Diabetisk Neuropati Diabetesforeningen Nov. 2015 Interessekonflikt : Konsultation/foredrag for: Astellas, Astra-Zeneca, Grünenthal, Orion og Pfizer, Troels Staehelin Jensen, MD, DMSc Dept. of Neurology & Danish Pain Research Center Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark Diabetes i verden: Diabetes: 60 mil Europæer, 26 mil Amerikanere Udgift: $465bn; Dødsårsag: 4.6 mil/år Diabetes Komplikationer • Kardio-vaskulær – Hjertekar – Stroke, Demens – PAS • Retinopati • Nefropati • Neuropati www.idf.org Diabetisk Neuropati typer Distal sensori-motor polyneuropathy Radiculo-plexopathy Mononeuropathia multiplex Autonomic neuropathy Callaghan et al., 2012; Peltier et al., 2014 Diabetisk Polyneuropati: en symmetrisk , længde-afhængig senso-motorisk polyneuropati som skyldes metabolisk og mikro-kar forstyrrelse som følge af kronisk hyperglykæmi og kardio-vaskulære risiko covariable Toronto classification Tesfaye et al. Diabetes Care 2010 Diagnose af neuropati: Ingen guld standard Ekslusions diagnoser: • Perifer vaskulær sygdom • Arthrose • Malignitet • Alkohol misbrug • Spinal stenose • Plantar fasciitis knyste kallus Charcot fod med sår Fissur i tør hud Charcot led Hammer tå Epidemiologi Prævalens af Neuropati: 49% , Prævalens af smerte sympt: 34% Prævalens of neuropati + Smerte: 21% N= 15.692, (Abbott et al., 2011) Kronisk senso-motorisk “Dying back” eller “length-dependent” – Længste nerver først afficeret – Terminale fibre især påvirket – Forløb: måneder til år – Gradvis og symmetrisk udvikling – Symptomer: overvejende sensorisk Symptomer Paræstesier , følenedsættelse Dysæstesi/allodyni I fødder og hænder Parxysmale udstrålende smerter Dybe knugende smerter, kramper, glasskår Allodyni Objektive fund Sensorisk tab: sokke-handske formet fordeling Hyperalgesi/allodyni Vasomotoriske ændringer Kraftnedsættelse Tab af reflekser Diabetisk distal polyneuropati DN: Snigende sygdom Når først skaden er sket er det for sent Normal 5 Delvis sensorisk tab Sensorisk tab + allodyni Udtalt sensorisk tab Mekanismer for smerter: perifere og centrale Jensen & Finnerup Lancet Neurol.,2014 Spontan smerte ved DN: Forskellige mekanismer Irritable nociceptor Normal state Pain from regenerating sprouts No regeneration Radiculopathy and plexopathy with denervation of 2nd order neuron Degeneration and regeneration Truini et al. 2013 Diagnose af diabetisk neuropati: • • • • Sygehistorie Spørgeskemaer Klinisk undersøgelse herunder neurologisk QST og andre tests Start med det simple og slut med det komplekse Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument (MNSI) Questionnaire Patient version Score> 4 suggest neuropathy Examination Examiner version Score> 2 suggest neuropathy Stimuli, receptorer, nervefibre og klinisk undersøhgelse Ikke smertefuld berørings stimuli (vibration, let tryk m.m. ) Tykke myeliniserede Ab fibre Kliniske tests Smertefuld mekanisk stimulation (stik) Tynde myeliniserede Ad fibres Thermale stimuli Umyeliniserede C fibres Kliniske tests Diabetisk neuropati: Sensoriske profiler Z-Score 4 Sensitized nociceptor pain 3 Gain of function 2 1 0 -1 Loss of -2 function -3 -4 CDT HDT TSL CPT HPT PPT MPS WUR MDT VDT QST parameter Z-Score 4 3 Gain of function Deafferentation pain 2 1 0 -1 Loss of function -2 -3 -4 CDT Concept from the German Pain Network HDT TSL CPT HPT PPT MPS WUR MDT VDT QST parameter Smerte fænotype forbundet med mekanismer Descending Pathways Central projection Afferent input Activated microglia Descendin g pathways TLRs CX3CR1 Ca++ Fractaline P38 MAPK, ERK CCL21 CCRs P2X4 CCL2 CCK ATP Il-1b, Il-6, TNF-, NO, PGE2 5-HT NA Interneurons BDNF GABA TrkB NK-1R EP2 Opioids AMPA-R GABAA-R KCC2 Glutamate Ca++ 2 d Pre-synaptic neuron NMDA-R NaV1.3 