Metrical Stress Theory Julie Nelson, Cailey Moe, and Trang Nguyen Metrical phonology is... • ...a group of subtheories of generative phonology which attempt to categorize stress and stress rules. • ...differs from generative phonology in that it does not treat stress as a segmental feature pertaining specifically to vowels. • ...organizes stress into rhythmic hierarchies. • These are the faces of metrical phonology! a brief history... • ...metrical stress theory was a response to Chomsky & Halle's (1968) proposal of a linear analysis that stress is segmental. ...Liberman (1975) created the theory in his doctoral dissertation ...other major contributions: Liberman & Prince (1977), Halle and Vergnaud (1978), Hayes (1981,1984, 1995) • • a brief history... • • can be considered a sort of sister theory to auto-segmental theory • ...its authors sought to provide alternatives to generative theory such as rule variables • ...another way to represent stress in stress languages at the same time denoting its hierarchical characteristics. briefly,generative theories of stress •-Generative stress rules are linear and may be considered too simplistic by some -Stress is treated as a segmental feature [+stress], [-stress], [1stress], [2stress] -Doesn't account for the hierarchical and relational properties of stress • • • A sample stress rule (generative) • Penultimate stress (vowel-counting version) • • V → [+stress] / ___ C0 V C0 ]word Assign stress to the second-to-last vowel in the word. Building Syllables • All syllables have: • An onset: • A coda: • nucleus: "The consonant or sequence of consonants at the beginning of a syllable" "The consonant or sequence of consonants at the end of a syllable" And a "The vowel or diphthong found at the syllable's core and functioning as its sonority peak" Syllable Structure Syllable Construction • When building syllables, first assign the nucleus! Syllable Construction • Next, attach any consonants to the following syllable: Syllable Construction • Finally, if necessary, attach any consonants not yet syllabified with the preceding syllable: • In some languages, Onset Formation appears to be word bounded, like in German: Syllable Construction • In other languages, like Spanish, Onset Formation can cross word boundries: Syllable Weight • Heavy Syllables: • End in a consonant (aka 'closed syllable') • Have a long vowel or diphthong (aka 'open') • Light Syllables: • End in a short vowel (open) • Syllables that end in a consonant are heavy, ones that end in a vowel are light. Generative Representation of Heavy/Light Syllabification More about syllables... • Every syllable must have a nucleus. Depending on the language, onset and coda are not required. •Arabic:Every syllable must have an onset • Samoan: codas are illegal Metrical Theories of Stress • A summary of the typological properties of stress: •Culminativity: • • Every content word has to have at least 1 stressed syllable In every word or phrase there is one syllable which is stronger than the rest • Stress is not usually assigned on grammatical words • Syllables bearing stress tend to occur in roughly equal distances •Rhythmic distribution: •Stress Hierarchies: • Some stresses are stronger than others within a word or phrase boundary (primary, secondary, tertiary stresses, etc.) •Non-assimilation • Stress doesn't assimilate like sound features like [round] or [front] do Metrical representations of stress • 1. Metrical tree (Liberman 1975, Liberman & Prince 1977, Hayes 1984) • Metrical trees usually have a similar format to syntactic trees Metrical Representations of Stress • 2. • • • • 3. Metrical Grid (Liberman & Prince, 1977) Primary stress Secondary stress syllable => • Bracketed Grid (Halle & Vergnaud, 1987) Grids, continued • Grids are ways to represent certain stress • • phenomena: Grids, continued • Grids roughly correspond to the categorical levels of stress • In this way, they convey similar information to what can be found on trees Parameters of Stress Representation • 1. Foot Boundedness • 2. Foot Dominance • 3. Quantity-sensitivity • 4. Directionality vs Iterativity 1. Boundedness • Motivated by culminativity and exhaustivity. • Culminativity: Every content word must have at least one stress. • Exhaustivity: Every syllable has to be organized into feet. • Bounded feet can have no more than 2 syllables (feet are binary or degenerate at the syllabic level of analysis). • Unbounded feet can have any number of syllables. Words with an odd number of syllables begin or end with a degenerate foot. • • • 1. Boundedness • Ex: What types of foot are these? 2. Foot Dominance •Left dominance: • • • left nodes of feet are stressed Feet are trochaic (a) Ex: 'problem, ('holi)day, ('alter)('nation) 'what a ('failure) • • • Right dominance: • • • • • • Right nodes of feet are stressed Feet are iambic (b) Ex: re'port, (com'puter) (ex'treme)mity (My 'head) (was 'hot) 3. Quantity Sensitivity (Q-sensitivity) • Syllable weight influences how stress feet are assigned. •Q-sensitive language: heavy syllables get stressed. • • • • English is Q-sensitive: Light penult: stress goes to preceding syllable. Ex: 'Canada, 'metrical, 'visible, 'ultimate Heavy penult: gets the stress Ex: A'genda, ho'rizon, de'cided, 'mango • •Q-determined (Obligatory Branching): means Q-sensitive, but with the extra requirement that the dominant syllable node be heavy. • 3. Quantity Sensitivity (Qsensitivity) • • Q-insensitive language: heavy syllables may occur in stressless position. Another way of understanding: syllables are treated as having equal weight. French is Q-insensitive. Examples anyone? • • 4. Directionality vs Iterativity Directionality: The assignment of feet starts from the left and goes right or vice-versa English likes right-to-left, trochaic foot formation. Ex: restoration => resto('ration) => ('resto)('ration) • •Iterativity • Iterativity (bidirectionality): assign a foot at one edge, then go to the other edge and assign feet iteratively. Ex: Piro language • • Non-iterativity: other cases (words have one single foot at the edge. Ex: monosyllable or bi-syllable words) Extrametricality • [X] does not conform to metrical rules & • occurs at peripheral locations. Ex: • • why is it as'paragus but not ('aspa)('ragus) 'gus' is extrametrical --> poor thing gets a degenerate foot (exhaustivity) Tree construction is right to left and trochaic: • • • • * • * * * * * * *<*> * (* *)< * > asparagus => aspara<gus> => as('para)(gus) More examples: ('visi)('bili)ty, re('peti)tive, The future of metrical phonology • Can regularities be accounted for by transformational rules or by output constraints? • How does prominence in syllables affect stress in syllables? • Research in languages with ternary rhythm. Sources • Hammond, M. (1995) Metrical Phonology. Annual Review of Anthropology • 24 (pp. 313-342) •Hayes, B. (1995). Metrical stress theory: Principals and case studies. • Chicago: University of Chicago Press • Hayes, B. (2009) Introductory Phonology. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing: West • Sussex, UK. • Hogg, R. & McCully, C.B. (1987) Metrical Phonology: A Coursebook. • University of Cambridge Publishing: New York, NY. • Kager, R. (1995) The metrical theory of word stress. In The handbook of • phonology, Goldsmith, J (ed.) (pp. 367-402) Blackwell Publishing: Cambridge, •MA •McCarthy, J. & Hayes, B. (2003) Metrical phonology. Linguistics department • faculty publication series. University of Massachusetts Publishing. Retrieved • from: •Metrical Phonology. (n.d) Wikipedia. Retrieved from •
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