Coaching Effective Teaching Strategies Patricia M. Devino & Sarah L. Fitzsimons The purpose of staff development is not just to implement isolated instructional innovations; its central purpose is to build strong collaborative work cultures that will develop the long-term capacity for change. Michael Fullan Participants Will: • Define the roles of a coach as they relate to implementing Effective Teaching Strategies and effective models for coaching. • Practice coaching behaviors that influence best practices. • Experience planning, reflecting, and problem solving conversations as an instructional coach. • Review the research-based Effective Teaching Strategies in Step Four of the Data Team process. Essential Questions • What are the characteristics of an effective instructional coach, what do they need to know and be able to do? • How do instructional coaches build teacher capacity for selecting, implementing, evaluating the impact of Effective Teaching Strategies and foster teacher reflection? • How does an effective instructional coach help teachers use effective teaching strategies based on student data? Why Coaching? Research on Instructional Coaching Recent Research Indicates That With Classroom Coaching, Implementation rates rise… 85% - 90% University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning Instructional Coaching… • Builds capacity for effective instructional practices within specific content areas. • Creates a partnership approach with teachers. • “Customizes professional development to match each teacher’s needs and interests while they help the school establish a common understanding across all teachers.” (Sweeney, 2003) What are the characteristics of an effective instructional coach, what do they need to know and be able to do? What is EFFECTIVE? EFFECTIVE is defined as success based on student outcomes– not did I like it, or did the students like it– but WAS IT EFFECTIVE? What characteristics of an effective coach do you view in this video? What are the parallels between what this athletic coach does and what an instructional coach does? Roles of an Instructional Coach Ten Roles of a Coach • • • • • Resource Provider Data Coach Curriculum Specialist Instructional Specialist Mentor • • • • • Classroom Supporter Learning Facilitator School Leader Catalyst for Change Learner Effective Teaching Strategies and Coaching Roles • Nudge your neighbor to discuss which roles apply and why? Coaching’s Big Four • Content • Instructional Practices • Assessment for Learning • Classroom Management Jim Knight, University of Kansas Essential Question Reflection What are the characteristics of an effective instructional coach, what do they need to know and be able to do? What's the Big Idea? Essential Question 2 How do instructional coaches build teacher capacity for selecting, implementing, evaluating the impact of Effective Teaching Strategies, and fostering teacher reflection? Selecting Effective Teaching Strategies Interventions that are embraced are powerful & easy Ideas, values, technologies that do the job with the least demand on psychic energy will survive. An appliance that does more work with less effort will be preferred Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi How do we ensure they’re powerful? Using scientifically based interventions that result in increased student achievement Targeting standards Targeting students’ most pressing needs Using checklists, in-class demonstrations, and feedback to ensure that teachers researchbased practices are implemented with fidelity Review of Effective Teaching Strategies 1.Similarities and Differences 2.Summarizing and Note Taking 3.Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition 4.Homework and Practice 5.Nonlinguistic Representation 6.Cooperative Learning 7.Setting Goals and Providing Feedback 8.Generating and Testing Hypothesis 9.Questions, Cues, and Advanced Organizers 10.Non-Fiction Writing Pre-lesson Conference Selection of Effective Teaching Strategies • Determine the stage of learning: Are you introducing new knowledge or do you want the students to practice, review, and apply knowledge already taught? Beginning Stages Activate prior knowledge, provide background information, hook students: • • • • • Set Objectives Provide Feedback Questions, Cues, Advanced Organizers Cooperative Learning Identifying Similarities and Differences During the Lesson Identify strategies and activities that will be used to support the teaching objectives and determine how will students receive feedback on their progress: • • • • Nonlinguistic Representation Note Taking and Summarizing Questions, Cues, Advanced Organizers Cooperative Learning End of Lesson Tie new knowledge to existing knowledge and future knowledge, reflect, and evaluate: • • • • • Provide Recognition Reinforce Effort Summarize Evaluate Self-Assessment Implementing Effective Teaching Strategies Instructional Coaching Components Enroll Teachers Observe Collaborative Reflection Collaboratively Explore Data (CED) Identify Need Select Effective Teaching Strategies Co-Plan and CoTeach Model Demonstration Lesson Implementing ETS • Model Demonstration Lessons (I do – You watch me) • Co-Plan and Co-Teach (We DO) • Observe (You Do- I watch you) Instructional Coaching Continuum E. Teacher Refines Implementation with Coaching Feedback D. Teacher Transitions to Guided Practice with Coaching Support C. Coach/ Teacher Build Co-Teaching Relationship B. Committing to a Learning Relationship A. Building Common Knowledge & ExperienceThe on-going foundation for a professional learning community Planning Conference (Pre-Brief) The teacher and coach confer to: • Clarify learning goals (teacher and student) • Collaboratively plan tasks or work the students will complete to achieve the intended outcomes • Determine evidence of proficient student achievement • Identify student or teacher behaviors the coach should observe • Agree on the role(s) the teacher and the coach will perform during the