noted that sometimes stereocontrol is lost due to competing radical reactions. 11 Woodward-Hoffmann theory applied to cyclohexene formation: Now that you can see how the theory applies to butadiene, try working out the stereochemical outcome of a triene electrocyclisation, the mechanism of which is given below: (E,Z,E) Heat ( X X Stereochemistry? irradiation (h) X X X X Stereochemistry? The mechanism, of course, will be the same whether heat or photochemically-induced. The difference will be in the observed stereochemistry of the products. Hopefully you will appreciate that the central alkene needs to be ‘Z’ configuration in order for the process to work. Why not revise E and Z notation to be on the safe side? In order to solve the problem, you need to be able to write down the possible molecular orbitals available to the p-system of the molecule, put them in order and fill them with electrons. Hint; as the energy of the orbital increases, so does the number of nodes. We shall work through the solution to this in a lecture. Then you should try the same for a tetraene and pentene. Can you see a pattern? 12 Synthetic applications of electrocyclisation reactions: The conversion of ergosterol to vitamin D2 proceeds through a ring-opening (reverse) electrocyclisation to give provitamin D2, which then undergoes a second rearrangement (a [1,7]sigmatropic shift). Stereochemical control in the sigmatropic shift process will be described in a later section of this course. H sunlight H HO ergosterol H photochemicallypromoted electrocyclisation (antarafacial, conrotation) H provitamin D2 HO [1,7]-sigmatropic shift. H HO vitamin D2 13 Synthetic applications of electrocyclisation reactions: A spectacular example of the power of electrocyclisation reactions is in the biosynthesis of endiandric acids, which are marine natural products. Ph H H H H H H H H Ph HO2C HO2C Ph HO2C Endiandric acid E Endiandric acid D Endiandric acid A H All of these are derived from the linear polyene shown below: Z E HO2C E E E Ph Z The double-bond stereochemistry is critical. 14 Synthetic applications of electrocyclisation reactions: The endiandric acids are biosynthesised through the following process: conrotation (antarafacial) Ph HO2C 4n heat ( Ph HO2C disrotation (suprafacial) 4n+2 heat () Ph Ph H Diels-Alder H H H H HO2C Endiandric acid A (cycloaddition reaction H H HO2C Endiandric acid E The first two steps are electrocyclisations, whilst the final step, to make acid A, is a cycloaddition (Diels-Alder reaction). There will be more discussion of cycloadditions later in this course. The stereochemical control in the first two steps is addressed in the next slide. 15 4n, thermal conrotation (antarafacial) Step 1: Ph HO2C Ph HO2C Ph Ph H Ph HO2C H HO2C HO2C Note: the product is racemic. 4n+2, thermal disrotation (suprafacial) Step 2: Ph H Ph HO2C H HO2C Endiandric acid E R H HO2C R H Ph HO2C H H HO2C H 16 H K. C. Nicolaou’s research group achieved a direct synthesis of endiandric acid A in the laboratory. This was achieved by the reduction of the two alkyne groups in the molecule below by Lindlar catalyst (cis- alkenes are formed selectively) which then formed the product upon heating in toluene. A pretty impressive ‘one-pot’ cyclisation. Ph MeO2C H2 Lindlar catalyst (Pd/CaCO3, + Pb or quinine poison) Ph H 100oC (not isolated) MeO2C Ph H H Toluene H H MeO2C Endiandric acid A (methyl ester derivative) 17 Electrocyclisation reactions of cations and anions also follow the Woodward-Hoffmann rules. All you need to know is the number of electrons involved (i.e. 4n or 4n+2) and whether the reaction is photochemical or thermal: O O O H H irradiation (h) Heat ( and acid for catalysis (AcOH or H3PO4) H H cis H H trans The reaction above is the Nazarov cyclisation (usually carried out under acidic/thermal conditions). Note that the position adjacent to the ketone is a mixture of isomers in each case. Only the relative