Bringing Your Best Leader To Work Anna von Dielingen, MSN, RN

Bringing Your Best Leader
To Work
Anna von Dielingen, MSN, RN
Professional Development Director
New Mexico Center for
Nursing Excellence
July 22, 2010
Learning Objectives
 1. Learn, compare, contrast different leadership
 2. Review principles of leadership, using them to
inspire members of your team.
 3. Review case studies and examples of how to
appropriately use leadership styles.
Learn, compare, contrast different
leadership styles.
1. What has been your most significant
leadership role?
2. What were the choices you made to
engage in and develop yourself as a leader?
Leadership is a choice!
Leadership is a choice!
Best leadership traits
Worst leadership traits
Conflict adverse
Respect for others
Poor listening skills
Leadership defined:
 “To lead is to guide or to influence, to show the way,
to bring as a result.”
Webster’s Dictionary, 2002
 “Leadership is based on relationships and assisting
people and organizations to achieve their visions.
Leadership is about earning the trust and respect of
others which results in followers who exhibit
extraordinary commitment and loyalty to their
Mary Ann Hogan, “Nursing Leadership & Management”
Leadership defined:
 A simple definition of leadership is that leadership
is the art of motivating a group of people to act
towards achieving a common goal.
 "Leadership is a winning combination of personal
traits and the ability to think and act as a leader, a
person who directs the activities of others for the
good of all. Anyone can be a leader, even if the only
person they’re leading is themselves.”
Susan Ward, 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business (Canada – Small Business)
Leadership Styles
Servant Leader
Leadership Styles
In this style: the leader has absolute power over the
employees or team. Employees or team members have
little opportunity to make suggestions. Autocratic leaders
are motivated by external forces, make all the decisions,
and direct followers’ behaviors.
Appropriate use: disaster management, code blue, any
immediate crisis when there is limited time to make a
decision. Use with new employees who need supervision,
or need to be shown how and what to do, or when
employees do not respond to other types of leadership and
need detailed direction.
Leadership Styles
In this style: there are attempts to tightly control each step
and methods to accomplish a task, employees are more
viewed as workers and not people. Micromanagement may
hurt morale and drive others away.
Appropriate use: short term leadership when details really
matter, when orienting a new employee and they need to
be shown the exact policies and procedures to follow.
Again, best used for short term situations.
Leadership Styles
In this style: the leader lacks trust in themselves or
their followers and, instead, rely on organizational
policies and rules. They do things “by the book.”
Appropriate use: work involving serious safety risks
such as toxic substances or training on risky
Leadership Styles
In this style: there is a reward and punishment
expectation to achieve desired work levels or
Appropriate use: Scheduling – you work this week for
me and I’ll give you those other days off. Or when
contracting with another for work to be done – do the
job and you will be paid.
Leadership Styles
In this style: there is a high concern for people and
getting the job done. There is a share of power and
decision making. The team’s ideas are solicited for the
improvement of outcomes.
Appropriate use: when a leader wants to develop
people’s skills and knowledge while attaining their
input for process improvement. QI for example. For
creating the work schedule.
Leadership Styles
In this style: followers are encouraged to transcend
their own self interest for the benefit of the team and
the organization. The leader is motivational and a
source of inspiration.
Appropriate use: when you are leading an individual
or a group who is accountable, who you trust, and who
is ready for professional development.
Leadership Styles
Servant Leader
In this style: the leader acts in a way which encourages
collaboration, trust, foresight, listening, and ethical use of
power and empowerment.
Appropriate use: when leading a group who is familiar and
knowledgeable to do what is right for the patient/client.
Example: stepping in to temporarily manage a group of
staff nurses when you, as the leader, are not familiar with
that clinical area. You might consider relying on them to
know the clinical business while ensuring that they have all
of the support needed to function well.
Leadership Styles
In this style: free reign, leave individuals alone to complete
their work, leader provides very little direction. Power is
given to the employees, they determine goals, make
decisions, and resolve problems on their own.
Appropriate use: when the leader supervises a group of
very accomplished, efficient, team members. One might
use this style for short periods of time when there is little
doubt that the staff performs optimally. Or when there is a
project and the staff are left to manage the project totally
on their own.
Review of leadership styles
Servant Leader
Review principles of leadership, using
them to inspire members of your team.
 Leaders take responsibility for their choices and
 Leaders should be a source of enthusiasm and
inspiration for the team.
 Leaders are constantly seeking additional knowledge
for themselves and their team.
Principles of leadership
 Leaders lead by example.
 Leaders empower others to act.
 Leaders inspire a shared vision and articulate this
vision with inspiration and passion.
Principles of leadership
 Leaders are good at communicating, and work at this
regularly. Good communication is a key to
 Leaders should be flexible and adapt to change
without compromising ethics or values.
