Opportunities for HI/PSM & NEMA Motor Section & Motor OEMs Robert K. Asdal, Executive Director, Hydraulic Institute & Pump Systems Matter Hydraulic Institute: Vision & Mission 2 Vision: To be a global authority on pumps and pumping systems Mission: To be a value-adding resource to member companies and pump users worldwide by: – – – Developing and delivering comprehensive industry standards Expanding knowledge by providing education and tools for the effective application, testing, installation, operation and maintenance of pumps and pumping systems Serving as a forum for the exchange of industry information Pump Systems Matter: Vision & Mission 3 Vision: Assist North American pump users gain a more competitive business advantage through strategic, broad-based energy management and pump system optimization. Mission: Provide the marketplace with tools and collaborative opportunities to integrate pump system optimization and energy efficiency management practices into normal business operations. HI, Pump Systems Matter and DOE Partnership 4 Collaboration with U.S. DOE since 1993! • 1993: HI becomes Charter Motor Challenge Partner • 1995/1996: HI/DOE develop Pump Systems Video on “Energy Savings with Pumps and Pumping Systems” • 1998: • 1998/1999: Cooperation between HI, Europump, DOE & EU • 2000-2003: PSAT software training & review + LCC & VSP Guides • 2000-2004: HI: DOE Allied Partner and participates in training/events • 2007: HI member pump experts join panel for the creation of pumping system assessment standards; DOE participates in HI/PSM “Optimizing Pumping Systems” guidebook • 2008: DOE joins Pump Systems Matter Board; PSM-DOE jointly sponsor market awareness and energy assessment web seminars; HI team work on pumping system assm’t std. HI Life Cycle Costing Committee formed & DOE participates Energy Used for Heat & Power 5 Pump systems use about 6% of total U.S. industrial energy Fans 12% Fired Heaters 31% Steam 26% Facilities 10% Motor Systems 23% Compressed Air 14% Process Cooling Other 2% 4% Electrochemical 4% Pumps 25% Handling 14% Processing 25% Other 10% National Initiative: Leveraging HI/PSM Efforts 6 Goal: Drive a 25% reduction in industrial energy intensity by 2017. • Helps all industrial companies– no matter where they currently stand in terms of energy efficiency • Provides a broad range of resources to help identify and implement cost-effective measures • Energy management best practices and technology • Assessments of energy systems • Training and technical assistance • Information on emerging technologies NEMA, HI and Pump Systems Matter 7 Explore opportunities to work together on “Systems” approaches associated with market awareness, public policy advocacy & outreach, education/training, etc. Explore opportunities to harmonize our approaches to the U.S. DOE, utilities, energy efficiency NGOs and other organizations Jointly leverage resources! HI is a highly regarded trade association of pump and supplier OEMs, with a focus on standards, statistics & business networking NEMA is a highly regarded trade association, with strong motor section, and focus on marketing, standards, statistics & advocacy PSM is a sponsor-led, 501(c)3, focusing on pump SYSTEMS optimization & energy efficiency HI Standards: Scope & Content 8 Major Categories of Standards: Centrifugal, Vertical, Rotary, Reciprocating & Direct Acting Sealess Centrifugal & Rotary Control Volume Metering, Air Operated Submersible & Slurry Special Standards: Allowable Operating Region, Nozzle Loads, Condition Monitoring, Pump Intake Design, Viscosity Correction, Electronic Data Exchange MTBR being explored Major Sections: Nomenclature, Applications, Installation and Operations, General Guidelines and Test Procedures Standards Education Seminars HI/PSM Education Strategy 9 Define, develop & execute comprehensive education, training and certification strategy for all aspects of pumping systems, working with DOE and others Steps to accomplish include: - Continue to implement the HI/PSM Education Roadmap - Define a Pump Systems Body of Knowledge - Coordinate efforts to compliment ASME/ANSI Pumping Systems Energy Assessment Standard - Re-brand courses that exist currently in the marketplace - Create courses and Web seminars that fill knowledge gaps - Offer PDH credit for courses - Define certification strategies to support market needs HI 2009 Education Priorities 10 Launched www.PumpLearning.org, a new educational portal Launched Positive Displacement Pumps e-Learning course Launch re-designed Centrifugal Pumps e-Learning course Deliver Pump Knowledge Series Web seminars – Spring and Fall Deliver HI Standards Series Web seminars – Spring and Fall Deliver a collaborative Web seminar on the Metering Pump Standard with the Water Quality Association (WQA) Activate the HI Education Affairs Steering Committee (EASC) Begin preliminary work on the pump industry Body of Knowledge HI Launches www.PumpLearning.org! 11 All of the courses, webinars, articles, press releases about the PD Pumps course and all other HI-sponsored courses can be found on our NEW Education Portal – PumpLearning.org! ISO Standards: HI Roles 