stereochemistry between the lower hydrogens is controlled. Mechanism: O H O H O H next slide 18 Nazarov cyclisation, cont.... H O H H O O H enol -> ketone -H H H H H H H Stereochemistry in the key cyclisation step: O H H H O 4n, thermal H H hence conrotation, antarafacial Note: although drawn as a localised cation, the positive charge is spread over five atoms through a delocalised p system of p-orbitals. There are a total of 4 electrons in the p system (i.e. two in each alkene), hence it is a 4n electron system, and obeys the rules as usual. H H O H H H 19 Woodward-Hoffmann theory for prediction of the stereochemistry of pericyclic reactions: Cycloaddition reactions. In cycloaddition reactions, the situation is slightly different because a) two molecules are used and b) electron flow takes place from the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) of one molecule to the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the other. The stereochemistry therefore follows from the wavefunction signs of the orbitals on each molecule. Consider the reaction of a butadiene with an alkene (the Diels-Alder reaction): The reaction is usually heat-promoted, but sometimes it is carried out photochemically. More details of the Diels-Alder reaction. 1) Diene must be in the s-cis conformation: s-cis s-trans This will react: But not this: (ends are too far apart) 20 2) Dienophiles with electron-withdrawing groups (EWG) react faster: Me Me slow O OMe This is because the electronwithdrawing group reduces the LUMO energy and improves the overlap with the orbitals in the diene – more information later in course. CO2Me O CO2Me OMe fast OMe CO2Me O 3) The reaction is stereospecfic: MeO2C MeO2C CO2Me CO2Me CO2Me CO2Me CO2Me CO2Me 21 3) The reaction is stereospecific cont... Ph Ph MeO2C CO2Me CO2Me heat CO2Me Ph Ph 4) With unsymmetrical dienes, the reactions are regioselective: (electron withdrawing group) OMe CO2Me (electron donating group) OMe OMe CO2Me not: CO2Me MeO MeO MeO CO2Me not: CO2Me CO2Me + Due to size of MOs, and distribution of partial charges: OMe OMe CO2Me + - CO2Me Please note this correction to the handout: MeO + MeO + CO2Me MOs closely matched in size react with each other more efficiently (stepwise analogy). + CO2Me 22 5) Endo-product often favoured: Two isomers can be formed: O + O O O O O O O O H H O ENDO MAJOR EXO MINOR O H H O In a kinetically controlled (product is fastest to form, irreversible) the ENDO is favoured but for reversible reactions (thermodynamic control) the EXO may dominate e.g. with furan. All these observations can be explained by considering the orbitals involved in the reactions: In this Diels-Alder reaction the reagents approach each other in a ‘face to face’ manner, i.e. so that the p- orbitals of the p-system can combine with each other. The relevant orbitals are shown below: H H H H H LUMO Alkene H Butadiene H H H H HOMO H H H H H H LUMO H HOMO H H H 23 Woodward-Hoffmann theory for prediction of the stereochemistry of pericyclic reactions: Cycloaddition reactions. So the following combinations can be employed in the suprafacial cycloaddition reaction: H Butadiene Alkene H H H H H H H H H H HOMO LUMO H H H H H H H H H LUMO HOMO In both cases, phases of the wavefunctions on the orbitals are matched so that the reagents can approach each other in a face to face manner and also form bonds easily. In practice, it is usually the combination of diene HOMO with alkene LUMO which leads to the product, rather than the diene LUMO and alkene HOMO. Electron-withdrawing groups on the alkene lower its LUMO energy and improve the matching to the diene HOMO. In turn this increases the reaction rate. Hence, electron-withdrawing groups on an alkene generally increase the reaction rate, often very significantly. As might be predicted, electron-donating groups on the diene also improve the rate – by pushing its HOMO energy closer to that of the alkene LUMO (see next slide). 