LOW SILICA DOLOMITE SOURCING PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED STEEL PLANTS Index • Inthai Mining Limited : Overview • Our Mines Locations : Khao-in Mines , Tha-U-Tae Mines & Tiptanapan Mines • Our Crushing Plants location : Khlong Lang • Transportation of Dolomite from Mines to Plant and Port • Production details • Dolomite Specification • Our Port details and operations • Analysis Certificates • Contacts Inthai Mining Limited : An overview INTHAI MINING LIMITED, a JV between Singh Group and Santhad Group Company, is one of the best quality and low silica natural Dolomite producer and supplier with 30 years experience in the mining industry, having annual turnover of 350 million. We are sourcing partner for high quality Dolomite to Integrated steel industries in Asian countries, specially in India , Japan & Korea. Our annual production of dolomite, in different sizes, is about 2.7 million MT and have capacity to increase our production depending upon demand-supply. We attribute our success to our high quality of products, customer centricity, meeting & exceeding client expectations & dedicated teams. Singh Imperial Export Import Co. Ltd. Santhad Group Co. Ltd. 50 % 50 % Inthai Mining Limited 100 % Exclusive Marketing Rights Sumpun Mining Limited 60 % 40% Equity Tiptanapan Mining Ltd Inthai Mining Limited is a JV Company with 50:50 % partnership between Singh Imperial Export Import Co. Ltd and Santhad Group Co. Ltd. Sumpun Mining Ltd (SML) owning Dolomite mines, is owned by Santhad Group Ltd and has given exclusive marketing rights to Santhad Group Co .Ltd who inturn has endorsed these rights to Inthai Mining Limited. Tiptanapan Mining Ltd. owning Dolomite mines is 40% held by Inthai Mining Limited. The companies mentioned here above have common directors Tha-U-Tae Mine Ore Reserves- 18 Million Ton Tha U Tae Dolomite Mine 1013000 ML.No. 30217/15577 1012900 1012800 1012700 ML.No. 23174/14322 1012600 ML.No. 30234/15664 1012500 1012400 Total Area 164-1-37 rai(271,228 m2) 1012300 ML.23174/14322 ML.30217/15577 ML.30234/15864 38-2-96 rai(69,984 m2) 100-0-39 rai(160,156 m2) 25-2-72 rai(41,088 m2) Scale 1 : 4,000 0 1012200 569600 569700 569800 569900 570000 Minable ore reserve Area (188,729 sqm.) Total Ore reserve Area (262,060 sqm.) 50 570100 100 150 570200 200 m. 570300 570400 Khao-In Mine Ore Reserves- 40 Million Ton Khao In Dolomite Mines 1008300 1008200 10 15 13 9 1008100 12 11 14 1 1008000 8 2 1007900 3 1007800 5 4 Khao In Dolomite Mine 1007700 ML.No. 23225/14814 7 Area 188-2-7 rai(301,628 m2) 1007600 Total Dolomite Ore reserve Area (262,200 sqm.) 6 1007500 Scale 1 : 5,000 1007400 579900 0 580000 580100 580200 580300 580400 580500 50 100 580600 150 200 580700 m. 580800 580900 Tiptanapan Mine Ore Reserves- 40 Million Ton TiptanapanDolomite Mines 1006000 11 Mr. Term Dolomite Mine 1005900 10 ML.No. 23185/14418 9 1005800 1 1005700 1005600 8 2 4 3 1005500 7 5 1005400 Minable ore reserve Area (252,186 sqm.) Total Ore reserve Area (278,976 sqm.) 6 1005300 Scale 1 : 5,000 0 1005200 575900 50 100 576000 150 200 576100 m. 576200 576300 576400 576500 576600 576700 576800 576900 577000 Khlong Lang Crushing Plant Loading at our crusher plant… Transportation : Mines to Plant & Port DISTANCE TO (Km.) NAME OF DEPOSITS LOCATION KHLONG LANG THA-U-TAE Mine (SPM) KHAO IN Mine (SPM) TIPTANAPAN MINES Kanchana Dit Kanchana Dit Kanchana Dit 27 20 25 KHANOM PORT 47 40 45 Our Dolomite Specification… 1. CaO 30 % min 2. MgO 20 % min. 3. SiO2 0.50 % max. 4. Al2O3 0.50 % max 5. Alkali 0.20 % max 6. Moisture 2 % max 7.Phosphorous 0.1 % max 8. Sulphur 0.1 % max. Production Report (SPM) For FY 2008 - 2009 Sl. No Name of the Crushing Unit MT/day MT/month MT/Year 1 Khalong Lang Crushing Plant #1 1,200 30,000 360,000 2 Khalong Lang Crushing Plant #1 1,200 30,000 360,000 3 Tiptanapan Crushing Plant 1,500 37,500 450,000 4 Khao-In Crusing Unit 800 20,000 240,000 4,700 117,500 1,410,000 Total Production Report (SPM) For FY 2009 - 2010 Sl. No Name of the Crushing Unit MT/day MT/month