Læs på engelsk. - Birkerød Flygtningekontakt

Information for refugees
30. October 2015
Welcome to Rudersdal
We will be happy to help you with your new life in Denmark.
We are volunteers and can help you with many things that the commune and your mentor do not do.
You can contact us when we visit the place where you live. You can also ask the other residents
how you get in contact with us. Or you can send an email or you can ask your mentor to do it. Write
to flygtningekontakt@mail.dk. Just give us your name, where you live and what kind of help you
Volunteer organisations
You can find the volunteer organisations on the internet. Here we inform about our activities. Much
is in Danish but some is in English and Arab.
Birkerød Flygtningekontakt – Birkerød Refugee Contact
Kultur- og lektiecafeen i Nærum – Culture and cafe for homework in Nærum
Bistrupvenner – Bistrup friends
Facebook: Bistrupvenner
Dronninggårds Alle 82
Facebook: Dronninggårds Alle 82
We have some regular activities you can take part in. You can also find information on Facebook or
on a notice where you live.
Dronninggård, Dronninggårds Alle 82, Holte
Cafe, Monday from 7 pm to 9 pm.
Contact: Facebook
Frivilligcenter Rudersdal, Skovgærdet 4, Holte – Volunteer Center
Cafe, Sunday from 3 pm to 5 pm, once a month dinner club
Maj-Britt Zielke, maj-brittz@hotmail.com, 3051 1540
Nordvanggård, Bistrup Byvej 4, Birkerød
Speak Danish, monday, tuesday, Wednesday from 5.30 pm to 7 pm.
Speak Danish, Thursday from 10 am to 11.30 am.
Vibeke Dukat, coach@ditselv.dk, 4580 1961
Nærum Kirke – annekset, Kirkeåsen 10, Nærum
Speak Danish, Monday and Wednesday from 11 am to 12 am.
Cafe, Wednesday from 5 pm to 7 pm.
Pia Sverdrup-Jensen, piasverdrup@comxnet.dk, 3086 8639
Information for refugees
30. October 2015
Skovly, Langhaven 16, Gl. Holte
Homework, Thursday from 4.30 pm to 7 pm.
Hanne Bruun, hanne.bruun2@skolekom.dk, 2257 0704
Nærum skole, Fruerlund 9, 1. sal, Nærum
Homework, PC, music, workout for women, excursions, Tuesday from 4 pm to 7 pm.
Hanne Bruun, hanne.bruun2@skolekom.dk, 2257 0704
Birkerød Bibliotek – Birkerød Library
Homework, contact Thorkil Damsgaard Olsen, thorkil.damsgaard.olsen@gmail.com, 21 44 45 88
Birkerød Svømmehal, Bistrupvej 1-9, Birkerød – public swimming pool
Swimming for women, Sunday from 4.10 pm to 5.10 pm.
Inge Eisemann, inge.eisemann@gmail.com, 4582 0918
Mariehøjcentet, Øverødvej 246, Holte
Art scool for children and women, Thursday from 9 am to 1 pm.
Eva Sverdrup-Jensen, es.sverdrup@mail.dk, 3053 1048
Sognegården i Birkerød, Kirkevej 2, Birkerød
Needlework for women and excursions, 1. and 3. Saturday each month from 1 pm to 3 pm.
Inge Eisemann, inge.eisemann@gmail.com, 4582 0918
Contact family
If you want contact with a Danish family or a Danish person you can contact Red Cross.
Lene Ilic, lene.ilic@gmail.com, 6068 1236
Birgitte Kløverpris, birgitteklo@gmail.com, 2712 0742
Søren Klebak, sorenklebak@gmail.com, 2819 8270
If you want some cloth or something for your home you can visit
”Sogneshoppen”, Skovlodden 17 i Holte.
Every Thursday from 5 pm to 7 pm (until New Year 2015/16).
Eva Sverdrup-Jensen, es.sverdrup@mail.dk, 3053 1048
Pia Sverdrup-Jensen, piasverdrup@comxnet.dk, 3086 8639
If you want a bicycle, go to
Mariehøjcentet (bicycle workshop), Øverødvej 246, Holte
Thursday at 10 am to 4 pm.
John Hansen, john.hansen@fasttvnet.dk
Preben Zachariassen, preben.zachariassen@gmail.com
Do you want to borrow a laptop, contact
Raied Ephrahim, eng_raied@yahoo.com
Information for refugees
Temporary homes for refugees in Rudersdal
Birkehavevej 81 (Biskop Svanes Vej)
Bistrup Byvej 4 (Nordvanggård)
Ravnsnæsvej 22 (Tårnborg)
Dronninggårds Alle 82 (Dronninggård)
Havartivej 3
Kongevejen 412-425
Søengen 19
Alleen 1
Rundforbivej 199
Gl. Holte (Vedbæk)
Langhaven 16 (Skovly)
Langhaven 18
Read also on Facebook: Syriske I Rudersdal (Syrians in Rudersdal)
Free guidance for refugees
Frivillignet, Nørre Voldgade 82, 2. floor, København (above McDonalds)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday from 6 pm to 9 pm.
Thursday from 4 pm to 7 pm.
There is no interpreter. You must provide one yourself.
Danish to English
Billedskole – art scool
Håndarbejde – needlework
Kirke – church
Lektiehjælp – homework
Svømning –swimming
Tal dansk – speak Danish
30. October 2015