24 Diels-Alder reaction: energetics: More closely-matched orbitals give a greater energetic benefit when combined. Hence the closely related butadiene HOMO and alkene LUMO represent the favoured combination. When electron-withdrawing groups are present on the alkene, the benefit is even greater because the HOMO/LUMO levels are even closer. Lewis acids speed it even further. Butadiene Alkene H H H H H H H H H Energy O LUMO HOMO HOMO H Alkene with e-withdrawing groups H H O O LUMO HOMO The Diels-Alder reaction proceeds in a suprafacial manner, i.e. the reagents add together in a perfectly-matched face-to-face fashion. Please note: the terms ‘dis- and conrotation do not apply to cycloadditions. 25 Woodward-Hoffmann theory for prediction of the stereochemistry of cycloaddition reactions: If you examine [2+2] and [4+4] cycloadditions, you will find that the combination of a HOMO and a LUMO results in an antarafacial component. Often, as a result, the reactions simply fail under thermal conditions, although they might well succeed using photochemical methods. [4+4] [2+2] thermal H H H H HOMO H antibonding H LUMO H H H H H H H H H H no reaction H LUMO antibonding H HOMO H LUMO antarafacial no reaction [4+4] [2+2] photochemical H H H H H H H H H H H rapid reaction HOMO (excited state) H H H H LUMO H H H suprafacial H H H HOMO (excited state) rapid reaction 26 Woodward-Hoffmann theory for prediction of the stereochemistry of cycloaddition reactions: summary of the rules: Ring size No. electrons 4,8,12… 4n 6,10,14… 4n+2 Thermal Photochemical Antarafacial Suprafacial Suprafacial Antarafacial Note…the rules also work in reverse: H Me Me heat + antarafacial H Me Me Although you might also get competing radical reactions: H H Me heat + . . H Me Me Me Me Me 27 [2+2] cycloadditions involving ketenes; an exception to the WoodwardHoffmann rules. This is an important exception to the Woodward-Hoffmann rules which normally insist that [2+2] additions proceed in a (not very favourable) antarafacial manner. The trick here is that the ketene uses both the C=C and C=O p-orbitals in the reaction, through a ‘twisted’ transition state. H O ketene O C H Cl Cl Cl Cl H H Cl C Cl Cl O Cl O O Ar How would you make a ketene? n.b useful for beta-lactam synthesis: Ar O ketene N O N C R R H OPh Some examples of Diels-Alder reactions will be given at this stage OPh 28 Endo selectivity in the Diels-Alder reaction. The reaction of an alkene bearing a carbonyl group with a 1,3-diene is known to proceed with a high degree of endo selectivity. What this means is that the product is formed through a transition state in which the carbonyl group overlaps with the diene, a conformation which is favoured by a secondary orbital interaction: MeO2C O e.g. H + OMe MeO O Secondary orbital interaction controls stereochemistry H H Primary orbital interaction creates bonds endo -CO2Me is on same side of molecule as the double bond. When attempting to answer a question in this area, first redraw the molecules with the carbonyl underneath the diene as shown below, then draw the cyclised product without altering the positions of the groups. Finally redraw a tidy' version with the same relative stereochemistry. Note: Ys and Bs are on the same side. (see next slide) 29 X Y X Y A B X Y CO 2Me X Y CO 2Me A B X Y A B B B line up X Y CO 2Me B form ring redraw Example: Intramolecular version X Y MeO2C MeO2C B X X' Y Y MeO2C A B B' (Y=H, X=Me, X'-B' is three carbon bond, A, B=H) Remember: try to redraw the molecule as few times as possible as each will result in a higher chance of errors slipping in. MeO2C H H H Don't redraw again A B redraw replace groups Me H X Y X Y MeO2C B X Y A B 30 Make sure you can draw the transition state for the following process: O O H + O O O H O H O O H O Endo is major product exo product is minor side-product Intramolecular Diels-Alder reactions are very powerful methods for constructing target molecules (try the one below): MeO2C Me MeO2C heat Me One step: 2 C-C bonds, 4 chiral centres. H H These reactions are often catalysed by Lewis acids (see section on the orbitals involved in DielsAlder reactions. 