1’st GP Viborg – 1’st of May 2015 A part of ”Race weekend in North West Jutland” TECHNICAL GUIDE Organization Race Manager: Mogens Kristensen Race Director: Mogens Kristensen Course Manager: Thomas Just Caravan Manager: Thomas Just Arena Manager: Annette Troelsen Sørensen Secretariat: Annette Troelsen Sørensen & Sven Erik Sode Radio Connection: Tommy Underbjerg Andersen and Tonny Breiner Radio Tour: Henning Knudsen Photo Finish: Kharsten Christensen Account Manager: Annette Troelsen Sørensen Race Doctor: Marcin Ostapink Data/Results: Michael Vestergaard Press: Sven Erik Sode and Ulrik Møberg Speaker: Tommy Poulsen and Torben Joensen Sound: Torben Martinussen Commissaires President of the commissaries panel: David Menzies (GBR) Member of the commissaries panel: Jakob Knudsen (DEN) Member of the commissaries panel: Søren Knudsen (DEN) Member of the commissaries panel: Sanne Schmidt (DEN) Member of the commissaries panel: Henrik W. Jensen (DEN) 1’st GP Viborg 1’st of May 2015 SPECIFIC REGULATIONS ARTICLE 1. ORGANIZATION The 1’st “GP Viborg” is organized by Vesthimmerland Pro Cycling, Skovvej 4, 9631 Gedsted, Denmark under the regulations of the International Cycling Union. It is to be held on the 1’st of May 2015 starting at 12.00 hrs. ARTICLE 2. TYPE OF EVENT The event, ME 1.2 is open to athletes of categories Men Elite and Men Under 23. The event is entered on the UCI Europe Tour calendar. The event is registered as a class 2 event. In conformity with the UCI rules, points are awarded as follows: 40 – 30 – 16 – 12 – 10 – 8 – 6 – 3 for the UCI ranking ARTICLE 3. PARTICIPATION As per article 2.1.005 of the UCI regulations, the event is open to the following teams: UCI continental teams, national teams and regional and club teams categories. As per article 2.2.003 of the UCI regulations, teams must be formed of minimum 4 and maximum 6 riders. ARTICLE 4. RACE HEADQUARTERS The race headquarter shall be open Thursday the 30’th of April at 17.00 hrs. to 18.30 hrs. located at the following address: Viborg Stadionhal 4 (Kasernehallen), Tingvej 17, 8800 Viborg. Telephone: +45 8787 3350. Team representatives are requested to confirm their starters, license checkup and collect their start numbers at the race headquarter in this period. The race headquarter will open again from 10.30 hrs. to 11.45 hrs. at the following location near the start- and finish line: VIP-Tent in front of the startline at Rødevej, 8800 Viborg. All drivers will have a meeting at Viborg Stadionhal 4 (Kasernehallen), Tingvej 17, 8800 Viborg 10.30 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. The race headquarter will open again from 17.15 hrs. to 18.15 hrs. at Viborg Stadionhal 4 (Kasernehallen), Tingvej 17, 8800 Viborg. The team managers meeting, organized in accordance with article 1.2.087 of the UCI regulations, in the presence of the Members of the Commissaires Panel, is scheduled