Welcome to GLOBAL BRAND MANAGEMENT • To-day Goals – How we are going to work (syllabus) – Some rules Part I : Investigating the Brand « power » PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. Me … Alain Hutinel Education – – ESSEC MBA Keller Graduate School of Business (Indiana University) Experience 20 years in FMCG Marketing, Colgate Palmolive & Quaker Oats 2 years MD of an IT Network Cy 15 years of Consulting and Teaching Major interests …. Teaching internationally Marketing Communications and Brand Management …. Discovering new ways of marketing hutinel@pdx.edu PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. Office : 260C Tu, W & Th. 503-725-3732 You… Special Topics/ Interest in Brands … Specific project Business actual situation …….. > let’s talk and imagine Your role : to build your own brand model so as to better anticipate what you think will happen PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. Class materials Course Slides + on PSU/SBA - Faculty and Staff - Alain Hutinel website & course e-mail (to-morrow) CD-ROM Reference book : Lane Keller, « Strategic Brand Management » • Also : « Brand Portfolio Management » by D.A. Aaker PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. (some) Brand Management Websites www.pwcglobal.com/fr/fra www.tns.com www.esomar.nl www.brandweek.com www.brandchannel.com www.brandfinance.com www.milwardbrown.com www.future.sri.com www.intelliquest.com www.accenture.com www.ipa.com www.prodimarques.com www.labelmark.com www.nomen.com www.mckinseyquarterly.com McKinsey www.exmarketing.com www.bec-institute.com http://www.cobranding.com www.globalbrand.org PriceWaterhouse Taylor Nelson Sofres, Etudes, Panels, Piges …. ESOMAR Recherche MArketing US magazine Interbrand “The” site on Branding. Brand research and survey company Research International. Millward Brown.Adverising Accenture UK Institute of Professional Advertisers French Brand Association French consultant French consultant for Brand Names search Consultants, Bern Schmitt (Columbia U.) HighCo brand Institute partly in English co-branding offers PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. What will be evaluated Importance vs Completeness Capacity to judge and build own opinion (managerial aptitudes) Capacity to anticipate and innovate (d°) Capacity to evaluate quality of marketing activities (d°) PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. YOUR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. To build your own brand model 2. To anticipate what you think should happen 3. Individually, to do the required homework and participate in class debate 4. To actively contribute to group work PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. Requirements and grading Readings as directed 3 individual essays from readings 3 individual cases (powerpoint format only) 1 group brand audit & project PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. Typical Reading/Essay format The most important/new ideas/concepts retained by the writer(s) Critique/discussion on these ideas, on methodology, argumentation etc …. Give your opinion Say what might happen 5 to 10 years from now Provoque class debate How you will apply in your brand audit 10 minutes = no more than 6/7 light slides All work in powerpoint format PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. Course main Topics Brand strategic role The Brand system Valuating the Brand Brand Equity Brand Identity Managing the Brand Communicative scope Managing Brand Architecture Brand portfolio Issues Cross-cultural Branding PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. TO-DAY Investigating, understanding the Brand Importance to the firm Defining the Brand The Brand System Defining the Brand roles Brand Power and Value PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. « Ultimately, Brands are all about trust … … the reason consumers flock to some brands and ignore others is that behind the brand stands an unspoken promise of value. That is why brands are becoming even more important drivers of growth. That is also why Unilever wants Knorr, Skippy, Hellmann’s, SlimFast and Ben & Jerry on its plate. » Mukul Pandya, WSJ. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. 