31 Application of the Diels-Alder reaction to Taxol synthesis. AcO NHBz O Taxol is a potent anticancer compound O OH Ph O OH HO Taxol A possible approach (model system): H O O O AcO Ph H O H H O How might you be able to construct the substrate? 32 Further applications of Diels-Alder reactions: Alkaloid synthesis: CHO + DielsAlder OBn MeO P MeO CHO O O N H O O N H Bn=CH2Ph OBn nPr base (Wadsworth-Emmons) regio and stereo-controlled O nPr O H2, Pd/C (removes CO2Bn and reduces alkene) nPr H+ (catalytic) O N H NH2 OBn H H Pumiliotoxin C ('poison arrow' toxin) NaBH4 (reduces C=N N H not isolated nPr N H H H 33 Hetero Diels-Alder reactions can be useful too: BnO BnO BnO O O + OMe OMe Me3SiO Danishefsky diene. O Me3SiO OMe A novel approach to the synthesis of carbohydrates. Me3SiO Three component Cycloadditions: [2+2+2] 4n+2 electron process. + 3-body collision Is unlikely. N N N 34 1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition reactions The cycloaddition of nitrones to alkenes (below) is a 6-electron process which proceeds in a suprafacial manner. The cycloaddition product can be reductively opened, thus providing a stereoselective method for the synthesis of 1,3-aminoalcohols. O Ph [3+2] cycloaddition Ph N N Zn(s) (reducing agent) Ph Ph Ph O O NH HO Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph N Ph A similar cycloaddition of nitrile oxides provides a method for the synthesis of 3-hydroxy ketones, all these reactions involve 4n+2 electrons and are suprafacial: Ph O [3+2] cycloaddition Ph N N O O Ph Ph Ph Ph N Zn(s) (reducing agent) Ph Zn(s) (reducing agent) Ph N Ph O HO HO H+/H2O Ph Ph Ph 35 The Ene reaction; a type of cycloaddition The ene reaction involves a cycloaddition between two alkenes, but with the formation of only a single C-C bond. A C-H bond is also formed in the process: + O O O 4n+2 electrons suprafacial O O O H H H (sp3) More complex as it involves 3 molecular orbital systems. O O O LUMO HOMO H H LUMO O O O O O O Orbital picture: 36 Menthol is prepared through an ene reaction: The reaction below uses a mild Lewis acid. The chirality of the product comes entirely from the single chiral centre of the starting material. Note that the lone pair on the carbonyl oxygen is available for participation in this cyclisation. H2, Pd/C ZnBr2 O (catalyst) O ZnBr2 OH OH H L-menthol LUMO ZnBr2 O ZnBr2 O O via H H H LUMO HOMO This process allows menthol to be made more efficiently than through extraction from natural sources. How would you make the starting material? 37 Woodward-Hoffmann theory for prediction of the stereochemistry of pericyclic reactions: Sigmatropic reactions. Ring size This time the rules will be given first, then the examples: No. electrons 4,8,12… 4n 6,10,14… 4n+2 Me Me Thermal conditions:antarafacial (disfavoured) Alkene LUMO s-bond HOMO Me H H H Antarafacial Suprafacial Suprafacial Antarafacial a [1,3] sigmatropic shift (or rearrangement) H Photochemical conditions:suprafacial (favoured) Alkene HOMO H (excited state) s-bond LUMO (ground state) H H H Me H H H 'H' needs to migrate to other face (difficult) Photochemical Me H H Thermal 'H' is on correct side for easy migration H This is not often observed. Me H H H 38 Sigmatropic [1,5]-reactions proceed suprafacially under thermal conditions H H H HOMO s-bond 6 electron (4n+2) process hence suprafacial same phase LUMO of diene H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 39 Classic experiment: D Me heat Me S D D Me E H Me + Me H Me H Explanation D Me H Me S D H H D Me R H Me Me D D Me E Me E D Me H Me Me H Z D H Me Me S Me From the (S,E) starting material, both the (E, R) and the (Z,S) products are formed. However the (Z,R) and (E,S) products are not formed. This proves that the reaction proceeds in high stereoselectivity. 