for 18.30 o’clock on Thursday the 30’th of April at Viborg Stadionhal 4 (Kasernehallen), Tingvej 17, 8800 Viborg. Telephone: +45 8787 3350. ARTICLE 5. RADIO-TOUR Race information will be broadcast on the following frequency: 165.300 MHz, ARTICLE 6. NEUTRAL TECHNICAL SUPPORT The neutral support is taken care of by means of 3 service cars – marked with streamers: NEUTRAL SERVICE Be aware it is normal team cars just marked with the streamers – but they will act as Neutral Service. Article 7. FINISHING TIME LIMITS Any rider finishing in a time exceeding that of the winner by more than 5% shall not be placed. The time limit may, in exceptional circumstances, be increased by the Commissaires' Panel in agreement with the organizer. ARTICLE 8. CLASSIFICATIONS The following classification will be issued: individual ARTICLE 9. PRIZES The following prizes are awarded: The 20 first riders in individual classification 1. €2.425 2. €1.210 3. €607 4. €305 5. €240 6. €180 7. €180 8. €118 9. €118 10. €57 11. €57 12. €57 13. €57 14. €57 15. €57 16. €57 17. €57 18. €57 19. €57 20. €57 A grand total of € 6.010 will be awarded in prize money at the event. As organizer of the race we are authorized through UCI regulations to collect 2 % of minimum prizes of the prize money paid to the riders ARTICLE 10. ANTIDOPING The UCI antidoping regulations are entirely applicable to the event. The antidoping tests will take place at, Viborg Stadionhal 4 (Kasernehallen), Tingvej 17, 8800 Viborg. ARTICLE 11. AWARDS CEREMONY In accordance with article 1.2.112 of the UCI rules, the following riders must attend the official awards ceremony: The first 3 of the event. The riders will present themselves at the podium in a time limit of 10 minutes after crossing the finish line. ARTICLE 12. PENALTIES The UCI penalty scale is the only one applicable. ARTICLE 13. HOSPITAL Viborg Sygehus, Heibergs Allé 4, 8800 Viborg, tlf. 7844 0000. Emergency: 112 ARTICLE 14. PARKING Parking for service cars, vans etc. at Paradepladsen, 8800 Viborg. Paradepladsen is situated just beside the finish line at Rødevej. ARTICLE 15. SCHEDULE Feedingzone At Rødevej, 8800 Viborg after 82,8 km Deviation for Team Managers cars at the finish Turn right at Tingvej, 9600 Aars Route and time schedule: Masterstart: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/6884750 GP Viborg: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/7063596 ↑ ← → ← ↑ ↑ ↑ Direction Note MASTER START Straight Rødevej Left Ll. Sct Hans Gade Right Gravene Left Sanct Mathiasgade Straight Randersvej Roundabout - 1 exit - Bisp Gunners Vej Straight Klostermarken Straight Vinkelvej - passing BRUUNSHÅB Break before race start ↑ Straight ← → ← → Left Right Left Right ↑ Straight → Right START punkt er Vinkelvej efter Brunshåb Vinkelvej - at the beninng of the lake VINKEL Fuglemosevej Follow Hesselholt Hovvejen Mammen Byvej MAMMEN Bjerring Byvej