MT/Year 1 Khalong Lang Crushing Plant #1 1,500 37,500 450,000 2 Khalong Lang Crushing Plant #1 1,500 37,500 450,000 3 Tiptanapan Crushing Plant 2,000 50,000 600,000 4 Khao-In Crusing Unit 1,200 30,000 360,000 6,200 155,000 1,860,000 Total Production Report (SPM) For FY 2010 - 2011 Sl. No Name of the Crushing Unit MT/day MT/month MT/Year 1 Khalong Lang Crushing Plant #1 1,500 37,500 450,000 2 Khalong Lang Crushing Plant #1 1,500 37,500 450,000 3 Tiptanapan Crushing Plant 2,000 50,000 600,000 4 Khao-In Crusing Unit 1,200 30,000 360,000 5 Mr. Term Crusing Unit 3,000 75,000 900,000 Total 9,200 230,000 2,760,000 Production Method - 90 mm Crushed Dolomite Screening Plant Screening Plant – Triple Deck Post Screen Products SL Products Size Actual Size 1 Calcining Plant Grade Lumps -90 +50mm 40mm-80mm 2 BF Grade Lumps -50mm +30mm 20mm – 40mm 3 Sinter Grade Chips -30mm + 10mm 5mm-25mm 4 Fines For Sinter/Agriculture -10 mm -10mm Finished Goods : Production Ratio 40mm - 80mm -10 , 15% 5-25, 25% 40-80, 30% 20mm-40mm 5mm-25mm 20-40 , 30% (-10 mm) Finished Material Production (MT/Yr.) 414,000 828,000 40mm - 80mm 20mm-40mm 5mm-25mm 690,000 -10 mm 828,000 Production, Supply Size Prodn. in MT/Yr Supply Surplus 40-80 mm 828,000 100,000 700,000 20-40 mm 828,000 884,650 -56650 5 -25 mm 690,000 800,000 -110,000 -10 mm 414,000 414,000 0 Remarks This size is again re-crushed for smaller sizes as per market requirement. Japan Japan / India (110,000 MT deficit is fulfilled by resizing 4080 mm size ) Agriculture/ Construction and Local Market We have approx 533,350 MT of 40-80 mm Dolomite as surplus which can be resized and supplied to new client on continuous basis. Surplus ** The above production can be enhanced as per demand or business need. OUR KHANOM PORT NAKORN SRI THAMMARAT, SOUTH OF THAILAND Khanom Port, Thailand B.A. Chart Name of berth No. 3963 LAT 9๐ 12.5’ N / LONG 99๐ 54.5’ E Time Zone : GMT +7 KHANOM PORT Co.,Ltd. About 1 mile from anchorage position. Khanom Port Jetties 3 Jetties are available for loading Anchorage Position Company Berth Position Jetties at our Khanom Port, Thailand Jetty 1 : This is small jetty with depth 7 - 8.5 m. , Far from shore 70 m., Port width 40 m., mooring buoy 6 nos, loading rate 500 MT/Hour 3500 MT/Day by Conveyer Belts, Air draft 10.5 m. and Shipment size 10,000 - 15,000 MT Jetty 2 : This is a big jetty with depth 9 - 10.5 m. , Far from shore 180 m., Port width 20 m., Mooring buoy 8 nos, Loading rate 500 MT/Hour 6000 MT/Day by Conveyer Belts, Air draft 10.5 m. and Shipment size 20,000 - 30,000 MT Jetty 3 : This jetty is meant for loading into Barge and equipped with crane . Depth : 5 m. , Far from shore : 14 m, Port width : 28 m, Loading by crane : 20 MT/hour Loading Rate at Khanom Port Loading Rate : Hourly loading rate : 500 MT Daily loading rate : 6000 MT depending on stoppages for shifting the vessel regularly and carefully checking of the draft. Working Hours : 24 Hours AWWDSHINC inclusive of break and shift change time Stockyard & Jetties location at Khanom Port Inthai Mining Limited : Stockyard at port… Loading at Stockyard at Khanom Port Our Ground logistics… Dumping into Hopper at Jetty Loading Operation at our Khanom Port… Sample collection by Inspection Agency… Loading through conveyer at Jetty Loading at our Khanom Port… Loading operations at our port… Certificate of Analysis… We Source for… • Jindal Steel Works, India • Ispat Industries Limited, India • Bhushan Power & Steel Ltd., India • Kobe Steel Limited, Tokyo, Japan • Nippon Steel Corporation, Japan • Sumitomo Metal Industries Limted, Japan • Pacific Metals Co. Ltd, Korea Inthai Mining Limited : Contacts Head office : 210/5, Khu Bon Road Khanna Yao, Bangkok 10220 Thailand. Phone : +66 29433074 +66 29433517 E-Mail : inthaimining@singhgroup.net Website : www.singhgroup.net Corporate Office: 464, 2nd Floor, Ratchadapisek Road, Samsennok, Huay Kwang, Bangkok – 10310 Thailand “Measure not the work until the day's out and the labor done”
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