40 The isomerisation of cyclopentadienes involves a very rapid sigmatropic [1,5]-reactions (try taking an NMR spectrum of one) H R 2 R1 R3 R R 3 R R4 H 2 etc. R R4 R1 [1,7] sigmatropic rearrangements involves an antarafacial component if carried out thermally. Because the ring is quite large, this sometimes works smoothly. Remember the vitamin D2 synthesis? [1,7]-sigmatropic shift. H H HO provitamin D2 The rules make this a (4n) antarafacial reaction But the molecule is flexible enough to allow it. In general, sigmatropic rearrangements: Under thermal conditions: 4n electrons; antarafacial. 4n+2 electrons: suprafacial. H HO vitamin D2 H H OH H 41 Sigmatropic [3,3]-reactions proceed suprafacially and are of great synthetic utility: CLAISEN rearrangement COPE rearrangement O often reversible O usually irreversible H H Me Me Me Me O Me Me H O Me Me H Both reactions proceed via a chair-like transition state. 42 Sigmatropic [3,3]-reactions proceed suprafacially and are of great synthetic utility: anion Think of reaction as cation + anion: cation LUMO HOMO LUMO HOMO cation LUMO forming bond breaking bond anion HOMO 43 Sigmatropic [3,3]-reactions – COPE rearrangement applications Cope rearrangements are often limited due to the reversibility of the reaction. However the reaction can be made irreversible by release of strain: O Li MeO O MeO O H MeO MeO O H + H O O MeO H H MeO 44 Sigmatropic [3,3]-reactions – CLAISEN rearrangement applications Claisen reactions are generally irreversible and synthetically useful: O O O rearomatises OH A [3,3]-sigmatropic reaction is pivotal to the Fischer indole synthesis: H N H N NH H NH NH H N steps NH -NH3 H n.b. Don’t get confused with the Claisen reactions of esters. 45 Sigmatropic [3,3]-reactions – CLAISEN rearrangement applications The Ireland-Claisen reaction is a useful method for constructing esters, particularly of difficult medium-ring products, with high stereoselectivity. How would you make the starting material? OMe O O O OMe OMe Some more complex examples: H n n O O O via O O O O O Application to the synthesis of ascidialactone, a marine natural product. H H n n OSi(tBu)Me2 H OSi(tBu)Me2 O O O O OSi(tBu)Me2 OSi(tBu)Me2 46 A summary of the Woodward-Hoffmann rules. Reaction conditions Thermal no. electrons 4n+2 Electrocyclisation Photochem. Thermal Photochem. 4n 4n 4n+2 Disrotation Suprafacial Disrotation Suprafacial Conrotation Antarafacial Conrotation Antarafacial Cycloaddition Suprafacial Suprafacial Antarafacial Antarafacial Sigmatropic reactions Suprafacial Suprafacial Antarafacial Antarafacial 47 Baldwin’s rules for ring formation (sizes 3-7) Prof J. E. Baldwin formulated a number of rules which may be used to predict why some cyclisations work well, and others did not. These were initially empirical rules derived through a study of the literature, but have since been rationalised through experimentation and molecular modelling. e.g. Why is it that a primary amine normally adds to the beta-position of an unsaturated ester: O O R OMe NH2 Whereas the equivalent intramolecular cyclisation proceeds via addition to the carbonyl group?: OMe NH2 O O R N H H R NH H OMe NH workup OMe O O N H OMe 48 Baldwin’s rules for ring formation (sizes 3-7); classification Baldwin first classified all reactions using three criteria: a) The size of the ring being formed, or the ring size of the cyclic transition state. b) ENDO (if the bond being broken is in the ring) or EXO (if the bond being broken is outside the ring, I.e.: Endo: c) X Exo: X The hybridisation of the C atom undergoing attack in the cyclisation: X If this is an sp3 (tetrahedral) atom then this is classified as ‘TET’ If this is an sp2 (trigonal) atom then this is classified as ‘TRIG’ If this is an sp (digonal) atom then this is classified as ‘DIG’ X X 49 Baldwin’s rules for ring formation (sizes 3-7); examples So, for example: Y +Y X X O O X X is a 5-Exo-Tet