BJERRING Roundabout - 3 exit - Vestre Ringvej/Route 525 BJERRINGBRO Roundabout - 2 exit - stay at Vestre Ringvej Markedsgade Km 40 km/h 42 km/h 44 km/h 0,0 12:00 12:00 12:00 0,0 0,3 0,5 1,0 1,6 2,6 2,7 3,0 7,4 0,0 2,3 6,0 7,5 8,1 10,4 11,1 13,9 14,8 16,3 16,9 16,9 18,2 12:20 12:20 12:23 12:29 12:31 12:32 12:35 12:36 12:40 12:42 12:44 12:45 12:45 12:47 12:20 12:20 12:23 12:28 12:30 12:31 12:34 12:35 12:39 12:41 12:43 12:44 12:44 12:46 12:20 12:20 12:23 12:28 12:30 12:31 12:34 12:35 12:38 12:40 12:42 12:43 12:43 12:44 ↑ ← ← ← Straight Left Left Left → ↑ ↑ ← ← Right Straight Straight Left Left ← Left → Right ← ↑ Left Straight ↑ ← Straight Left → ↑ → ↑ Right Straight Right Straight ← → Left Right ← → ↑ Left Right Straight ↑ → → ← Straight Right Right Left ↑ Straight → ↑ ← Right Straight Left → ← → Right Left Right → ↑ Right Straight Roundabout - 1 exit - Storegade Vestergade Gammel Tangevej Tangevej / Route 525 Bjerringbrovej TANGE Husbondvej Husbondvej Vindumovergaardsvej Sdr. Rind Vej Stay at Sdr. Rind Vej SdDR. RIND Stay at Sdr. Rind Vej RINDSHOLM Gamle Århusvej VIBORG Stay at Gamle Århusvej Ll. Sankt Mikkelsgade Roundabout - 2 exit - Ll. Sankt Mikkelsgade Sankt Ibs Gade Gl. Skivevej Roundabout - 3 exit - Rødevej Passing Finishline Skottenborg Kirkebækvej Kirkebækvej Agerlandsvej Roundabout - 3 exit - Vognmagervej Roundabout - 2 exit - Løgstørvej / Route 533 Y-road - keep left at Løgstørvej/Route 533 Hovedgaden SKALS Ejstrupvej Ejstrup Bro Møllevej LØVEL Stay at Møllevej Kærvangen Tinggade Gamle Røddingvej Roundabout (flat) - 2 exit - stay at Gamle Røddingvej Enghavevej RØDDING Kirkegade Røddingvej Røddingvej VIBORG Nørremøllevej Gl. Aalborgvej Gl. Skivevej Roundabout - 3 exit - Rødevej Passing Finishline Skottenborg Kirkebækvej 18,7 18,9 20,4 21,2 22,8 23,4 23,9 25,2 26,6 27,8 29,3 33,7 35,0 36,6 36,8 38,4 39,7 42,8 43,1 43,8 44,5 44,9 45,3 45,6 46,2 47,8 48,1 50,0 50,8 58,2 61,4 62,4 63,2 64,6 65,0 68,4 68,5 68,8 68,9 69,0 69,4 71,0 73,3 73,5 74,1 79,0 79,1 79,6 81,3 81,8 82,2 82,6 82,9 83,5 12:48 12:48 12:50 12:51 12:54 12:55 12:55 12:57 12:59 13:01 13:03 13:10 13:12 13:14 13:15 13:17 13:19 13:24 13:24 13:25 13:26 13:27 13:27 13:28 13:29 13:31 13:32 13:35 13:36 13:47 13:52 13:53 13:54 13:56 13:57 14:02 14:02 14:03 14:03 14:03 14:04 14:06 14:09 14:10 14:11 14:18 14:18 14:19 14:21 14:22 14:23 14:23 14:24 14:25 12:46 12:47 12:49 12:50 12:52 12:53 12:54 12:56 12:58 12:59 13:01 13:08 13:10 13:12 13:12 13:14 13:16 13:21 13:21 13:22 13:23 13:24 13:24 13:25 13:26 13:28 13:28 13:31 13:32 13:43 13:47 13:49 13:50 13:52 13:52 13:57 13:57 13:58 13:58 13:58 13:59 14:01 14:04 14:05 14:05 14:12 14:13 14:13 14:16 14:16 14:17 14:18 14:18 14:19 12:45 12:45 12:47 12:48 12:51 12:51 12:52 12:54 12:56 12:57 12:59 13:05 13:07 13:09 13:10 13:12 13:14 13:18 13:18 13:19 13:20 13:21 13:21 13:22 13:23 13:25 13:25 13:28 13:29 13:39 13:43 13:45 13:46 13:48 13:48 13:53 13:53 13:53 