Dansk Selskab for Flowcytometri www.flowcytometri.dk It is our pleasure to invite you to the 54th meeting of the Danish Flow Cytometry Society (DSFCM) “Safety in Flow Cytometry” Date: 29. October 2015, kl 11:15-15:45 Location: Auditorium at “Naturhistorisk Museum” Wilhelm Meyers Allé 210, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C Please see attached map Program: 11:15-11:25 Welcome 11:25-12:10 GMO/BSL rules and regulations in flow cytometry (Andrea Wilcks and Bende Storgaard Sørensen, Biosaftety organization, KU) 12:10-13:00 Lunch, networking, and exhibition 13:00-13:45 A Historical Perspective on Biosafety in Cell Sorting (Peter Lopez, Director NYULMC Flow Cytometry Facility, New York) 13:45-14:30 Coffee, networking, and exhibition 14:30-14:50 How clinical samples for FCM are handled today (Line Nederby, Senior Scientist, Aarhus University Hospital) 14:50-15.10 Current biosafety in research related flow cytometry (Charlotte Petersen, Manager The FACS Core Facility, Aarhus University) 15:10-15:45 Panel discussion Please visit www.flowcytometri.dk for updates on the program 1 Practical information: • There will be served sandwiches in the lunch break and coffee and cake in the small afternoon break • Cooperate members of the DSFCM have the possibility to put up a stand to present their products. The stand is app 90x180 cm. Please register via email to jpc@sund.ku.dk with “attending at 54th meeting” as headline no later than Tuesday 16.10.2015 Registration: • All are welcome and the attendance is free of charge. • However, registration is required since space is limited, and we need to order sandwich for you. • Please register via email to jpc@sund.ku.dk with ”54th dsfcm meeting” as headline no later than Tuesday 16.10.2015 Looking forward seeing you in Aarhus On behalf of the board Jan P. Christensen 2
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