reaction X N X is a 6-Exo-Trig reaction N is a 5-Endo-Dig reaction 50 Baldwin’s rules for ring formation (sizes 3-7); The rules Baldwin examined the literature and classified all the reported cyclisation reactions according to his rules. A remarkable pattern emerged; some types of cyclisation had never been reported. When he had attempted these he found that some simply failed. In the end he came up with the following simple table of rules: TET Endo Exo TRIG Endo Exo DIG Endo Exo 3 N Y N Y Y N 4 N Y N Y Y N 5 N Y N Y Y Y Ring size N= no reaction cyclisation fails Y= successful cyclisation i.e. 6 N Y Y Y Y Y 7 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y= allowed N=diallowed 51 The rules are now known to work because of orbital alignments. Nucleophiles have to approach single, double or triple bonds in very specific directions in order to overlap effectively with the antibonding orbitals. The requirements are summarised below: TET sp3 systems Nu Must approach from behind leaving group. Nu Nu Br Nu + Br s* antibonding orbital Br Nu ca. 109o TRIG sp2 systems OH O Must approach at this angle Nu p* antibonding orbital O Nu DIG sp systems ca. 60o N Must approach at this angle Nu N 52 Tetrahedral (TET) systems A clever deuterium-labelling experiment served to prove that 6-endo-tet processes are not intramolecular: O2 S O2 S O nBuLi CH3 (strong base) O2 S O O CH3 CH3 O2S O2S O2S O2 S CH3 CH3 CH3 O2 S O nBuLi CD3 (strong base) O2 S O O CD3 CD3 O2S O2S O2S CD3 CD3 CD3 O2 S But you also get: These would be the only products if the reaction was intramolecular. O2 S O O CH3 CD3 Hence 'scrambling' is taking place and the reaction is intermolecular. O2S O2S 53 CD3 CH3 Tetrahedral (TET) systems Epoxide-opening reactions (all-exo-tet) are particularly useful because they exhibit a high level of regioselectivity (note that the epoxide is equally substituted at each end): 6-exo-tet but O 5-exo-tet O O O disfavoured favoured 5-exo-tet but O 4-exo-tet O O O disfavoured 4-exo-tet favoured but O O disfavoured 3-exo-tet O O favoured 54 rate: 3>4>5<6 for ring size. Intramolecular epoxide opening reactions The synthesis of Grandisol, the sex pheromone of the male cotton boll weevil, has been achieved in a very concise and elegant synthesis using a key epoxide-opening step. The high level of ring strain provides a means for the synthesis of similarly strained targets: CN OTBDMS mCPBA E OTBDMS OTBDMS CN CN NaOMe O O base 4-exo-tet OTBDMS OTBDMS H mCPBA = O O H Cl HO O OTBDMS= OSitBu(Me)2 (the silyl group protects the alcohol, and is removed with fluoride). O CN CN OH 'steps' CH3 Grandisol (racemic product is formed, but this is the correct diastereoisomer) 55 Iodonium cations promote cyclisations in a very similar manner to epoxides. Iodine reacts with a double bond to form an iodonium cation, which can then promote a cyclisation: O I I2 O O I I OH OH I OH -I I O O O O H Note that the selectivity can change according to the substitution level: CN H 5-exo-tet CN Favoured by attack at least hindered end. O HO 56 Intramolecular epoxide opening reactions – complex natural products A large group of natural products contain a series of fused 5-8 membered ether rings, and are believed to have been formed by epoxide opening processes Me2N O H Me H Selective oxidation Me2N O H Me H O O O Me Me H O Me Me H Me Me O BF3 H Me O OH Me2N O H Me O H O Me2N O H Me O O Me O O Me Me H BF3 hydrolysis H O Me OH O O Complex target molecule O Me H O So far this has been used to give relatively small products in the laboratory 57 Intramolecular epoxide opening reactions – complex natural products A prime example of a complex target of this type is Brevitoxin A marine neurotoxin associated with ‘red tide’ toxic marine organisms. HO H H H O O O H H O H H H O O O O H O O H O H H H O H H O H For a total synthesis of this molecule see: K. C. Nicolaou et al; J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1995, 117, 