On Page SEO  Anyone can do this!

On Page SEO
Anyone can do this!
Legal Disclaimer
・No income guarantees or promises of any type are being made.
・Your results will vary and you can easily fail to make money, fail to increase the
betterment of your website, fail to improve the page results of your website, or fail
to increase the return of investment using pay per click. The results and techniques
shown were taken from reliable sources but I cannot guarantee their accuracy. The
information presented is for illustrative and informational purposes only. These
statements apply to any and all slides in this series. Use these techniques and
strategies at your own risk.
・Search engine algorithms run on a unique combination of advanced hardware and
software and are not made public. A risk of exclusion from a search engine exists
when a search engine views your web site(s) as an unfair manipulation of their
service. Many search engine strategies, to improve search engine placement,
including the information presented here, poses such a risk.
・Making decisions based on any information presented should be done only with the
knowledge that you could experience significant losses, make no money at all, and
not improve your search engine ranking.
・You agree that Premazon Internet Business Consulting, Course, and Ann Premazon
are not responsible for the success or failure of your business decisions relating to
any information presented.
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
 Introduction – When ever Dori say’s
 Overview of the Parts - When ever Dori say’s
 Finding and Understanding Keywords - When ever
Dori say’s
 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - When ever Dori
 Analytics - When ever Dori say’s
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Let me introduce myself
Dori’s Rockstar Bitch
Today you will gain a clear understanding of onsite optimization
Today you will gain a clear understanding of finding keywords
Today is about learning how to have each page with a site get
recognized in the search engines.
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Overview of the Parts
Site Map
Call to
Search Engines
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
 Surfing the web is made possible by Web browsers.
Browsers are basically software programs that allow you
to search for and view various kinds of information on
the Web.
 The top Browsers are:
 Internet Explorer
 Safari
 Mozilla Firefox
 Google’s new Browser:
 Chrome
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
 Favicon www.12steprecovery.com
A favicon is a small image that is shown inside the
browser's location bar and bookmark menu when your
site is called up. It is a good way to brand your site and
increase it's prominence in your visitor's bookmark menu.
Favicon’s can also be saved in some browser favorites
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Google Above the Fold
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Google Image 2
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Identifying Keywords
- What We See
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- What Google Sees
 To a Search Engine content is text inside html tags
 Title Tag
<title>Premazon Internet Business Consulting, Pay Per Click (PPC), Search Engine
Optimization (SEO), Seal Beach</title>
 Description
<meta name="description" content="Ann Premazon at Premazon.com Internet
Business Consulting, specializing in web strategies, PPC and SEO in Seal Beach. "/>
 Keywords
<meta name="keywords" content="Pay Per Click, Yahoo Search Marketing, Google
Adwords Professional, Search Engine Optimization, Premazon.com, web strategies, Seal
Beach, Ann Premazon, Google Adwords, Yahoo PPC, PPC" />
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- What Google Sees
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Golden Triangle Heat Map Studies
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Study for Organic Rankings
The Golden Triangle - key location on Google for visibility as
determined by the eye activity in the study is a triangle that extends
from the top of the results over to the top of the first result, then down
to a point on the left side at the bottom of the "above the fold" visible
results. This key area was looked at by 100 percent of the participants.
In the study, this was referred to as the "Golden Triangle".
Generally, this area appears to include top sponsored, top organic
results and Goggle's alternative results, including shopping, news or
local suggestions.
Visibility dropped quickly with organic rankings, starting at a high of
100% for the top listing, dropping to 85% at the bottom of the "above
the fold" listings, and then dropping dramatically below the fold from
50% at the top to 20% at the bottom.
There seems to be a "F" shaped scan pattern, where the eye tends to
travel vertically along the far left side of the results looking for visual
* http://www.eyetools.com
cues (relevant words, brands, etc) and then scanning
to the right if
something caught the participant's attention.
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Keyword Meta Tags
 Are keyword meta tags important?
 Matt Cutts Answers
Choosing Keywords
 1. Start with a list of all words you can come up with
that are relevant
 2. Look at your competitors list of keywords from
their site
 3. Use Keyword Tools
Keyword Traffic
 1. Use tools to see how much traffic for the
keywords chosen.
 2. Then see if you have content, products, design,
theme to support the keywords chosen.
 3. Remove unwanted keywords.
Keywords for Onsite SEO
 1. Targeted – ford mustang 4 door GTO
 2. Broad – ford mustang
 3. Become an authority – Google decides when
your site is relevant enough for targeted keywords
to begin to show for broad keywords.