mGluR Post-synaptic neuron Klassifikation af Diabetisk neuropai: Demographics, Type neuropathy/pain Body maps Utah Neuropathy Toronto N score Neuropathy score BPI, DN4, NPSI 4 ENG peroneal, tibial, ulnar , median Z-Score 3 Gain of function 2 1 0 -1 QST, Skin Punch Biopsy, CCM -2 -3 Loss of function QST parameter -4 CDT HDT TSL CPT HPT PPT MP WUR MDT VDT Baroreflex events LAB test, DNA Brachial-Ankle Index Threshold tracking, Autonomic measures mean RR SBP Strukturelle mål ved PDN Hud biopsi Cornea konfocal mikroskopi Nomal IGT Asghar et al, Diabetes Care 2014 Hud biopsi: CCM: IENFD eNFL Swellings CNFD CNFL CNBD Hud biopsi ved neuropati: IENFD, NFLD 17 neuropati: mean age: 58.2 yrs Propable/definite neuropathy Daily or constant pain Pain ≥ 4,NRS 19 kontroller: mean age: 48.3 yrs No central or peripheral neurological diseases Øget antal axonale swellings Lauria et al., 2003, Ebenezer et al., 2007, Karlsson et al., 2013, Karlsson et al., in press, S w e ilin g r a t io ( m e d ia n I Q ) Axonale ”swellings” v D, DN og PDN 0 .8 ** * *** 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 0 .0 H e a lth y C o n tr o ls D ia b e tic D ia b e tic D ia b e tic No No N e u r o p a th ic N e u r o p a th y N e u r o p a th ic P a in P a in Karlsson et al., unpubl observations Tegn på degeneration og regeneration af nociceptorer? Lauria et al., 2013 S w e llin g r a tio (m e d ia n I Q ) 0 .8 *** **** 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 0 .0 H e a lth y D ia b e tic D ia b e tic C o n tr o ls No N e u r o p a th y N e u r o p a th y Diabetisk symmetrisk senso-motorisk polyneuropathy (DSPN) Diabetes Condition Symptoms or signs of DSPN. Symptoms: negative/positive sensory symptoms. Signs: reduced distal sensation or reduced ankle jerks No Unlikely DSPN Yes Possible DSPN Symptoms and signs of neuropathy Symptoms and signs of neuropathy A: Symptoms: neuropathic symptoms A: Symptoms: neuropathic symptoms B : Signs: reduced distal sensation or reduced ankle jerks B : Signs: reduced distal sensation or reduced ankle jerks C: : Abnormal Nerve conduction or measure of SFN Confirmed DSPN Probable DSPN Expert panel on Diabetic Neuropathy, Toronto 2009 (Tesfaye et al., 2010) Mekanismer for neuropati ved diabetes To Skoler: Metabolisk og en vaskulær Gennemblødning og A-V shunt i en diabetisk N. suralis Fig 1 and 2 Epineurale arterier og vener hos normale Fig 3. udvidede vener og snævre arterier ved diabetisk neuropati Fig 5.Epineural A-V shunt ved diabetisk neuropati Tesfaye et al. Diabetologia 1993 Metabolic og vaskulære ændringer ved diabetisk neuropati Oxidative stress Capillary dysfunction Normal State Hyperglycemia + Dyslipidemia mitochondrial dysfunction Oxidative stress Modified from Callaghan et al. 2012; Østergaard et al. 2014 Hyperemic State CTH ↑ OEF ↓ Resting TBF ↑ Hypoxic State CTH ↑↑↑ Resting EBF ↓↓ OEF ↑ Oxidative stress ↑ ↑ Animal models of diabetic neuropathy C57BKS Leprdb db/db Hyperphagia, obesity, hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia Nerve conduction velocity Dorsal root ganglion neurons Akita DBA/2J In vivo models • dorsal root ganglia • sciatic nerve • tail nerve • footpads IENFD Neuropati: Hypoksi af nerve fibre? Type 2 DN model C57BKS Leprdb db/db Hyperphagia; obesity; hyperglycemia; hyperinsulinemia Type 1 DN model Normal State Hyperemic State CTH ↑ OEF ↓ Resting TBF ↑ Akita DBA/2J Hyperglycemia; hypoinsulinemia Sullivan et al, 2007; Vincent et al. 2007; O’Brien et al. 2014 Hypoxic State CTH ↑↑↑ Resting EBF ↓↓ OEF ↑ Oxidative stress ↑ ↑ Østergaard et al. 2014 Hypoksis nerve skade Two-photon microscopy (TPM) Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) angiography (top) and quantitative RBC velocity map (bottom) Mus: Cerebral cortex Sciatic nerve Red Blood Cell passage 10 µm 100 µm TPM with oxygen sensitive dye (tissue and vessel oxygen tension in mmHg) TPM with fluorescent plasma dye (FITC) Humane: CTH is measured by tracking the vascular passage of standard contrast agents (erythrocyte-sized micro-bubbles for ultrasound and Gd-based contrast agent for MRI). The method works in brain tissue. Metabolomiic studier : dyr og mennesker Oxidative stress ved T2 DN Metaboliske forandringer hos mus afspejler den kliniske virkelighed • • • • • DRG Distal symmetric length-dependent polyneuropathy SCN In a prox-distal gradient in T2DN: Decrease in glycolytic and citric acid cycle metabolomes from prox to distal. Increase in FA oxidation products (Acyl Carnitines). Increase protein oxidation Increase of Bioactive eicosanoids (HETEs) HODE Other potential metabolites: Bile acids, phospholipids, DAG, short chain FA, etc. Human resources: Plasma urine skin Murine resources: SN DRG Sciatic nerve Sural nerve Behandling af diabetisk neuropati Symptomatisk behandling af smerte NeuPSIG recommendations Smertefuld diabetsik neuropati: Hvor virker medicinen ? Central projection Descending control Descending Control TCA, SNRI, SSRI, opioid Afferent input NK1 Na+ Ectopic activity TCA, Carb., Oxc, Lam NMDA 2d Opioid Ca++ Segmental Opioid, valproate Hyperexcitability TCA, opioids. memantine Pregabalin Pregabalin NNT meta-analysis forest plot (fixed effects) Pain condition Drug Doses Reference NNT (95% CI) CPSP Pregabalin 600 mg Kim et al. 2011 27.0 (6.8 -13.6) SCI Pregabalin 600 mg Siddall et al. 2006 7.0 (3.9-37.2) SCI Pregabalin 600 mg Cardenas et al. 2013 7.0 (3.9-31.5) CPSP/SCI Pregabalin 600 mg Vranken et al. 2008 3.3 (1.9-14.3) PPN Pregabalin 300 mg Rosenstock et al. 2004 4.0 (2.6-8.7) PPN Pregabalin 300, 600 mg Lesser et al. 2004 3.4 (2.5-5.4) PPN Pregabalin 600 mg Richter et al. 2005 4.2 (2.7-9.4) PPN Pregabalin 300, 600 mg Tölle et al. 2008 10.8 (5.3- -230.4) PPN Pregabalin 600 mg Arezzo et al. 2008 3.9 (2.5-8.6) PPN Pregabalin 600 mg Simpson et al. 2010 -26.7 (13.5- -6.7) PPN Pregabalin 300, 600 mg Satoh et al. 2011 10.8 (4.8- -47.1) PPN Pregabalin 300 mg Rauck et al. 2012 -12.6 (20.7- -4.8) PPN Pregabalin 300 mg Smith et al. 2013 20.2 (5.6- -12.7) PHN Pregabalin 600 mg Dworkin et al. 2003 3.4 (2.3-6.4) PHN Pregabalin 300 mg Sabatowski et al. 2004 5.6 (3.4-17.3) PHN Pregabalin 300, 600 mg van Seventer et al. 2006 4.2 (3.1-6.5) PHN Pregabalin 300, 600 mg Stacey et al. 2008 4.0 (2.8-6.9) PPN/PHN Pregabalin 600 mg Freynhagen et al. 2005 3.9 (2.7-7.4) PPN/PHN Pregabalin 600 mg Guan et al. 2011 8.3 (4.2-287) PNI Pregabalin 600 mg van Seventer et al. 2010 10.6 (5.2- -409.8) MIXED Pregabalin 600 mg Moon et al. 2010 8.5 (4.5- 68.9) PPN Pregabalin 600 mg PhRMA/FDA 1008-040 2007 10.1 (4.1- -22.5) PPN Pregabalin 600 mg NCT00156078 PPN Pregabalin 300, 600 mg NCT00143156, A0081071 31.8 (7.5- -14.2) PHN Pregabalin 300, 600 mg NCT00394901 45.3 (8.6- -13.8) 5.6 (3.6-12.5) Combined (fixed effects) 2.5 5.0 NNT (harm) Finnerup, et al. Lancet Neurology 2015;14:162 7.7 (6.5-9.4) 5.0 2.5 NNT (benefit) 1.7 NNT værdier for smertebehandling 70 BTX-A 18 BTX-A 473 TCAs 136 TCAs 426 Strong opioids 241 Strong opioids 380 Tramadol SNRIs 223 Tramadol 1559 1414 SNRIs 2073 3530 374 Gabapentin 2074 Gabapentin Pregabalin Pregabalin 1299 Capsaicin 8% 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 NNT Neuropatisk smerte Finnerup, et al. Lancet Neurology 2015;14:162 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 NNT Smertefuld diabetisk neuropati Painful polyneuropathy: 2010 TCA Oxycodone Tramadol Pregabalin SNRI Oxcarbazep Memantine SSRI Topiramate Dextrometh 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 