1171, 1173. (The method was not prepared by polyepoxide cyclisations, but no doubt one day it will be) 58 Trigonal (TRIG) systems The following reaction works in acid but not in base; why is this? O O base (NaOMe) 0% acid (HCl) 100% O OH OMe OMe In base the reaction fails because it requires a disfavoured 5-endo-trig cyclisation. Why is it disfavoured – consider the orbital alignments? O O O O OMe OMe 59 Trigonal (TRIG) systems In acid the reaction mechanism changes due to carbonyl protonation, and it becomes a 5exo-trig process at the key cyclisation step: H H O O OH OH OH OH OMe OMe OMe OH 5-exo-trig O O O H OMe OMe 60 This accounts for the earlier question about amine addition in inter- and intramolecular reactions: Intramolecular reactions prefer addition to the -carbon on enthalpic grounds: Whereas the equivalent intramolecular cyclisation proceeds via a 5-exo-trig cyclisation. This overcomes the enthalpic advantage of addition to the -carbon, which would require a 5-endo-trig step: O R OMe NH2 O O O 5-exo-trig OMe OMe NH2 O R OMe NH The same cyclisation of a 6-membered ring precursor works, because the 6-endo-trig process is allowed: H workup R NH N N H H O O OMe OMe O O OMe OMe 6-endo-trig H NH2 N H N H H 61 H Alignment of nucleophile with C=C vs C=O bond: O O OMe 5-exo-trig NH2 NH2 : OMe (these are the same molecule) N lone pair aligned with p* orbital on C=O. CYCLISATION WORKS. O 5-endo-trig MeO NH2 O OMe NH2 : N lone pair orthogonal to p* orbital. CYCLISATION FAILS. 62 Rules on 5-endo-trig reactions often dictate mechanism Predict the mechanism of this reaction: O + H2N O OMe HN + MeOH NH NH2 6-endo-trig reactions are permitted O O base (e.g.) NaOMe 6-endo-trig OH H O N OH O R HCO2H R 6-endo-trig O O O N O N-acyliminium cation H N O O 63 H You may have seen the Pictet-Spengler synthesis of isoquinolines: MeO MeO CH2O NH2 MeO 6-endo-trig HCl (catalyst) N MeO H MeO MeO N MeO H MeO N H H 64 Digonal (DIG) systems Endo-cyclisations work well, and these cyclisation are useful for making small heterocycles: isonitrile Ph O2 S Base C N Ph e.g. NaOMe O2 S C RCHO N Ph O2 S N R O C H MeO O R Ph 5-endo-dig O2 S N quench C R R base Ph O2 S N C H R O H O R R H H N C N N C (after protonation) 65 Digonal (DIG) systems R' H2N R R' NH2 5-endo-dig R O R N N NH2 R' N H Certain exo- cyclisations also work: CN RO C NH2 CN RO CN RO C base NH N workup N H NH2 H CN CN RO N N H N RO H N H H N H 66 Some genuine exceptions to Baldwin’s rules In some cases, if there is no choice, Baldwin’s rules can be overridden. O HO OH O HO OH O OH H H 5-endo-trig H O O O SO2Ph SO2Ph SO2Ph base via NH N H NH2 5-endo-trig SO2Ph SO2Ph SO2Ph base SH O via S S 5-endo-trig 67 Stereoelectronic effects in anomeric bond formation in carbohydrates Six-membered carbohydrates, such as glucose, exist as a mixture of ‘anomers’ Nb : - is axial, - is equatorial HO HO O OH HO HO O HO HO OH OH -anomer OH -anomer When an ether is formed at the ‘anomeric’ centre, two new anomers can be formed. The -anomer is more thermodynamically stable, and usually the major product. HO HO HO ROH acid catalysis O or -anomer HO O HO HO ROH HO O HO HO OH OH Oxonium cation OR ROH OH H OH OH or OH HO HO HO HO O HO HO O 68 OR Stereoelectronic effects in anomeric bond formation in carbohydrates The - anomer is more stable because of an energetically-favourable overlap between one of the ring-oxygen lone pairs with an antibonding orbital in the C-O bond. The orbitals align because they are parallel to one another. This overlap is not possible for the -anomer. Effectively a ‘partial double-bond’. HO HO O HO HO OH Even stronger with electron-withdrawing group on R, e.g. R=Me 67:33 R=COMe 86:14 overall O line pair O OR HO HO OH OR C-O s* O line pair C-O s* overall This anomeric bond effect can be used to control the stereochemistry of anomeric bonds in sugars, which is both challenging and essential for the properties of the compounds. There are three major methods for control: a) Use normal anomeric effect, or override this with a large group. b) Perform an SN2 substitution. c) Use neighbouring-group effects. 