lesson. In class support The teacher and the coach collaborate in the delivery of the planned lesson through these activities: • • • • Observation Demonstration lesson Co-Teaching Gradual release of responsibility from coach to teacher Evaluating Impact of Effective Teaching Strategies Providing Feedback Not evaluating teacher, but evaluating the effectiveness of the Effective Teaching Strategies as evidenced by: fidelity of implementation impact on student outcomes. Debriefing The teacher and the coach meet to discuss: • Degree to which students have mastered the learning outcomes • Effective Teaching Strategies used by the coach/teacher (depending on if observation, model lesson, & or co-teaching stage) • Instructional adjustments the teacher made during the lesson Feedback Goal of feedback is to improve current situations without criticizing or offending. Should be: • Descriptive rather than Evaluative (visible) • Specific instead of general • Given only when requested • Given as soon as possible • Realistic • Positive Warm V. Cool Feedback WARM COOL • • • • • • • • Supportive Strength oriented Focus on solutions Promotes positive learning Impersonal Needs oriented Focus on the problem Provides constructive criticism Questions to Ask When Debriefing/ Providing Feedback? • What did you see? • What was the focus on learning goals? • What standard was being used and are the procedures and assignments appropriate? • How will the student achieve according to the standard being addressed? • What questions were being asked? • Did the lesson end with the focused learning goals? Cont’d • What ETS did you see incorporated in the lesson? Was the ETS presented with fidelity? • What needs did you see? • What suggestions do you have for teaching this standard? • How can we support the teacher for future student learning? • How can you work together to incorporate collaboration on this lesson? Cont’d • What did you learn about incorporating ETS in this lesson? • What did you learn about this teacher’s lesson from this session? Teacher: ____________________ Conference date: ____/____/____ Classroom Check-up Feedback Form Time on Task Opportunities to Respond (OTR) Ratio of Interactions Goal area(s):_________________________________ Intervention(s): _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________Adapted from Jim Knight Disruptions Effective Teaching Strategies How would you provide feedback to this teacher? Reflection “The teacher cannot rely on either instinct alone or on prepackaged sets of techniques. Instead, she or he must think about what is taking place, what the options are and so on, in a critical, analytical way. In other words the teacher must engage in reflection.” John W. Brubacher, Charles W. Case, and Timothy G. Reagan Reflection • The teacher and the coach independently and systematically reflect on how their collaborative work fosters the development of the students’ understanding. • Do this on an ongoing basis to re-examine goals so that there is a cycle of continuous improvement. Questions to Foster Reflection • What was I trying to accomplish? • How did I go about completing the lesson and solving problems I had along the way (process)? • What did I do well (strengths)? • What did I have difficulty with (weaknesses)? • What have I learned/what would I do differently? Reflection Questions, cont’d • What worked well? • What did we learn? • Did our conversations lead us closer to our goals? How? • Did we focus on the lesson or on other issues? • Did we do what we set out to do? • How can we improve on this to make coaching collaborating on lesson plans more significant part of our work? Essential Question 2 How do instructional coaches build teacher capacity for selecting, implementing, and evaluating the impact of Effective Teaching Strategies and foster teacher reflection? What's the Big Idea? Essential Question 3 How does an effective instructional coach help teachers use Effective Teaching Strategies based on student data? Are the students learning? Coaches: assist teachers in the gathering and analysis of formative assessment DATA about what students know and can do as they enter a learning experience; help teachers use the data analysis to design learning experiences at which students can be successful; and train teachers in the ongoing use of formative assessment data. The question we must teach teachers to ask is not did the students complete all the assignments and do their homework, but rather, did they learn what they were supposed to learn, did they retain it over time, and can they use it in ways that demonstrate understanding at a high level. Coaching Collaboration Throughout the Data Team Process • • • • • Commitment Time/Agenda Norms Planning Structure Data Team Process Step 1: Collect and Chart Data Step 2: Analyze Strengths and Obstacles Step 3: Establish SMART Goals Step 4: Select Instructional Strategies Step 5: Determine Results Indicators Step 6: Monitor and Evaluate Value of Collaboration Through Instructional Coaching • See what to avoid and/or include in our practices. • To inform lesson development and instruction. • Self-assessment and self-awareness of strengths and areas of growth. • Insights into lesson development and Effective Teaching Strategies. Collaborative Lesson Planning Collaborate on lesson/ unit plans using template To inform instruction To ensure lessons incorporate ETS more frequently Used by teacher(s) and coach pre and post lesson Follow Norms Follow a Structure Helps us break down isolation Meet Sally Friendly See handout for Sally Friendly Activity How does an effective instructional coach help teachers use Effective Teaching Strategies based on student data? What's the big idea? Your Feedback • Please take the time to complete the feedback form provided. • Make sure you have signed the CALI signin sheet before you leave (if you have not done so already). • Please initial signature on your way out.
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