13:53 13:54 13:54 13:56 13:59 14:00 14:01 14:07 14:07 14:08 14:10 14:11 14:12 14:12 14:13 14:13 → ← → Right Left Right Left → Right ← → ← Left Right Left → ← → → ← ↑ Right Left Right Right Left Straight ↑ ↑ Straight Straight ← → ← ↑ Left Right Left Straight ← ← ← Left Left Left ← Left ↑ ↑ → Straight Straight Right → ← ← Right Left Left → → Right Right ← ← → ↑ ← → ← ← Left Left Right Straight Left Right Left Left Kirkebækvej Kirkebækvej Kirkebækvej Y-road - keep left at Kirkebækvej ROMLUND Romlundvej LØGSTRUP Hovedgaden Hjarbækvej Ørregårdsvej FISKBÆK Skivevej / Route 26 Fiskbækvej Bollervej Kirkebækvej Sparkærvej Sandbækvej SPARKÆR Præstebakken Langgade Crossing railroad track Foldbjergvej - after 100 m dirt road Stay at Foldbjergvej - dirt road Lundgårdsvej Nybrovej Ravnstrup Y-road - keep left at Nybrovej Holstebrovej - Route 16 Jegstrupvej Vest VIBORG Y-road left at Vestermarksvej Roundabout - - 2 exit - Lundvej Kirkebæksvej Agerlandsvej Gl. Skivevej Roundabout - 1 exit - Rødevej Passing Finishline Skottenborg Jegstrupvej Indre Ringvej Roundabout - 1 exit - Plantagevej Roundabout - 2 exit - Plantagevej Roundabout - 3 exit - Liseborgvej Finderupvej Gårsdalvej RAVNSTRUP Holstebrovej - Route 16 Hellerupvej Hesselbjergvej - dirt road Hesselbjergvej - small dirt road Hesselbjergvej - dirt road Y-road keep right at Hesselbjergvej - dirt road Stay at Hesselbjergvej - dirt road Fallevej 85,0 85,3 85,6 88,0 90,0 90,6 93,4 94,0 94,5 96,2 97,5 97,8 97,8 98,7 100,4 103,2 104,5 106,3 106,5 106,9 107,2 107,3 108,0 108,2 109,7 111,9 112,7 113,1 113,3 118,0 118,6 118,9 119,7 119,9 121,3 122,9 123,3 123,6 124,2 124,4 126,3 126,6 127,0 127,6 131,0 135,4 135,6 136,1 137,5 138,2 138,7 139,4 140,1 140,9 14:27 14:27 14:28 14:32 14:35 14:35 14:40 14:41 14:41 14:44 14:46 14:46 14:46 14:48 14:50 14:54 14:56 14:59 14:59 15:00 15:00 15:00 15:02 15:02 15:04 15:07 15:09 15:09 15:09 15:17 15:17 15:18 15:19 15:19 15:21 15:24 15:24 15:25 15:26 15:26 15:29 15:29 15:30 15:31 15:36 15:43 15:43 15:44 15:46 15:47 15:48 15:49 15:50 15:51 14:21 14:21 14:22 14:25 14:28 14:29 14:33 14:34 14:35 14:37 14:39 14:39 14:39 14:41 14:43 14:47 14:49 14:51 14:52 14:52 14:53 14:53 14:54 14:54 14:56 14:59 15:01 15:01 15:01 15:08 15:09 15:09 15:11 15:11 15:13 15:15 15:16 15:16 15:17 15:17 15:20 15:20 15:21 15:22 15:27 15:33 15:33 15:34 15:36 15:37 15:38 15:39 15:40 15:41 14:15 14:16 14:16 14:20 14:22 14:23 14:27 14:28 14:28 14:31 14:32 14:33 14:33 14:34 14:36 14:40 14:42 14:44 14:45 14:45 14:46 14:46 14:47 14:47 14:49 14:52 14:53 14:54 14:54 15:00 15:01 15:02 15:03 15:03 15:05 15:07 15:08 15:08 15:09 15:09 15:12 15:12 15:13 15:14 15:18 15:24 15:24 15:25 15:27 15:28 15:29 15:30 15:31 15:32 ← → ← Left Right Left → ↑ ← ← ← Right Straight Left Left Left → → ← Right Right Left ↑ → ← ↑ Straight Right Left Straight ← → Left Right → ↑ → ↑ → Right Straight Right Straight Right → ↑ → ↑ → Right Straight Right