NNT Painful Diabetic polyneuropathy: 2015 TCA Opioids Tramadol Pregabalin SNRI Gabapentin SSRI 0 2 4 6 NNT 8 10 12 Finnerup et al. Unpublished observations. Al medicin har bivirkninger: Neuropathic pain management: Adverse actions / contraindications 2d-binding agents Na+ blocking agents Adverse effects Sedation Ataxia Dizziness Mental change Memory change Headache Weight gain Edema Contraindication None TCA SNRI SSRI Sedation Ataxia Dizziness Mental change Memory disturbance Headache Weight gain Edema Sedation Dizziness Mental change Weight gain Dry mouth Sweating Constipation Blurred vision Sexual Dist Hypotension Sedation Dizziness Mental change Nausea Weight loss Sweating Diarrhoea Sexual Dist Dizziness Mental change Nausea Weight change Sexual dysf. Tachycardia Sweating AV-block Porphyria MAO inhibitors AV-block Cardiac failure Recent MI MAO inhibitors Hepatic failure Kidney failurefunction MAO ihibitors CNS adverse action Gastrointestinal adverse action Other adverse actions Neuropathic pain management: Adverse actions / contraindications Opioids GABA agonists NMDA antagonists Topicals (Capsaicin 8%) Adverse action Sedation Mental change Dependence Tolerance Nausea Vomiting Obstipation Resp depres. Urinary retention Immune changes Sedation Mental change Headache Nausea Paresthesia Skin reactions Sedation Hallucinations Mental changes Psychosis Headache Vomiting Local pain Skin reaction Tachycardia Hypertension Paresthesia Contraindication Addiction Hepatic failure Psychiatric disease CNS adverse action Gastrointestinal adverse action Other adverse actions Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE), Drugs with strong GRADE recommendation for use and recommended as first line: TCAs, SNRI antidepressants, pregabalin, gabapentin and gabapentin ER/enacabil. SNRI antidepressants duloxetine and venlafaxine, pregabalin, gabapentin and gabapentin ER/enacarbil have high quality of evidence, are positive in most clinical trials and have moderate tolerability. Serious adverse events are possible. Drugs with weak GRADE recommendations for use and recommended as second line: Lidocaine patches, capsaicin high concentration patches and tramadol. Lidocaine patches have poor quality of evidence , but high values and preferences. Capsaicin highconcentration patches have high final quality of evidence. Tramadol has moderate quality of evidence. Trials are positive, a lower potential for misuse, abuse, and dependency than stronger opioids,8 but potential safety concerns. Drugs with weak GRADE recommendation for use and recommended as third line: Strong opioids and botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A). Strong opioids have moderate final quality of evidence and demonstrated efficacy in the short term, but low values and preferences and potential safety concerns. BTX-A moderate quality of evidence, low NNT in published trials, a good safety profile in neuropathic pain and high values and preferences, but one large unpublished study was negative. Finnerup et al., Lancet Neurol. 2015;14:162-73 IDNC: International Diabetic Neuropathy Consortium Troels S. Jensen Hatice Tankisi Henning Andersen Nanna B. Finnerup Jan Frystyk Leif Østergaard Reimar W Thomsen Morten Charles AU U. Michigan USA Eva Feldman Callaghan Internat. Diabetic Neuropathy Consortium Brian U. Oxford UK David Bennett SDU Henning Beck-Nielsen Sindrup Søren Diabetisk neuropati: ”Take home messages” • • • • • • • Diabetes hyppig, især Type 2 50% får neuropati, smerter hos 25% Sygdommen snigende. Når skaden er sket er det for sent Ingen kausal behandling Sårcentre alene løser det ikke Forebyggelse vigtig Tak til
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