12 Key trends affecting brand management … & marketing ! Consumption, societal & cultural multifragmentation & globalisition Less loyal / more « intelligent (?) » buyer Self value-building consumption Search for emotions Multiplication of offers & chanels Interactive marketing technologies Markets saturation Multiplication of touchpoints/contacts Loss of credibility of traditional media PSU - 2006 - Global Brand contacts Management - Alain Hutinel. From USP to HSP USP = Unique Selling Proposition ESP = Emotional Selling Proposition OSP = Organizational Selling Proposition BSP = Brand Selling Proposition MSP= Me Selling Proposition HSP =Holistic Selling Proposition (Martin Lindstrom) PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. A Brand builds its Own world And that is a fantastic power ! PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. In this brand (!) new world, What IS a Brand and What DOES a Brand do? PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. 16 Think of Brands in your own life 1 - Think of how you became aware of them, why you bought them, why you prefer them, how you feel about them ... 2 - List them as they come to your mind 3 - Chose one brand you are very familiar with : . What does this Brand do for you? . What does it MEAN to you? . How do you relate to it ? … 4 – Main characteristics of a world without Brands ? PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. “What is the best …” Who makes the best …. Automobile ? ……… Do you own one ? Have you ever owned one ? Have you ever driven one ? Do you know anybody who owns one ? How do you know ….. It is the best ? PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. Brand is an experience A brand is essentially a container for a costumer’s complete experience with the offer and the company. (Sergio Zyman) PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. What is a Brand (shortcut) ? User Culture Personality Attributes Benefits PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. Values The Brand as an Open System. Corporation Economy … Chanels, contacts … Relationships with customers Competition Organization’s associations Personality .Scope .Attributes Codes/Tone .Uses Skills (Core) Offer .Quality/ (Tangible Products & Symbols Services) Value Origin .Functional User Imagery Self-expressive Benefits benefits Name Tribes Emotional benefits Cultures PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Groups … Management - Alain Hutinel. This Brand System interacts AS ... 1) .. A SOCIO-ECONOMIC AGENT 2) .. A CORPORATE ASSET 3) .. A STRATEGIC MARKETING TOOL 4) .. A COMMUNICATING & SELLING AGENT PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. THE BRAND AS A SOCIO-ECONOMIC AGENT • PART OF EACH INDIVIDUAL’S AND SOCIETAL GROUPS ’ SET OF REFERENCES • A POWERFUL SOCIAL DRIVER • A GLOBAL CIMENT • A VALUE ADDING ECONOMIC AGENT PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. Brand Strategic Role Brand Equity Consumer Response Booster Cash flow booster PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. THE BRAND AS A CORPORATE ASSET • A PROTECTED PROPERTY (owner's right to use) • BOOK VALUE, GOODWILL. ASSET that can be sold and bought • MARKETING « NON TANGIBLE » ASSET precisely measurable and valuable (when brand is on sale) : STRENGTH , LEADERSHIP & EQUITY, ie capacity to justify price. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. Brand Asset Value Source : K.L.Keller PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. BRAND EQUITY as a Percent of Firm Tangible Assets Industry Brand Equity Apparel 61 Tobacco 46 Food products Chemicals 37 34 Electric machinery 22 Transportation equip. 20 Primary metals Stone, glass, and clay PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. 1 0 Brand (Market) Performance Valuation DDB Pricing Studies Landor Power Index Interbrand Valuation model Y&R Brandasset Valuator Intangible Value Valuator Sometimes stock market value PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. The Landor Power Index Power = strength 2 synthetic measures Awareness Esteem «Share of Mind» idea (cf. Share of Market Share of Voice, Share of Requirements ....) Most influencing factor : brand perceived quality need time PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. Interbrand BRAND VALUE Attributes Leadership (25%) Trend (10 %) Stability (15 %) Support (10 %) Market (10 %) Protection (5%) Market share, Awareness, Positioning, Competitor Profile Longevity Coherence Consistency, brand Equity, risks LT erformance, Projected performance, Sensibility of Plans, competition reactivity What market, Volatility size Market dynamics Barriers Internationality (25%) PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. Consistency of message and spendings, Above/below the line Brand franchise Trademark registration /registrability