A PHARMACY TECHNICIAN EXTERNSHIP PROGRAM Lezlie Cohn-Oswald, CPhT. Clinical Pharmacy Technician Associate Director, Pharmacy Technician Externship Program Salt Lake City VA Health Care Center Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 1 PRESENTATION OBJECTIVES Define what a Pharmacy Technician Externship Program entails. How a Pharmacy Technician Externship Program can help in training, recruitment and job satisfaction of pharmacy technicians. Explain what contents should be part of a Pharmacy Technician Externship Program. Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 2 DEFINITIONS > INTERNSHIP: *Any official or formal program to provide practical experience for beginners in an occupation or profession. > EXTERNSHIP: *A required period of supervised practice done off campus or away from one's affiliated institution. *Dictionary.com Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 3 TECH EXTERN PROGRAM OBJECTIVES > To afford pharmacy technician students an opportunity to receive a well-rounded, practical experience in their chosen field. > To train future technicians for possible positions within the VA. > To train our current pharmacy technician workforce how to be mentors and educators. Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 4 THE “WHY” > Inpatient/Outpatient settings > Opportunity to help the profession > State Pharmacy Technician Licensure - Utah = 180 hours total practical (extern) hours > Job opportunities - contract positions to FTEs Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 5 PROGRAM SET-UP > Contact State Board of Pharmacy -State laws regulating pharmacy technicians - licensure - registration - state certification - permit Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 6 PROGRAM SET-UP > School programs - Must be accredited program recognized by U.S. Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) - Quantity of students in facility “limit quantity for quality” - Keep school contact list Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 7 PROGRAM SET-UP (cont’) > Academics Affiliate Office paperwork - MOU(Memorandum Of Understanding) contract (VA Form 10-0094g) - Trainee Qualifications and Credentials Verification Letter (TQCVL) (SAMPLE 1) - Trainee Registration VA Form10-0410 Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 8 TRAINEE QUALIFICATIONS AND CREDENTIALS (SAMPLE 1) VERIFICATION LETTER (TQCVL) (date) (name of medical center director (station #) (address)___________________________ Dear (medical center director): 1. I certify that the information identified below has been verified for these trainees who are scheduled to receive all or part of their clinical training at the VA Salt Lake City Health Care System: Social Security Discipline of Study Degree Level or Trainee Name(s) Number (SSN) or Specialty Post Graduate Year 2. In addition, I certify that these trainees: a. Are enrolled in the designated training program. b. Have satisfactory physical and mental health necessary to perform the duties of the proposed assignment, including appropriate tuberculin testing and hepatitis B vaccination (or waiver). c. Have had verification of educational credentials as required by the admission criteria of the academic program. d. Have had verification of current license(s) through the appropriate state licensing board(s) as required by the academic program. e. Have provided letters of reference as appropriate to the admissions criteria of the academic program. f. Have appropriate citizenship documents (e.g., current, unexpired visa; evidence of naturalization; or a permanent U.S. immigrant status) if non-United States (U.S.) citizens. g. Have Educational Commission on Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) certificates if graduates of international medical schools. 3. I will notify the VASLCHCS within 72 hours of changes in the status of individual trainees (i.e., academic probation, remediation, early withdrawal from the program) or adverse action that impacts on the trainee appointment. 