By Rajeev Atre, Yoga Therapist Dated Sept. 25, 2013. 1 Yoga Therapy is a medical remedy & a great hope for the patient of Spondylolisthesis, as it helps to avoid/postpone Surgery. 2 I, Rajeev Atre, am a Yoga Therapist . I am a disciple of Dr. S.V. Karandikar (Acharya Yoganand), Kabir Baug, Narayan Peth,Pune. I have done PG-Diploma in T.R.Y. & have worked for one year in our Institute. I have submitted a thesis on Lumbo-Sacral Spondylosis. I have been running a small ‘Yoga Therapy Clinic’ at Dhanakwadi since last 2½ years. 3 Spondyl : Vertebra. Spondylitis: Inflammation of Vertebrae. Spondylosis: -Degenerative Spinal changes due to Osteo-arthritis. Age-related changes. Sponndylolysis: a)Breaking down of a vertebra b)Defect in Pars interarticularis c) Vertebrae break down near the lamina with increasing pressure on them. (contd.--) 4 Spondylolisthesis: a)Forward displacement of a vertebra over a lower segment, usually of the 4th or 5th lumbar vertebra, due to developmental defect in Pars interarticularis. b)Slippage of one vertebra over the other – Grade Ⅰ- 25 % Grade Ⅱ- 25-50% Grade Ⅲ- More than 50% 5 Digital X-Ray: Spine→ Lumbo-Sacral AP/Lat –{Extra X-Ray film measured Listhesis} Rt/Lt Oblique views. M.R.I.:If already the patient has the M.R.I. I do not recommend M.R.I. as I am not a doctor. I request patient’s family doctor to get his M.R.I. done. 6 The symptoms could be mild/moderate /severe. Severe low back-pain. Pain radiates to L/R hip-thigh-leg. Tingling & Numbness. Sitting/ Standing/Sleeping movements restricted. Pain in the hip joint. The patient has difficulty in standing/ is unable to stand. 7 Anguished/Irritated due to physical problems. Patient has already undergone various medical modalities such as: a) Consulting/ Getting treated from the family Doctor. b) Orthopedic Doctor- In many cases the patient is advised Spine surgery. c)Ayurvedic Panchkarma, Massage etc. d)Yoga, Pranayam etc. e) Any other. 8 Complete medical history noted such as: - location of pain, duration(since when). - H/O major Surgery. - Past major illness/ Hospitalization etc. - Trauma/Fracture/ fall etc. - If lifted weight beyond his physical capacity. - Past/Present occupation. - Occupational hazards , lifestyle (connect it with his/her present complaints). - Excessive Driving. (contd--) 9 To study the M.R.I./X-Ray & apprise the patient about its findings. To make him/her aware about the causes/postural mistakes on his/her part which probably have led to the ailment. To ascertain the time-period of the development of the ailment. To inform/warn the patient about the mistakes he/she should strictly avoid in future. 10 Posture Correction (Sitting & Standing). Lifting/Pushing of materials. What to do. What not to do or avoid. For ladies(Special Specific instructions). Sleeping posture correction. Care to be taken when travelling/Driving. (contd.---) 11 ASHWAGANDHA- (Indian medicine gets U.S.A. patent) + Milk+ Baidyanath Mahanarayan Oil. Diet, adequate water intake. what to eat & what not to eat. Continue the medicines advised by the patient’s family doctor for some time & gradually reduce their dosages/stop them after consulting the doctor. Backache- to apprise the patient of its ‘psychological causes’. (contd.----) 12 Complimentary Ayurvedic treatment (Basti + Steam Bath). To guide the patient fully & give him/her confidence that the surgery can be avoided & he/she will get cured if the ‘Yogopachar’ is taken consistently & religiously for 2-3-4-5-6 month’s time as required. Patient to mentally repeat that “ I am getting better & better every day in every way.” 13 Wooden bricks -2 nos. Large/Medium Rope - 2 nos. White belt- 1+2. Medium Rope -2 nos. Small Ropes-2 nos. Green belt-1 no. Blanket. 14 B.M.R.T./Lumbar Traction. Sitting ‘Adhomukh’. Scietica Stretch Ham/Calf stretch. What takes place anatomically when the Yogopachar is being given. 15 16 17 18 19 20 To develop friendly relations with the patient. To find out if he/she is making erroneous movements while conducting routine duties & make him avoid them. To boost him/her physically & mentally with the aid of ‘Vishnusahasranam’, ‘Dattatraya Bhajans’, ‘Haripath’, ‘Gayatri’, ‘Mahamrutyunjay Mantra’. 21 To daily monitor the changes occurring in the Patient’s condition. To get X-Ray done after three months & show it to him. Take Patient’s first feedback after 3 months & 2nd one after 6 months (if the Listhesis is on higher side). Also advise the patient to show the X-ray reports to the referring doctor & thank the doctor for helping to avoid/postpone surgery. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 In India how lucky we are! There is an option for us in the form of Yoga Therapy which can avoid Surgical intervention. In this context , the letter written by an American patient to our ‘Guruji’ is worth referring to. 29 30 Website which covers full information about yoga therapy, treatment and patient’s feedback. Website: 31 32
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