Straight Right → ↑ → ↑ → Right Straight Right Straight Right → ↑ → ↑ → Right Straight Right Straight Right FINDERUP Roundabout - 1 exit - Stanghedevej Route 12 Stanghedevej Dollerupvej DOLLERUP Right - 150 degree - Ravnsbjergvej - dirt road Thestrupvej - dirt road Skelhøjevej Bisballevej Dollerupvej DOLLERUP Ravnsbjergvej Route 12 Egeskovvej HALD EGE VIBORG Koldingvej Marsk Stigs Vej Gl. Århusvej Ll. Sankt Mikkelsgade Roundabout - 2 exit - Ll. Sankt Mikkelsgade Sankt Ibs Gade Gl. Skivevej Roundabout - 3 exit - Rødevej Passing Finishline Skottenborg Kirkebækvej Kirkebækvej Agerlandsvej Gl. Skivevej Roundabout - 1 exit - Rødevej Passing Finishline Skottenborg Kirkebækvej Kirkebæksvej Agerlandsvej Gl. Skivevej Roundabout - 1 exit - Rødevej Passing Finishline Skottenborg Kirkebækvej Kirkebæksvej Agerlandsvej Gl. Skivevej Roundabout - 1 exit - Rødevej Passing Finishline Skottenborg Kirkebækvej Kirkebæksvej Agerlandsvej Gl. Skivevej Roundabout - 1 exit - Rødevej Passing Finishline 140,9 141,4 144,8 144,8 146,7 147,7 148,2 148,4 149,8 149,9 151,0 152,2 152,8 156,6 156,9 157,0 160,4 160,6 162,9 163,0 163,4 163,7 164,3 165,1 165,4 165,8 166,2 166,8 168,4 168,6 170,0 171,6 172,0 172,4 173,0 174,6 174,8 176,2 177,8 178,2 178,6 179,2 180,8 181,0 182,4 184,0 184,4 184,8 185,4 187,0 187,2 188,6 190,2 190,6 15:51 15:52 15:57 15:57 16:00 16:01 16:02 16:02 16:04 16:04 16:06 16:08 16:09 16:14 16:15 16:15 16:20 16:20 16:24 16:24 16:25 16:25 16:26 16:27 16:28 16:28 16:29 16:30 16:32 16:32 16:35 16:37 16:38 16:38 16:39 16:41 16:42 16:44 16:46 16:47 16:47 16:48 16:51 16:51 16:53 16:56 16:56 16:57 16:58 17:00 17:00 17:02 17:05 17:05 15:41 15:42 15:46 15:46 15:49 15:51 15:51 15:52 15:54 15:54 15:55 15:57 15:58 16:03 16:04 16:04 16:09 16:09 16:12 16:12 16:13 16:13 16:14 16:15 16:16 16:16 16:17 16:18 16:20 16:20 16:22 16:25 16:25 16:26 16:27 16:29 16:29 16:31 16:34 16:34 16:35 16:36 16:38 16:38 16:40 16:42 16:43 16:44 16:44 16:47 16:47 16:49 16:51 16:52 15:32 15:32 15:37 15:37 15:40 15:41 15:42 15:42 15:44 15:44 15:45 15:47 15:48 15:53 15:53 15:54 15:58 15:59 16:02 16:02 16:02 16:03 16:04 16:05 16:05 16:06 16:06 16:07 16:09 16:09 16:11 16:14 16:14 16:15 16:15 16:18 16:18 16:20 16:22 16:23 16:23 16:24 16:26 16:26 16:28 16:30 16:31 16:32 16:32 16:35 16:35 16:37 16:39 16:39 → ↑ → ↑ → Right Straight Right Straight Right Skottenborg Kirkebækvej Kirkebæksvej Agerlandsvej Gl. Skivevej Roundabout - 1 exit - Rødevej FINISH ARTICLE 16. MAPS AND PROFILES Map and profile of the route: 191,0 191,6 193,2 193,4 194,8 196,4 197,0 17:06 17:07 17:09 17:10 17:12 17:14 17:15 16:52 16:53 16:56 16:56 16:58 17:00 17:01 16:40 16:41 16:43 16:43 16:45 16:47 16:48 Map and Profile Last 3 km Deviation 900 m before finish – turn right at Indre Ringvej Follow Indre Ringvej and turn left to Prinsens Allé – and then back to Paradepladsen (Parking area).
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