4. I certify that all appropriate documents pertaining to the listed trainees are maintained on file and available to the VASLCHCS for review if requested. ____________________________________ (Complete Name, Title, Affiliate/Institution, Training Program w/ signature line) Pharmacy Informatics Approve / Disapprove Comments:____________________ (name of chief of staff) & (name of medical center director) separate (date) and (signature line) Workgroup Approve / Disapprove Comments:____________________ 9 PROGRAM SET-UP (cont’) > Human Resources paperwork - WOC checklist (Appendix 1B) - Trainee Information Sheet (sample 2) - OP-306 Declaration for Federal Employment - SF-61 Appointment Affidavit Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 10 WOC Checklist – Associated Health Trainee Appendix 1B Name of WOC Trainee___________________________________ Program Director/Disipline:_Debra Macdonald - Pharmacy Services Check area that applies: _X__ Associated Health Trainees (i.e. Nursing Trainees, Social Workers, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Audiology, Physician Assistants, Pharmacy, Psychology, Dental Hygiene) Below, initial and date each area as completed. Program Director Responsibility: ____ Trainee Information Sheet (forward copy to ACOS/E and HR (05) as soon as possible, or at least 30 days prior to Appointment date. ____ Send application packet to trainee/resident and ensure returned to Program Director at least 30 days prior to appointment date. ____ Trainee/Resident cover letter signed by Director VASLCHS ____ Trainee Registration Form (completed form should be sent to ACOS/E) N/A Application, VA Form 10-2850c or OP-612 (required for all appointments more than 6 months with VA computer access) ____ OP-306, Declaration of Federal Employment N/A SF-85, Security Background, Questionnaire, for Non-Sensitive Positions(required for all appointments more than 6 months with VA computer access) ____ SF-61, Appointment Affidavit ____ WOC letter (VA Form Letter 10-294, Letter of Authorization) ____ Ensure mandatory training requirements are met before Enter of Duty (EOD) date. The mandatory training module can be accessed at www.uchep.com under the course title: “Providing a Safe and Secure Environment for Health Care”. ____ Training certificates must be printed by trainee/resident and submitted to Human Resources with above appointment paperwork. ____ Tentative Enter on Duty (EOD) Date: _______________________ ____ Tentative Expiration of Appointment Date: ___________________(if appointment extends beyond this tentative date, a new WOC letter must be prepared and sent ot HE (05). This terminates all computer access.) ____ Ensure trainee/resident is informed to report to HR prior to appointment date Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 am to 11:00 am and 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm. N/A VA Computer Access (Circle One) Yes No (You must notify HR if the need for computer access changes. This may require additional security information.) N/A VA appointment more than six (6) months: (Circle One) Yes No ____ VA appointment less than six (6) months: (Circle One) Yes No N/A VA appointment less than ten (10) workdays: (Circle One) Yes No ____ Forward a copy of this checklist and above paperwork to HR 30 days prior to appointment date. In rare and unusual circumstances if this timeframe cannot be met, contact your HR representative. Keep the original checklist for your reference until employee’s application terminates. Program Director signature and extension: __________________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________ Debra Macdonald, RPh, Asst. Chief, Pharmacy Services __________________________________________________________________ Date:_____________________________ Lezlie Cohn-Oswald, CPhT, Asst. Pharmacy Technician Extern Program Director HR Responsibility: ____ Electronic Fingerprints ____ Verify OP-306, SF-85, training requirements and all other applicable material ____ Appointment paperwork required ____ HIPDB ____ OIG ____ Mandatory training certificate received and entered in Non-PAID database ____ Enter/Update information VA non-Paid Employee Database ____ Instruct trainee/resident to report to VA Library for ID badge Supervisor Responsibility EOD: ____ Ensure valid VA ID badge issued at VA Library ____ Ensure VA parking decal issued from VA Police, Trailer 1 ____ Establish computer and key access, if needed (Appendix 1 and 2) ____ Monitor Expiration of Appointment date. (If appointment extends beyond this tentative date, ensure new WOC letter was sent to HR (05). This date terminates all computer access. Supervisor Responsibility for Exit Process: ____ Complete Exit Clearance form in accordance with VASLC policy memorandum 05.11 ____ Turn in VA ID badge at VA Library ____ Forward completed Exit Clearance form to HR Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 11 Va salt lake city hcs Trainee information sheet TRAINEE’S NAME__________________________________ SSN: ____-____-______ ADDRESS: George E Wahlen VAMC___ 500 Foothill Drive________ Salt Lake City, UT 84148__ AFFILIATE: VA Salt Lake City Health Care Center PRECEPTOR ____Lezlie Cohn-Oswald______________________ PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Debra Macdonald___________________ PROGRAM PRECEPTOR: Jeremy Hotelling (OP)___________ PROGRAM PRECEPTOR: Lynette Rynearson___(IP)___________ SAMPLE 2 EXPECTED EOD: ____________________________ PHONE NO: (801) __________________________ EXTENSION: EXTENSION: EXTENSION: EXTENSION: 4208 xxxx xxxx xxxx x WOC APPOINTMENT X - PHARMACY TECHNICIAN EXTERN Beginning Date: ______________________ Ending Date: ___________________________ Total Hours: ____180-Pharmacy Tech Extern_____ Hours Per Pay Period: _____N/A_______________ __ PAID APPOINTMENT (Check Box Below) Beginning Date: __________________________ Ending Date: _____________________________ Total Hours: ______________________________ Hours Per Pay Period: ____________________ GRECC – Subaccount 1053 Podiatry - Subaacount 1077 Audiology & Speech Pathology (Masters) Nursing – Nurse Practitioner (Trainee – 320 hrs) Nursing – Nurse Practitioner (Trainee – 120 hrs) Occupational Therapy (Trainee) Optometry (Resident) Physical Therapy (Trainee) Psychology (Intern Level (II) Social Work (Masters) Advanced Practice Nurse - Subaccount 1051 Nursing – Clinical Nurse Specialist (Trainee) Dentistry – Subaccount 2587 Dentistry – General Practice (Resident) Occupational Therapy – Subaccount 1051 Occupational Therapy (Trainee) Pharmacy – Subaccount 1051 Pharmacy (resident) Podiatry – Surgery (Resident) PRIME – Subaccount 1051 Nursing – Nurse Practitioner Occupational Therapy (Trainee) Pharmacy (Resident) Physical Therapy (Trainee) Physician Assistant (Trainee) Podiatry - Surgery (Resident) Psychology (Intern Level II) Social Work (Masters) Psychology – Subaccount 1051 Psychology (Intern Level II) Social; Work – Subaccount 1051 Social Work (Masters) Physical Therapy – Subaccount 1051 Physical Therapy (Trainee) Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 12 PROGRAM SET-UP (cont’) > Human Resources paperwork (cont’) - VA Form 0711 Request for Personal Identification Verification Card - WOC Letter of Agreement (VA Form Letter 10-294, Letter of Authorization ) - VA Mandatory Training certificates Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 13 PROGRAM SET-UP (cont’) > VA/Contract technician coordination - interview staff - set parameters of shadowing - preceptors > Pharmacist coordination - supervisors - licensure Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 14 STUDENT INTERVIEW > Contacted by school > Make contact with student > Interview student Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 15 STUDENT INTERVIEW (cont’) > Interviewing a prospective student will help to assure you have the right student for your program as well as the right program for the student. > Interview: - Why this facility? - What kind of schedule are you looking for? - Expectation(s) from this rotation? - Future goals? “TREAT YOUR EXTERNSHIP LIKE A JOB INTERVIEW” > Fill out HR paperwork, give station map & information for online mandatory training to student. Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 16 STUDENT INTERVIEW (cont’) > Set Schedules - Make calendar for self & student - Pharmacy Technician Externship Time Agreement (Sample 3) - both parties sign agreement with copy to student & copy to student file Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 17 PHARMACY TECHNICIAN EXTERNSHIP TIME AGREEMENT 180 hours total time needed 90 hours Outpatient SAMPLE 3 90 hours Inpatient OTHER __60 days = @ 3hours/day = 180 hours (30 days in each pharmacy) __45 days = @ 4hours/day = 180 hours (22.5 days in each pharmacy) __30 days = @ 6hours/day = 180 hours (15 days in each pharmacy) __22.5 days = @ 8hours/day = 180 hours (11.25 days in each pharmacy) Student Name (print) (signature) Date ________________________ Preceptor Name (print) (signature) Date ________________________ Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 18 PROGRAM CONTENT > Orientation to Pharmacy Service - Administration - Clinical - Outpatient - Inpatient - Customer information - Medical Center layout - Physician Order Entry (POE) facility/organization Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 19 PROGRAM CONTENT (cont’) > Concentrated Learning Experience: Outpatient- In/Out Window - Pharmacy automation - Window & mail fill areas - Prescription tracking - Mail-out area *unable to have computer access as WOC = unable to answer phones Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 20 PROGRAM CONTENT(cont’) > Concentrated Learning Experience: Inpatient - Bar code labeling - Unit Dose fills - Ward inspections - *IV admixtures - Crash cart fill (USP Chapter <797> review) - Pharmacy automation - Automatic replenishment *may be unable to receive hands-on training, but able to review ongoing IV process Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 21 PROGRAM