Adwords Keyword Tool
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Wordtracker Free Keyword Lookup
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Keyword Discovery Free Tool
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Niche Watch
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Tools for Identifying Keywords
 Adwords Keyword Tool
 Free Keyword Lookup
 http://freekeywords.wordtracker.com/
 Keyword Discovery
 Niche Watch
 http://www.nichewatch.com/
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Know your Competitors
 Run these tools on your competitors website
 Look for low hanging fruit
 What terms can you easily own?
 What theme can you win?
 Sign up for competitors newsletters, post on their site if
you can
 Who are your competitors on the Internet?
 Where are your competitors on the Internet?
 What content, keywords, or links do they have?
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Operators for Quick Check
 site:www.yourdomain.com Google
 link:www.yourdomain.com Yahoo
 allintitle:keyword - Google Page One Guarantee Google
 intitle:keyword - Google Page One Guarantee All the Web
 Check your site and your competitors
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
On Page SEO
- Search Engine Optimization
 What is SEO?
 Understanding Site Structure
 Call to Action
 Links
 On-Page Optimization
 Off-Page Optimization
 Setting SEO Goals
 Track, Test, Make Improvements
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Search Engine Optimization
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
What is a Search Engine Marketing Firm (SEM)?
Optimizing your website so targeted keyword search queries land on
your web pages, and those pages appear at the top of the search
A firm that works to optimize your website so it performs well in the
Search Engines
If your in this class – you are a freak of nature I like to call a
Savvy Network Ruler (SNR)?
A person who is a hybrid of many methods but has one call – Rule
their niche!
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Search Engine Optimization
 What a SEO is not:
 A Quick Fix
 Buying Advertising
 The magic traffic bullet of thousands of visitors
 Even when you do the work yourself
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Engine Chart
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Study for Organic Rankings
Organic Ranking Visibility(shown in a percentage of participants looking
at a listing in this location)
Rank 1 100%
Rank 2 100%
Rank 3 100%
Rank 4 85%
Rank 5 60%
Rank 6 50%
Rank 7 50%
Rank 8 30%
Rank 9 30%
Rank 10 20%
* http://www.eyetools.com
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Study for Sponsored Search
In searches where top sponsored results are returned in addition to right
sponsored ads, the top ads received much higher visibility, being seen by 80
to 100% of participants, as opposed to 10 to 50% of participants who looked
at the side sponsored ads.
On side sponsored ads, the top ranked results received much more in the
way of both eye activity and click through. About 50% of participants looked
at the top ad, compared to only 10% who looked at ads in the 6, 7 or 8th
location on the page.
Side sponsored ad visibility(shown in percentage of participants looking at
an ad in this location)
1 50%
2 40%
3 30%
4 20%
5 10%
6 10%
7 10%
8 10%
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
* http://www.eyetools.com
Heat Map
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Heat Map
Studies MSN
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Heat Map
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Heat Map Studies Info
 Most Web pages are scanned, not read
 Images trump left-to-right reading
 Keep important images on the left
 The upper-left corner is always seen
 Captions are high-readership
 Hyperlinks capture attention, underline works
regardless if you can click through
 Lose the navigation on landing page
* Marketing Sherpa
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- SEO Site Structure
URL Structure
Make it a sentence
Use keywords
 http://www.premazon.com/pay-per-click
 http://www.hopelinks.net/dual-diagnosis/california.html
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Themes and Silos
Theme & Relevant Content
If site theme is about cars, content should be about cars
Silo System
If car site has classic cars, new section theme & content should be about classic cars
Navigation Structure
Navigation Structure
Main Navigation - Site Navigation
Top Pages, Most Important
Secondary Menu - Less Important
About Us, Sitemap, …
Breadcrumbs can be for bookmarks or third type of navigation
HTML made simple
All Tags are important - Here are a list of MUSTS
Title Tags - Title of Page
Description Tags - contains info from title and describes your
Keyword Tags - contains all keywords from title and description
tags AND you will find them in the content on the page
Robots Meta Tag - says yes or no to search engine
Alt Tags - you see when you hover over an image
H1 Tags - Your first title on the page
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Call to Action
 Call to Action
 What do you want the user to do?
 Buy
 Call
 Fill out a form
 Combination
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
There are only Three Types of Links
Internal Links - how internal pages link to each other
External Links - Links coming to your site from other websites
Outgoing - Links from your site out to another site
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Links that Work
 Search Engines like links
 Internal links - in content, links in navigation, links on
buttons to name a few
Content seo writing, choose a keyword or phrase and use
that keyword as the link.
