Premedical Studies Program 102 Memorial Hall Presents Orientation for 1st & 2nd Year Students Foundations of your Credentials by Dr. Joe Crim, Interim Director Carol Roberts, Advisor Keisha Chandler, Advisor Pam Tolbert, Office Administrator Orientation for 1st & 2nd Year Premedical Students Please pick up two forms at or near entrance. 1) “Pastel Sheet” – Premed Website & Premed Listserv 2) “Sign up for Premedical Studies” Please complete now and turn in today before you leave. 3) Please prepare to take notes. Premedical Studies Program University of Georgia 102 Memorial Hall (706) 542-0444 Explore our website and find answers for many questions Please first use our website ( to find answers to your questions. Below are examples of topics. • The schedules of upcoming “Orientation Sessions” are posted. • “Guidelines for Premedical Students” is an overview of the program. • The list of “Courses Typically Taken to Meet Premedical Requirements” provides guidance for designing schedules. • The “Web Links and Sites” is a treasure trove for information about medicine, dentistry, optometry and podiatry. Group announcements and emails go out via the listserv To receive information about upcoming meetings, programs, and many related activities, subscribe to the listserv of the UGA Pre-medical, Pre-dental, Pre-optometry Honor Society: Alpha Epsilon Delta. Please follow the steps below so we may reach you. You should receive a “welcome” message within 30 minutes. Go to the website: Select the first entry titled: “Browse, Subscribe, Post, Search ...” In the List Name box – type: AED-L (and press enter or go) Select the entry: “Join or leave the list (or change settings)” Follow the instructions and then click “Join the List” Or, if you have difficulty Go to the website: Follow instructions to join the list. ________________________ ____________________________ Last Name First Middle UGA ID# _________________ Pre-_______________ (Med/Dent/Optom) Year to start professional school ___________ Major: ____________________________ Honor’s Program?: _____________________ Home address: and turn in Today. ___________________________________ Birth date: _____________________________ ___________________________________ Year graduated H.S.: _____________________ ___________________________________ H.S. Name: _____________________________ Your phone: ________________________ Parents’ occupations (optional): ____________ Your email: _________________________ _______________________________________ Courses enrolled: This term: __________________________________ Last Name Please sign in: Sign up for Premedical Studies Next term: Plans for summer: _______________________ _________________________ ________________________ _______________________ _________________________ ________________________ _______________________ _________________________ ________________________ _______________________ _________________________ ________________________ Part-time employment (# hours/week)? ________________________________________________________ Campus organizations? ______________________________________________________________________ Community service volunteerism: _____________________________________________________________ Medical “exposure” plans: ____________________________________________________________________ Research “exposure” plans: ___________________________________________________________________ Today’s date: _______________________ Students typically first contact an advisor in the Premedical Studies Office late in the sophomore year or early in the junior year Hint #1: Use our website for answers to questions Can’t find answer? Email your question: Orientation #1: Foundations of your Credentials • Academics / coursework • Résumé Volunteering / Shadowing / Research • Supporting Letters • Entrance exam • Self-assessment (Orientation #2 will be Detailed Information for your Applications) Why Medicine, Dentistry or Optometry? • Have a love for patient care • Have a love for the human body, science • Assist others and society • Be a leader, mentor, and/or teacher • Enjoy problem-solving and working with hands • Invigorated by the challenge Adapted from: 5 Main Areas of Your Credentials 1. Academic Record - Transcript • Overall GPA, science GPA • Rigorous program of study 2. MCAT, DAT, OAT exams • Science-based knowledge & reasoning • Coursework provides foundation 3. Service to Others – volunteering 4. Exposure to Doctor-Patient Interaction – “shadowing” 5. Undergraduate Research Generally Medical Schools Require: One year* of inorganic/general chemistry One year* of organic chemistry One year* of biology (1103 vs. 1107) One year* of physics (1111 vs. 1211) * 8 semester hours (5 quarter hours= 3.3 semester hours) UGA Premedical Studies Program does not itself have formal course requirements. Year 1 Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Semester General Chemistry I General Chemistry II Shadow? Volunteer? Math / Statistics Math / Statistics Core courses Core courses Year 2 Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Semester Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry II Biochemistry 3100? Biology 1107 Biology 1108 Core courses / PSYC or SOCI Core courses Year 3 Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Semester Physics I Physics II Microbiology 3500? Biochemistry 3100 Genetics 3200 or Human Physiology* [MCAT/DAT/OAT review] Cell Biology 3400 Major electives Major electives (*VPHY 3100 / EHSC 2100) UGA Premedical Studies’ suggestions for Course Sequencing (Shown on previous slide: Note PSYC or SOCI for new MCAT) You can see UGA course content info: Courses, Syllabi, Prerequisites Bachelor’s Degree typically Major varies Phil 2020 (Logic) HIST 3433 (History of Medicine) CMLT 2800 (Lit & Medicine) You must research the specific requirements of Medical / Dental /Optometry Schools AP, IB, and CLEP Credit* • Be aware that some schools restrict the use