CONTENT(cont’) > Concentrated Learning Experience: Duties occurring in both pharmacies: - Waste disposal - Medication dispensing - Outdate inspections Not rotated through area; are given overview: - Inventory management - Controlled substances Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 22 PROGRAM GOALS > Documentation/Communication - Mid-term evaluation (sample 4) (45 hour & 135 hour marks) > Student Program Director contacted with update of student progress Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 23 MID-TERM EVALUATION Extern Student SAMPLE 4 Preceptor 1: Date started (actual start date __/__/__) Date completed Preceptor 2: Preceptor 3: NO. SKILL OP ASSESSMENT HAS NEEDS PREV. ADD’L EXP. EXP. IP ASSESSMENT HAS NEEDS PREV. ADD’L EXP. EXP. DATE/ DATE/ ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE 1 Organizational Philosophy 2 General Facility Orientation INIT. DATE/ INIT. 3 Patient confidentiality 4 DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. Work schedule DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. 5 Pharmacy Mission Statement DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. 6 Infection Control DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. 7 Name Badge and parking DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. PHARMACY OPERATIONS Demonstrates knowledge of and Pharmacy Policies and Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures relating to: a. Controlled Substances 8 b. c. d. e. f. Outpatient pharmacy automation Inpatient pharmacy automation Maintenance of appropriate records Inventory management Outpatient medication dispensing g. h. i. j. k. l. Inpatient medication dispensing Outpatient prescription intake Inpatient prescription intake Sterile medication/medication compounding USP Chapter <797> Standards Others: (list) Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 24 PATIENT DIRECTED FUNCTIONS: Demonstrates the ability to perform the following functions as evidenced by adherence to pharmacy practice guidelines and supervisor review or observation. DATE/ DATE/ DATE/ Helps patients proceed through the differing processes of DATE/ INIT. INIT. INIT. INIT. 9 care within the Pharmacy Service including medication fill, refills and discharge medications. DATE/ DATE/ DATE/ DATE/ Helps to control medication dispensing through 10 INIT. INIT. INIT. INIT. prevention, detection, and reporting of problems. DATE/ DATE/ DATE/ DATE/ Performs all patient-directed functions with the INIT. INIT. INIT. INIT. 11 knowledge and skills which relate to patients of diverse ages and cultures. PRACTICE MANAGEMENT DATE/ DATE/ DATE/ DATE/ Prioritizes workload to efficiently carry out all INIT. INIT. INIT. INIT. 12 responsibilities as evidenced by attendance records or preceptor observation. CUSTOMER SERVICE DATE/ DATE/ DATE/ DATE/ Demonstrates the ability to provide assistance to INIT. INIT. INIT. patients/customers with questions and concerns or directs INIT. 13 the patient/customer to individuals who can best address the question or concern as evidenced by supervisor or reports of contact. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/INIT. DATE/ INIT. 14 Demonstrates courtesy and a positive attitude for all people you interact with at work including patients, family, fellow staff and the public, respective of their diverse values and cultural, spiritual and socioeconomic character as evidenced by supervisor or reports of contact. 15 Has completed computer training on LMS for Information Security Awareness, Privacy Policy, and Providing a Safe & Secure Environment for health Care. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. DATE/ INIT. Comments (include number): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT: ______________________________________________________________ DATE: ____________________________ PRECEPTOR 1: ___________________________________________________________ DATE: ____________________________ PRECEPTOR 2: ___________________________________________________________ DATE: ____________________________ PRECEPTOR 3: ___________________________________________________________ DATE: ____________________________ Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 25 PROGRAM GOALS (cont’) > Student(s) unable to progress through program: > Review you facility’s policy for dismissal (Medical Center Trainee Orientation, Dismissal and Termination Policy) > Contract for program completion (Sample A) > Student consultation follow-up (Sample B) Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 26 CONTRACT TO COMPLETE PHARMACY TECHNICIAN EXTERNSHIP ROTATION AT THE SALT LAKE CITY VA MEDICAL CENTER SAMPLE A I, __(student name)_________, on