Life Science TEST REVIEW: NEXT WED IS SECOND SECTION OF periodic assessment 1/14/14 (TUE) Agenda: 1. TURN IN HW 2. REVIEW OF WHAT WE WILL BE DOING THIS WEEK • TEST FRIDAY • TODAY: REVIEW CELL, MITACHONDRIA DISEASE AND HOW BODIES ARE ORGANIZED: (CELL, TISSUE, ORGAN, BODY SYSTEM) • WED- REVIEW SKELATALMUSCULAR SYSTEMS • THURS: CHICKEN BONE LAB 2. TAKING NOTES ON BODY SYSTEMS Warm-up: WRITE DOWN HOMEWORK– REVIEW IN NOTES AND TEXTBOOK CELL NOTES Homework: TEST FRIDAY ON HOW MITOCHONDRIA DISEASE AFFECTS A CELL- TISSUE- ORGAN – BODY SYTEM 2 CHAMP C- CONVERSATION LEVEL H- HELP A- ACTIVITY M- MOVEMENT P- PARTICIPATION CHAMP for todays activity C- LEVEL 0 (NO TALKING DURING NOTE TAKING) H- raise your hand if you need help A- TAKING NOTES TO HELP WITH TEST M- TAKING NOTES– make use of vocabulary P- YOU SHOULD HAVE NOTES ABOUT HOW THE BODY IS ORGANIZED MITOCHONDRIAL DISEASE SEE LINK ON YOUTUBE 5 Mitochondria • Organelles present in almost all human cells • Produce bulk of energy for all cellular functions • Over 1000 proteins localized to mitochondria REVIEW BODY Systems Learning Objectives - To be able to: Identify cells, tissues and organs Link cells, tissues and organs Describe some processes that happen in cells, tissues and organs Flow chart - humans CELL TISSUE Organheart BODY SYSTEM- i.e. circulatory Red blood cells transport oxygen cell surface membrane cytoplasm contains no nucleus allows more room for haemoglobin cytoplasm contains haemoglobin haemoglobin is a protein which carries the oxygen molecules bi-concave disc shape increases surface area over which absorption of oxygen can occur Muscle cells contract and enable movement of the body muscle Muscle cells have many nuclei cell surface membrane nucleus The strands of protein slide over each other making the muscle cell (fibre) shorter and causing the muscle to contract protein strands Ciliated cells move bacteria and dust away from the lungs cilia Cilia are small extensions of the cell. They beat rhythmically to sweep mucus, which has trapped bacteria and dust, away from the lungs nucleus magnification X3000 A tissue is a group of cells of similar structure that perform a shared function Tissues found in the leaf Animal tissues: muscle tissue upper epidermal tissue palisade mesophyll tissue spongy mesophyll tissue lower epidermal tissue Cross-section of a leaf nervous tissue An organ is a structure made of a group of tissues working together to perform specific functions heart stomach lungs liver brain kidneys Plant organs include the stem and the leaves An organ system is a group of organs that coordinate to perform related functions lymphatic system digestive system respiratory system reproductive system excretory system skeletal system muscular system endocrine system nervous system circulatory system In plants the shoot is an organ system consisting of leaves and the stem Levels of organisation cell nerve cell smallest tissue nervous tissue organ organ systems brain nervous system organism Homo sapiens largest Life Science REVIEW muscular and skeletal systems– GALLERY WALK 1/14/14 (WED) Agenda: 1. WARM UP 2. GALERY WALK: VISIT EACH STATION AND COPY INFORMATION – YOU WILL SPEND 10 MINUTES AT EACH STATION AND THEN ROTATE TO NEXT– TABLE 1-4 START AT THE COORESPONDING STATION, TABLE 5- GO TO STATION 1, TABLE 6- GO TO STATION 2, TABLE 7 GO TO STATION 3 AND TABLE 8 GO TO STATION 4 Warm-up: Try to fill out what you know about skeletal and muscular systems on back of handout Homework: TEST FRIDAY ON HOW MITOCHONDRIA DISEASE AFFECTS A CELL- TISSUE- ORGAN – BODY SYTEM--- MAKE SURE YOU USE ACADEMIC LANGUAGE VISIT EACH STATION AND FILL OUT YOUR WORKSHEET STATION ONE: Function of the Skeletal System ( TABLE 1,5) STATION TWO: Structure of the Skeletal System (TABLE 2. 6) STATION THREE: Function of the Muscular System (TABLE 3, 7) STATION FOUR: Structure of Skeletal System (TABLE 4.8) Can you guess: What is the ultimate function of the Skeletal and Muscular System? 22 STATION ONE: FUNCTION of the Skeletal System 23 The adult human skeletal system consists of 206 bones, as well as a network of tendons, ligaments and cartilage that connects them. Human infants are born with 300 to 350 bones, some of which fuse together as the body develops. 