 External links - from articles on other sites, from
YouTube, Twitter, MySpace
 Choose a keyword or phrase and use that as the link.
 Outgoing links - choose wisely, choose an expert site
(PR4), less is more
Here you can link directly to an expert or use a keyword
or phrase.
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
PR Image
An art draw drawn by Felipe Micaroni Lalli
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- On Page Optimization
Step One – Analyze Your Needs.
What do you want to accomplish
What is the goal of the user experience
What is your time frame
Step Two – Analyze Your Current Site.
What is your current PR
What keywords do you rank for?
How is the design, architecture, content and linking structure?
What keywords do you want to rank for?
Step Three – Analyze Competitors Websites.
What is the PR of your competitors?
What keywords does your competitors rank for?
How is the design, architecture, content and linking structure of a competing
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Off Site Optimization
 Links, More Links, Even More Links
 Blogs
 Articles
 Videos
 MySpace
 Twitter
 Buy Them
 Rent Them
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Set SEO Goals
The goal for a site that wants to rank for more than a single
generic term is to selectively decide what their site is and is
not about.
Know Your Theme
Rankings often are damaged in two major ways either by including
irrelevant content or having too little content for a subject on a
Do not be all things to all people
Know Your Subjects
Know Your Competition
Know Your Keywords
Track results, Test, Test Again, Make Improvements
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- SEO Tracking
 What is SEO tracking?
 Tracking is when you can see the page in your site move up
in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page)
 Page Rank in Google is NOT Page Rank for a Keyword in
You can monitor your Page Rank for a keyword
 Keyword Density Tools
 I use this tool – it is old school – and I feel best practice for
SEO! You can identify if the major themes are used
throughout the Meta tags, Headings, ALT attributes and
Body Content.
 Use Information from Analytics and PPC to help with
historical information
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Test, Make Improvements
 A/B Testing
I like to see a change, watch it for a bit and compare
BEFORE committing
Numbers speak, look at analytics and see if the traffic
See if your rank improves in the SERP’s
If you have a PPC account use it for testing advertisement
 Make Improvements
No website is perfect
Look at competitors and adjust - the ideal solution is to
be least imperfect
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- SEO Free Tools & Training Class
 http://website.grader.com
 http://www.bruceclay.com
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
SEO Suggestions!
 1. Google Webmaster Tools
 Video
 2. Yahoo Site Explorer
 Search for siteexplorer yahoo
 Set up yahoo id
 Go submit a site
 Get code – save in text file
 Put on site and verify
How to add verify tags in WordPress
 1. Find Header.php
 Go to your dashboard
 appearance
 editor
 Header.php
 Put in meta tag
 Save and verify
- SEO Conclusion
SEO is a process
The SEO process takes time
Site Structure is important
Call to Actions are a MUST!
Links - are a MUST HAVE
On-Page Optimization is about each page individually
Off-Page Optimization is a linking strategy that is always growing
Goals of SEO are to know your competition, then go get them,
methodically and diligently
Track, Keep a history, Test, Repeat
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Google Analytics
 What is Google Analytics?
 Overview of Google Analytics Features
 Strategy - What is important for your company
 Be Proactive not Reactive
 Analytics Speak for them self
 Urchin Software and Specialists
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- What is Google Analytics?
Google Analytics shows you how people found your site, how
they explored it, and how you can enhance their visitor
experience. Improve your website return on investment,
increase conversions, and make more money on the web.
Use Google Analytics to find out which keywords attract your
most desirable prospects, what advertising copy pulls the
most responses, what landing pages and content make the
most $$ for you—and what problem areas prompt visitors to
leave your site. You can use it to figure out your revenue and
ROI for each campaign and referral source, your average click
value and how much you should spend on each keyword.
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Overview of Google Analytics Features
 Google Analytics has all the features you expect
from an enterprise level web analytics offering—
and then some:
FREE! Spend your budget on marketing, not on
Integrated with AdWords
 Keywords Paid, Organic, Total
 Bounce Rate, Time on site
Site Overlay
Funnel Visualization
Compare one date range against another
e-Commerce Reporting
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Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
Site Overlay
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Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Strategy - What is important for your company
 Test, Analyze, Learn what’s best, Implement, Start
 Getting Data is easy, what is done with the data is
most important
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Analytics Strategy
 Simple Questions for a strategy
Why does the website exist?
What are the Core Customer Experiences (CCE)?
