Tux Paint Turning Tux Paint into a Classroom Tool www.LearningWithLucie.com

Tux Paint
Turning Tux Paint into a Classroom Tool
See Presentation Handouts & Videos at
Intro to Tux Paint
Watch Introductory Video
Read about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuxpaint
Make sure the “stamps” are installed
Play around with it, especially
Draw Tools, Magic, & Stamps
Use Undo button to “undo”
Understand limitations:
Can't Move an object once its pasted, but you
can UNDO
Typos can't be fixed.
First, some Geek Talk
Let's explore the configuration options, but....
don't get bogged down with Config settings.
Try playing with Tux Paint before you explore
all these settings.
Have fun first!
Skip to Slide 15 to focus on
Content and Curricular Ideas
Explore the configuration files
Start Tux Paint Configuration (NOT TUX PAINT)
Play around with the configuration files to find the best
configuration for your grade levels
Discuss these configurations with your IT staff
Apply configuration desired to “all” users – Check “use all
Must be in
mode to
settings for
ALL users
Video and Sound
Do you want sound effects enabled?
Mouse and Keyboard
Printing Options
Do you want your students to have a choice of Printers? For
younger kids, it might be good to turn Printer Dialog off.
You can always get a choice by holding down ALT with PRINT.
Important: CHECK start with Blank Canvas.
Explore the SAVE options that work best with your grade level.
I prefer using ALT Save Directory. (See next slide)
Where does Tux Paint Save?
By default:
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\TuxPaint\saved
Files are saved in *.png format
You can change the default in the Configuration Menu (See previous slides)
Hint: If you don't want to change the 'config” files, then try
Creating a shortcut in MY DOCUMENTS to the TuxPaint saved folder.
This will allow you to access the finished images for other uses. (i.e. import
then into a Presentation document. )
Hint: Finding your Images
HINT: Create a shortcut to this folder in “My Documents”
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\TuxPaint\saved
Hidden Files
If you can't
find the
make sure
to show
Putting your stamps, starters, etc in a “common” folder that you
can reach across the network has several advantages. You can
add templates and stamps that become instantly available to all.
Pros and Cons of
Alternative DATA location
You can create new templates and stamps
that can be used from any computer where
Tux paint is configured to access that location
The number of Template Files could get quite
large making it hard to navigate.
Geek Tip: There are some ways to start Tux Paint
with different types of configuration files from the
command line. You could customize by creating
different shortcuts.
Tux Paint Classroom Ideas
Creating Cool Book Covers
Sketching a picture to write about
Showing your math understanding
Exploring Art Grade Expectations
Illustrating science concepts
Adding variety to teacher presentation
(use it like Smartboard software)
Self expression
Tech GE's in younger grades
Book Buddies
Day 1: Learning the basics of Tux Paint.
Eight grade students mentored first grade students and teachers in
exploring Tux Paint.
Day 2: Sketching Pre-writing Activity
Eight grade students mentored first grade students in creating a
drawing that they will write about. Print the Tux Paint picture.
Day 3: Writing about our drawing
First grade students write stories about their picture back in their
Day 4: Typing with our Book Buddy
Eight grade students work collaboratively on one Google Doc
presentation inserting the First Grade student picture and typing the
first grade buddy's story.
Day 5:
Published Book
Buddy Books – Penguin Story
Penguins that live in a park
they always have fun there and
there are 7 penguins in the
park. One of the Penguins was
kidnapped and there was a
problem. Now there are 6
Penguins and the 6 Penguins
are going to save the other
penguin, whose name is Max.
Mr. Officer rescued the
Penguin and everyone is all
back together. The 7th
Penguin said thank you for
saving me. And the penguins
said your welcome. The End.
The Hibernating Bear With a Birthday
Once upon a time there
was a bear, and it was
hibernating. It woke
up and wanted food.
He celebrated his
birthday. It had cake
and whales to eat. And
it wore sunglasses and
a party hat!
Showing Math Understanding
Teacher: Show me different ways to make “8”
Big Bigger Biggest
Draw me a picture of spring where1/3 of the
flowers are purple.
Some Math Ideas
After taking the time to demonstrate Tux Paint to a Math Coach, I
asked her to brainstorm which tools matched math curriculum.
Here are just a few ideas that came from that meeting.
1. Use Lines (with arrows) and different size brushes to illustrate a
math concept.
2. Naming the shapes
3. Use Paint or Rainbow to draw Maths on a Numberline
4. Use Brushes to 'stamp'
5. Math an equation to an illustration
6. Show steps and jumps with Magic Rainbow/ or Paint
7. Use brushes or Fill with a 10 Frame drawing as a template
More Math Ideas
8. Use Shapes Illustrate equations (match an equation to an
9. Use Stamps to illustrate Patterns / Sets
Show me the different ways to make "8" (i.e. 3+5=8)
use balls, vehicles , fruit
10. Use Shapes to illustrate a design (the world we live in)
11. 2 D shapes in Grades K - 1
12. Use tools to work with Line Lenghts
13. Discuss categorizing by Navigation through stamps
More Math Ideas
14. Use Stamp to illustrate fractions.
What fraction of these flowers is "purple"
1/4 of the flowers need to be green (grade 3)
Draw lines to prove to me that 1/4 is 'green"
15. Use Magic (Flowers that Grow)
to demonstrate Algebraic growth
16. Use Magic: Kaleidoscope to discuss
"what do equal parts look like".
