+ Congratulations to all those who were awarded EYPS 2012 Long Pathway 2011-2012 Jackie Rhodes, Nickie Channer, Amanda Holden Donna Fowler, Sam Coult, Gaynor Dodds, Sally Goy, Jackie Foster Smith, Helen Morey, Lucy Smith and Katie Smith ECSD to EYPS Karen Woodhead, Katie Lowther, Rebecca Davis, Hollie Snape, Anna King, Sarah Blaney and Helen Colledge Graduate Practitioner Pathway Michaela Kelly, Rochelle Richards, Alison Savage, Fran Loczki, Jessica Polkey, Debra Goldsworthy Undergraduate Practitioner Pathway Jacqui Hannaby, Kirsty Headford, Kirsty Breckney, Natasha Unwin, Kay Castledine, Anne Jaques, Sarah Morley, Kelly Howard and Nicola Stanley + Who am I? exploration of the professional self and identity Dr Elaine Hallet The Institute of Education: London + Presentation outline An exploration of; The concept of professionalism in the early years The development of the professional-self and professional identity Where next? Reflective discussion + Defining professionalism Professionalism is a discourse as much as a phenomenon something constantly under construction within the national context. (Dalli and Urban, 2008) Conceptually complex, a cluster of related concepts Being professional Behaving professionally Working with professional autonomy Having a professional identity + Professionalism an international perspective Germany (Oberheumer, 2005) Model of democratic professionalism based upon participatory relationships for collaborative, co-operative action between colleagues and stakeholders Four levels of professional activity Interacting with children Care management and leadership Partnership with parents Knowledge base + Professionalism an international perspective Denmark (Peeeters, 2008) 3 dimensions to professionalism Belonging to an expert group Unique body of knowledge, restrictive entry, protected identity Evaluative connotations Different interpretation of profession to different groups Recognition Qualifications, better pay and conditions, recognition and appreciation by government + Influences upon the construct of professional identity (McGillivray, 2008) Job role/s and responsibilities Professional identity Work setting context Training, continuing professional development Curriculum and pedagogy Social, cultural government, discourses, construct of the child + The professional self Professionalism is part of the ‘professional self’ 5 interrelated elements Kelchtermans (1993) Self-image Self-esteem Job motivation Task perception Future perspectives + The professional self and professional identity Development of self-image and self-esteem is contextually situated within the workplace How we see ourselves, how others view us within the workplace Supervisors, managers, leaders, peers, colleagues, parents influence our selfimage, self-esteem and professional identity (Miller and Cable, 2011) + The learning professional Guille and Lucas (1999) The development of the ‘learning professional’ Underpins identity professionalism and professional A positive approach to continuing professional development and learning Practitioner seeks out opportunities to extend professional understandings and skill sets. + The learning professional Extended rather than restricted view of professionalism Transformational Access learning to higher education, transformed workforce Research case study of EY foundation degree transformational professional learning (Hallet, 2013) + Redefining professional identity FD graduates redefined their professional identity through higher education learning Increased specialized knowledge, personal and professional confidence ‘I feel professional inside. The FD gave me confidence and a professional identity. It’s made me a different person in a professional role.’ + Professional confidence ‘Once I got the FD, people saw me differently. I was no longer a nursery nurse but a professional person.’ ‘At the beginning of my job as a children’s centre coordinator, I was seriously blagging it. I thought people would find me out, I’m just a nursery nurse and I’d say to someone ‘oh I’ve just said such and such!’ But now I can do it, I will talk to anyone and give presentations to larger groups.’ + Stories of experience Reflective Learning Journey Reflecting upon their story of experience through FD Visual image (drawn) Reflective piece of writing about their personal and professional learning and development + Lisa’s reflective learning journey ‘Little me ……. Now managing a team of 18 people. + Transformational learning The ‘invisible’ to the ‘visible’ Transformed women practitioners with agency and voice ‘The FD made me into a professional. My confidence not only allows me to have a voice but to make sure it is heard.’ + Professionalism and quality The Effective Provision in Pre-school Education (EPPE) now EPPSE (primary and secondary education) High quality provision and highly qualified workforce DfES (2005) Children’s Workforce Strategy. Create and support a world-class workforce, increasingly confident and competent Early Years Professional role, raise status and quality PVI sector + Professionalism with quality Early Years Professional- a graduate leader Role to lead pedagogy, provision and practice across the EYFS by role modeling and supporting others Name = Early Years Professional linking professionalism with quality A name with a status The ‘othering’ of less qualified practitioners + EYP professional identity Lloyd and Hallet, 2008 Influences on emerging professional identity from EYP training and higher education Felt more valued Respect from others Personal and professional confidence Empowerment and agency Pride and passion for working with children and families Improved professional status EYP + Professional identity The LLEaP project Research Leadership of Learning in Early Years Practice (the LLEaP project) (Hallet and Roberts-Holmes, 2010) EYP A in one local authority key finding - EYP Network Group Belonging to a professional group, developed shared understandings and vision for EYP role forming a collective voice for agency and development of their identity and role within LA + Where next? Reflections ……. More Great Childcare (Truss / DfE 2013) From Early Years Professional to Early Years Teacher What impact upon professionalism of Early Years workforce? How will it influence professional identity? How will others view us? Will the status of the early years sector alter? + References Dalli, C. and Urban, M. (2008) (eds)Editorial, in Journal of the European Early Childhood Research Association, Special Issue. Professionalism in Early Childhood Education and Care. 16 (2): 131- 3 Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Children’s Workforce Strategy. Norttingham: DfES publications Guile, D. and Lucas, N. (1999) Rethinking initial teacher education and professional development in further education: towards the learning professional, in A. Green and N. Lucas (eds) FE and Lifelong Learning: Realigning the Sector for the Twenty-first Century. London: Bedford Way Papers, Institute of Education + References Hallet, E. (2013) The Reflective Early Years Practitioner. London: Sage. Chapter 7. Reflecting upon Professionalism Kelchtermans, G. (1993) Getting the story, understanding the lives: from career stories to teacher’s professional development, Teacher and Teacher Education. 9 (5/6): 443-456 Lloyd, E. and Hallet, E. (2010) Professionalzing the early childhood workforce in England: work in progress or missed opportunity? Contemporary Issues in the Early Years. 11(1): 75-87 Oberhuemer, P. (2005) Conceptualising the early childhood pedagogue: policy approaches and issues of professionalism. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 9: 57-72 + References Peeeters, J. (2008) The Construct of a New Profession: a European perspective in ECEC. Amsterdam: SWP Publications McGillvray, G. (2008) Nannies, nursery nurses and early years profesionals: constructions of professional identity in the early years workforce. European Early Childhood research Journal. Special Issue: Professionalism in Early Childhood Education and Care, 16(2): 242-254 Miller, L and Cable, C. (2011) Professionalism in the Early Years. Abingdon: Hodder Education Moss, P. (2008) The Democratic and Reflective Professional: rethinking and reforming the early years workforce, in L.Miller, and C. Cable, (2011)(eds)Professionalism in the Early Years. Abingdon: Hodder Education. pps. 121 -130
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