How do we know we are successful in each CCE?
What are our Key Performance Indicators (KPI)?
Common KPI’s - measuring reach, acquisition, conversions, and
How do we know we are successful in each KPI?
Can changes to any metric really improve our
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Be Proactive not Reactive
 Analytical data is what we see after the fact
 Learn your user activity
 Don’t wait to see, ask if what you want can create
positive data
 Look at current trends working in your company
and bring those ideas to your web analytics
Example: Operation Manager meets weekly with COO to
discuss vender relationships and pricing
You attend the meeting and see how you can implement
a similar strategy by testing if any of those vendors send
traffic to your company
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
- Analytics Speak for them self
Depersonalize Decision Making
Usually the highest paid person, owner, CEO is the final
decision maker
You can explain til you are blue in the face why A is better
than B, but if they like B better or it is less expensive, many
times they wil choose B
If you show the same person how they can improve their
bottom line by true and accurate numbers - you have a better
Set Benchmarks that can be looked at over time
Experiment to improve customer experience
Leverage competitive analysis on and off site
Buy their product, test their shipping, call their call center, look
at their web ads, traditional ads, get on their e-mail list,
subscribe to their newsletter
Copyright 2009 Premazon Internet Business Consulting
How to ad Analytics to Wordpress
Go get Google Analytics Plugin at WordPress by Author: Joost
de Valk
Install Plugin
Go to Google Analytics – get account – DO NOT JUMP AHEAD
Sign In and add site
Get code
Ad to wordpress in the plugin
Verify in Analytics
Questions I was asked to address
1. How do I manually track clicks on outbound links?
Google Analytics provides an easy way to track clicks on links that lead away from your site.
Because these links do not lead to a page on your site containing the UTM JavaScript, you will
need to tag the link itself. This piece of JavaScript assigns a pageview to any click on a link - the
pageview is attributed to the filename you specify.
For example, to log every click on a particular link to www.example.com as a pageview for
"/outgoing/example_com" you would add the following attribute to the link's <b_<a>>
<a href="http://www.example.com" onClick="javascript:
It is a good idea to log all of your outbound links into a logical directory structure as shown in
the example. This way, you will be able to easily identify what pages visitors clicked on to leave
your site.
To verify that _trackPageviewis being called correctly, you can check your Top Content report
24-48 hours after the updated tracking code has been executed. You should be able to see the
assigned pagename in your report.
Questions Continued
 2. Who is the analytics expert?
 Avinash Kaushik
 http://www.kaushik.net/avinash/
Even More Questions
 3.Can you track calls with Google Analytics
 No – However – there are 3rd party tracking option
 Ifbyphone can plug into Analytics
 Mongoose Metrics can plug into Analytics
 Live Chat can plug into Analytics
 ClickPath and Who’s calling has own analytics
How do I track e-commerce
 Answer is to long so we will go here 
 Answer to question
How do I use Google Analytics to track a
3rd-party shopping cart?
 Answer again toooo long so we will go here 
 Answer
Adwords and Analytics
Before you link your account, ensure that you've used the same email
address for both your Analytics and AdWords account and that the
AdWords login email address has Admin access on the Analytics account.
If you haven't used the same Google Account, simply add your AdWords
login email address to your Analytics account as an Account Admin.
Next, in order to link your Google Analytics and Google AdWords
accounts, you will need to have an AdWords account that is a Standard
Log in to your AdWords account & Click the Reporting tab and click
'Google Analytics.
If you don't have an Analytics account, click the Continue button to sign
up for one.If you already have an Analytics account, click I already have a
Google Analytics account.
Adwords and Analytics 2
From the Existing Google Analytics Account drop-down list,
select the name of the Analytics account you'd like to link to.
Can't see it there? You'll need to add your AdWords
username to your Analytics account as an Account Admin.
Keep the checkboxes selected on this page, unless you're
sure you'd like to disable auto tagging and cost data imports.
Click Link Account. That's it!
Your two accounts are now linked. If you opted to keep autotagging turned on, Analytics will automatically tag your
AdWords links for detailed campaign tracking reports. We'll
also begin importing cost data from your AdWords
campaigns for ROI calculations so you will be able to see
your AdWords data in Analytics
How to add Tools from today to Joomla
 Here is my dear sweet friend:
 Joe Moore
Business Web Basics
I launched my first product this year.
I am about to relaunch it.
If you want to take a peek – before the launch….
It is live at:
 My Private Access Club
 September
 Courage
 http://www.privateaccessclub.com/members
That’s All Folks