common law, litigations/disputes Interb. MB Interbrand Ranking and Ratio of Brand value to Firm Market Value 2002 1995 1999 2001 Interbrand value SM % B Rank $ bns Rank $ bns Rank $ bns Rank $ bns $ bns /SM 1 Coca-Cola 39 Coca-Cola84 Coca-Cola 69 Coca-Cola 70 138 51 2 Marlboro 39 Microsoft 57 Microsoft 65 Microsoft 64 276 23 3 IBM 17 IBM 44 IBM 53 IBM 51 138 37 4 Motorola 15 GE 34 GE 42 GE 41 309 13 5 HP 13 Ford 32 Nokia 35 Intel 31 185 17 6 Microsoft 12 Disney 32 Intel 35 Nokia 30 68 44 7 Kodak 12 Intel 30 Disney 33 Disney 29 47 62 8 Budweiser 11 McDonald's 26 Ford 30 McDonald's 26 38 68 9 Kellogg's 11 AT&T 24 McDonald's 25 Marlboro 24 10 Nescafé 10 Marlboro 21 AT&T 23 Mercedes 21 11 Intel 10 Nokia 21 Marlboro 22 Ford 20 32 63 12 Gillette 10 Mercedes 18 Mercedes 22 Toyota 20 100 20 13 Pepsi 8 Nescafé 18 Citibank 19 Citibank 18 223 8 14 GE 7 HP 17 Toyota 19 HP 17 58 29 15 Levi's 7 Gillette 16 HP 18 Amex 16 57 28 16 Frito-Lay 7 Kodak 15 Cisco 17 Cisco 16 116 14 17 Compaq 7 Amex 17 AT&T 16 43 37 18 Bacardi 7 Gillette 15 Honda 15 42 36 19 Campbells 7 Merryll Lynch 15 Gillette 15 38 39 20 Pampers 6 BMW 11 Sony 15 BMW 14 29 48 21 Honda 15 Sony 14 53 26 22 BMW 14 Nescafe 13 23 Nescafé 13 Oracle 12 44 27 24 Compaq 12 Budweiser 11 45 24 25 Oracle 12 Merrill Lynch 11 35 31 26 Budweiser 11 Morgan St. 11 50 22 27 Kodak 11 Compaq 10 28 Merck 10 pfizer 10 217 5 29 Nike 8 Nintendo 9 J.P. Morgan 10 72 14 30 Pfizer 9 Kodak 10 10 100 31 Gap 9 Dell 9 70 13 32 Dell 8 Nintendo 9 20 45 33 Golman S. 8 Mercx 9 130 7 34 Nike 8 Samsung 8 35 VW 7 Nike 8 36 Ericsson 7 Gap 7 13 54 37 Apple 4 Heinz 7 Heinz 7 38 Levi's 7 VW 7 21 33 39 Kellog's 7 Goldman S. 7 36 19 40 MTV 7 Kellog's 7 15 47 41 Canon 7 Louis Vui. 7 26 27 42 Samsung 6 SAP 7 33 21 43 SAP 6 Canon 7 34 21 44 Ikea 4 Pepsi 6 Ikea 7 45 Xerox 6 Pepsi 6 92 7 46 Ikea 6 HD 6 16 38 47 Pizza Hut 6 MTV 6 48 HD 6 Pizza Hut 6 49 Apple 5 KFC 5 50 Gucci 5 Apple 5 51 KFC 5 Xerox 5 34 #### 52 Ralph Lauren 2 Gucci 5 24 #### 53 Accenture 5 54 L'Oreal 5 48 10 55 Kleenex 5 56 Sun 5 22 23 57 Wrigley's 5 PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. 2003 RANK Coca-Cola Microsoft IBM GE Intel Nokia Disney McDonalds Marlboro Mercedes Toyota HP Citibank Ford Amex Gillette Cisco Honda BMW Sony Nescafe Budweiser Pepsi Oracle Samsung Morgan St. Merrill lynch Pfizer Dell Merck JPMorgan nintendo Nike Kodak SAP Gap HSBC Kellogg's Canon Heinz Goldman S. VW Ikea HD Louis Vui. MTV L'Oreal Xerox KFC Apple Pizza Hut Accenture Gucci Kleenex Wrigleys Colgate Avon 2004 $bns 71 65 52 42 31 29 28 25 22 21 21 20 19 17 17 16 16 16 15 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 RANK Coca-Cola Microsoft IBM GE Intel Disney McDonald's Nokia Toyota Marlboro Mercedes HP Citibank Amex Gillette Cisco BMW Honda Ford Sony Samsung pepsi Nescafe Budweiser Dell Merrill Lynch Morgan St. Oracle Pfizer J.P. Morgan Nike Merck HSBC SAP Canon kellogg's Goldman S. Gap Siemens Ikea HD Heinz Apple Louis Vui. UBS Nintendo MTV VW L'Oreal Accenture Xerox Wrigley's Kodak KFC Pizza Hut Colgate Kleenex $bns 67 61 54 44 33 27 25 24 23 22 21 21 20 18 17 16 16 15 14 13 12 12 12 12 12 11.5 11.5 11 10.6 10 9.3 8.8 8.7 8.3 8.1 8 8 7.9 7.5 7.2 7.1 7 6.9 6.6 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.4 5.9 5.8 5.7 5.4 5.2 5.1 5 5 4.9 Y&R ’s « Brandasset Valuator » PowerGrid Emerging potential Brand Strength Leadership DREK New/unfocused DR EK DREK Eroding Potential D R EK Brand Stature Differenciation Relevance Esteem Knowledge Monash University MBA - January 2002 - Prof. A. Hutinel PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. 26 Heinz Ketchup - 2000 PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. THE BRAND AS A KEY STRATEGIC MARKETING TOOL * - BRAND LIFE CYCLE vs. PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE Adaptable to changing environments and technologies * SUPPORT OF LONG-TERM TIES WITH PEOPLE * ALLOWS LOWER COST for NEW ENTRIES * UNIQUE SPOKESMAN TO ALL PUBLICS * JUSTIFIES HIGHER PRICE & MARGINS PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. The Brand Value Chain Value Stages Marketing programs Customer Mindset Market Performance Shareholder Value Value Multipliers Programs Quality Market Place & Competition Conditions Investor Sentiment PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. The Leading Brands: 1925 and 1985 Product Bacon Batteries Biscuits Breakfast cereal Canned fruit Chewing gum Chocolates Flour Mint candies Paint Pipe tobacco Razors Sewing machines Shirts Shortening Soap Soft drinks Soup Tea Tires Toothpaste Leading