of such credit. • They may establish an upper limit of such credit toward courses required for admission. • Sometimes required: additional upper-level courses in the science areas where credit was received. *Source: MSAR Medical School Admissions Requirements Link Dental School Admissions Requirements Link Credentials Expanded 1) Academic Record “D” in required classes = repeat “C” perhaps not 2) MCAT, OAT, DAT 3) Faculty letters of Evaluation (3-5) 4) Exposure to Physician Interaction with Patients (medical “shadowing”) 5) Charitable/Altruistic Endeavors 6) Research 7) Leadership 8) “Intangibles” 9) Interview Skills and Communications UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA PREMEDICAL STUDIES PROGRAM USES for a Concise Résumé UGA Premedical, Predental and Preoptometry students often ask valid questions about approaching college faculty, research scientists, and physicians, dentists and optometrists for: e Website has: Useful résumé suggestions (1) letters of evaluation. (2) interaction with physicians, dentists and optometrists as they interact with patients. (3) participating in laboratory research studies. The preparation by the student of a concise highlighted résumé of background, credentials and past experiences to share with the faculty and clinicians listed above should prove quite useful. Contents can include information such as name, address, date of birth, date of graduation from high school, evidence of academic performance and extracurricular activities in high school including service to others, exposure to medical settings as with patients and their health care providers (as well as a similar posting for college academic and extracurricular activities). Evidence of positive character traits, ability, leadership (more than holding an inactive officer position), and motivation can be More info follows… demonstrated. Qualities Demonstrated in the Credentials of Successful Medical Matriculants* • Taking an active role in shaping one’s own learning and knowledge acquisition • Self-management and coping skills • Effort to foster a team environment • Interpersonal skills and professionalism • Empathy and listening skills when interacting with patients and their families • Technical knowledge and skill • Extra effort and motivation • Mentoring skills • Ability to maintain calm under pressure * Source: AAMC Learning and a Broad Understanding • Appreciation of the complex biological determinants of poor health • Awareness of community and public health issues • Ability to identify risk factors for disease • Commitment to the early identification and treatment of disease • Acceptance of the responsibility for making scientifically based medical decisions and for advocating for the care of the underserved • Understanding of the basic issues of health care financing and delivery * Source: AAMC Learning Objectives Which Admissions Test Do You Take? Usually taken Sp/Su Junior Year MCAT DAT OAT Plan for MCAT – register early for exam, usually taken Sp/Su Junior Year Study Materials We do not endorse any particular one Explore Health Allied Health Professions • Physician Assistant • Nursing; Nurse Practitioner • Paramedic/EMT • Pharmacy • Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy • Radiology Technician • Dental Hygienist • Dental Assistant Source: Financial Support for Medical School via Military Note: UGA has both Air Force ROTC and Army ROTC Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) Financial Incentives • What does the scholarship pay? • 100 percent tuition • Books, fees and more • Monthly stipend of over $2,000 • Officer’s pay (six weeks of year) • Promotions (initially commissioned as Second Lieutenant in the Medical Services Corp during studies) To qualify for HPSP: • Be a U.S. citizen (cannot hold dual citizenship) • Be enrolled in or have a letter of acceptance or intent from an accredited graduate program located in the United States or Puerto Rico • Maintain full-time student status during the entire length of the program • Meet the moral and physical qualifications to become an Army officer AED Premed Honor Society Note: Within AED there are groups for students interested in Dental and for Optometry School UGA Premed Forum Date Time Place Most Tuesdays 3:30-5:00 pm Pharmacy S. Bldg Room 101 Fall & Spring semesters Take a Tour of a Medical School Campus Georgia Regents University Premedical Studies Program’s website UGA Premed Liaisons Faculty and Staff Dr. Robert Pazdro, College of Family and Consumer Science Dr. Karl Espelie, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Dr. Kevin McCully, Kinesiology/Exercise and Sports Science Ms. Priscilla Carter, Public Health, Health Promotions & Behavior Ms. Dell Whitehead, College of Public Health Ms. Susan Harper, College of Education Dr. Tim Foutz, Bioengineering, College of Agriculture & Environmental Science All science advisors in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences Ms. Elizabeth Fuller, Biology Ms. Margaret Sapp, Biology Mr. Gregory Spillers, Biology Dr. David Eisner, Biology (incoming Director, Premedical Studies Program!) Mr. Martin Rogers, Honors Program Mr. Chuck Perry, Career Center, Mock Interviews – How to write a resumè. How are your credentials communicated to medical, osteopathic, dental, and optometry schools? The application process typically begins 15-16 months before matriculation. Plan now to attend Orientation #2 on Reading Day in Spring semester of your Sophomore year Students typically first contact an advisor in the Premedical Studies Office late in the sophomore year or early in the junior year Hint #1: Use our website for answers to questions Can’t find answer? Email your question: Big Dawg, you are now “off the leash!” You are responsible for finding information specific to your own needs and to correct completion of materials prior to submission to our office. Questions?
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