69 a) i) Exploit normal anomeric effect: RO O or -anomer O O RO RO RO RO RO RO OBn RO RO Ag salt OBn OBn Br Bn=CH2Ph Ag OR ROH An axial adjacent group strengthens this effect (galactose): RO RO Ag salt O RO RO O O RO RO RO RO RO RO or -anomer RO RO Br Ag OR ROH ii) This can be overridden by a large adjacent group: RO O RO RO O or -anomer Ag Br RO O RO RO ROH RO O O O The large group blocks the lower face. OR RO RO 70 b) Use SN2 displacement strategy- an excellent leaving group is required: RO TsCl O RO RO -anomer O RO RO Et3N OR RO RO ROH OR OH O OR RO RO OTs OR Likewise, the - product can be made from the - starting material c) Neighbouring-group effect: an adjacent acetyl group is required (for a)-b) above, a group such as Bn is used): RO RO Ag salt O RO RO RO RO or -anomer O O O Br O Ag O RO (NaOMe can be Used to remove OAc group) ROH RO O RO RO H O O O OR RO RO SN2 O O 71 The potent anticancer molecule Calicheamicin, which is one of a family of ‘enediyne’ natural products. It works by intercalating into, and then cleaving, DNA at selective positions. It has a remarkable mode of action. The oligosaccharide part acts as a ‘targeting’ mechanism and engages in a molecular recognition with the DNA strand. The enediyne unit acts as the ‘warhead’ which damages the DNA. O -, prepared using method c) (OAc on adjacent OH) NHCO2Me O O I OMe O HO HO OH OMe thioester bond O O S O MeO HO -, prepared using (b); SN2 process with OTs leaving group. MeSSS N HO H -, prepared using (a, i); anomeric control O O H N O H -, prepared using (a,ii); anomeric control overidden by large group on adjacent OH. MeO In a total synthesis of the molecule (K. C. Nicolaou, 1992), the anomeric bonds in the sugars are made by a combination of the methods already outlined. 72 Spiro acetals can adopt three possible conformations, the stability of which depends on the number of anomeric effects. The more anomeric effects there are, the more stable the isomer O O O O O O O O spiro acetal 1 anomeric effect intermediate stablity 2 anomeric effects -most stable isomer 0 anomeric effects least stable isomer n.b. The formation of the spiro acetal is reversible. Initially a mixture of isomers is formed. As the reaction proceeds, the quantity of the major isomer increases. O Me The stereoselective formation of a spiro acetal is pivotal to the total synthesis of the aglycone of the antibiotic erythromycin Me HO Me OH Me OH Me H OH * O Me Erythromycin aglycone (in the full molecule, two carbohydrates are attached to OHs *) OH * O Me 73 Total synthesis of the erythromycin aglycone: Spiroacetal formation leads selectively to a single isomer: MeO2C CO2Me CO2Me Me O HO OH CO2Me CO2Me acid catalysis -H2O Me CO2Me O O HO H OH O (2 anomeric interactions Me Me The rest of the synthesis involves some chemistry featured earlier in this course: steps: i) Oxidation to enone ii) Me2CuLi conjugate addition Me Me Ph iii) Dibenzoyl peroxide oxidation CO2Me O O O O CO2Me i) MeMgBr axial addition ii) Elimination of CO2Me Me CO2Me Me Ph O O O Me O OH O Me Me 74 Total synthesis of the erythromycin aglycone cont.: Me Me Ph Me CO2Me Ph O O Me Me i) LiAlH4 O O (MeO)3CCH2CH3, H O O O O O Me OH OH Me Me I I Ph H O O O O Me Claisen rearrangement [3.3] sigmatropic O Me Me OMe Hydrolysis of acid Me Me Me Ph O Me Me OMe O O O OH Me O O OH Me 75 Total synthesis of the erythromycin aglycone completion.: (from previous slide) I I2 (iodine) 5-exo-trig iodolactonisation Ph O O Me Me O Reduction Me O O Me Me Me Ph O O O Me O Me O O Me O OH OH Me Me Open ester and convert to aldehyde OH Me Me HO Me Me HO O HO Me OH Me Me O OH form ester here OH Me OH Me Me Deprotect Ph Ring-open spiroacetal with aqueous acid O O O H O O Me OH Me Erythromycin aglycone 76
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