An Open Source Google Apps Integration (Bboogle) University

An Open Source Google Apps Integration
Patricia Goldweic, Sr. Software Engineer, Northwestern
Main Features
High Level Architecture
Project Components
How to Use Bboogle in your Institution
Future Directions
Northwestern University
• Northwestern University is a private R1 institution with two
campuses, one in Chicago, and the other in Evanston, IL, the first
suburb immediately north of Chicago.
– 15,500 students, 60% undergraduate
– Northwestern has been using Blackboard as its primary CMS since
Spring 1999.
– Northwestern became a Google Apps for Education campus in Spring
2007, for students only, not faculty or staff.
– Although faculty can obtain accounts in this domain, currently
Gmail is not provided to faculty
Why Integrate Blackboard with Google Apps?
• To leverage the collaboration features offered by Google Apps
– To provide data sharing capabilities in Google Docs not implemented in
– To allow students to see class activities integrated into their personal
– To offer wiki features via Google Sites as soon as a Google Sites API’s
are available.
• To model an approach to sharing that is common in many scholarly
• To offer instructors an easy means of providing information that
integrates seamlessly into the students’ information environment
Main Features
• Links in Blackboard to Google Apps Documents and Calendar
– A convenient browser ‘bookmarklet’ hooks a Google Doc/Calendar to a
Blackboard course site.
– Blackboard custom content types are also available for the same
– Links allow an instructor to provide automatic sharing of Google Docs
and Calendars to enrollees in a Blackboard course.
• Single Sign On to Google Apps domain
– Supports automated creation of Google accounts when needed
High Level Architecture
SSO UML diagram
Linking UML Diagram (content tool)
Linking UML Diagram (bookmarklet)
The Bboogle Building Block
• Custom content tools for linking Google content: documents,
calendars and sites.
• A ‘bookmarklet’ alternative to the traditional Blackboard custom
content tools, which allows content linking while within the Google
Apps user interface.
• Course tools that provide SSO to Google Apps Sites, Documents
and Calendar services.
The Bboogle Building Block
• The ‘SSO Bridge’ Servlet
– Runs whenever a user clicks on any of the Bboogle bookmarks/links, including
the SSO course tools, and provides the front-end logic to the Google SSO
– If automated provisioning is used, it ensures that the user clicking has a Google
Apps account
– Transfers control to Google ONLY after verifying that that the user is allowed to
access to the document
– Uses the Google Integration Service to handle user provisioning and
authorization issues that are handled during user clicks.
• The ‘Linking Servlet’
– Runs whenever an instructor chooses to create a bookmark/link to Google Apps
content: calendars, documents and sites.
– Creates a course document to hold the bookmark/link
– Uses the Google Integration Service to handle authorization issues (e.g.
requests to share document/calendar with the Blackboard class).
The Google Integration Server
• Mediates all communication between the building block and Google
• Uses a small embedded database to store information to:
– Keep track of Google content publication and access in Blackboard
– Efficiently manage building block requests to avoid unneeded
communication with Google
– Provide usage information that could later be used by reporting tools
Google Integration Database Details
What gets Stored?
• The existence and activation record for a given Google account
• The pairing of a piece of Google content + its owner
• The publication of one such pair to a certain BB course, with a
particular collaborator role
• The successful execution of a sharing request concerning a
particular publication record + a particular Google collaborator
Google Integration Server Requests
What types of requests does it handle?
• Checks for the existence/activation of a specified Google account
• Creation of Google Apps accounts
• Bookmark/link creation bookkeeping (using its database)
• Requests to obtain a user’s document or calendar details from
Google Apps
• Requests to share documents/calendars with a group of users
Example Walkthrough: instructor navigates
to Google calendar and uses bookmarklet
Within the building block:
• Requests are made to the Google Integration server to verify account
ownership, and obtain Google Calendar details for the instructor.
• A new course document is created in the Blackboard course, containing a
link to the Google document or calendar. A request is then made to the
Google Integration server to share the content with the Blackboard course.
Within the Google Integration Server
• An account record is retrieved/created verifying that the user has a Google
account (GintAccount)
• An ownership pair (GintLink) and a publication record (GintPublication) are
created before the new course document is created by the building block.
• A sharing record (GintShareRecord) is created/retrieved for each user
enrolled in the class, linked to the corresponding publication record.
How to use Bboogle in your institution
• Possibly customize the mapping between Blackboard user ids and
Google user ids (requires implementation of a Java interface)
• Decide on your SSO solution:
– Customize your current Google SSO solution so that it can work well
with BBoogle. OR
– For testing purposes, you can use the provided SSO solution. You can
also use it as a ‘reference’ implementation that helps you come up with
your production-ready version. Be sure to properly register your Google
SSO solution in the Google Apps administrator panel.
• Install the BBoogle building block and the Google Integration Server
(a web application) and configure application parameters.
Future Directions
• Support SSO to Gmail and other Google Apps services
• Offer linking to other types of Google content as soon as services
expose permission apis (e.g. Google Sites)
• Explore the possibility of hosting the Google Apps Integration server
in the Google Apps Engine
• Possibly create additional tools to facilitate the ‘publishing’ of Google
content to Blackboard courses.
• Explore the possibility of offering a sharing tool for students
How to get Bboogle
• Bboogle is hosted at the Oscelot projects site
• The Subversion repository can be found at
• You can contact us for more details at:
– or