this day, (week day), (month, day, year), promise to finish my Pharmacy Technician Externship rotation in its entirety. I will work all of my scheduled hours without calling in for any reason. I will not be late for any scheduled shifts for any reason. (LATE is defined as anything up to 10 minutes after agreed upon daily start time) I may not make changes to my schedule. Hours needed for entire program = 180 hours Hours completed to date in Outpatient = ____ hours Hours completed to date in Inpatient = ____ hours Hours needed to complete program entire rotation = ____ hours (schedule as put forth by myself, (program director), and (student name) -see attached calendar) (student name) agrees with the hours as stated above. The Associate Program Director will meet with you weekly to review attendance and performance. Your (school name) Program Director will be notified of this action and given weekly updates. If I, (student name), fail to abide by the above written terms as written and initialed by me, this will be considered grounds for immediate termination of the externship. (Lines for Pharmacy Technician Student, OP/IP Pharm Tech Extern Preceptor, OP/IP Pharmacy Supervisor, Asst. Program Director & Director sign & date) Student will be provided a copy of this signed agreement & schedule attachment. Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 27 PHARMACY TECHNICIAN STUDENT CONSULTATION FOLLOW UP (student name) Student SAMPLE B (month, date, year) Date 1 Hours worked according to agreed upon schedule? YES NO 2 On time to shifts as scheduled? YES NO 3 Changes made to agreed upon schedule? YES NO 4 Hours left of rotation after this week? HOURS REMANING AFTER TODAY= (# hour remaining) AGREE DISAGREE (circle one) Other issues to be addressed: (student name) Student Pharmacy Technician Extern Lezlie Cohn-Oswald, CPhT Asst. Pharmacy Technician Externship Director Date Date Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 28 ROTATION END > Paperwork - School-provided end-of rotation evaluation (class grade) - Student evaluation of program (Sample C) - Non-Paid Employees Clearance Sheet (memo 05.11 in lieu of VA Form 3248 B) Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 29 Salt Lake City VA Medical Center Pharmacy Technician Training Program Pharmacy Technician Externship Program SAMPLE C STUDENT EVALUATION OF EXTERNSHIP Name: Signature: Date: Directions: At the end of the externship training, each student is required to evaluate their externship experience. Your input allows the program to monitor the externship content and also informs the program of strengths and weaknesses. Please give your honest evaluation and comments below. Part I: Please rate your externship experience at this site in the following areas. For each response in the POOR column, please give specific information about why you have evaluated the site as POOR. EXCELLENT GOOD 1 LOCATION of the site: 2 ACCESSIBILITY of the preceptor at this site: 3 ACCESSIBILITY of the pharmacy staff at this site: 4 HELPFULNESS of the staff in guiding you and answering your questions: 5 APPROPRIATENESS of your externship activities: 6 COMPLETENESS of your training: 7 PREPAREDNESS for experiential work following training: 8 Would you recommend this site to future students? YES NO 9 Comments: FAIR POOR Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 30 ROTATION END (CONT’) > Evaluation for employment - resume - conference with supervisor for review of evaluations done throughout student rotation (if position available) - keep student information on file for possible future hire Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 31 PROGRAM STATS > First Year 2009 (10/08-10/09) - 13 students enrolled in program - 1 student failed - 5 students hired in contract positions (2 in IP -one on medical leave- & 3 in OP) - 1 on hire wait list - 1 needing 90 hours/1 needing 40 hours only > Second year 2010 (10/09 to date) - 1 on hiring wait list - 1 currently in program Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 32 PROGRAM STATS > End of Program evaluations implemented August 2009 Excellent Good Fair Location X=75% X=25% Accessibility X=100% Helpfulness X=100% Appropriateness X=100% Completeness X=100% Preparedness X=75% X=25% - 100% would make no changes to program - 100% would recommend this program to others Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup Poor 33 ?QUESTIONS? Lezlie Cohn-Oswald, CPhT Pharmacy Technician Externship Program Associate Director VA Salt Lake City Health Care System (801) 582-1565 ext. 4208 lezlie.cohnoswald@med.gov Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 34
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