12 HI represents US in voting on ISO pump standards in ISO/TC-115 HI is Secretariat for SC 3 of ISO TC-115, representing U.S. – – – Joint International Pump Industry Standardization Committee (IPSC) with Europump to resolve differences and achieve alignment before introducing documents into ISO with joint vote: – – – API pump standards: 610, 685, etc. Developing new global test standard: 9906 HI works closely with U.K., Germany, France and other member countries Viscosity Correction Global Test Standard (ISO 9906) Potential for new ISO standard on Pump Systems Energy Assessment (DOE) HI and Europump alternatively host ISO/TC-115 meetings PSM 2009 Education Priorities 13 Expand Market Awareness through short webinar briefings: Pump System Performance Impacts Multiple Bottom Lines Lunch & Learns: Variable Speed Drives, Control Systems, LCC One-day course, “Pumping Systems Optimization: Opportunities to improve Life Cycle Performance” Partner with Sponsors, Utilities, DOE, EPA and other entities to deliver the 1-day course and other market awareness products Host regional industrial energy efficiency road shows with interested parties: utilities, state energy offices and others HI/PSM: Explore funding sources to develop 3-day Advanced Pump Systems course HI/PSM: Expand distribution of “Optimizing Pumping Systems: A Guide to Improved Energy Efficiency, Reliability and Profitability” Audio-Web Management Briefing 14 DOE co-sponsored PSM briefing “Pump Systems Performance Impacts Multiple Bottom-Lines” Topics Included: Cost savings identified from pumping system assessments Why Energy Costs are rising The Solution is Energy Efficiency Pumping Systems Efficiency & Optimization Total Cost of Ownership Taking Advantage of the Opportunity Case Studies What You Can Do & Where To Go To Get Help Offered in December 2008 and January 2009, and will be offered on other occasions throughout 2009 with sponsors . Audio-Web Management Briefing 15 – 777 participants registered; 453 attended – Survey Results – (Strongly Agree & Agree) Overall this presentation met my expectations and I would recommend it to others. I have a better understanding of how pump system optimization can increase profitability. Based on this knowledge I intend to take action on this within my organization. Members of my organization could benefit from classroom-based courses on pumping system optimization and life cycle costing. 92% 87% 83% 74% Members from my organization would be interested in attending technical webinars on the topics discussed during this presentation. 73% Lunch & Learns & Webinars: PSM & HI 16 Series of webinars featuring summaries of 1- day course topics to encourage enrollments in 1- day course. Topics include: Variable Speed Drives Basic Pump Systems Assessment Guide (PSM/DOE) Life Cycle Costing Systems Optimization – How to start & How to overcome barriers Control Systems HI beginning a series of webinars in 2009, including: – – – Motors and Variable Speed Drives: Mar. 18th / Apr. 15th / May 15th Making Sense of the Slurry Pump Standard Fundamentals of Positive Displacement Pumps HI’s Growing Focus on Education 17 HI’s Strategic Plan calls for the establishment of the Institute as a global authority on pumps and pumping systems, increasing user knowledge and utilization of HI products and services. PumpLearning.org allows HI to provide users with all HI’s educational materials and offerings in one place. On this website, you will find: – Both of HI’s premier e-Learning courses: Positive Displacement Pumps, just launched in February 2009 Rotodynamic (Centrifugal) Pumps, updated and re-packaged in Feb. 2009 – Webinars: schedule and registration process – Relevant educational articles and white papers – Guidebooks and Standards: Cross-marketing with educational courses/events – Comprehensive listing of relevant pump meetings and events Long-term Education/Certification Vision 18 Significantly expand the availability of education and training for pump systems professionals to support DOE’s goal of reducing industrial energy intensity by 25% Create a certification program that includes skills for new “Green Jobs” in optimizing pumping systems for energy savings and pump systems efficiency Identify key engineering schools to collaborate and expand the knowledge base in graduate level mechanical engineering programs Build relationships with ABET-accredited mechanical engineering schools and work towards the inclusion of a comprehensive pumps & pumping systems curriculum at the graduate level HI Vibration Committee Plans 19 The use of variable speed driven pumps increased dramatically, and as a result there has been a corresponding increase in the incidence of resonance and vibration related issues. Techniques used to analyze pumps/motors to prevent resonance and vibration related issues have also advanced dramatically. Absence of industry standards/guidelines for determining RCF New HI Dynamics of Pumping Machinery planned to fill that need End users have urged HI to develop vibration acceptance criteria for vertical pump-motor structures based on measurements near the top of the motor for vertical