24 PRIMARY FUNCTIONS OF SKELETEL SYSTEM SUPPORT: provides structural support for the entire body PROTECTION: surrounds soft tissue- ex. ribs and sternum 25 protect the heart and lungs, - skull protects the brain MOVEMENT: skeletal muscle is attached to bone so it pulls on the bone when it contracts MINERAL HOMEOSTASIS: stores calcium and phosphorus-minerals are released into the blood when needed BLOOD CELL PRODUCTION: red bone marrow produces red blood cells, white blood cells and other blood elements STORAGE: of minerals and lipids(fats)---yellow marrow stores fat --(found in long bones) STATION TWO: STUCTURE of the Skeletal System 26 27 28 STATION THREE: Function of the Muscular System 29 Muscles allow for locomotion and help organs do their jobs. Muscles help you to breathe, to move blood throughout your body, and move food through your digestive tract. Muscles convert energy to motion., are long-lasting, self-healing, and can grow stronger with practice. 30 STATION FOUR: STUCTURE of the Muscular System 31 32 650 Individual muscles Types of Muscle Tissue: 3 different types of muscle: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Skeletal Muscle: attach to the 33 skeleton (40% of an adult body weight and work in pairs). These muscles are the ones you see and exercise. (voluntary) Smooth Muscle: makes up the walls of your internal organs (involuntary). Cardiac muscle is muscle found only in the heart. This muscle tissue is called myocardium (involuntary) 34 Life Science CHICKEN BONE DISECTION: REVIEW MUSCULAR AND SKELETAL 1/15/14 (THUR) Agenda: 1. WARM UP & SAFETY RULES 2. CHICKEN DISSECTION- HOW TO VIDEO AND SAFETY RULES 3. BILL NYE - BONES & MUSCLES (p. 2) Warm-up: LOOK AT HANDOUTS– ASSIGN EACH PERSON AT YOUR TABLE A ROLE FOR DISSECTION– hand it back in! Homework: TEST FRIDAY ON HOW MITOCHONDRIA DISEASE AFFECTS A CELL- TISSUE- ORGAN – BODY SYTEM--- MAKE SURE YOU USE ACADEMIC LANGUAGE STEPS OF DISSECTION SEE YOU TUBE LINK 36 http// Lab Safety First!!! What safety precautions and equipment do you think we will need? Safety Scenarios---Name Any Safety Violations & what would you do? The teacher had not begun the experiment. Ana began weighing chemicals in the experiment, her nose itched so she rubbed it. Cindy broke a test tube. Carefully she picked up pieces with her hand and picked them up and placed them in the other hand. Then she dumped them in the wastebasket. Safety Scenarios Mike and Colleen had a lot of materials left from their experiment, they dumped their solutions in the sink, letting the water run for 5 minutes and left their lab materials neatly on their station. Heather was absent the day that the lab was presented. She gathered her materials and watched her classmates not taking time to read the instructions on the lab procedure. 41 42 CLEAN UP All gloves, chicken bones, fat, skin and used paper towels will 43 go into trash HOT Water, cold water- wipe down everything Place all your dissection tools in bleach- hot water and wipe down with a paper towel Place all dissection tools back in their kits Leave your station clean. NO ONE LEAVES until all materials are cleaned up. Life Science CHICKEN BONE DISECTION: REVIEW & TEST REVIEW 1/21/14 (MON) Agenda: 1. RETURN DOCS (Gallery Walk- paste into page 3 of your notebook) 2. QUIZ- QUIZ TRADE– write 3 questions (and the answers about Mitochondria, Cell, Tissue, Organ, Body System, Muscular and Skeletal system function and structure) 3. CHICKEN DISSECTIONCOMPLETE YOUR NOTES Warm-up: Take out your chicken wing lab and complete the notes Homework: TEST TOMMORROW ON HOW MITOCHONDRIA DISEASE AFFECTS A CELLTISSUE- ORGAN – BODY SYTEM (Muscle and Skelatal)--- MAKE SURE YOU USE ACADEMIC LANGUAGE– WHAT ARE THE GLOBAL CONNECTION CHICKEN BONE 45 CHICKEN FAT 46 CHICKEN WING BONE MUSCLES 47 BONES IN CHICKEN BONE 48 CHICKEN WING CARTIAGE 49 CHICKEN WING BONE MARROW 50 Quiz-Quiz-Trade Using question cards, students quiz a partner, get quizzed by a partner, then trade and repeat with a new partner: 1. Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up. 2. Partner A quizzes. HOW TO COACH 3. Partner B answers. Tip 4. Partner A coaches and/or praises. Tip 5. Switch roles. 6. Partners trade cards. Tell Explain 7. Repeat steps 1-6 until the teacher calls time. J. Naccio
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