Welcome to Corporate Express salesforce.com training

Welcome to Corporate Express
salesforce.com training
Prepared by Candice Constance
Email: candice.constance@cexp.co.uk
Tel: 00 44 121 331 3295
Fax: 00 44 121 331 3211
Mobile: 07793 359122
Objectives of using Salesforce.com
 Improve visibility on the sales funnel
 Introduce lead tracking tools
 Ensure consistent sales management reporting
on suspects/prospects
 Improve accuracy of forecasting capability
 Increase customer facing time
Logging into salesforce.com
 http://www.salesforce.com
 Initial Login – your username should be your email
address and the password will have been sent to your
 Subsequent Logins – input username and password
 Grant Candice login access – select ‘Set-up/My Personal
Info/Grant Login Access’ input a date in one years time
in the ‘Access Expiration Date’ on both options
 Lost Passwords
• Remember the answer to your question
• Contact Customer Support/Administrator to get new
Home Page
•This shows web links, your most recently viewed
records, your diary and your personal dashboard.
•By clicking on the icons beneath your months diary
you can select different views, e.g. multi-user view,
weekly view etc.
•Where possible tasks and events should not be
created from the Home page but instead through the
related opportunity, contact or account. This means
you will always be able to see your activity history in
the opportunity, contact or account.
Terminology Overview
Accounts – Companies or organizations – including customers,
competitors, and partners - you want to track and manage in
salesforce.com. Accounts are the key records in salesforce.com and all
contacts & opportunities should relate to an account.
Contacts – The Individuals and influencers associated with your Accounts
and Opportunities. The contact needs to be linked to an Account.
Opportunities - Pending & Closed sales deals - each associated with a
specific Account. Where possible an opportunity should be created from
the Contact record or if not the Account record.
Activities – Scheduled tasks and events against your Accounts, Contacts
and Opportunities. Where possible these should be linked to an
opportunity, contact or account.
Reports – The description tells you what these show – you simply click
on the report name to run the report for your records.
Documents – This holds information on the processes within
salesforce.com and general company forms such as Holiday Request
Forms, all within the folder Corporate Express UK Documents.
Forecasts - Projections of monthly or quarterly sales Opportunities. – we are not using forecasts
at present.
What is an Activity?
Salesforce.com should now be your main diary and allow your manager &
colleagues to see where you are on any day.
Please do not log every activity only those of value to you ie if you call
someone and get voicemail then don’t log the call, however log a reminder
to call them again. Basically only record information you will be likely to
use again in the future.
 Tasks
• To do’s, Reminders
• Should be used to track Cold Calls, Reminder to Call, Reminder to send
 Events
• Meetings – Anything with a date, time and duration
• Others can be invited and calendars blocked out – all CE employees can
be invited to events even if they don’t have a salesforce.com login. If
you cannot find someone on the system, call Candice
• Should be used to track Presentations, Handovers, Royal Visits,
 Emails
• Can be sent from salesforce.com to hold a complete record of customer
in one place
What is an Account?
A Company or organization – that you want to track and manage in
How is an Account created?
Imported initially
Manual entry
Archway Services
12 Strand, London, WC2 RDX0
+44 852 9307 9325
+44 852 9307 9300
Num WCW:
E-commerce Platform:
Express Order
Account Creation:
You should create an Account for every Customer that you do business
with. To create an Account:
•First check the Account Owner Report (linked on home page) to
see if the Account already exists. If it does exist then Contact the
Account Owner. This is available as a weblink from the home page
or in reports tab.
•Then check the file under Documents called ‘A/cs spending in 6
months to Month04' to see if the Account already exists. If it does
exist then Contact the Account Owner.
•Click New Account in the task bar
oNaming Convention on Account: Account Name +
Unique Reference, e.g. McDonalds Scotland and McDonalds
England so that you can easily locate your Accounts
oAccount Site: to further define Account
oFill in Account Information
oAccount Name – Should be the official Company Name
•When editing any data, required fields are marked in red. You
won’t be able to save your data if you forget to fill them in.
What is a Contact?
An Individual associated with your Accounts.
You may have multiple Contacts under the same Account, or a
Contact can stand alone. If a Contact is not associated with an
Account nobody else will be able to see it.
John Smith
VP Sales
Archway Services
12 Strand, London,
Ph: +44-207-27004
Fax: +44-207-27042
Harold Parker
VP Marketing
Archway Services
12 Strand, London,
Ph: +44-207-27002
Fax: +44-207-27042
Contact Creation:
All Contacts should be linked to Accounts as if they are not linked they
will not be visible to other users (e.g. your Personal Contacts). Contacts
should be created for each individual that you work with at a customer
site. To create a Contact:
 View the Account page that the Contact works for
 Scroll down to the Contacts related list and click New. This will
automatically pre-fill the Account Name, Phone, Fax and Address fields
• Fill in the other Contact details that you have
What is an Opportunity?
A prospective sale you want to track.
An Opportunity stores and tracks information such as the amount,
close date, stage, type and probability of the deal.
Opportunities can also have Partner and Competitor information
You should use a Naming Convention to provide a quick, meaningful
description of the opportunity – I.e. Account Name + Date + Product
Lead Source:
Close Date:
Archway – Print – Germany
Cold Call
Oct 30, 2004
Tender Awaiting Decision
Opportunity Creation:
An Opportunity is a deal that you have with a customer. Ideally you should create your Opportunities from
the Contact page so that you automatically store the link to the Primary Contact. To create an Opportunity:
Find the Primary Contact for that Opportunity using search or directly from your Contact page
Scroll down to the Opportunities related list and click on New
Name the Opportunity with a name that will make it easy to find in future. Standard Naming
Convention should be: Account Name + Date + Product e.g. Nike – August 04 - Print
Fill in the information for the Opportunity not forgetting the Probability, Stage and Close Date
Once saved, Contact Role and Competitor information should be entered against the Opportunity.
Moving through the funnel
Please remember as your opportunity progresses to change the stage eg from suspect to prospect and
also make sure the probability of a win is correct, eg a suspect may only be 5% and a prospect 30%.
When the opportunity begins to spend remember to add the account number into the main account,
otherwise you will not be able to see the Sales and GP you have generated! If the opportunity will have
more than one account number on Oasis please contact Candice on 0121 331 3295.
“Sales Funnel 04” and “Definitions Customer Analysis” in the Documents Tab give more information on the
funnel stages your opportunity should move through.
How do Opportunities relate to Accounts &
One or more
Opportunities can be
associated with an
Multiple Opportunities
can be associated with
one Contact
Multiple Contacts
can be related with
one Opportunity.
Best Practices Accounts,Contacts &
 Creating New Accounts – Check “Account Owner Report”
on homepage and “Spenders in previous 6 months” on
documents tab first!
 Where possible always link a contact to an account ie
create a contact via the Account tab
 Where possible always link an opportunity to a contact
ie create the opportunity via the Contact tab or if not
possible then via the Account tab
 The better you link your Accounts, Contacts &
Opportunities then the more salesforce.com will work
for you
 Always complete as much detail as possible in the fields
– it will help you later!!!
 Update salesforce.com daily!!! (Except weekends!)
 Remember ‘If its not in Salesforce.com it didn’t happen!’
 Any questions
• Candice
• Help Section
• Free online Training
• Support line
 If you need any options in dropdown menus added
contact Candice
 There is an offline version available which requires
synchronisation etc – if you really feel this would be a
beneficial tool for you please contact Candice or your