 Leaders are committed not simply involved. Again,
leaders show their passion.
Principles of leadership
 Remember that leadership is a choice. It is an
ongoing series of learning new ways of doing things,
being a life-long learner. Leadership does not mean
 One could apply Patricia Benner’s “Novice to Expert”
theory to leadership.
 We all start somewhere.
Case Studies
Dear Colleagues:
It is with much enthusiasm that I write my first message as ASTDN’s President. I have served in various positions
in the association over the years which have allowed me to work very closely with the staff, executive board,
committee chairs, regional representatives, and members in which I feel have prepared and guided me for the
journey this year. I would especially like to thank our Past-President, Diana Pistole, for her leadership, vision, and
contributions over the years and more specifically over this past year of her tenure.
ASTDN celebrated its’ 75th Anniversary (1935-2010) this year at the annual meeting in Crystal City, Virginia –
“From a Diamond in the Rough, to the Beauty of a Gem!” We have come a long way! While we have a very rich
history, it is the future that we look to.
I know how we all love acronyms, so I would like to present you with a “LEGACY” acronym that relates to my
Presidential goals and hopes for this upcoming year
Looking back to what we have achieved – 75 years of public health nursing advocacy, leadership & excellence.
Exploring our future – where is ASTDN going? Seeking out and capitalizing on opportunities that will grow and
sustain our organization. Going after our goals – ASTDN striving to meet our goals and to becoming the best
that we can be!
Achieving more – Increasing membership, in addition to continuing and expanding networking, partnerships and
Cultivating our organization and celebrating our successes.
Yielding the Rewards – Improving & promoting the image of public health nursing everywhere.
What a better year than our 75th, to celebrate what we have done and to envision our future. While we have done
lots, there is always still more to do. It is an honor and a privilege to serve you, and I look forward to working with
you all! Sincerely, Clair Petit Millet
Case Studies
ASTDN – Every State Health Department Needs a
Public Health Nurse Leader
Public Health Nurses Made the Difference in
Hurricane Katrina
Coordinated by their Chief Nurse and teaming with other partners,
public health nurses worked with local shelters, fought to stay ahead
of infections and disease, conducted disease surveillance
at hospitals and clinics in affected areas, and staffed mobile health
clinics, dialysis clinics and health departments.
Case Studies
During the May 6, 2010 Massachusetts Association of
Public Health Nurses (MAPHN) annual conference,
Rita J. Lourie, MSN, PHN, RN gave the keynote
address entitled “Cultivating the Next PHN Leaders.”
Case Studies
H1N1 Influenza: The Year in Review
In April 2009, one year ago, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) scientists identified an influenza virus that
had never been reported anywhere in the world. The discovery
ignited a comprehensive response to protect against the new
virus - the H1N1 flu. Scientists developed a safe and effective
vaccine. Vaccine manufacturers worked day and night to get
as much vaccine out the door as fast as possible. Doctors and
nurses worked around the clock to care for patients who
became ill, schools helped teach kids how to prevent the
spread of the flu, and HHS' top flu experts led the most
comprehensive vaccination program in our lifetime.
Leadership Quotes
 “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way,
and shows the way.” John C. Maxwell
 “A great leader’s courage is to fulfill his vision comes
from passion, not position.” John C. Maxwell
 “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn
more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
John Quincy Adams
Leadership Quotes
 “Whatever you are, be a good one.” Abe Lincoln
 “A leader is best when people barely know he exists,
when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they say: we
did it ourselves.” Lao Tzu
 “A good leader inspired people to have confidence in
the leader, a great leader inspires people to have
confidence in themselves.” Author unknown
 Benner, P. (2001). From Novice to Expert. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Health.
 Buckingham, M., & Coffman, C. (1999). First, Break
All the Rules. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.
 Hogan, M. A. (2009). Nursing Leadership and
Management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
 Nursing Professional Development. (2007). Silver
Spring, MD: American Nurses Credentialing Center.
Resources continued
 Patterson, K., Grenny, J., RcMillan, R., Switzler, A.
(2002). Crucial Conversations. New York, NY:
 Studer, Quint. (2003). Hardwiring Excellence. Gulf
Breeze, FL: Fire Starter Publishing.
 Public Health Nursing Scope & Standards of
Practice. (2007). Washington, DC: American
Nurses Association.
 Nursing Scope & Standards of Practice. (2004).
Washington, DC: American Nurses Association.
Anna von Dielingen, MSN, RN
Contact via email:
Nursing Continuing Education credits are available for
30 days following the live presentation. In order to
receive your evaluation form and nursing contact hour
certificate please email your: name, state, email address
to: Patti White, MAPHN at
 New England Alliance for Public Health
Workforce Development
 Boston University School of Public Health
 Massachusetts Association of Public Health