17. Flips and Turns: What changed when I flip something (Gr 3)
18. Use stamps size feature to illustrate. Big bigger Biggest
(using size)
Also: Great Greater or Less than and Greater than
New Stamps and Templates
One of the easiest ways to get teachers started
with Tux paint is to add new templates and
stamps that directly relate to their curriculum.
Teachers who noticed the 100 square template I
added suddenly had lots of ideas on how to use
it in group instruction.
The next few slides and video tutorial links
describe how I created these.
Create a Starter Page from Scratch
Using Photoshop
File NEW
Width (608)
Height (486)
Transparent =
Draw as desired
SAVE AS (PNG) with
Interlace =NONE
Where to copy new templates
Copy your new *.png file to to folder named “starters”
Be default: C:\Program Files\TuxPaint\data\starters
or to an ALTERNATE Location for your DATA. See Config
Ideas for New Templates
Number Time
Then use Magic / Rainbow to illustrate math
thinking during group instruction
Four Blank 100 charts
Directions for using Blank Hundreds Chart
100 Squares Activities in Math
Number Line Template
Science Template Ideas
Converting Black Line Master into a
Tux Paint Template
Here is a Video
I posted that shows
how to create a Tux
Paint Template using
a Black Line Master I
found online from
West Baton Rouge
Parish School
Video Tutorial:
Creating New Stamps
from Images that are not in transparent PNG format
1. Download some clipart
(i.e.) http://www.teacherfiles.com/clip_art_shapes.htm
2. Open file in IrfanView
Free program: www.irfanview.com/
Save AS PNG (put related files in a FOLDER)
Click on the White part of the file as the last step to saving
3. Copy the folder of Saved PNG Files to
Tux Paint Stamps Folder
(By default: C:
Hint: Copy the whole folder not just the files. Stamps stay
categorized by folder within Tux Paint.
Click here for Video Tutorial on How to Create New Stamps
Finding some PNG Clipart
Look for collections of PNG Clipart and create some Stamp Categories
from these.
Create a Folder for each category.
Copy some related PNG files into this folder.
Copy this folder in Tux Paints Stamp Folder
Where to find PNG files to create new stamps or templates
Not all *.png files have transparent backgrounds. If you have a PNG file
that has a “white” background instead of “transparent” it will not float as
easily on top of your backgrounds. You will see white box. To fix this
follow directions and resave them as a “transparent png”. See Tutorial
on Creating New Stamp
How to Create New
Backgrounds and Stamps
1. Nellie Chew Tutorial
for creating background and great uses of Tux Paint for curricular
2. Videos from Creating Tux Paint Templates ('Starters')
Jennifer Graber, a kindergarten teacher from Battle Creek, Michigan,
created a collection of videos explaining how Tux Paint's 'Starter' images
work, how she uses them as templates for classes, and how to create
your own templates (using Windows).
3. Advanced Stamp Tutorial
(tutorial to make high quality stamps: very technical)
4. Storyboard Artwork Project
Tips for Making Tux Paint a Useful
Tool in Your School
Install it on lots of machines and encourage kids
(big kids, too) to play with it.
Set up projects where older kids mentor
younger kids and their teachers in the basics
Start a project that has a very visible outcome
(i.e. Book Buddies). Put those teachers in the
spotlight. Others will want to join. Do another
round later and invite new teachers.
Duplicate Tux Paint CD's and give them out to
parents and kids. Good PR! Give kids
curricular alternatives for computer fun at home.
Tips for Making it a Curricular Tool
Spend some time with a few teacher leaders
(i.e. Math and Literacy coaches), go through the
tools set and ask them for advice as to how to
use the different types of tools. Publish this.
Let them be your evangelist and model
curricular strategies.
Set up a Supported Work Session with “tech
savvy” teachers to develop new stamps or
templates. Pay curriculum work stipends.
Distribute Customized version of TuxPaint on
Thumbdrive/Cd per Curricular area.
More Tips for IT Staff
Have IT staff work with staff and experiment with
the CONFIG files using low risk activities. Do
some test runs to make sure the “SAVING”
process or “Printing Process” works. Losing
student work is a sure way to kill enthusiasm.
Don't assume you know what config setting the
teachers want. I assumed wrong about certain
settings. Teachers are classroom management
experts. Get them involved.
Create “customized” Tux Paint installs co-created
with curriculum leaders.
Develop Open Education Culture
Open source should not be limited to “techies”
creating free and open source tools.
Let's create opportunities and desire for
educators to be involved in Open Source
Increase awareness of Open Ed projects
Read Wikinomics!
Google Summer of Code
& Tux Paint
Get your students involved in Google Summer
of Code http://socghop.appspot.com/program/home/google/gsoc2009
Tux4Kids has been accepted in this year's
Google Summer of Code program! Students
enrolled in, or accepted to, an accredited
institution (college, university, etc.) can receive
stipends for writing code for Tux Paint,
TuxMath, Tux Typing, and dozens of other
open source projets. You can see Tux4Kids'
application to GSOC 2009 and our 'ideas list'.
Please Share With Me
Please, please, please,
send me examples of your projects, stamps and
templates you develop.
I promise to share them and give you credit.