Brand 1925 Current Position 1985 Swift Eveready Nabisco Kellogg Del Monte Wrigley Hershey Gold Medal Life Savers Sherwin-Williams Prince Albert Gillette Singer Manhattan Crisco Ivory Coca-Cola Campbell Lipton PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Goodyear Management - Alain Hutinel. Colgate Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader No. 2 Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader No. 5 Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader No. 2 BRAND EQUITY & MARKETING ASSETS RATE OF LOYALTY CAPACITY TO BUILD IT LEVEL AND SCOPE OF AWARENESS LEVEL & DISTINCTIVENESS OF PERCEIVED QUALITY MEASURED STRENGTH OF IMAGE AND IDENTITY UNIQUENESS OF PERCEIVED POSITIONNING PREFERENCE POWER OF PERCEIVED BENEFITS PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. Building Brand Equity Name Awareness Brand Loyalty Perceived Brand Preference Quality Associations Other Brand Brand Assets Equity Value To Firm (Name & • Helps Programs Symbol) Value To Customer • Info Processing •Confidence in Buying •Use Satisfaction PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. • Brand Loyalty •Prices •Brand Extensions •Trade Leverage •Competitive Advantage P & G - Mr Propre Mr Clean PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. THE BRAND AS A COMMUNICATING & SELLING AGENT * A RELATIONSHIP ACTOR/BUILDER * AN INFLUENCER * IT GIVES MEANINGS TO PRODUCTS/SERVICES ... * ... AND A CREATOR OF « NEW » WORLDS PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. The best Performances last longest. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. From Traditional Marketing Functions of the Brand Name … Identification Expresses the offer and is easily seen Practicality Saves times/energy thru repeat purchase & renewed satisfaction Guarantee of quality Has reputation PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. … to a powerful societal system that … sells … ie : exerts influences in the market place changes consumers’ wants and needs sets ideals and standards helps/facilitates choice provides purchase reassurance reduces after-choice dissonance …… PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. …. gives meanings and identity to what we use & buy helps us build our self-identity provides a symbolic language through which we can express ourselves in society and be recognized and understood by others creates a longlasting relationship with « consumers », at least with customers PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. So, a modern brand is A « persona » that overlays and includes the physical products/services the sum of fundamental values and attributes ascribed to it by people the entity that the consumers construct from the products’ meanings, symbols and images that they perceive as defining the brand. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. Evian Water brings health to all growing bodies PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Evian, approved spring of youth for your body. Management - Alain Hutinel. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. US - Evian. l’Original. Approved by your body as a source of youth. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. Many different types of brands ? B2B B2C Web Trade Local Regional National International Worlwide (meta) Corporate Commercial Non-business (?) – Countries – Official bodies – Charity org. – Politics/Polticians – … PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. Nestle Branding Tree 7500 Local Brands – Solis, Texicana, Rocky 140 Regional Brands – Contadina, Stouffers, Herta, Vittel 45 Worldwide strategic Brands – KitKat, Polo, Baci, After Eight, Coffee-Mate 10 worldwide Corporate Brands – Nestle, Carnation, Maggi, Buitoni, Perrier PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. Nestlé Branding Tree PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. SARA LEE BRANDS 25,000 brands registered worldwide, 80% in use. Sara Lee is eliminating R&D & Production to focus on brand development GLOBAL REGINAL PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel. LOCAL BRANDS Sara Lee Brand Hierarchy From Traditional to Experiential Branding From Brands as identifiers Names, logos, slogans build awareness and image TO Brands as experience providers Names, logos, slogans, events, customer contacts which build sensory, affective, creative relations and ways of being (lifestyles) with the brands PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel.
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