pump-motor structures (e.g. Vibration acceptance criteria) Reed Critical Frequency vs. Torque 20 Stated Motor Reed Frequency vs. Torque Stated Motor Reed Frequency (CPM) 6000 5000 Case 1 4000 Case 2 Case 3 3000 Case 3 Case 1 Case 2 2000 1000 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 Torque (Ft-Lbs) Case 1: 3600 CPM RCF stated (1650 to 2000 CPM actual) Case 2: Two motors quoted for same order by two manufacturers (3650 CPM RCF vs. 1560 CPM RCF) Case 3: 3200 CPM RCF stated (2100 CPM actual) Hydraulic Institute’s RCF Plan of Action 21 Pump manufacturers need more accurate motor RCF information; actual RCF values vary greatly vs. stated values Present NEMA MG 1 requirements regarding determination of motor RCF provide a broad latitude to the motor OEMs, with no defined method to determine the RCF Improvements in motor design to increase efficiency have created taller thinner motors that are vulnerable to resonance problems, with no commensurate effort to avoid such problems Given the impact that HI's work has on NEMA's members, HI plans to develop solutions to address these issues working with the motor OEMs who are HI Associate members and members of the NEMA motor section HI’s Associate Member Program 22 Eligible to join HI: OEM suppliers to the pump industry: – Motor , Drive, Seal, Coupling, Instrumentation & Control & Software Associate members participate, with pump OEMs & EC firms in writing standards, guidelines & developing educational programs Significant networking opportunities with leading pump OEMs: – – – CEO Roundtable; Market Outlook Workshop; Three HI Meetings Access to top engineers, marketing and executive management Opportunity to become a sponsor of Pump Systems Matter Access to statistical, economic data and marketing leads: – – – World Pump Outlook Report; Subscription to Monthly Pump Bookings Report & Economic Reports Economic updates at meetings with HI/ITR Economist Exposure and leads from HI’s Supplier Finder, Pump OEMs & EC firms Pump Systems Matter Sponsorship 23 PSM is a new 501(c) 3 organization, with Board independent of HI – Pump/Motor OEMs; Utilities & NGOs ; DOE and other organizations All HI members are encouraged to become Pump Systems Matter sponsors. Fees based on sales of pumps, motors/drives, etc. Companies working together to create market awareness and new educational training programs focused on pumping systems optimization, life cycle costing and energy savings opportunities with a focus on systems efficiency Close working relationship with U.S. DOE, Utilities, Energy Efficiency NGOs, State Energy Offices, other energy efficiency organizations, etc. Promote Energy Efficiency: NAM Agenda 24 Energy efficiency upgrades provide the most immediate economic relief for industry and consumers by reducing costs through improvements of existing technologies and processes and should therefore be a high priority for policy makers working for an expedited economic recovery. NAM supports: Full funding of existing provisions that encourage the development of & investments in energy efficient equipment, buildings, vehicles & processes. Incentives and grants for energy efficiency upgrades for homes, including the weatherization program, commercial buildings, including the Net-Zero Energy Commercial Building Initiative, public buildings, schools, vehicles, and manufacturing processes, including systems and plant optimization for energy efficiency. Promote Energy Efficiency: NAM Agenda 25 Promoting Energy Efficiency, NAM supports: Investment in technology such as Combined Heat and Power systems, advanced ventilation and air conditioning systems, pump/motor systems assessments and optimization, and system-level building automation and control systems to improve efficiency. Programs, education, and training that are specifically designed for the industrial sector to achieve higher energy efficiency goals, including DOE’s Industrial Technologies Program. Fund partnerships, including private sector initiatives, and programs to support development of, and education and training to, industry competencies and skills standards. NEMA, HI and Pump Systems Matter 26 Work together to harmonize our approaches on public policy issues, particularly leveraging a “systems” approach. HI’s Gov’t. Affairs Committee chaired by Rob Boteler, Emerson, allowing easier/more efficient policy alignment & advocacy Pump Systems Matter is effectively working with DOE: Development and rollout of a common Pump System Energy Efficiency awareness and capabilities training. Co-market the PSM/DOE Energy Management webcasts Pump system tool development and DOE/PSM tool development coordination Field testing ANSI/ASME Pump System Assessment std. in end user facilities Moving the ANSI/ASME Pump System Assessment Standard into an ISO standard development process Collaboration opportunities for the Certified Practitioner program For More Information? 27 Robert K. Asdal Executive Director, Hydraulic Institute & Pump Systems Matter (973) 267-9700 x13 rasdal@pumps.org www.Pumps.org www.PumpSystemsMatter.org www.PumpLearning.org
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