An introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming With Lord Morpeth What is NLP? The Art and Science of Personal Excellence A set of models, skills and techniques for thinking and acting effectively in the world Mental Software! Who Developed NLP? University Of California 1972 Richard Bandler John Grinder Studying 3 top therapists: Fritz Perls – Innovative Gestalt Psychotherapist Virginia Satir – Family Therapist Milton Erikson - Hypnotherapist Initial Model of NLP 1. 2. A process to discover the patterns of excellence in any field. Effective ways of thinking and communicating used by outstanding people. Yeah, but, Richie, What is it??? NEURO: All behaviour stems from our neurological processes of sight, hearing, smell, taste & touch. Yeah, but, Richie, What is it??? Linguistic: We use language to order our thoughts and behaviour and to communicate with others. Yeah, but, Richie, What is it??? Programming: We choose to order our ideas and actions to produce results. These choices become habits and thus we are “Programmed” Yeah, but, Richie…? NLP does not claim to be objectively true as such. It provides “models” of thought that are designed in order that they be useful and provide the person using them with the greatest number of functional choices in their lives. Random-ish thoughts! (Sound Familiar?) The meaning of communication is the response that you get. Every behaviour has a positive intent All human behaviour has a structure which can be learned and modified Random-ish thoughts! (Sound Familiar?) In any interaction, the person with the greatest behavioural flexibility has most influence on the outcome. NLP as “therapy” is a generative rather than a repair model – emphasising solutions rather than analysis of causes. Random-ish thoughts! (Sound Familiar?) People have all the resources they need, even if they do not have access to those resources. Mind & Body are part of the same system: external behaviour is the result of internal behaviour No Failure – only feedback! Read the bloody Map! The Map is NOT the territory! We each have our own map of the same territory. Filters We perceive the world through out senses and through our filters: Examples of Filters: Filters Gender Age Personality Values Ethnicity etc etc (you get the point) Yeah, but Richie, is there a POINT to this? If you can identify people’s Map of their world you can understand them more clearly and gain a number of other benefits too: Establish Rapport Influence outcomes Affect positive change Trick people into fancying you (in theory) Representational Systems Visual Auditory Olfactory Gustatory Kinesthetic Identify people’s Preferred System States Being aware of resourceful states (or not!) States are the tip of the iceberg – physiology and thought process – follow the Map! Practice eliciting states Conclusion (The Beginning) The Map is NOT the Territory The Photograph is not the person The stepping stone is not the journey The musical score is not the sound The Menu is not the Meal The Staff Work is not the Work ;-) Anything else I can Cuff? Make any sense whatsoever? Final Questions? And you’re back in the room!
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