DSFTM Annual Meeting 2015 - Danish Society of Pharmacology

 DSFTM Annual Meeting 2015
19.-20. October, 2015 at Sandbjerg Manor in Sønderborg, Denmark
Pharmacokinetics: Driving Research at the Interface between
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Medicinal Chemistry
The Danish Society for Pharmacology, Toxicology and Medicinal Chemistry (DSFTM) hereby announces its 2015 Annual meeting, which
will take place over two days in October at the scenic Sandbjerg Manor near Sønderborg. The meeting is open to members and nonmembers alike.
The DSFTM 2015 Annual Meeting aims to bring researchers together across traditional scientific disciplines, but also to serve as a
meeting place for students, young researchers and more established experts from academia and industry alike.
The meeting includes an Early Careers Session with a chance to present own research (posters and short oral presentations). Best
poster and oral contributions will be awarded the DSFTM Annual Meeting Award including a 1000 kr. cash prize.
Program is subject to change
- Day 1 -
Session 1
Chair: Eva Cecilie Bonefeld-Jørgensen Aarhus University
President of DSFTM
Plenary Session
11.30 – 11.40
11.40 – 12.25
Plenary Lecture (35 + 10 min):
Pharmacokinetics - state of the art
Dino Montanari H. Lundbeck A/S
12.25 – 13.30
Session 2
Chair: Niels Svenstrup H. Lundbeck A/S
Transport through biological barriers – Two sides of a coin
13.30 – 14.45
Modulation of Intestinal Membrane Transporters: In vitro mechanisms to in vivo impact
Carsten Uhd Nielsen Southern University of Denmark
Placental transport (and transporters)
Line Mathiesen University of Copenhagen
Assessing the permeability of new drugs across the BBB: An industry perspective
Lassina Badolo H. Lundbeck A/S
14.45 – 15.15
Coffee and Check-In
Dansk Selskab for Farmakologi, Toksikologi og Medicinalkemi
DSFTM.dk ! info@dsftm.dk
Session 3
Chair: Christiane Beer Aarhus University
Early Careers Session
15.15 – 16.30
Early Careers Session - Short oral presentations (10 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion each)
16.30 – 16.45
16.45 – 17.30
Poster session with short poster presentation (3-5 min each)
17.30 – 18.30
DSFTM General Assembly (For the members of DSFTM)
19.00 – 22.00
22.00 –
Social activities
- Day 2 -
Session 4
Chair: Harrie C.M. Boonen University of Copenhagen
Predicting human pharmacokinetics and human biomonitoring
9.00 – 10.15
Plenary Lecture (35 + 10 min):
ADME: Toxicokinetics as a key to the integrated toxicity risk assessment (non-animal approach)
Emanuella Testai European Union Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal Testing, Italy
In silico modelling of pharmacokinetics and metabolism for safety assessment of chemicals - where are
we right now?
Svava Ósk Jónsdóttir Technical University of Denmark, DTU
10.15 – 10.30
Session 5
Chair: Gunnar Vase Toft Aarhus University
10.30 – 12.15
Bioactivation of carboxylic acid drugs – focus on CoA conjugation
Lars Weidolf AstraZeneca
Clinical aspects of genetic and environmental differences in drug oxidation
Kim Brøsen University of Southern Denmark
Polymorphism in P450 genes versus breast cancer risk
Mandana Ghisari Aarhus University
Fate of nanomaterials – in vitro and in vivo
Christiane Beer Aarhus University
12.15 – 13.10
Dansk Selskab for Farmakologi, Toksikologi og Medicinalkemi
DSFTM.dk ! info@dsftm.dk
Session 6
Chair: Trond Ulven University of Southern Denmark
Case stories
13.10 – 14.50
Xultophy Discovery and Development
Morten Schlein Novo Nordisk A/S
The importance of integration between human dose predictions and discovery toxicology in the
selection of the right development candidate - a case story
Tomas Mow H. Lundbeck A/S
Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling of environmental contaminants in Greenlanders
Christian Sonne Aarhus University
SorCS1 – a new principle for the treatment of type 2 diabetes?
Anders Nykjær Aarhus University
14.50 – 15.00
Prize Announcement: Best oral and poster
15.00 – 15.15
Thanks and Goodbye
15.15 – 15.45
Concerning transportation
Train from Copenhagen: Connection (IC825) from Copenhagen (departure 7:28) to Sønderborg (arrival 11:07) costs kr. 825,- round
trip incl. seat reservation. Shuttle buses will operate between Sønderborg railway station and Sandbjerg Conference Centre.
Reservations to be made on www.dsb.dk.
Flight from Copenhagen: Alsie Express runs a convenient flight service from Copenhagen Airport to Sønderborg (we recommend
arrival Monday at 9:15 AM, departure Tuesday at 4:30 PM). Prices by online booking are currently around kr. 2.000-2.500 for a return
ticket depending on ticket class. Flight time is around 40 minutes. Shuttle buses will operate between Sønderborg Airport and
Sandbjerg Conference Centre. Please book soon due to a limited number of seats. Bookings can be made at www.alsieexpress.dk.
Bus/car from Århus: By discretion of the board, there may be established a return bus service between Aarhus to Sandbjerg
Conference Centre, depending on the number of participants from this area.
Please inform us of your travel plans at the time of registration and we will arrange for transport between Sønderborg railway station /
Sønderborg Airport and Sandbjerg Conference Centre.
On first come, first served basis - the meeting is limited to 100 participants. Abstract submission deadline is August 15th.
Registration fee:
400 kr (DSFTM members - membership is free for students)*
750 kr (non-members)
Please navigate to www.DSFTM.dk to register.
Dansk Selskab for Farmakologi, Toksikologi og Medicinalkemi
DSFTM.dk ! info@dsftm.dk